toxin one this we bro spendlngoa lribnlwutthereissnmomonnmgh uplmivitbmtnplenhm gym are pulled meter in ï¬lm mnmdimnhmnhmut on as mun sink with moral ludcrshi luv the world to rtng mm poo civic team all =parbsctc Joannaaid Describingthe religiouseQM pign pinched i9rhrybheuk murmur SIGNS ed whatwuuld ensue out tin It seems strange in thought aha ï¬redi 311 validrail of expelliencethltatluaJhW Parents be en their David Brennemsn Nancy liod IP DISIll lainfla on arenot recognized and childrens and ySunday son and Csroid wiier celio gun pig 01mg mane avoided Ptrtscularly with the School concerts at Chrlltmas John Coutu two trumpetsPaul Jlnladmm knowledge oi the disastrous end time more than any other form Mnrshsii and laxno llnleyund 1W hf um ing which alwaysdnllnws oi culortainmc And with pilnoley Doidge The com gt gt mum flm Estenn Suk slacuq choral music in ction in the doctor is Grids Eight pupil tension at Nont in Innnt schools at its present high stand Jon Fell thi ill iiaepdo enum rising new The groupbas been working gt un$nettci telt lid Iuanerigrlousllitye even undercover since the begin my mum an new We II ntng ot the school term under and the prayers at ioda people Listening to tspc recordin the supervisor at music in the would change theirlives The til one at the roncerts seated uhiie schools Lloyd Tui only wsyto change society or or home and schoo associr ord it will he accomplnylng the better was to have men in tion was like listening to some the till chorus at around Iixly business and in government and oi the European childrens choirs Grade Four to Gnds Eight positions at leadership who have italI hgve been ouiiniz this can pupils in the singing at clrols God in their hcnrts He lliu flint for the lust cw years and the string section will do trated hisrnnning by telling of And the proud principal poi cd such special work as the accom large mas meeting in the cot out that the remarkable dc nt paniment to Silent Night ton bowl in Dallas Texas one when Little Town oi Beth evenlng Each person had been lehem and The First Noel Our children are just as cap given malcliwbenhecamein hld been picked up in iiitccn We in 09 mm Eldl EV At is givensignsl all lights were minutes Y9 mi9 59m 90 turned oil and onemntehiighted cert by senior pupils resented Then eachpersonlightedhismstch This excellent work is in dan tor the home and schoo associs and the glow or light could be ger of becoming old hat how tion has been combined with seen tor miles around So in ever There have been indicn traditional open house with all like manner would the spiritual tlons during the put low months the classrooms open for lnspcc lite of Barrie be strengthened What local allementagy sï¬hool tion by thehpaiicnrts Thodleosï¬ri up were so ng ranc out is to give at are an mo Em nlo instrumental music and era is chance to see the chil TA 5an sttré enough at Codrington drcns Christmas art projects SANTA CLAUB and his reindeer inspiredllickie 5mm WW School this Wednesday evening And theyre really somcthing to one Hillcrest Schools talented young artists to panic gt cry is raised over museums an orchestra will make its pub Icci with th bin el lic debut erlorming tor the not lheewogglinlessg ot wilmm 10W home and ac uni association 19 ll Pride 3° being the foremostwreason or Th cmhusm sevenhplecc achievements in this direction Learn wy your eoillure sis aliair composed of three violins 5352 mtg Esaégswg hiurine or Danielle outstanding Even irom Toronto