Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1956, p. 5

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ElmIV ELECTRICIAN Irldfisl or run wort APPLY CANADA LTD BAfimE ONTARIO 1140 um wruted to reroooill hr Ill Do mu Includrd ply Home Appllnnee shop lIul MICIANIC Apprentice Illh all hoilml al ctr and truck APP Box Blrrh bummer Ilulu I8 Glrl lol rnenl house no help wlln Enroll children leQJn aneu mum Phone PA want In Rldley Mir unplug demonlo or trelned mooduhlc Starléml eov cach re and euro BNIkwell PA woo IIDJOlu ASSISTANTBookkeeper Iy In rome uperlenee or central once Good malllom Other henellu wnle plr lleulnn to Box 5d anrrle Exnmlner ImmNA hooum AccouhunIJor loch ounnen wlth ruto experience pre Irma Able to hrndle lrdrer worn Dannalily Pemrnenl Box 55 Burl nrnlner 1121 Im cLAu Ehxlneer ornrlnrind welthm duuu on nllenul hlrhl Ihmo Good worklnl eonolll hr Uru nl beneath Hourlnr evenole fly Illa Herpeler Purnlture co th lerpoler0nt lmlu 10 Au BALISMEN or women II you one am work or dlurllrlled wllh your prerrnt work why not coll end qu over how you can he In hullneol lor younell wllhpul Invero In lot or money We hove men women eernlnn ram 5ooooo lo on yearly Crll on IT mole Avenue hrnle end nlk to Roy run between oclock my on Ile wul he nod to ehow you how you my he euecueml Cnr euentlrl llwm POSITIONS WANTED Emma orfl I°l een renee oe PA Mose llalu In EAflglegrlbg lnlnnu to on In Ive PolnuyPA Mm 21 PAnI rim worker rllrhle utter pm Ior nlehl Experienced cook end oloo experlented In clerlrrl work nor do nnrrle memlner zllzlu WANTED QUANTITY OF CINDERS DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNE srnlzrr Phone PA 872907 HIGHEST PRICES PAIDV tor OSORAPTMEIAIB WW BATTERIES Phone PA 86331 or PA 66487 we Ilroruu lee herme ehdllelo roll prelntorelnx INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dumbest Wen Pornolo Phdné PA 68831 or PA 87204 rflqrrie Metal Salvage mmnmmwnr ammo mes BATTER FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY WSVWbfinghdwwrgd Iia Barri stun PA DIE gum PUSHKOFE rord anfilfiggfifmfiiifi can CABINET wrntedPhone llrII stroud alter flpm 31qu BABYS lneh Chllr wanted In dood condltlon Phone heeton 55m 31qu PAmoP shl Boots rerulredrlze nndSlrlI to Ilt lor omrll boy Phone PA polls sIlotr =5 PROPERTY WANTED GARAGE WANTED In MlpleRou d1 rm Phone PA H024 33139 POULTRY zqoo RIRX ts fPULLETS HWeek old Dec slooPEIt BIRD pm per day thereafter BEAUTIFUL BIRDS RIDLER MILLS LTD NEWMARKET ONT TELEPHQNES rwmg new um 141 Blliinesn Opportu gNEWMODERN SERvIc STATION rt home SI Her 29 41 VrDonhId st PA m7 zo alumna DPPlas currorhl YORKSHIREBOWE one only run Inralnmn short ol redo lndrnlll BRQADLQOM My Dun tru Wynn nu All adult All em whitt Inn PHONE PA 11 USED SKATES 139mm SOLD EXOHANGED onwasaoxinnm unpponoo st lordmm RUBBER mnrbonnm WEAYMOUIHS 300 5T0 PLACI BUY 3000 USED CLOTHING lKrnl Llle Chlldrenl War THE WARDROBE mvxca To In YOUR Usrzn gmnulls ron you 1nd Hoopu nunlop st went urnnee between curl Brown no end sorrlrrm Jewellery Inn III eloIhln the noun