en in rich Ind 1y 6m ilioin r$rv2uliiur by lion DRIVER WAREHOUSE MAN YOUNG MAN 2532 vmn nipiuna mAnv ml nomunloym Apply in Peion to McCouLantennc Oil Co Ltd stud 51m 1iuiu ElECTRlCIAN EXPERIENCED IN lndvustrial Controls IOr nun inn APPLY MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LTD BARBIE ONTARIO llMlfl THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Offers You Sfeady Employment OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Pleasant Working Conditions Opening Now For TYPIST APPLY The Bell TelephOne Company of Canada Business Ofï¬ce 13 Cinpperton Sb Barrie 1110142 ilionl CLERK mllo Tempnrnry will 11 Todd Man stare 1111 GRADUATE Undorlfldulle orylrllned Pncllul Num or antral dilly In nirwood cmvalmnnt Lodge phono Mill BruinIll PA 34168 11404 lxnnlxncxn imalo clzrk required or loneri mounting Ind own work May viahounwerk ruli em vioynn heneiiu anointed uia uhonulo defraud upon qua ncnlinm no expr enoo Apply Box Barrie Examiner IIfl POSITIONS WANTED MWIUTING work don In own home Ill Ind elllolenl urvlu Phona PA 358 lIllu rcomnciAi sworn derirel pm limn work IRE school Ind Slfllrdlyl Phone PA was zm cAizrimnn lliru work mninielr Inc or work wi builder Apply Box 431 Burris Examiner ZIIFIAI CHICKS LnHUNTBIIS Ihow you how 1th Chickn will milk you more Drum on goal Arm Many recordllhow hon ekllb GIG less feed In more ERIK IN MI Ind milk you more prom Give In coil or urvice or when thinkinl chicks Phone or wrlu Hunterl Poultry Form SIrolld Md ZlIflblï¬ PERSONAL BEAUTY Counselor Chrllllnll KINI lkln core and make up Ivnlllhlo nnw lrnrn your fluttered newly Conn lelor Mn ery Prince pho PA was or home aervlca or At Fredorick st Barrie 30138 lrcormnznma MARRIAGE eon rim Innis Wollare by mail marlined me Over 0000 Eamon ucrecy mu Box 71 ichrna Port Oiilee Winni vet Ha Liyrsrocli FOR 5111 in FIGS ply Colyn nlil strand than or Strand oliiml BOAR 350 L35 AFFIY lnhn lined Con 151 lnnlllll Phona 11d Simud 910141 HORSE 12 you old dork colon John Mllulllk Con1 Lo 11 rnton 9141 due early Jum chunlu Phonn 914 41 Yonlmnml sow try warning Hr Cookltown YOIJNG reflflered Romain Cow lint frelll Eldon AIkInlalI Ill Elma one Mir Elmo 9H RENEWED Shorlhorn Bulk Choke red and room Priced to tell AP gig Willllm anlord Oro Sullon one In Oroi BIlllu now Your choice or is real or in Beer Or Dnlry typo Whit While Sow Jun would accept ulna teen lfhono llrli Cooktown mmwmmsem rolls BROADLOOM Imam Will Io Will PEONI PA um uéeo SKATES BOUGEI BOLD EXCEANGED AVllDS mo mun amt Emma RUBBER STAMPS mom03pm WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE run 10 hill GOOD USED CLOTHING lenl Llfllcl mlldml Wm THE WARDROBE mvrcx 10 nu YOUR 68m cwrmNo r01 You 2114 noonM ouniop Walt tnn betRn cut mm cand aparhun gone in clothinl rem 315 citn1 Ind in nod mall wo will in to all it or limr DUO ATHERM HOMEcllIEATERS bulk or lodlyl auiainalle Ilvlnl Elm AmAmVE 17000 to 68000 3111s other modrll