IMIHISISIIaI Plan your criiiiure ala Street the childrens art work VMAURICE tile and can be admired as Santa Claus For Crusade Here light and magic is ahiry gt ahd his reindeer parade across wand the touch that BnAlJDONAt noyoi Victoria Halii three sets of east side classroom Group Captain won Cl transiorms you into tal Barrio on Dec i1 isso tolt 27 an windows And it you KOBIflIllld Commanding oiticer RCA Sta holiday princessl Comegsee Av0izluldlulhrlron to the playground side you real lion Camp Borden will be the it all come true your urnAt noyi Victoria Holpilll ly see something shpeaker for todays Kiwanis din swirling coillure the excit ï¬rif 33rbih°6pi7rn On the tall window framing 313 It Community insstart of sturbrisht Daniel whim um onsc Past President new Valli timersAt noysi Vic om Hnlpitll the lialrwny 01 the We side is Rodger win he in the char name on Dec ms to Mr and manger scene With the clash Mrs hum cri iii uuiennu mom window on amm lme coy mew under Kiwanh PHONE NDAY education and fellowshi commit nskhgflmflgyfl Vï¬‚ï¬ ï¬ï¬ï¬‚u ered with angels and the Three tee 60 West will speak on cur gt is was to on Wise Men neing the crib The numr R5 571 beautifully sketched figures at 1qu CAR Last Honda is number of min llgdllï¬gpAt Royï¬dxlictoiflzm ospitli NY and 505W and 19 Chilfl istors were stints of the club as the Barrie ml Doc less to Mr umi Child were sketched freehand by an introduction was made to the Rnhsrt Home HR Sim talented young artist thirteen Crusade or Christ which will oall arIi MacriimsoNw noyni Victoria Has yeand andl Abnlinl whom be sponsored in Barrie next lsi Barrio ion Dec 17 im in Hillcrcst gained from Codrington MIMI mean Bume of me Isiah4 ggihxhn in the recent Grade Eight class program the using of Ham EV McftftTlgElyriAtoglnéanle vligtorliï¬cnor room move er James from ottnwn omen Blah 3k Bin gt and mm ccmm vim only been in all gaged in evangelistic worlr IorD IPA $5975 OWEN STREET Miioiiigliiiiioflimmiohimnooiiii country for two years but her Billy when ï¬lmma gt The speaker wnéRev Leighton Bunch 1mm SALON Is OPEN Egr3awnï¬za SVMMIOvIEPDrm 33 gheflamldldwmémllvtiafgr Ford native at Toronto and 28 Victoria st Phone 565 THE PUBLIC Young 373 dulhm our workon the faces in the stun educated in Chatham who now gt onenaMisxiLM noxyoLVIciori Hos ning stage backdrop for Thurs lives in the United states flit1 ï¬nial 013 timing tu any nigh ham and haul mo Mr Ford began by explaining cniirchiii dughirr gram Along with other Grade the purpose or Crusade no ir you bin nor man rannaaannt Royal Victoria Hm Eighterg and Grade seven Pupils said when Dr Billy Graham was 13 fvmiï¬ Â°gcflï¬gillw€vï¬lï¬Â°nn° the young New Canadian painted in 613580 he 35 513 WWW St our twinsi to ion andnanni twelvefootMndonna and Child read lictGlasgovAfluurishBut ori nail this si in read Let ill Yb BAN stub £1 no sï¬nalnsggAt Egglimvllltgfluroil 101 °Mayin1hhgÂ¥grgf 323 gt GlssxgowyFlourish by the preach AND Actuni are rrréiiifn um Mn novis Sandcrlon in Cm gloss cathedral windows ing offlods word and the pram wicks Court Ian nun David ing oi His Name He said some ll winiilisvliyrioï¬nngï¬i i1iiie mom ligeotlglggmiflg town may thing similar was true of the and nou Waliwin sophi Charm inundationgon which our nations amen st ansf daughter Janie an girl on the cover the Deccm were tounded The original pur 9° To mars scnoon oannmns WANAMAKlltAt noyoi Victo Hos Do notiet ns ori kvof memento ii iï¬Ã©sriiuiieiécuofï¬nniitï¬is