Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1956, p. 19

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CQURTESY SAVES LlVES Belng coun tqnsis one of the most essential prerequiii ites in safe driving It is shown in healthy sharethoroadfititude TheYdrlver above Educationfor Safety How Smart Driver Arfloili EDITORS NOTE This Is the fourth in series of Illus trated articles on physical and psychologin factors that make you sateor pm tentlnlly unsafedriver The articles are provided in the publlc interest by Shell Oil Company of Canada lelb ed through an arrangement with the authors Herbert Stack and Leon Brody dir ector and research director respectively of the Centre for Safety Education New York University Every day drivers with mil lion of accidentfree miles be hind them go to driving school Theyre truck and bus drivers taking refresher courses The idea is to keep their safety re cords perfect You might find driving in structors help worthwhile too evon if youve been driving for years Do you have trouble passing Does it take you lot of manoeuvring to park parallel to the curb Are you satisfied with your turns or do you swing too wide Ask driving instruc tor to ride with you and point out your weaknesses good in gt structor is like good golf pro he can help you correctyour difficulties Tips on improving At the Centre for Safety Edu cation we have trained several hundred college teachers of drivA er education and about 4000 high school driving teachers Theeanen and women now teach thousands of youngsters and adults how to drive safely every year Here are some tips theyve found useful At least once year read your provincial and local traffic regulations If youdrive in other provinces or in the United States know their traffic rules Take advantage of adult driving courses if they are otter ed in your community lf youre beginner talk to the high school driving in structor if they are used in your community Watch how he teaches it your teenager is learning to drive read the hook hes studying dLearn to spoLother driv ers errors then make sure you avoid them Ask someone to cri nom ticize your drivingthcru may be fault that yourenot aware of Plan vacationtripzs care fully Stop frequently rest Share the driving when possible ll Try to anticipatewhat lhe other driver will do Keep your tear in good mechanical condition Attitude important its definitely possible to be skilled driver know the law and yetbe unsafe Part of driving education must include the teach ing of healthy driving attitudes Most traffic accidents can be traced to faulty driving attitudes Developing good attitudes takes sincere effort daily practice it depends impart on physical and mental fitness so youll be ready to meet any situation that may OCClll Highway Golden Rule it means being courteous good sport reliable attentive respectful of traffic regulations and considerate of the rights of others it means obeying the Highway Golden Ruletreat pe destrians and other drivers as you would like to be treated your self Its that simpleand thtt dif ficult And it adds to thisi you havc to put your mind to it if you really want to be first rate driver effort CHURCHILI Guests at Wedding Mr and Mrs William Richard son attended the McKeeHall wed ding The bride Elizabeth Mc Kee is niece of Mrs Richard son The ceremony was perform ed by the grooms father in the Episcopal Church Rhinebecir New York Purchasing Books Mrs Kinnear and Miss Sloan were in the city Wednesday pur chasing some books for the li brary From Toronto William Constable of Toronto was in the village over the week end Successful Tel number of St Peters ladies attended the very successful after lineartainty oi weather end roqd condi tions is the Christmas 6nd New Years Season approaches pieces maximum der to eye Stores and serious congestion at the in disappointment in our delivery service we respectfully request the assistance of our customrs You on help to maintainour services purchncingyohrraquirei men as early as poi le waves pedestrian harass thestréetife may lose few seconds but he hasaccomm llshed much more HOLLY Sunday Visit Mr and Mrs Bcntlcy and ildren visited on Sunday with formerir brother Mr and Mrs James Bentley and familyln Hamilton