entertainment Children should be seen and not heard llow often this used to be said and how seldom it is heard now ParluPs here has been too great Iwing in the other direction if parent is not too insistent child can lve ajreai pleasure to other it occasionally recites or plays amuslcal instrument or does something eise to provide it he is mIking serious eltort he should not he laughed at or told that he is cute what self respecting child wants to be cute Any one enioyciiweli earned applause and praise which is deserved never hurt anyone Iy Nancy Cleaver placed on high standards for each lndivlduct on the mo lrlll rather than on the Imumahafluflw good NVmdmt motherof small child ob ten urges her child to erfonn tor visitors Butwhat linens to Junior it being showed off is fairly rcgular routine when company calls htnthar often cannot understand whyhe is so stubborn in his refuin to fdo his stutl it never seems to occurtoher that re eating nursery rhyme to his atherln the relaxedrhap py atmosphererof hls ailersupper time with his did is ralherdif heretapment Innonndhriefpueenhlast yur Prepare dime uSfepartatek eggs beaten wi or llir lautumnk nannyma bma crumbs for studio minutes Mazatlan heatjn anglelthor tryingpan range or eat m3 tum as directed in plna an action bootl Baith whites un total but not dry They beat better if it temperature Foldabredded cheese into bread mixturer add beaten egg whites and fold together lighUy until en whites arenduced to sire of large marbles Brush heated pan generously with butter or mar garine turn in omelctte mixture and cook slowly Without stirring until set andjgolden on ihcbot tom Bake omelette it pan has heatproof handle in moderate oven 350For broil it until top lou mm xAsw no cmScum at the onccplentilal rainbow trout in Kootenay Lick led sportsmen to the provincial unsef deport II summons With overcrowded classrooms compotiiion is high Watch their marksgo up with new typewriter nil amass capes than tu Police re 39 unctnien oordsJiIow Lass no 351954 We Have All Makcsaf Portolsle The music festivals spon sored hy service clubs in many centres bavo demon strated this These cvenls have not only raised the cul tural level lnmany commun ities They have encourag ed the appreciation of music and also given boys and lids lino opportunity to per innn In public The em plus the adiudlcators have fercntlrnm being interrupted in his play iio recite to his aunt lt is even more trying for molher to expect him to recite to whole roomful of slrlngé ladles whom she has invited to after noon teal Aliihnse unfamiliar eyes fixed on him may throw Junior into apanic The child whorls asked by parent to perform for In outaider ciihcr makes foul nre or aisueceu or it if he la sounsure nfhlntseiithat he refuses or ll under pressure he make feeble attempt but cannotget thmugh with his task it destroys some of his scliuntldence Par ents want their children to have this necessary faith in themselves without always seeking the limelight It is very important that child should learn to he at ease with other people both his own ago and grownups too With some children the chance to show some skill Is help to them it they do it willingly and well But if there is feeling of strain for the sensitive child who is forced to be the centre of atten tion this is not good thing Mohers should question carefully whether their own feeling of pride at their child being admin eti balances the childs emotions during this perlormlng time There is the possibility that the child mayenloy showing off and look eagerly forward to other opportunities to show how clever he is He may want to recite every nursery rhyme he knows Mother may relish this but the visitor is aptto bea bit bored before the recital is completed Aduit exchange of ideas is out of the ques tion while child is bidding for the centre of the stage child Nectar hecauseh is child can he very sweet and charming But what hap pens when the showoff child grows up le is likez ly to continue to want lohe the whole show dry Indgolden Score omel manila almost through with marmalade and onto iheatcd platter TYP EWRlTERSi gt TERMS as towns sos=emm fmi We are dealers for the infusan coloring minerals while when sum following makes it use Ollp UNDERWOOD smdlems ables get up to 38 high hour REMINGTON our mu mm elrgrades Give this opportunity Gtve them the typewriter you Christan appeai Reasonlforlhe campIsa 18 Hospitals estimatedfaperstlng iosa $31925 thiy or which must be made upA to creasingcosts ofcarlng for the grow of childrenlwho coinctto er Hospital mix your Please senddonations tqThel itgl for Sick Children 555 University Avenue Tbronto BOYS ARE PBONBN Amflntt southpa old Johnsullered re sortausflniupieryhcn ho felldown aAOloot chutellis fractured hi and arm are now in treated lhtflospltaltqr Sick Children reatly helping thousands ot tailoredll John sending donht to th Hoop tellinggof some young person who took too great risk in do lng some intricate stunt Tak lng chance andvtrying to im press others ll particularlyth ardous