oofréleen nolnrood repur we wlu Iryto all It ror DUOJHERM OIL HOME HEATERS hullt Ior lull rotomeue llvjnl sum AmAcrlvs mm rum to 53000 BTUl ether modelr uo to mm mm MVP UP TO 57 all run cosrs BARRIE AGENT BALFE SON PA um 12 BAYHELD ST 7lm stn SKATES Good selection Urryl so Brynnld st 11354 Is SCOTCH PINE Ind Spruce Treel Dellvzred Phuna PA 30597 Illllfl UEBEC Enter medlum Ihe Remn ly prlced Phone Slroud Jail1 IIBN MANURE lor ule cheep Arply skyLine Polml Con la Inn Inl 71014 llorPolNr medch stove In worhlnr order Prlce 50 Apply maven Hold USED HM wnler lurmce Ind ou burner ln 100d condlllon PMij Strand 7135 CHRISTMAS mars Low price to wholesalers A591 129 Henry st Phone PA Bm 713 MANS svenlng Dreu sult Ihe 42 tall In excellent condlllon Phone PA 34950 otter pm 2145 SCOTCH PINE nnd Spruce chrlstnur lreel Ill llxes Rel Adlmlr 19 Mc allIn PAIRS Poyn shrtes rim ind Glrll red jncket one 11 Home even rlxe ll Phone PA $131551 aml WIndnw sub pence per wlndow 13 19 Swlnllnl duh Ind Irlme anlay Tax phone PA1Biggtlé MANS Block Iur Cont In good can dltlon size 4244 us Also led bnhya high ehllr Phana on 5514 142143 DUMONT Clblrlul TV used mohtnl ocluxe Frlzulllre 95 cu It you old Phnne 252w suyner Alrport scrvlce Slotlon 440142 UBED sAsll wIIh llnl doors rue vmrteh Ind Inlecelleneour on dlnr Inlterlnlr Apply on job Lekevlew mlry 1141142 SANTAS cnrlelmur Tron Ire here rzeln no end up We dellver See Them at Cnseyl Holly or phone PA 36361 llum TARPAULKNB newnnrldluei or axle Worrferl rnrpoullnl ror IILpurpolel Bnrrle Tank Awnlnl Cm phone PA 04314 71374 CHRISTMAS Traci scotch Pllle Ind Spruce Cnll Howell Pnrtrldze PA 432 or c111 at Pay zst one block en Mulcuter IMlHG =r seen AND FEED llAY AND smAw ror role We or llver Apply Ken Glllord Phano Lelroy 11m Illlawn 150 BUSHBLS of good when lax nle Phone Barrio aura or plf Wfllhh RE Shlnw Ely 13 1414 DOGS PET STOCK nAcrlsrlUNh Pup lee Ior Tera wuh old PhonePA olelo all141143 iscoTcfl and Bonnier Crass Col Apply DIV Mulzr RR Bl Phan PA undo adIAIIfl hEAGLE Pure ll weeks well bred reuonnhle Also one ndult romnlee gentle ohll lift oe well Java hunter Phone BABY BUDGIEB Cm rtrnln Slur enteed melee $895 Also Gal lleh Troplphl Pleh SInrlnr Clnarlu Aeurrlunn Ind sup Llu rt Horne Flowers 99 Dunlap lt IIvESrocK FORSALE lo F0 VEALING Phone no no In dress WEEKS OLD lam oro FIGS Inner led Phone PHI Webb phone ti 1514 91 PIGS month old nleolo Plgr Elk old AP Elihu phone PAW mm Llano chunh Phone 9141142 chole rry Wennllnn nd 45M Cookotown Lazaro PlIlm maul Ind srrlnnervltolltelnr rude grid urge veeclnrted or blood wth wnrrhntlIf Phone Ioee Cochrne lml Vstrou yo on me ll mm cow end em du aflpunbmfll lrelh flaruvlrfll rro en thln month Also leney holler due Dec ple breedlnlé vrcolnrted ml 1904 Mm 38142 3513 Ill 41 mm or $16900 FULL PRICE DOWN BALANCI ON IOR1OAGI WI noun In true on haunt ully rum downton Immanu poorer rlon cal lnnell CIMI PA um $1499 DOWN PAYMENT $83va PRICE room rtorey end lull home he mungI decorLed throu hour Clem lne rdwood won undry lune new lumhlnr Pull burner hrld lot