up 10 76000 3501 SAVE UP TO 15 ON FUEL COSTS BARRIE AOINT BALFE SON IELD PA om BAY ST 1lflill USED SKATES Good electIon Urryl Blyflold St 1135150 15 score PINE And rue Tun Delivered Phone PA 1ililu IIBN MANURE or nia thop Apply Lid Con 13 Innhill Sky Line runnr Luna am all mi poled USED not water lurmco burner Ill load condition Sirond HOSPITAL on compinte condillnn lilo commode ch Phono PA m1 714110 KITCHEN hintilun iahie Ind our emua ieo boxv rtrel niility uhinet Phnnn PA um 11 CHRISTMAS mas whoiosaieru Apply Phono PA mi SCOTCH PINE and Spruca ChHlunll Incl Ill limi Ila Mom 29 Me Donna PA 53m 139141 cmunrMAs rreu lood varioty Fhonn PA 66391 or nay he lean ll 10 Kempnnlnil Drive Home 71 1251331 Winaow iii 1111 window 13 19 main IILII Ind mm Volley Tail phone rA um 711911 USED BASH wllh aim door 1pmce Vanloll and miscelllneoul ulldlnl mnertah Apply an job ukeview Dllry 71044 Arm cabinet rind in excellent conningé Also he ulna rial113 Ilium Iisilziii rAitrAUuNii new and um ior me We ront anpnullnl or all purpom nrrrio reni Awning Cn none PA 345 441 CHRISTMAS rreu scotch Pine 111d Svrucl Call Howell Plrlrldle PA M2 or mail 1t 13 Poyntz ans block east at Muiuaster st 1146 SEED AND FEED HA1 AND slnAw in sale We de liver Av 1y K2 Gillord Phono betray iniz loizuo Low 129 rlcel 1le AUTOMOBILES 54 METEOR SEDAN Henter etc One owner ear $200 DOWN to responsible party PHONE PA 87931 13149141 Buying or Selling in among late munhcigmm niflmï¬ or INSURANCI With complete insurance STEVENSON PHONE PA 8520l mm 81 ST Jpn PONTIAC DElIIXB one owner 53 1°ol nym lazornelslI °° izuimi WANTED AQ Ford Tudor Body min In gt1n good moo Enlino and trunk Inllllori not important Webten phono EMWZ Creenwr LIrfllvlfl nillllsroii liiliillfcililllilis Deadline ior Oopy ii p111 weeknuy precedingissue Am low nu mom women rmonfrA 4414 word min mum 80 Following consecutive insertions oi unorganian saintssoo ooo Word inlnlmuln 506 following consecutive insertions 20 wormmlnimumm WSIBEPAIDWIAEOIIDB 11 llon all luArthur ILPA mu ROOM 3mm gm mall Donn 1mm 71 mellenl funny hm mum lIvlnl mall modern hi or eu bond nu dlnlnl nay mu mo on wound floor Ind 1111 mi VIII all In Dont bill In oxmllon boll on Illlo blithely Iol Cull ornnn Shellie It PA Gull $1500 FULL PRICE lane mm viih ploniy or two nu room on lecopd oar Pull mount For lull Wuhfl Ill Runll CIHPB It PA II EXECUTIVES HOME mm DOWNBalance on one open morinu buy in ulirn moorro intn morn bunnlw compioio in only noun you aim hiuhen ruily divided blamed hot riin Alumlnum norn Ind oorr ianomped downiown immediaio Donation Pull lie clam Cali niluh Clmn It 411 $2000 CASH PRICE nunninv nun llvinl room nion uuhenetin Enr largo lax Idllrent to No 21 Huhwny noun at town Ablt roiutely mun be laid Cnll Bert Plait PA 664 COnsuIt Ridout on An mm ESTATE RIDOUT Whether Buying or Selling IUlu Ito SEE CLIFF BROWN REALTOR FOR Homes In Barrie District onusulrss morn11 APAxmm