aoa cranessores2 By JEAN doors The making of bottle tori deiik jar gardens or terror lums as well as dishgardens can be an absorbing winter hobhy These are things which it is very hard to get mkfllmn how to tin 13h Barrie llartleultural satiety would like togreatlyl tongue this hhhby among taillightg hers and among othersvu wetl we have manger io procure hulletinph Ten rarititns recently released by thelloridl Agricultural Er tension Service made known to us through the kindness oi the Massachusetts llorti cultural Society IERRARiuMS Assistant Ornamental Horticulturist Florida ferrarium is miniature garden enclosed in glasspeither round glass loberaquarium largemouth hott largestemmcd glass or another type oiclear glass container Terrarlnms are ideal for growing difficult plants under adverse conditions They produce artificially more or less idcal atmosphere in the home in which we can grow inning there ioserve as roses vaingradually returning to the soil by capillary movement as th saildrlesoucv Atterthe grave in lace over it irnm three to our ch as of good organic soil mixture mixture oioncpart by volume at pen to he partsandy mitts ideal To thls mixtureaddand mixnae teasboo of fertili resor every two quarts of soil when youpiaee thesoii mixture the container you can level it if it istoboweentromalt sides or form it into slopesvdepressinns and various shape it isto be scengmainly from one side Many people preier theiaiier as they say it looks more min Anyoi the following plants can borrow Native Plants Fairy foo prints Puatorja Proeumbcna Partridge Berry Mltchclla Rep ens Maidenhalr Fern Polypod iiim Polypodmides Epidendram Co opseum Linderria Grandi flora Crustacea Setnginet Cultivated Plants Mrieia Viola Creeping English ivy rmtit varieties Fit tonia Pepeiom varieg types Selaginelta Snake small vnrieties Trades 4fiheplan shoutd he plant ed atthe some depth they Episcla taught in theSunday Sehdol un htiumg ofher nc Jone Alexandioilarkor held in the ed Church on Farther SS Teacher 841 were growing inthe or in And much work the old it pot lfryoii use Eirendaichroiifir commando lilajorflenernl 14 MBurns ot Ottawa inspects guard of lionorot Ahu Suweir Egypt on visit Church and Kliadwoiked mi iiiabout eight years ago Her body rested at it and ate lt Mrs Sianley Frolielr prior to the funeral service which was Friday alternoon Nov 30 The scripture passage Rey Gordon pastor Rev Veals read =thc 15 inï¬ll Inns ot poor Mrs Bulnicr gave report on vie tin and flowers new meni Mn Gapp vu jelcomed Dycrhbooonry president mediated alertedton otticers belt moved the so pruenfoflicerr and Themeetiog closed with hy tattooed btho Mizpah benediction Lunch was soft by in hasten Lunch commitieetnr extmonth Mrs Bulmer and II Campbell Sundayli Concert The Sunday School concert on Saturday evening Dee lb yas v15 attendedalthough it was raining Th children put on verygoodlprogram and served my lunch We appreciated muchthe tinshown byxht lsympalhy Cit Community Deepest sympathy is extended the lamin oi the late Mrs ll Church WA met irnble ednesd suraneo FRESH aoiii AN King who was suddenly called to relation Tuesday Dec Edition Wedding Congratulations toMr and Mrs Levi Srigtey who win celebrate their golden wedding anniversary onDec la mo Juiip Bostonian gtCP54mbena companies paid at $4099800 in claimsin 1055 com pared with $i 056000 in 1945 Well ast efour score ars of Stieters Church offer and with almgst her entire life ed tli you and Rev John cm spent on the term whertishe was Frollckoi Wyclitieschprch Elm MR rt born Miss Jane Alexandra Parker vale conducting her ast earthly died on Tuesday Nov 27 1956 service spoke trom llebroyvs at the Patton Nursing Home in chapterru verse hieh give Edenvale Shehail been in faillt word Hebem dead yet ing health for the past 14 months but wnsable to be up except for in tribute to Mi the lost inonth poem 3ch me Leighton read alchapter irom Requirements for SuceossfulT niimeious plaiits that could not stand the normally dry almo sphere of the average home In addition thelustre and reflect tion oi the glass adds interest to the arrangement not found in open arrangements The lass enclosure also protects delicate foliage brittle stems and leaves that old he diiiicult to grow in the open even it the midity couldhe mainlained Not only are terrariuins rela tively simple to make and set up but once they have been established they are easy to mainthin and wit mi nium of rare The type of container yii eet for the terrarium will he governe by several factors First of all oose onothat issu table to the room where it will be used One that is not adaptedto cer tain situation becauseof shape or thrive very welt tor long pe ds with namiwmouth containers ou will have orig paii tweezers and planting sticks planting the containers terrariums it helps have an bundanc collected is all anion periods without min glass coveris must for in terroriomre objective should he to keep the Various department