Prlvue drlve rue cell coron rI PA mu Ws HOME heruuhllly mulled wlth oenorrmlo View overlook the BILL lunch llyle hunnlow WillIr hunched In enrolled oreolecooot plrlllr uler ruerut lo promtone nun doclorf llwyor Th on undlnl home man be lold Ru Vllnd up Ill emu Total uorlflce prko HIM nemnlole down rymenl Cell hen Pleu rt PA ow $2900 FULL PRICE ounruowhun llvlne roomnlee kn ehlnelle Bx hi1 Int ndjncenl In No 21 nuhwry outh ol Iown Ab mluleb In ll be lolfl CA EEK Plan ll PA 664 CODRINGTON AREA 512700 du lex too lee lhr togglcle ltehenr Ru III ll yen old brick home wlIh all the In And In excellent eondluou any It and let ll or null llrulnn an arm Shelwell aI PA um Consult Ridout on ALL REAL rsrAr RlDOUT Whelher Buying or Selling SEE CLIFF BROWN REALTOR FOR Home In Battle Dlstrlcl 03mlle PEOPEBIIES APARTMENT HOMES ONJLA HOMES coon SELECTION To almostz Plum PHONE PA 8207 CI Brown Hmld Filmer Chlrlle Rend CLIFF BROWN RMLIOR 31 HIGH ST IT WILL PAY YOU HENRY ELRICK MICHIE REALTORS 15 Owen St Phone PA 85583 OFFER COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE BUYING on SELLING IMORTGAGE LoANs NATIONAL HOUSING MAI INSURANCE oAPPnAISAls Henry Elflck ee Mlchle rtehorn IoImo McGOEY TQUGH IEAL mull oe augmnsa nnoxlms Qcolopetent neaPErtnto servloe Excllldl nd eonlldentul mung Pelvte end NIlA muman plus spuzhky rervlce onh In Ielllnl prlme Ineome Ilgmee ITO Ielecflon 01 Inn And mull ho dloeo Businul rope erlunl hotln reryicewfl 1° mm McGOEY TOUGH PHONE PA 33442 nun Rand opp nowunz Glenn 15110 KELLOUGHN REALTOR Pro 511 am IMHTII fixated PArkay 84869 1514262 COUTTSi Real Estate Broker greet ego coNsULT usonfi Low own Pmellhlloum Plonr ouchore or Propertlen 0n lood hIrhwpy em ol prrrle For vnP BUYING or SHEINTI fiiififim hr n1 corhpletr PoUNoLnrlze blnckpnnd whlfe Colllq WEST END $10000 In Immuulnu heeutlmlly un modem menhymn hum rnel uvlnr room urn room and bathrvpnurl need ur ere Low um clI Pore hard neolnu phone PA um EABTAEND $930l1 bedroom bu near uhooll rod blu Only yem nldrl renl money rover Only lnrémt on per monIherrlcr ln end prl velpd luduxu Conuet our com EVeIIInn phone PA Arm an VERY CENTRAL 58900 bedroom hunnlow Llrlo Unholy Nlco llvlnx room Ind nm porch Wllk down town In ll mlnules Do nun lnlr very nondy location Don Cornell nenlnu phone PA 1176 £500 down MHIES SOUTH OF BAR Rm FULL PRICE $690 um down rlver ll orlrx home beam mnfauf In room dlnlnn mom nnd rounder kllcllen All null deeorutcd mm uIee Io nrrlcuht on huhwry Cull Percy Pord Evenlnuphone PA um $2900 FULL PRICE room chphonrd home will turn nr ere good rrrrlen Eur lot ed Jolnlnl rel Datumyou hue eonI lore Cell Dnn cannon lven llll phone PA 57101 URGENTLY NEEDED eenlrel looIlon We hove huyer walllnz you hlve eueh home first ronrlder IclUnr pleere all our WE ALWAYS nsz MANY arm LISTINGS Only kw till 33 shown In our no nt re turn so ll yamlo rlnl lee Um you wllnt herl urt lull our omee durlnr the lily PA on or avenlnn phone Percy Ponl PA soul evenlnno phone Dlm connell PA emu CALL US ABOUT Bulldlng 101$ Summer eounru Inoome produelne