lion um Halls GOOD summon TO CHOOSE FROM PIIONE PA 82618 curnrown erolrl Pointer Chriie neni CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH ST BUYING 0R SELLING SEE BROWN IT WILL PAY YOU IBIloD HENRY ELRICK MICHIE REALTORS 15 Owen83 Phone PA 85583 OFFER COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE BUYING on 521an ouonruAaz LOANB INATIONAL HOUSING OGENBiiAi INSURANCE rrliAlSAls Henry Erick ll meme Ruan 15140 OH LACEY REAL ESTATE as noyiioia St P11 PAVE5393 unholymany In run Saturnny ii an on BEFOREYOUBUY TRY LAC EY NO OBLIGATION PHONE PA 85298 mom Ann womansun gum fornrntoir nail rA an Eleclrlcllly equipped Lioon on nilla hart ply Dava FARMS FOR $1 000 SméllDOw Payménf sum run but hmhnru tunanon iio gem len nrdvood Baum haylndpiflm About miles north oi uniHr mllll omol fl InJ no4 on 501111 arni ibiuu Au Inmo honae with mar onl Icmlolonluillflni oro near my Anply 511nm PAY um or v11 iikorsimr son arm 11Aon unhnied ll St vin tml Barriz Pp lsMlIu rulingt liglllk Ayplyr Iraï¬himuh en near an 919 lsiuul LKOOMS unfurnlnhnd around noar Clilldrrnvweknmci rhono PA 33945 15141 Illth 1311 mini Murgaaon an ran nbll one and RODS unrumilhed Ind Nomi livid eonvenirncta Phone urn NW 15104 Rooms part1 lumishrd ava Ihlo lnunrdintely mi welmma Pnon 14547 151 nova mL ixllé in r1 eou re un W3 lsimu DOOM untilth npï¬ï¬‚menl skin in Be Irv on rante onn Exhalio 151910 li BOOM unmrnllhrd lplrunenl Ap 15 Dunlop SI Elli Damn Phonn Ex 990 15131 well furnllhed hounkeepinl suli couple Centni Aduitl 151401 ant Ind huh LAMB mm Poona PA um BOOM lilrnllhed Ipn dvnte enlnnte hen ed AduILl only hone PA mi ISIWHI noun privaie uparinient on bill uno Illat5 WaltonphllflltPAluvniiw Pomona an on lSiioui LARGE ROOM furnished close to bill flop Suitable or rnnrflm couple or Ilnllo penon Phone PA Mm 15 Burion Avo isuiia FURNISHED or unfurnished Mm lrlinanli block from GE Soyu enlnnn All conveninncu Phnnn PA 5273 lbIfllfl LAMI room Ind both Pdllllo entnnca Ind venndl pnrklnl 32m rhono evonlnu AEflrl mom lumflhod lower duplex dowh lawn lulllnnted TV Included Pram Jul to A5111 H561 or PA 85450 munmmzn heated ronnu up Into onunnce ruiroom immodlnto amnion neunnihlorent Clash to roone PA Min mu unlnmhhed Ilarung with modern Itilchrnï¬ig Belelcnlrin rtove heat izn rupp ur eurnu pnlorranl mnofPA Bax154311135 we IIBAIBD Aprrtrnent dawniown room private hum entrance ru shed or uniurniohed One ohud ramble room home 55 MI Phnnn PA 151ml ROOM honed unhlrnllhzd lport merit Avnlimie Dec 15 Suitable for coll In with one chlidi Apply 38 Kent Den ell DrlvnuPhone PA H767 UPPER DUPLEX healed down lawn Inn bedroom large living room kitchen hath lnrze Iufl mom Avn Able Jim Phonn PA 34561 15414014 FURNISHED iRooml honed grog control nurlneu couple preie Avonhie immediately nigh Phone PA $35 after 539 Rm 1514141 ROOMS unlilniished modern lpllt meni oil heated large kitchen built In cuphonrd muna lionr Nnnr Arenl 