plants healthy butgrowing slow and the treasurer The latter oi in hurch held its December pine eveningwith the president Mrs mas worship service Reportswere heard from Miss Parker was born on June 12 1872in Minesing daughter of the lole John Robert Parker and the former Miss susannah Banting and her only absence from the iarm was for some two years spent in ivy The property is now in the ownership ot her nephew Mervin Parker The was afaithful keep the humidity up and also ï¬thï¬lfdi Se Pémris Anglican Cemetery Mineslng and caske the torso uinirom dry toorapidiy It should tastenodoo securely Mrs Church has tohe lremoved suing wsoursnen arium whenrthesides Essa 93 1957 President Missionary Soei and Presbyterian by her brother iiau who died in ing at the manse last Wednesday 191$ andlier only Sister Albert Priest Lizzie in April Muir leading the Christ l944 Surviving are two brothers Sunday School teacher and he thought that some ot those early lessons taught by henhad been conduciv do his sp tual wol fare He thought thather pass ing from thi life should not be mourned but trottedupon as happy beginning again for life well spent here Interment vaslin he Union hearers were Hcdlcy Cotes Walter Downey Eldon Adams and Andrew Orchdrd Beautiful Church and frorii relativesahd friends some of whom came from Toronto Hamilton Gather1 ines Stayner arid Ivy Parker was predeceased February 1897 herparents in John of Toronto and Charles in George Knapp Harry lluptoii towers Were trom St Peters Minesing and aiwide circle of secretar niecesand nephews he stated that she was timing the Missionary Monthly and Mrs Fisher read chapterfrom the study book on the Indians in Can Miss Joan Enlmer favored wit an accordionsolo and also accompanied with her accordion the singing of Joy To The World Mrs Collum read the minutes last meeting Roll call was answered by verse of scrip tare mentioning Joy next Jim followed by ahyntn Mrs Place your order early ieiidlcys Flowers 14 our Street 532mi rn 35915 Ellranch Store Alliston 26 Victjgla St Phone sos size will lose its etfectiveiiess ly just short astarvotion diet wos particularly interesting as it Secondly saw your container it terrarluin tertilized fre was the ï¬rst time the group liad for ease of planting Remember queatiy the plantswillsoonoiiti used the commitment method new visitors that hesmaller the opening in grow it te or should instead of cash3110caginn and Mrs Peaw the coritaiaerthe more iicuit beJtept spray tro direct sun 40 per cent increase oven lasi child of qéglma are be Plan EM thePhys 39W in years allocation was achieved Mr and Mrsl pedlmgha The following state or officers Miss Craig bf Béme is lspgnrd was presented and approved for Enga few days Wm Mr and Mrs 1957 President Mrs Church TAG Ctalg Telephoned Home ist vieepresidentMrsB BWar nioa 2nd vicepresident Mrs Ralphsnidei Who working Cumming secretary MissJane in the oil fields 400 miles north Baillie treasurer Mrs Jen of Edmonton called home zen kins organist Mrs Warnica Hwy my hem ossistant organist Mrs Turner him lite membership secretary Mrs Summ an be Cumming welcome and welfare gnont forget this congrega nal secretaries MlSMull Mrs Mt supper and Sunday School Curley library and literature see the hall Dec 27 at rotary Mrs Bothner social committee Mrs Hilliard Webb Mrs ADiekey Mrs Burke Mrs Kemp Riceï¬elds in Italy Iyield about cRAieiiyasi carers THESE successions 0131me MIJSV LIST From teenagershtograndmothers the ladies love thesegifts corn Stransmans Solveyour giitprobiem his quick and easy way Nobody but nobody can offer you larger selections sweaters 1s mé in to Stransmans hoiceifrqm our terrific Christ ï¬xed it you desire Mr Muir gave Christmas ines two tons of rice per aer ari sage and with the assistance 01 average seaso Mrs Muir showed nice eollee tion of colored slides Refreshments were served by Once an employer has hired the hostess assisted by MrsvTurgt physicallyLliandlcapped wurkerhe nerp is not likelyto need anyiurther lt selling on the handicapped Ex Types of Terrarium nescue com perieneé has proved thatlth him The international call for help are their own best gt Oriana imported Botanyv Kitten Dallrelth Lansea Once you have selected your rariums are thosejthat are naturg container on you have to do lly adapted to growinginvd foilowthes few steps to ave damp areas in the woods tenmum Canadian VIEWPOINT Firs oi ce at least one inch oflgr éi ngut the What diit core few years of pea intli bottom he on make to snow storm When container Terrariums are easy we were or 12 year old the to overwatcip and some provision ï¬rst 5115 Wis me Of great must be made tomtake careoi joy Ajayyears laterwe gel excess water Excess Awater ill the ains onsllovel it and cuss ters down into the gravel and re SOS was officially accepted 50 years ago ELECTROHOMEFEATURES ï¬fccgmuomn WAVETRAPLELIMINATES Mirna Tuna ELECTRoMoflc CHASSIS mason woon CABINET or naiacaarr or striiareo surname coats vrrnasn