on theapartof adriver ot car Farentsmon pmmfl pit Thomas Duncan traffic safety by discussing problem with their adolescent ion my Dacenddnh is Hqm Attack children of Joseph Thomas Sunday Nov 25 1956 mdrkcdthapastlng of aSirncoe cheer whnwas he youngest son in the sanity thin an of the late Jameslquncan and the form Er Min Margaret Hood of Con litnlalll LETS MAKE comma Once youv triedthls recipe torguarmaladeOmelettehita quits possible you willthe discovered brand new luncheon orsupper dish it isllsht and openihtenv ture yet has satisfyin chanc ter which is partiallyflue ti breadcrumbs in partnch wit the eggs and cheese This mar malade filling addsipiquancy to this very delightfulomclette Anj othcrvoppoallng eaturdxotlhls Marmalade Omeiétte particularly for the amateur cooié is dson William shows much less ten ney aï¬miihmlsie pioineer who that the standard fluffyorneix first settled on the Duncan farm eites But it should he serve in1832 and was born lathI immediatelyoi course me hom sead where his eat igcurred gile had been inpoor 255 Mmhflf0mklw health beca stomach ali Yield 9r Harms heart attack proved cpnoNa We have small stock of reconditioned typewriters priced at 35000 or less low Addlng Machines at less than $10000 Cornish Sée our wide selection at our ilaworshop and Green Farm house of Mr and MrsCharlcs on Monday night Mrs Lorne Draper Eimvaie visited onSunday with her sister Mrs Josephan necupcratlng atllomc Russell Sage la recuperating at his home after an operation in Toronto last Friday Weekiy Fuchre At the weekly ucbro in the bail last Wednesd night prise winners were Mrs Eric Ball and Dougall WA Mcellnxf The Womans Associa on held their annual meeting last Huro day afternoon at Mrs arsonis with an stteddancept hers Roll call was with Your Favorite Cnrol Mrs Aubrey Glffon had an interesting Christmas program Several members rea selec tions nboutChrislmas customs The lreasurers report showed substantial balance gt Rev Veals cond ted the election of officers which result ed as follows president Mrs Russell Maw 1st vicepresld Mrs Aubrey Gillan vrcse president Mrs Bert Maw secre PLEASE NOTE STORE HOURS Mom Tiles Thur pan to it Fri mm to porn Sat to sun to pm CLOSED ALL DA WEDNESDAY Call PA 645595 anytime day or night for Home Demonstration without obligation of worse You are welcomcto come down to the store any evening but Saturday until about 330 pan Just phone us before you leave home TYPBWItiTEitS ADDING MACHINES DICTATING MACHINES SOLD RENTED REEAIRS at Star BuSinessf Machines 22owau 81 Much as oases 14 lilako St Barrie fess5975 nonNcn STORE 26 ticwnasc Aiilston rho 665 helicopter mayhover like bird on when it comes down to most on goal it weighs plenty and self up quiteaalmin sh engineers have mammal mick newhiriyhird lands on an aluminum inft floating in aa shallowpoetoi water The ma chines weight is spread overlho area of the raft instead of just that covered byihciandinggcar No doubt they ï¬gured out too how passengers can get ashore Certainly ma who work wlihalttmlnum areymlghty rescurcelul in fact they keep us busy supplying them with this versatile modern metal at porn and in foreign markets sth can of odbri and Elloreng Toronvo Hllsgiiroih er Robe Theluneralwa nesday Nov 28¢ from thd Jcnoett Funeral item re the Duncan had 1896thcn on 910 and back to Con 7u is death and had lollowed farming hroughouL He on until union mid then th Uoitod Church hut tor the past 15 years had been unable fiend because of his health as nlecrai in uncan and his tnok up farming to untii Pintn gave exp gret ct theVthLine neighbors thetlith Line also nn cm from rela lives and other friends and fromlhe Tom Scott Company Toronto number swereipres cemeteryair High by filwlth the folio ng pallbezi rs VJ his widow former Christenalmy qoodlellow one son John atiiome three daugh ALUMINUM COMPANY or CANADA LTD AUCAN panions litany adolescents come to grief doing foolhnrdy athletic stunts in an effort to outshine their com Every year tragic acci dents are reported in the press fellow assista gt secretaryireas urer Mrs Graydnn Glffenf pin ists Mrs Bcrt MawMrsD Gif len visiting co mittce Mrsw tarytreasurer Mrs Ward Good Mrs Rt riders Mar McNuhb Mrs Gifte committee McNahh Mrs Giffen missionary committee Mrs Giffcn Mrs Mrs Dickinson Mrs Maw auditors Mrs Cect Russell sage gt meéting cia hymn andprayerb The hostess assns Maw serv noncomnirznc EYE CARE my protection Is Still effective TURKEY lllllllill 5V0rder your flavour fad Tur key for Christmas now tor when amreï¬redlnnd need it most niéMsmui ASSOC llurun TORONTO 70NTAIUO adian Gig pom ens2192 anon DELIVERY grammar Lara Watchman pm and incur scatrte hasnot arrived then call VALLEY PA 32433 And Loopy Will Be Delivered io your Home ssunnr CARE ORCANADA illithe world for Owning addeqwittdlife mace Is Theirs ANYmnsc that months more toa ma nhhppy and secure life gt for his wife andchildren Is there an hingéniore satisfying than the knowledge thathe has providedienough life insurance to takofcaremof thorn in case anything happens toliim