Merry hvmtnlo At thisseason oi theyear it becomes habit for us to call merry Christmas to one and sit Bear of us stop to wonder if the individual will really be enjoying aumcrry Christmas tht will they be doing thl the family gbevall together or will the old folk just be aloneiand the dinner table which had in years past held somany places that the children had to have small table set up for them be Just set for two We had call from an esteemed wgentleman of the township recent help to make them furnishings Anew forced air ly lie wished to agree with us that the township fathers should see that the business wascon ducted in public He endedlt by saying that if we knew of an eld eriy person or couple who might not be having Christmas they Just he and hs wifewould be glad to contact them and have them join them We wondered how many there might be that would be having Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and would really ap preciate some company What nice service it would be if some arrangements could he made whereby people could leave their names and others could call and guests could be arranged for we remember during World War One being on leave in Scob land We put in our name with the YMCA officer that we would be In Edinburgh Christmas Eve Arriving there just at dusk we were met by two lovely ladies and their elderly father They had been given our name their duest We were escorted from the Princess Street station to car llrivcn by an elderly houseman and taken to the better residen tlal part of the city We were given room equal to anything we had ever seen before We were treated with such has pltnlity as only the Scots people know We were taken every where and shown all the sights The only complaint we mlghi have had was that we were not allowed to pay any part of the expense Also that the two young ladies never allowed us to berother than aihreesome our host was the owner of one of Scotlands large distilleries They had lost son and brother is the war They had asked for Coloniai to have as guest fonnChrlstmasn Wehappencdto hcvthc lucky choice Later when the Victory Bond sales were being promoted to the troops we had the pleasure of as sisting the gentleman to purchase large sized tax free bond through the Army pay office which on ahled the purchase to be at par exchange We were able to to pay in that manner some of the gratitudes we owed our hosts That was Christmasstory that many Canadians could tell simil arly both in that war and the second one Perhaps there are Service men or others who would like to have Christmas in home surroundings this year There are also arriving on our shores refugees from land far beyond the sea These peo ie have left all they owned beb nd them and roof and food would have Me Christmas AICOHGVBQD Hod Enterto The Association atlthe Alcons Beach School gave a7 Christmas carol night for the school children last week They had about 50 adults andob children out For entertainment Barrie Bart bershop quartet wereentettainers This logether wlth carols sung bypupiis made very enjoyable evening The new Community Hall will he officially opened this week when the school concert will be held in the new building The hall is about completed other than the decorating and the oii heating system was installed over the Weekend and it is now ready to be used Thc Association isrto he com yplimcnted for having successfully raised the funds necessary to makc the hall possible They have worked at various methods at fund raising and now they have fine community hall it shows what can be done when the com munity work together to complete heir task Allan VLawand his committee are to be congratulated snoodnau Turkey Drew trouti Community Hall who havcibeen holding euchre parties during the Fall ï¬nished the year is Monday night with ï¬nnlipap ty at which draws for turkeys and bicken were held as well as be regular prizes for the cards large turkey donated by Im se Sutherland wentto Mrs Beamish who works in the GA tor Another medium sized one on ted Walterj Boydpwentgto hndiifr Johrf which is part of fundraising campaign to revamp the ML The committee appointed to bring in rton the best manner to reconstruct or build new Community Hall have now received their estimates it has been found that new ball will cost in the neighborhood of 325 000 The old building can be pl ed on foundation on the lot where it is now located or moved on too foundation on the orchard lot for somewhat less This would depend on Just how far it was desired to go on the revamping and modernizing the building meeting of the committee will be called soon to discuss the whole matter The problem of raising the funds is the greatest obstacle to meet The placing of debentures now requires the pay ing of considerable interest and this makes it costly ï¬nancing in former meeting of ratepay ers it wsr requested show at hands as to how many would don ate 5100 which would be less than the debenture share Only two persons offered to do so The need of modern hall in the Strand community is very ap parent The present building which was placed there over 20 years ago is substantial but needs modern equipment heating toilets and running water Coupcil Mei Monday Evening The Monday evening meeting was the last regular meeting called for by the bylaw which states that two meetings month are to be held However Councillor Coch rsnc chairman of finance spent considerable time working out the payments due the members for mileage and attendance at various meetings during the past quarter Then when