horne doomed 3559 homoAn note town end eoun oPrlns end nereue INIIA homes wlth low down rum eol Phone PA Mall dryilmnf RJ SLESSQR Real Estate SloreyJ or bedroom home In LACEYtI REAL ESTATE MondIylrldny Saturday Jug RESALE MU TBE sow OWNER LEAVING TQWN Three bedroom brick home larle kl chen with Abundance 01 $me opoce lrrgo uvlnr room wlth pleture wlndnw hnrdwood rloorr Ihroudhout our place Ille lanth lull dlvlded buo5 meht lnuhdry In forced llr oll eoulpped wlth lumlnum rtormn nd rcreenr umle num norm doors lully lnndruned lot Iront end renr Thlr on exceUent buyItI ammo Loenled lnthe sun nldrle nord nren No rnlnry requlroI menu necessary on thle one For In ropolnhnent to are ht home coll PA 552 ms hum BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LACEle No OBLIGATION PHONE RAB5298 HOMES 01AM momma SUMMER PBOPERTEE 1184 ST UT=T REAL ESTATE BROKERS When Buylllror Songs the Illmum clll Ls Sluultv 1111 at ml emclent confldenflhl lervl REAL ESTATE BROKERS l02 DUNLOP ST WEST oulce Hours9 on top pm PHONE PA 85901 lollz NEW Mon hedroorn home nenr Hlllerest Sc Write Box 51 Burma Exnmlnpr Iollz sIIIALL no home wlth Irme nor ale on figere lat on 7L 11m 0ro neér owey Iy Slmon PA 34178 brPA 103 45131th FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLES make your Chrlrtrnnp zln delicious Molnlonhpfielle FlurBoltla Grunlrlzs call ottuwny comer Peel and none Phone PA 54139 zwrezmyanen LOST AN POUND ed to Lotl Con 12 Mixing hone Mamar lvlu munmun end Thu Hound moo clnrh Drn steuo Phonr do wth Ihort tol rle meht modern bedroom pertrnent nt GoadIr mm milWM neurone een PA some lslulu loo lrro ml mmhoPA halo maroon Hons2 In out 154 In ad rum not 151111 relrngomllnedi baled Illa mud one gum lsluIu Iloumiunmrnnhed end rooolh Irdde eohvenleneen Phone rum tlw 151Ilr1u 00915 put lurlllshed lvnflabla Immedllldy CM welcome Phon PA $3541 lfllflfll FURNISH Aplfllfllm Ill nCnlAlyIflerlrn leuui IsIeglu ell heeled hxnno lower net Luhr whal lncluded App nor to st hlllALI Apertnlenr electrle nova Worhlnr couple preterred In nunlo sI West lolloI Room turnth opnrtment shore oethrooln Sepmlc enlrrnee Phone PA havle IsluIu BOOM mmhhtd Ivmmenlz IMO room mmuhea menl 81740 Iflet Pm flu noolvls rrl uhmrnlrhed 3rlvele ooh rArlenmo nomdlele hone PA was noools Ila bilh Sellme enlnncl Unrumhh Avonole now Afva 22d nuhlop st Wat 151 l5 ROOMS hellrd ll Ml central Pri vlte hill Girl emu mm Lob Ilwm Appl olller Sl 151 Puansllr Coltre ylnterlred hot Ind cold Sour Phone PA em or nl It hurton Ave ltlltlu PAnIMn unmrnlehed room oAull ln euflgoerdo Vetmt CenLnllY loceted Ph no PA Mm Ismlu BED on modern houre nerr IIllloresltI all Blurrngoor llrngsllhle wm oi 1hifl14S EA RD bedmm modern Iprrt EHJJN cbnvergelurlflAsllAllagla run ro In slrouol one PM Ind 1th lblufl Imam mbdern new cotter nn urlll on Ponunlon A3361 Ph Inole tenn gum on ertment well rurnllhed hem AdullJ only Prlvote entrlnee ery centrrl Phonl PA lamm ht duublo room Ior two an lanpfifi 1n on lumIu mmhhed clone to hu or mumd couple or Phone PA MN 15 Buflon 1514 12 LARGE room And orlh