mt melamine iii 5°$1=°= iirnbiihiï¬nPm Toronto st Barrie daughter the mother in modcl family and objects of the founding pm um wu mi3 SEN Now FOB minnowsr AND SAMPLE LB 50 wtlmï¬igklynnimm mm mg The eighteen yearold Toronto others He used as an example tal Barrie on rm is mo to beauty and her younger sister gt cut flowers in vase which with Eserlcan schoo net 54 Mn Warner so nuniop used to spend the summers in er and diebecause they have no 14 Homewood Ah gï¬dï¬liï¬ogflgï¬ Emma Barrie visiting her grandpatcnts gt roots to sustain them Cvilizs WWW an woopAt no Victoria Hospital ME and MH William Cale 24 tion was like that too The Banlo an co is Mo to Mr igtaei Street and her uncle and strength as Inclyriiigindlidwood an aunt Mr and Mrs Del Cole 73 lathers cametrom their trust in WE 5m God Most 01 our modern demo lme Daughter of Clarence Cole is cracy came out at Wesleyan ovan an Grenlel native and former resi elism and doe croonal dent oi Barrie he attended coi ralg WWW hum View legiatohere Ann was born in mmmmnnnmmmm ï¬glifotlodnztm°gur6yj 121 viesi 1m gigveléolgagl aViyctgiri limiting gig OFEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ILL pm i°sMi imam who with he may He THURS FRPYAATURDAY LL Pm ff bars in mouth year lather operates service station send me man Indelthont ooiintion and oreglghl my In yourï¬uhvschm um pas booklet and Vice It the Thames Funcfll in the on ProElms as Sole mgï¬lfoï¬lgdiixdEmiggeï¬aflmé As the star story recounts the MM which aha ha been Md We VALDA ABOUNS recent arrival in and School association Thursday evening ggi3v31VfJiIPWminigï¬sMgfxnit Kg iggmmgwhlfmng 32ml Canadatrom Latvia at woricon the he Théyalntinig of theModqnnannd Childis an oifnginieuliiï¬hgfhrfiifiiéstgmf nineteen into partrtimetelevis 531 mmw demp 1° Hflicrestimlor 1219 my Easting the Cook Ftinonlhgllomc ion and magazine modelling work pupils concert performed or the honor Xlln°nii nighrrmgbewbghe my at resses mi tsik1trmtes menc 9e nine vr gaging 3155 ï¬gmetég $0 her debut as model atdnur 3192235333 $73 DYERTJSE THE rBARRIE EfoNER GRAHAMJWBIHI on and mm weeks and has worked steadily he Mr Downng came 535 is loss is ever since Her icture ears the inte 13131 wr5hnnm sing on the wtnpplllgp ot pgï¬uia Hekm 70m 10 blue Bob o1 Mrs Andrew learnon Barrie Manniflzr Who hubfln With Emlmflxtaflmg ad Tang loop iirm sinwthe beginning of March unit who isirriI or scsnr co Mann mm Wednesday Dec in at run In bury at the beginning at the year °° with his wife and young daughter 36 MULCASTERSTREETBARRIE FOR l9 to take over new company terrin tory Mr Bowling will supervise tine xliltusirirnzhorilliia and Barri ANDERSONWe wish to extend our strc or rm martini thanks and appreciation uï¬fgfemaltiifï¬llhhsgigoltgerï¬ii ngCTION 0F STYLES heretolam the nursing home 13 Mb F550 051 Arm MATERIALS whereshe has been convalescing 55 tmtttns or some time She is residing at 11 fr mevmm 0119 ï¬n 710 15 roiri ï¬ning New squnn to the next why dowe always ANDllo 10 20 Th ointment oi BK take mild ttlfler face DEC 19 gt ow AM ling as Euler representatirlzz with ft ifluï¬boidtï¬ouiznal ï¬gsim$m Soémi ï¬ï¬hiï¬iciï¬wflffliw Uneimantellsénbthrj SAT DEC Borrow with confidence if mismatch mm TURKEYS ones DUCKS The word gets as one another about HFG help you sciyr your money probicirisi bcthcryon need expert counsel aboutyour ï¬nances from our nu EGGSv iookie ildcncc in HF Canadas ï¬rst and most im and venomous lousy inflate 09s undyiloérbllnno ID eocuuowooamm