Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1956, p. 1

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tllcr discussion low fmn nacahriiy FORMED YWCA signeduthe lease ior quarter building on Monday have rented thhl old Barrie Loglon heod quarters on Owenstreet Signing the lease is Jack Gable president of the YNVXWCA Barrie YM On his right their head night They batt Reid Standing is Legion Branch Counciliiippiolie SuggeStt oyearold boy was drowned yesterday morningplaying en men creek only 100 yards from blabome It Lisle Brian Shaver son of wool 1D Shaverof the Canadian Provost Corps Borden and HE Shaver playing with triend attbe aide of rlhc creckx He ventured on the ice which broke and the child was drowncdrln the coldwatcr The body was recovered aboii an hour and hall later in thretg feet otwater site an extensive search by Provincial Police Pro vost Corps and members oi the Camp Borden Fire Brigade creationseight feet wide where the accident new is Cecil McMulltiri president of the Barrie branch otthe Cdnadlan gion for 1950 and on his leftjisJohnLo legal advisor to theLegion Al Mtllienn tre urerof the varo Benefiting Annexation Plans Town Council has agreed in principle to threerecommenda tlons submitted hytheyspectsl an nexation committee that plan ning consullant be engagcd to make thorough survey of the proposed are oi annexation on receipt oi the consultantsrceomA mendation application be made to the Municipal hoardfor an nexation provided that the re port is favorable and that the town solicitor bn authorized to retain counsel lorltinal presen tationif he dcems it necessary motion bngccve Willard Kinzie chairman otthc special committee approved the engage ment at Project Planning As soclptcs Ltd as consultants at fee of $3000 waslabicd iorfur The substance presented by th toe on annexation It the report commit given be ltwas apparciittu this coili lilltiec that in illrrlvlng atthc boundaries of the proposed arca ior annexation many roblcms would be created forlot er civic bodies and that their opinions should be taken intoconsidera tionw en arrivingat the propos ed boundaries it was therefore decided that members of this committee as available would ap proach various hoardsi explain the necessity of obtaining larg cr area for industrial commcr cial and residentialpurposes and solicit their aid The following Town of harrie boar and coni missionswerc approlj edt Bdrrie and Districtqcollegiate institute Boar anionPublie School Board liarrl School Board Barr raryIABarrie Pal Barrio Recrbatibn Co Barrie Chamber oft Corriolorcc Junior Chamber oi quplnerce Town Planning Board Barr lublic Utilitics Commisslo Aiter due onsidcratlon by tlicse viitiousboilies general meeting of their representatives was held in the unciirchambers on July 111956 at ulLdiscuss requesting which Would have included all of Little Lake point was also made at this meeting that lnlicu of large area of annexation only small area to satisfy immediate rc qulrements should be made and that large area of control should be obtaincdrfiftcr due in vestigation it was found that un der present legislation an area oi control was not effective enough to protect thcanticipat ed requirements Established Boundaries The committee then proceed ed tocstablishthe proposed an nexation boundaries having due consideration of the pains raised by lac vlarlgusboardil the topo sragy 95 cslranspor tatlon facilities oi ltifi area and thc potential growth of this mun icipaliiy within the next 20 years The proposed boundaries were proved by council as cuntaiilc in the committee rc purt datcll July Ill 1950 it was decided that the pro posed boundaries shouldbc dis cussed with the councils ofthe townships aiicctcd and accord ingly this committee met with innisiil Council on Sept 1956 Dro Councilon Sept 14 1958 and Vespra Council on0ct 1956 From these discussions ratepayers meetings were called by the Township of Vesprs on Nov 1956 and the Township of lnnisiil on Nov l6 1956 Var ious members of council and this committee attendedv both meet ings giving an explanation of how the proposed boundaries were arrived at and answering many questions asked bythe aud lence One Dissension The Township of Oro by lettcrtocouncil has advised that they are against any plans of annexation that would affect it Thc town solicitor was in structcd by the committee to write all the townshipsconcerned to ask them if they would neg otiate settlement concerning boundary You and other mat ters To atc no replies have been received to this request The committee feels that the years have seen matter of annexation has been fully prcscntcd to all interested parties totalvoiovcr mmcet ngs have been held ut which all the facts that war known by the committee were presented and in every public meeting question nil answer period in which general discusslon took place was held Christmas Dinners for Hungarians Miss Gwen ilfe and Bill Parker of the Studio Codrinxton Street Barrie have announced that they provide up to 20 Christmas dinners ior Hungarian refugee families comlnrto this area