healed Prlvelo entrrneeond ueronde Ample pnrllnl one Phone PA evenlnu All1151 uNPUnNIsluln heeted unto enlrnnee bathroom oreeulon neeo ehle rent Close to Phone PA Iu 1513944 och roomhauu In country rooul mile north or nrrrle on rnow plowed rond Slnk hydro 1nd on wnler Phone PA 89555 151 RELIABLE on new unturnlnhr ed hedroom unnlow all modern convenlencel rr phone PAMIlo UNFUBNIBHED Apnrlment nnd both leeted control Avuhhld now Adult prelerrtd Apply to ckfll Dundonlld 5t 14qu APARTMENT unlurnlrhed room nvnurhle lmmed tely Pent Ln uder nert and hydro One or dren welcome Phone PA 36182 IoIulu norm unturnhhed modern kllehenette eonw etove heet llght ruoplled norms eou Ir prelemd Phone PA who lolu noon Apartment In new hom hented reprote entrance Adult and nhstulnerl only Worrlno callxk lore lerreo $55 monthly Phone ILMLN MODERN Horne ror months onlu plpmy Iurnlrhed hated Rumour exchlnged Ahetnlnerl ndulu Very eentr 3px BurlIo Eumlller IoIIzltl UNFUflNIBIIBD clun room rpm ld It helllm Ill 33th all BOII chudre Phone PAHM nner lhllzlq WELL HEATED Aplrtment downtown room Prlvlla blur ontrnnce ln lshed ore unlumllhed One chlld eonrble room home 55 Manual 1511115 ROOM heeled Inhlrnllhed Iplflr mem Avnlhbll BC 15 Slhlllbla for room up lmmedlula room Iglflment wILh allll LOWBE Duplex hehteddown town ml one bedroom1irze llvlnl room mtchen orth large run room nvde Inn Phone PA penlelt Drive Phyno PA 34767 191 Pumanzn Rooms helled very eentrnl Burlneu couple prererred Avullnhlerlrnmodln ly 73 Hllh st Phoné PA 885 Iller PAD pln 151414 Pumsmlo hed lulle room wlth leltehenette Unen run shoe rup ued luant rrl alrlo prelerred lock rrom Jnlln realm Phone PA moo 151142143 1noowl home to luoezln ruldentlol oectlon mny mode excellent condltlon oll turnco 1y Ileknon Motorr paintwo nrt I5 141 DUPLEX eentnl ropilu olectrlerll cdulpptd Hut not we nd nundry fixultlee rupplled apuonll ulll Pho PA PP tar Gun 31 moDnIIN completely roll tuned wllnr halted locrtlon or ehlldeeu Avonole home late hone PA um 151040 LAnad House ted until two bedroom dlnlng llvln room mteheu rge orement cenlrllly loo ted non hooLVPIlvlu dnve Avnllrolo Dec IoPhone PA 3171 lomlu DOME hlu ollleuflfln kllchen huntIn lounde hour oollo entrgl welcnmn cupborrd Hum 33 couple wIIh one chlld Appbr Kem W5 1591fl 15 rpm mm mm Om SNOW PLOUCHING hIquwAvé Punk um Ire gm AGENTS WANTED Io hAnrA arro binlnm In hood Plufllll WI 07 51 to rum uprooted IoIIetrlu modtdneo eullnnr spoelifr fifimflhwufiemlofiéi In eommlmlon ratedd Irro Dept also st nuoert Montreal eImu Accommodation Womad 10 Roll at Borrlo 2x axnhoom Hon lh or our nor PEONE PA 85307 rl led our nun couple who In lnh School Apply Bx mlner Ilmotl ELECTRIC MOTOR 13moflrhluhfié3roufil SERVICE on rodm oer eontlnedwnh nvrIe entrnee Phone PA 55971 locrl zls Mg helwecny un Ind l0 pf PERSONAL éfignali F14 nulmr couneelorChrthIhr mu sun an odd nuko up uvnunhle nor mm your rendered Buuly Coun IeIor Irrr urry Prlneo phone PA one Ior hool oervlee or enll rt Prederlek 51 home wmll coNIlDlluNa hummus Armrow Ploor Worm Ituhber