nas Meeting The HollyJiome andSchool Association met in Holly School Dli Thursday Dcc with 20 members present and large num ber of visitors The mcetiog was opened by the president Mrs Ortt with thc Creed being repeated in unison The minutesmf the last meeting were read by the secretary Mrs Bentley while Mrslrvine gave the treasurera report it was de eided to have skating rink at thb school Mrs Johnson is to get more information as to cost etc before next meeting The Home and School Associa tion are going to donate $10to wards payment of candy and pil tures at the school concert on Dec 20 it was decided that the Home and School would atarlalcen Town The committee in charge of looking after Teen Town Mn Lackie Mrs Campbell Mrs Brown and Mrs Downing They are to bring areport to the next general meeting on Jan It was decided to send donation to the Retarded Chil dren Fund in Barrie Mrs Johnson then introduced 301 11swelenrth4he wyHake from thePcebcomerv story of Music in Barrie who had 12 of his pupils and Paul Emms noon tea and bauar the Paulette sponsored on Saturday aftemuin in Stroud community hall Sunday Visit Harvey Longhurst of Barrio spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Matchett Mr and Mrs William Akers and family spent Sunday in To ronto GA Meeting The GA met in the school room of St Pauls Church on Friday evening hot supper was par taken followed by the meeting The president Phyllis Sproule was in charge Hymn Little Town of Bethlehem was sung and The Lords Prayer and GA Prayer repeated in unison The minutes were read and approved The secretary was instructed to send Christmas cards to the sick aged and shutins Next meeting to be held in St Peters parish hall Plans weremade for the GA share of the Christmas enter tainment The meeting was thentturned over to the convenerlgtidaBcam ish Hymn Lord Thy Word eth was sung and the wor shipLstory scripture and prayers were taken by Amy Keil and Elizabeth Beatty quiz bled names Pertaining townie study book reviewed the previous chapter The leaderqthan gave talk on The Rural Church written by Rev Road rectorvof Trinity Church Barrie Meeting closed with music and good night hymn Euchre and Dance The Chiiii Willis held aneuchic and dance in the community hall Friday evening The attendance was goodandnancing to Ross Ronalds orchestra enjoyed new To III ind an Jlfllea Lynn Mary and TeddyoLBarrie have taken up residence in the apart ment at the corner of Yonga and stone streets welcome is ex tendedto them by the community gapumal Service At St Johns United Church on Studs morning the ceremtmy of Infaat baptism was observed with DrA Reynolds officiating the babies £hristeneti were Ken oath Paul son of Mr and Mrs Paul Bartram and Aileo George son of Mn and Mn Morley Jame eron Back Borne The manyfriends lira John Kerr will be pleased to hear the returned home on Saturday from Panetang General Hospital but the will be confined bed for couple of months gt In Hospital lira Earl Rowntrecgvll admit ted wrenching Gene Hospital where the will undergourge We hope lhe will be home noon Santa Coming To Town his nnnuni visit to Elrnvale on Saturday Dec 15 and will have treat for all the boy and girls So make it ardate to be present Old Santa Claus will be making Christma treeeoneertl are the toplcof theday On Wednesday evening Dec 12 swarm St Johns Sunday School van Lian Morley Black in visiting with relatives at Montreal Mr and Mn Fred Langitatfe and daughter Cindy of Orillia spent Sunday with Mr Wright Mr and Mrs Lewis ol stayacr meat Sunday with Mr and Mn WaiterJflddicion Mia Goldie Jordan of Toronto spent the weekend with her par ents Mr and lira George Job don Mr and an Gama1 are spending few dus inPeterbor ough with Mr and Mr Cram frwin Tor onto spent the wcekendwith Mr and Mrs George Diekinsoii Mr and Mn Fred Cakes and son Mattie of Torontolapent Sun daywithltniif Deardaall New Bealdenta Mr and Mrs Fred Amer of Orillla have taken up residence at the corner ofQueen St Ens From Toronto Wilbert Greenaway of Toronto called on friends here last week Saturday Visitor Mr and Mrs James Fry of Nobleton were visitors on Saturday at the home of their daughter and husband Mr and Mrs Harvey Simpson Mr and Mrs Bridgeman of Weston visited