he presented hisiiinance report these items ivere not included It would appear that additional meetings are intended asthesc would not be left over for the new council to pass Solicitor Writes Re Bylaw There was letter tabled from the township solicitor regarding the bylaw which was quashed by the Judge of the Supreme Court The letter advised the council that it was the opinion of the writer that an opinion might be obtain ed on the possibility of appealling the decision of the Judge if it was decided after the additional legal advice to enter an appeal which would cost from $300 to $400 then this should be entered within the time allowed The bylaw which prohibited the keeping or raising of fur bearing animals within certain area of the township had been quashed by Judge Barton as being discrim inatory in that it appeared to have been directed at only one individule Councillor Be tty stated that he was in favor of skim the matter as for as possible He was sup ported by Councillor Cochrane It was agreed that the opinion of solicitor named in the letter from the township solicitor be olr talned and the matter be proceed ed with according to the advice received er Fish the ratepayer who had led the group in the petition to have themink ranch of Mr Smith prohibited from operating in the area had been to ask Count cll what they were intending to do about the matter He claimed that there was considerable de preciation to his and other prop ertyvthrough the ranch being lo cated in the builtup area near them He stated that it might be that when that part was annexed by Barrie which was pending that might mean that the mink ranch would have to move again He said thatvhe personally did not favor annexation but that this might solve the ranch difficulty or all concerned Police To Guard School Crossings motion that the police ar range to have man on guard at the front ofvstroud School during the time that pupils are going to and from schoolalso that sim ilar precaution be taken at other schools where there was danger See us for good 36 The Plymouth twodoor Custom Sliburhisn showy abovezmilsuone of the mmï¬ttolxnew serieeofeobur which mavaila out the Plymouth end Chrysler tingle 1957 Carrying areas so have been eatl enlnr ed and whaelb so must mxmnddgrnbly managed outta the wheelbase has to inches In theChryslerlineethasyleel the WW IIIIIIW THE FAMILY rand What toddlers face doesnt light up at the thought of candy canes Santa Claus Christma bells and wreaths Theyre magic words when they 1nean the real thing butJust as effective when they are crisp sugartype cookies cut into these exciting shapes its the type of Christmas dellcacy that the children will give as much thought and elabors ate care in helping you decorate as they do to cutting out paper dolls There prohably isnt one known form of tantrum thatiwili hold out against such fun in fact chances are likely that the children will be so enthusiastic about helplngyou shape and dec orate these cookies therell be plenty for neighborhood giving as well as family eating What does it matter if some of the brightly colored fruits and bows of icing go on bit askew The children will be discovering more about the fun of working with dough And their works of art can be turned into gala ornaments fit for any Christmas tree or gailywrap ped they can be an inexpensive giit with that oldfashioned hand made touch Christmas Tree Cookies cups oncesifted allpurpose flour or cups onceslftcd pas ry flour teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt teaspoon ground mace cup butter or mar arine 54 cup fine granulated sugar cup lightlypacked brown sugar egg teaspoon vanilla Measure the allpurpose or pastry flour baking powder salt and niece into sifter Cream hut tcr or margarine until soft gra ually blend in white and brown sugars Add egg and anilla beat in well Sift dry in redlentsdnto creamed mixture part at atime blending well aftereach addition Divide dough into fourpsrts wrap and chill Roiiout dough one part at time to Vsinch thickness and cut into fancyshapes as suggested he loll working freehandor using cardboard shapes or fancycookie cutters decorate Arrange dee orated cookies on ungreased bak ing sheets Bake ina moderate oven350l to 10 minutes Cool on cake racks Yield About dozen fancy shapes Fancy Shapes and Decorations Candy CanesCut one tion of rolletlout dough into on shapes and paint on diagonal stripes using part red food col oring and six parts cold water Christmas WreathsUsing 3inch serrated cookie cutter cut one portion of rolled into cookies using inch cutter cut out centre of each cookie leaving wreath shape of pupils being injured by traf flclmlshap was passed It was also requested that the officers endeavor to stop and an range prosecution of drivers who do not obey the ill mph speed limits through the village spec ially at the time children are go ing to or is ng the sehool nun cssrsrussi Seoteh piste and Spruce liuily linitl December fNursery Stock 524 icinginio decorating tube fitt new suburbans beenindeaaed is throu the rear tailgate on new aminobarman Decoratiewreaths with slivers of candiedcitron and bits of candied cherries Decorate centre cut outs too Christmas BellsCut anoth er portion of rolledout dough into bellshapes and press one large silverdragce into base of each bell to represent clapper Bake gndcool Combine Vs cup icing sugar few drops almond extract and sufficient mills in make very Icing tinttloep ly with red coloring Turn for writing and outline baseof each bell Draw how knot or other decorationon