end Alph rlt mo ounoleumr Mc WI 1110 rnnll mobbed onenu rloh end poor dy écru ulou mercy sunnone Pox lcknlv Poet ortlce wmnh allml Pm Mlmllel fi=== ROOM BOARD ROOM on Room Ind Bond lint end Phono PA ml Drm gt ROOM AND BOARD or lulumen DR WOODSTOCK thanmmlhéséaai regal BAYWOOD Animal Hospital PLEASANT ROOM In Ell end 14er Ind Smhll Anlmnh Ill Toronto town or rent proleullmll or bus nesl punch Phone PA GM lzIull DENTISMBN lo ohm room lh In Included In each Phone PA between nm nnd === PHONE PA 85792 FARMS FOR SALE $I4000 Small Down Raymenr slx room luma hollle Inrao burn rtone loundltlonno Itres com hardwood Ilrlnnte hry nnd pulure About mile nqrthml herrle rnllcr not or rl thvuyeh APPLY 6139 YONGE ST WILLOWDALE or phone IlAanm 12152 sIlolu MASTERS Concrete Contractor noon PIlemNa SIDEWALKS RETAININGWALIS snPIlc lANIts Poolmas PouNDAIIoN WALT MACHINE nmsrllzn Phone PA 66115 WE cleaners hone tonl my type for plckup terrace Illresolutely Llillan Chlolun gtRIIPrloozlnr WAVE 2° NOODLE Sour 221 AAP gKEICHIlP Iv Prlet SHAVE GU chdl43f filNGER Ali Yahlzilfif INSTANT COFFEE i°n° PER+RIGHT1MEAIS RK WINNER 14545 FILL END Alla rt roamed unmmlolm on 315$ onllunlop Phone 1314514 EleclriltilMoIors SAT DEC 15 53 won at Ph PA aaaoo FLOOR COVERING lazuli Supflled Ind wad WOLFENDEN Ploni PA III HWY 1527 NORTH GILMORE MOTEL onulo snvlca rll mrhee or Vrcuum We llnve bl for ElecIlolllx hflflfl PA 3W1 5127 Rig Frlco or ISHAVE 20 gt Inrut MOIAW bmlA nun gt nil11 IOIIOAGI wmgd on no em land tlrooo Apply Box II name lorel Xlner alenu SHOOTING MATCH Lyllonfr rem serylte sullen MIDEUFST CORNEIIS SAPprep 15 me ll lulu rhouunr only omIp ShoOfing Match Turkeys pm SllARP INSIDE SHOOTING Highway no 91 El SIIOTOLNS ONLY sArunnAv one Is Clerenee drownr Demon pm lnrlde snomnu Ind ruler wlm Iron hllu ollrIu snooIma Mulch ror turkeyr nee III or 12I end oholrunr llz nly thotrun rhellr upoIled or Wiley ll lloll ND 90 Hllhwly SOluIu By ylrtue wrrrnt lnued hy me under The Llndlard nnd Ienrnt Act also low cm 852 hlve rolled Ihe good enrolIntel or clen IId Ind Jeen arulhler tenrnl ol the granule known or Lm North 81 when Street In the V111 ll Thornton ln Ihe County or mtoe wlll mu role by puhllo nuc non ennuih the node Ind 9h loll to recover rent nwlnl to the Irndlord nlur east and oxpeneel or more Walnut some Table All duher an xltohen ulenlllr Bookcuo open Your Led mottre Sprlnl nd Mrtlrere lime Chest 01 anon Grey Chesterfield hoor lrhl lelrh et lm nodrcrr sllvorw llon Prltorneervlce Ior run 1v Sel on cycle mother Mnnl lrlvelllnl sue wlll he held SATURDAY nzc Ivllllzn lllp5o rt the hour 011 on the prcmlm known or Lot Slmcoe Kennnd ruldenu TERMSCASH JERRY COUGHLIN Ahrtlohoer DATED It llnrrle lhll lllh dry Lo December 18 CUWAN COWAN unfllordl Solulhrl 1411 chocoLATIsf 34b 56x1 99 JANE PARKER TIIIIIT CAKE Slbrivl2 =====fi=i SHOOTING MATCHES Gmery Sloro Illd Sllvlca su wlth 35 North sloo Robert Street In no Vllllle ol Tllurnlon 1n lheColanml MIIILILL DEAN tLlr llelllm loltzlq llllllllFS SALE

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