Saturday with Mr and Mrs Alton Anderson Mother Ill ton on Monday owing to the ill nesa of his mother who is very well known here Succesafui Bazaar The WA of Rich Hill United Church held very successful bazaar afternoon tea and bake present who gave lovely pro pupils played many musicalnum bersauddeveral actuarclinit7 anus al well as several solo num on the electric guitar Paul Emms gave two very nice selections Mr Hake and his pupils were thanked by Mrs Rodgers large number of the senior pupils of the school were present to hear this very interesting program mittee in charge and social half hour followed Getting Better We are pleased to see Mrs hope she will soon be fully recov cred Breaks Leg We were sorryvto hear that Mrs Howcroft Sr on the 14th ccncesr sion had the misfortune to break one leg week ago when she fell on the ice She is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital and her many friendsxwish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Downing an family were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Poole at New toln Robinson WI Enchre Littles Hill vCoronation sponsored an euchre party at the home of Mr and Mrs Leighton on Dec Eight tables were in play Prizes were Won by Mra Brolicy Sn ladiesvhigh Bro ley mens highu Door prize Mrs Little Sr and hidden score Mrs Lackie Lucky tickets were drawn for the lunch set and ap ron The lunchvaet was Won by Abrahamof Toronto and the apron by lam Sanderson of Peterborough Committee to at sist Mrs Leighton were Mrs Gopp Mrs Collum aners Bentv ley In Hospital Linda Schellrla againa patient in Royal VictoriaHospital than SAVINGS DEPOSITS and Patterson street News unaliean Rance Delaney was in Bramp gram of instrumental music The Lunch was serted by the com Brimatin able to be up more We sale on Saturday at in the Sunday School rooms of in Emita Mn Walter Spichcr it patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliaton where she underwent an operation last week Under Doctors Care Bart Carroll nelof Tattenhama oldest residents under the care at Dr Male at tiara of writing Variety man The Variety Night tithelp the replacement of dam morbred by the Womenslnctitutm is huge success For two It tr Friday and Saturday week the town hall was filled to capac ity The doors were by pm and people coming late were disappointed and to ace the concert The first number were allotted to the senior public school with schema Emil and Mrs illiamson charge Ind eonair ted at banjosnlo folk dancing and dialogue There were five tsp dancing numbers of various age groups of which Mrs Lemirewaa in charge Miss Orian Abernethy played piano accordion solowhlch re ceived hearty applause Mrs Morrow and group of St James Otto aingera mixed voices won the hearts of all Mn Reynolds of Beeton Wo mens Institute gave readings in herusual good style Paul Tipping gave triinipet so los and was accompanied by his mother Mrn Wallace Tippingx J8 Doyle favoritetor his comic singing iagood oldvlriah style was there to help with the entertainment The promm was eoncldded by alrit The Old Family Album by Tottenham Womens Institute with Mrs Henderson land Mrs Hazel Walkem taking th more roles The special featureaforfiatnr day night were the Beelo Brown ies and GirlG ldll demonstra tions The draw turkey chickens and Chiirth cakewere in charge of Eeebely heal Mn ORILQATOWNSlIIP COUNCIL FOR 195 will consist of the above citizens Front rowleft Deputytlteeve Thomas Joalin rightReeve Manford Home Back row from left Councillorsmmer Howell Beer and Wilfred Jeremy At this years elect on Reeve Horne dcfeatedDep uty Elmer Johnson for the imp inald Cvrl Martin inmarnm Martin Luther film will be at Christ Church ivy on Jan 17 at ll prn Elected Reeve Congratulations to William Peacock elected or Reeve of Essa Townehip nd to George Davis Bl one ofthe Council at Esta Township for 1050 Batknow Mn Franciafiibson has returnv htera home Mm for the winter Christchurch we The November meeting of Christ Church Womans Auxiliary was held at the rectory on Nov in the evening with eleven present Meeting opened with hymn and prayera Mrs James McDennott gave the Bible reading Several nppala were read and voted $10 to Hungarian Relief Fund 35003ev4rley Lodge and $900 to logic House Mr Monks reported he was going to try The Intincturemmethod of Common ion on Sunday and if we were nullified we will have it in our church All reports were given and showed good balance Mrs HenryDavls gavethe missionary story which waa very interesting Eaten Davis presided for the election of officers for 1957 as Reeve JouphnBeKmd drew the winning tickets going to William Ward of Port Credit Peter Mor ris Tottcnham Phil Coalea Ath loac and George Wice Tatten ham Mn Wice convener and Mrs Morrow director of the voriety night asked Dr Gordon Graham of Ailirton former Tottenham boy and Mr Hunt chnirman of the restoration committee to replace the dam and Dianne Mit chéll for tbe presentation of cheque which exceeded $350 Dr Graham spoke ofbia boy hood daylund conunented on the protect Mrs Morrow read abort ad dress and Dianne made the pres entatioa to Mr Hunt who thank ed the anenl institute for their successful effort and good program Frank Johnson Mia Anne Kenny Min Reta Morrow and Miulrnn Jean Milcon were the pianists for the evening To them and to so many others who helped to make the evening success we any thank you so much economist nuances PEST roman You should man rm points In Name now animosity tagqu on College and the us new ongrleoltore as theses insecticide for livestock pelts on cattle bogs sheep etc LIQUIDS mutantate widen co me better amigo line etc than older pnwdm or dnltl fade to apply 1way were lizasmnchhrinsect uaed even in minimum dimer wwanralcas Howard aloer rowan lens for fdra Itwdtponnd duster It contains moans RUDE START FOR ford Hnwke office and follows Hoo president klrs George Davis president Mrs Jennelt vicepresldent Mrs Monlu aecretary Mrs Elwood Jennet trcawrer Mrs Harry Banting Dorcas treasurer Mrs Claude Banting Littic Helpers Mrs Thomas lee Living Messagc Miss Grace Dunnill extra cent day am William Lee Mra Eaten Davis recto nom inatth Claude Banting Mrs Wilson Thehortess aervad lunch and the usual social hour was spent over the teacupa Carol Singing Carol ringing on Christmas Evc in ivy Anglican Church School Concert School concert on Dec 14 in ivy Orange Hail Sunday School copied on Dec 21 in ivy Orange Ha LEFRQY ENTRY The new Lefrw entry for OHA intermediate play in the na tural lee grouping which includes Thornton Elmvale Goldwater and Dre got rude start in their first exhibition game Accord ing to the Aurorapapcr the Le froy team were downed by the local BelAirs mo rganiat Cmmcuiar Joalin defeated Councillorcnr for the deputys choir The three 1957 counoiliors received ncclnmn tion Mnnford Home will be starting his 13th termas reeve and Brigg are newcomers with wmred Jerrney who has beenin officethls Year Councillors Howell 0rllia Packet and litncfi Midland League Has Six Teams Midhurst Elmvaie Penctang and Waverley aiong with two loc al teams Name Platcrs andnnm biera are entries in thisyeara Midland industrial Hockey Lea gue Elmvale team is different from the OHA intermediate entry which has been playing to date in the Barrie district loop ll TllIlEllPT sans winter doctor tuneup will save gal and give better per formance from your car BODY FENDER work will prevent damage by worn and rusted spots Tworhopa to serve you cuffed by expert body re pair and refinish men Phone Ed Hagan Service Manager DiilltilIlililllll norms LIMITED Chev om canon as court or PHONE PA 82487 armors or warn wish to express my sincere thanks to all who support ed the at the polls during myreelection EDSOVN WICE Alderman WardFive mum picd i1q$on¢tu haw Holmiumu mu mus none of ma lies the masons it mum lhcnnmberof pounds of feed required to produce pound retainerdozen feed are the or nulicn of milk and the cottofthat reel gram of the worth of ration feed cannot herniated in of the cost per bag alone you can com onions PERFORMANCE or sonnyasm Week in and weekout at thesntileAlN Demonstration Farm SWAIN feeds are coartaatly being tested to prove their worth These pmmireeds are identicalto the feeds we nan right in our nailiJind because we manufacture them locally you at freshfeedlthat 0081 YOU LL For greater feeding profits see no feeds artisans noun nmnm cataract porn away about sunbeam scan

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