each beiilet stand until icing is dry Santa ClausCutalast por tion oh rollcdout dough into Santa Claus shapcs and bake Working on one figure at time paint where St Nicks suit would be with unbeaten egg white and sprinkle with red granulated su gar brushoff exccsa sugar To make red decorating sugar put scoopful of granulated sugarin cleanvdry innadd few drops red food coloring cover iarami shake until coloring is evenly dis tributed Eepeat until sugar has reached desired depth of color itch on ms untitled 1323 eeial new woodgrain walnu Cascode tuner transformeri and other RCA nan vntun priced 21V set features the in an attractive cabinet ictor feature 19 tubes ModelillltllA SpukéLCaIls For Positive Approach To Wage Problem The annual general meeting of theNatlonal Defence Ern ployeea Association of Camp liar den and district was held on itondayevening Dec 17 The folipwing officers were elected President APerlard 205 Base Wksp RCEME vicepresi dent Gerald Roberts 43 COB RCOC secretarytreasurer Blair RCAFStntion After the usual business of min utes of the previous annual meet ing financial report by the sec retarytreasurer and an encourag ing progress report by the retir Ing president Thomas Merit wick the latter introduced the speaker Maurice Runshon 0n tario Provincial President strong Demand Made strong demands were made by liir Punshon for more positive approach by the government in setting wages for prevailing rate employees particularly in areas We invite you to come in and inspect our compiete line RCA Victor and other big RCA woo TELEVISIOMf in mt Wit is ltwo or three years before elusi varchaic and medieval when doing 11ml on sold wages have been kept down in CampBorden beam or government policy of including onmn shops seab sbopyaod ignoring the rates set by negotia tiolr of the railways Because the are no controls over tho cost ofveasentlslpeonsumer goods andwersee them constantly rir ing therein is labor having to fight tersiss wages and this re sults In aiviclouscircie Never have the Mrking people been always trying to catch up Nat Waiting not our intention to wait lied employees receive an in dded the speaker Ra re gong after an annual survey ol salaries for classified personnel too So am pleased to report that the Civil Service Federation tqwhichwe ire af fillsted is now preparing statist icsi material to present in brief to the Cabinet in the early part of 1957 Afilllltionlto thoCanadlsn La bor Congress is now being serh ousiy studied by special com milieu of NDEA Frankly am lnfavor of such action And believe itlsinovltable Today 110000 civil scrvsnts of the three government scrvlces are mm are realizing that if they are ever going to receive decent wages sf filistlon to the CLC ls just an other of strengthening their demands ArchaicCondltlons One of our biggest drives in the past few weeks has been our campaign to acquaint every mem ber of Parliamentwith the fact that there are still employees who have to work 144 4a and so hours par week in this modernday and age it Is almost unbelievable that people ofthls country must endure such working conditions While we must admit that that government has been forced torecognise the changing conditionsand that many are now workingshorter hours there are still manynclassiflcations within National Defence who must work name brand Television Thesespecial prices listed belowhre Just perfect for the Christ mas budget and TV set for the whole fam ilyis the ideal gift this Christmas Moost Bruce finish available in her on knoh ltlch llilll illiiflllt lllli Cllllillillili cuuinnsInsoosvnosVictor rv valuc richly styled console with luxurious goldtoned appointments Highathaay tuning with num Balanced Fidellty sound Model 211cm neo VALUE ll coon PRICE jNCLlJDEl RABBITEArts ANTENNA Moms sen ahead in the struggle they are bars More white collar workers of the Bubliosérvice of Canada MLNK PROVIDES the ultimate touch of elegance tothis ski suit by Irving of Montreal Coiiar and mitts are of royal pastel mud and the fabric is rich brown blend of terylene and wool The tuckin jacket ers delight is the permanent is doublebreasted and ski ereaae in the tapered slacks The tightfitting peaked anood completes this cold weather ensemble thesslong houri We shallrnet give up our campaignuntllall employees enjoy the unlierssl maximum fivedsy whour week Mr Punshon reported that NDEA is now Canadas largest federal departmental civil service association witha membership of more than 3000 He said that efforts will continuo to increase this membership and that efforts will continue to be made towards unity of all civil service organiz utlons We have left the door open for them to come in he said rcferlt ring to small groups such as am algamated and CSA ot Ottawa having been invited to join the Civil Service Federation CALL THE EXAMINER FOE PRINTING PHONE PA 52414 rilsl rowumu 57 34 Bigscreen top periormingviDSl RCA victor TV at abudget price Handsome table TV that becomes graceful consolette with matching oradie base HighandEasy tun lng with numbers on knob Big speaker Bul anced Fidelity Sound WalnutLimed Oak Matching cradlebnse included Model 21T193L Illustrated at left gt iincst 2i Console eatures including use vanes sm Choiceofa fineflnishcs Walnut Maho ntsi victor rurvimrmnf llercfis real mom in one of itértlvietors models Featuringih big changolor 1957 plus all the fine nca tuning with numbe it fly coon onto rNcLunns naenrr Inns ANTENNA smoNsHs ssnvrcs non vanes 331235 95 coor rnrcs rNcwonsnauasr sans ANTENNA rLus 8MONTHB FREESERVICE