The oifer will be placed before the coordlnatlng committoc as soon as it is formed tomorrow The parents ol children at nursery school on Peel Street made seasonablc gesture when together they supplied parcels of groceries ora Hungarian family who are living withMrs James Chllds Mrs Childs has rciused to acreptvany payment for the accommodation provided until suchtilnc as the two Hungarians have settledd wn For some yearstthojtioaSTth of Barrie has sponsored the activ ities of OroCalCl an on Tucsd ili wit lilckligg culture and hl committee charge of arrangements guests were the members of the ore Cali Club together with partners mostly relatives in the absencc of Lien Pres ident iial Forster the chair was taken by vlcepresldent ii Darchiol were present for sup per whlch was followed by the regular slngsong with 811 Bell Frank Craig on miles Ahoy Jingle Bells and Hark the Herald Angels Slog Wclcome Guests Vcspra Rccve nnd elfWarden Roy Hiclriing lovial andwellln formed expressed delight in wel coming visitors foragricultllre night he had the same duty on the previous night with the XI waniaris and CanidclCddi firie medium for getting together lie then called upon Stewart Page local representative of they 9n tario Dept of Agriculture ln troduce the visiting speaken Md Page spokehighly ot the co operation of the club in agricul tural menus individually and that the members of the Junior Farmers and the Calf Club on the average dev op into goodwleadV cm Working With Young Farmers Jonathansnalitcrflelson of the Economics Branch ofthe Depart ment Agriculture expressed pleasure at Tworklng with bright young groups of Junior Farmers andspoke ot the many youngpeoi plesorganiza ions both hereand across thefbordervthot include the home making classes Youngi pcopicfllearn more quickly and be come qualified as teachers much sooner than before Tech lcul values are picked atfrom is to 2ycarsoi ag The last 10 boom in build ing and expansion eyerywbere is the farm ipclllded tin that boom There is lcss land in usetthan before because the tractor has are taking place through can change The USA Aproduces electricity from eoal or which they hlivc plenty but thelriroo is light it how Labrlldo suppi ilngmon deghl rl return asterrl Canoda in developed by Lob lathe Changes an arm Wo hav the boronthi farm sh liid collectively lie hadnoted too nlade aehange iOtherchaoges Berrile Lidasciobralsnuuhéd OrOACqIf Club andufPres nted Awards Won Achievement Day reconfirm pcopievfllave situation has ed Refrigera tion came into the picture and cold storage Chickeps are now raised in largequantillcs as broil Turkeys also are produced in large numbers but not by the farmer especially ifmore crops are grown up cgmcs theproblern oi marketing eryicc clubs can and do help immensely by sup porting thework done in gro such as the Calf Club and others The speaker coVered many an gles of farm operation costs mar keting production and othcr points and given berg are Just few ideasirom an interestingad dress covering the present sltua tion in farm operating lielp Youth Lion Bruce Brown oi the ag ricultural vcommittec extended subject near to his cart Reeve meldingadded his quots ol thanks and called upon Warden John Small ceve yotgindjalh who was prose and stated that those in publicllfe should notrba he more to help theirlingthelr pro blcmsl He thought that there should be more spent on agricul rc such as fertilizer and other Hickling commented that on budget of one million anda half only $11 090 was allotted toagricillture another speaker who expressed pleasure at being present and also gave figures on theproduceof the farms iic alsointrodilced Keith Robinsonvwho competed in the Collingwood 1Plowlng Match and won firstdn the openeompet ition in open class and anthe second daywas second open competition fit was also Junior winner this car and was winner of theLions prize He is me bcr oi the Cookstownv Two girl In list with histhanks for the information on glccltuiwi young people but do Keitli Million of Alliston was the $5Eand In addition Themodern custom ottelephon ingflhristmabgroetings to distant irleildsalldrcla as will show mtrked increaéeagain this year with long distance calls to various centres in Corinth and the lulled Slates up an average of 10 per cent and overseas calls to Europe from all parts of Canada up more than 500 per cent in keeping with the estimated ge eralincrease in calling MaeDonald Bell Telephone manager hereL ipates that greater numbers of cuts willplace long distance calls this Christmas season Approillm ately 8175 calls to distantcen tres are expected to originate ongncc 2a and about 3000 on Christmas Day ILaat year the outoitown calls from here tot glue25$ onDce 24 and 2300 oChrlstplasDay he it Hold increase in over on last yeariflflz of Canada were nes verseas switchboard hum have been ti ked this year NoProblcm Sunday calls he placed priorto Christmas Eve to avoid delays There should be no problem on Sunday Dec 23 and chances of getting through on the afternoon oi Christmas Eve are better than laterin the between midnight on Christmas Evé and eight oclock Christmas morning Low night rates will be in effect Christmas Sunday Dec Christmas Day to all Canadian and also all day 23 andali day and United States points Regular day randhlght rates apply on over sciis calls placed on Christmas Day Busy Circuits Long distance cilcuits willvbe extremely busy on Dec Hand 25 the manager said Not onlyvwill the volume of calls be uncommon periencc tho traffic will follow an unusual pattern Normally calls are between tho larger centres but at Christmas there is greater proportion tres flhere will bangino than usual to other parts adaand Ae United States calls rle 735 Jimcamenm Shanty any 869 Othermembers were Eater Is one Prize money we winners at Barrie ns Club Specials commie 7here Mn MacDonald suggested that evening lraffic is also lighter from plnto 430 during 1y large hilt judging by past elr telephone calls to and iiromusmaliersconr Imunities qod more remote cons liver nd Cariicld Inc dwlthnn positron in sir are In rested in the sarila and district lb up problem for Humans proper authority to handle night Agreed to calls mea rigoi representatives of alilnterestedmorties and townships tCol lhc Reverend Sparring acting as spokesihan for thegroup part oiwhlehjhad constituted the Hungarian ltei ugeo Steeringttommittee claimed that the group of interested plrtleshud Como toth conclu slbll that theyhad uthority to act Thls had become evident when theyhadseen thisdlrcctivc which had come from theDepart lneot of Planaingand Develop meat to the Council and had been same on to the steering com mittce We are group Job was developing into some thing far too big for group thcyniight The group now urgently re quested that the Council should dlroctlve whlch it in matter inally implement he had been sent germane 25 that all thoBoll it DOUGLAS McGIBBON over the presldency of Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion torlsslh has been serving the branch ecutive for five years ha ng joined ulelgcgion in 1348 fThis year hewas first vicepresident and chairman of the Poppy Fund committee who uccessful in raising little 1700 tlrrougb th ca During the Just with the Armo within the BDCI area onwursday Dec 20 lot thésCouocil Chambers dcerletl Thepurpose or this meet ing will be to appointan officialcoordlnating committee positiolrto carry all the work it was glvch official approval Col Sherring aaid that Mr Dalues the chairman had collected lot of information which would be available but speaking parson ally hc ieltthat it would be bet ter for Councilto appoint chair inan tostart therball rolling Cantrell View MayorEldou Greer gave the Councils side of the picture The group bid called the initial meet ingat which threemembcrs of Council were present and the group hadaiready called see and meeting when the directive arrived Tospecdup the action the directive was sent to the group and the Dcpartmeniwas informed accordingly The reply sent by Coilncil to Scolt chairman of the sub commttt on cyach read worded copy to Dam and log meetl on Thursday De natejhe vario lindcriacomm cc did not seem uch enthusiasm about helping Hungarians fromthat body He had done everything humaniyposslble to do and had neglected his own busioess and home to accomplish the littlethat had been accom plished gt You have got the power the procedure you ave got every thing he said am ceflaiuly disappointed the Town Council is not forthcom tospsrk what have started Graydon Kohl the deputation to ad as Coun cil He appoint an official agency whst Others Powers Alderman Hllracc Pratt ques tibned what pow cyond that at acting as listi directive Mriohl said no spccv cctlons had been given by ong deputation ofthe roiygeea in another of gt too empha izod the needvtor Council to don Greeroisslicd statement toprcw pg myrcjednforbot enthusiastic about the mitten Wucalied originally to attend amecting ihad an other tactics on for that night celibac islio usevofleling bit otiadvlco and not be on hand to carry it out and my Intentions could begmiilntcrptoied Some citltens who have coin plalned aboutenot being able to be with their illes because of these meetings can now realize just what burden is on eachrnem ber ofCounclt Personaily wouldraay Ihave spent on aver age of four meetings week lot of time athlght and also have had hundreds of phone calls in the past twoyears On this basis feel thatuolihcr the or nor the Council have shirk their duties but have acted in the best interests of theygmup in created in the Hungarianrelugee Regular business Suspended The regular business of Council was so ded to deal withtho business arring out of Ule me oranlium th dcputationplaced before no Couoc mo tion to ithb it that hcTown Council ah askslull Vvltiterested parties andt nships within the so upanoificial co omm eefor arrie and dlstric to deal with ugec problem and to elect chain menfor VIr lis subcommittees phase of this ork YWYM Offers get rbe form to wasagreed on by the agant was required in accordance with the 55 president islting the local

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