10 month Phone PA 5508 lsuom BOOM holln to lello In exclusivn ruldmlfll notion fully modern III excellent condition oil furnace Ap Ely Julian Motors 149 Dunlfln 81 161504 DUPLEX upper cent rvonu HEI I10 WI ter and luunnry iaeiutiu supplied Dlfllo option Aduits Phone PA om Mullins bed AlliIn rnnm modern kitchen Private enlnllco Bverythina anluded For lenllemlll or huslnul BilIi APPIY 37 St Bil11¢ 151894 BEDROOM House and Junie un Iiufld unlurnllhed plus nlrnllhed lrtment which may be rented II red Near school Ind sham11111 Ready 25 occupancy Dec Phone PA is lsimlz CLEAN uniurniahea pprtmont roaml and huh iutchonem rem eutor nova link cupmrdr New decontedllo¢ water oil heated 01 noon Statute one Adult flamin en AVIiiIble cc io Plume PA 31 loiloiii ROOM ja BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Phone PA sow iliii italm AND noun ior or gentle menrnono m4 smudll ilzili DOOM 03 Room and Band nvnihhl Bute Phone PA 34391 IM pun 121404 BOOBK ANDBOARD or entlemen to rharn room twin bean Dunlap Ind landlord st PA GWM Iii0 riosr ANDI fouNn mSFBoyl Which at ArennMondny nmr church hocknynmn comm II Lune Phone PA ftihlll snAvnnIro Lot zii Con uni anaelï¬ had Ioi ï¬nale En you ï¬nd CW ml yv 439111 Leta Con 111 91191 Mu Sewilt 133 BTBAYlDFrom enmld Boll corcn rul Boudoi Croninrule miller 1111 Ill PAW ZZPUBBBEID Gnrtn Shflphlfl Pup pi ii month old Phone PA M551 Ill plum lri 711916 151139le 151 1141 inmiiz Arer ri 10ch 51 wwwnAu or phone BALDWlN L221 OMfllfl WANTED QUANTITY OF CINDERS DENNIS MORAN is ANN swam Phone PA 82907 smu iGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BAIIERIES Phone PA 60331 or PA 66487 We Ibo II MIDI rhnnncll no Snuonlnr 1311 iNDUSTRiAL IRON AND METAL Duan Walt Panda Phone PA 86381 or PA 87204 34w Barrie Metal Salvage 3011A IRON MErAls FUR mm RAGE BAITERIES mm LIVE POULTRY Our iruoin will 11 at price pald Special priced deuvrnd Phone Birth PA um Isl MAX PUSHKOFF AND conm Yard and Ofï¬ce 204 Turin st gt sim PAIR SK BaalI 1115 nuts lo for null boy Phone PA 88358 llfltl DEED Moron scomn niso ured record plryer wrnml Apply norm Burrln summon ui MISCELLANEOUS COLLECIIONS Newman wanri Cred Bun of Birth tor Phono PA H75 MUSKOKA WELL 9111mm COMPANY Wall drilled and cued no canned dr1llnn INQUIRIES TD BOX oAR ELIE EXAMINER SNOW lPLOUGH N6 DRIVEWAYS PARKING 1015 Phone PA 82907 91mins MORAN smti Electric Motors 10 R051 81 Barrie PHONE PA 85307 ELECTRlCMOTQR SERVICE ror Now11115 nun31 860 HAROLD HART Bnrrie lleétiic Milton en so Ph PA 82208 5451 Amman Hour GovHal EllbbnlI Ind Alpha ï¬lo Llnilleum OPhlflA WILL TIM low 511 11an mwnflln WOLFENDEN no Toronto st Phone PA um BAYWOOD Animal HOSpita Lirlï¬ lfld Sinnih Animal PHONEPAISS FLOOR COVERING nwv 24m NORTH millions 110m Girad Grid um Nummlurw may an du ed inlan hop on nanrn mansion of GM Ind loan st Burl In ii liegel mean oi rennin In Dunn iuieiiir cl Rinhmnnd nlii In nonnnuy Aurelr home In crimino un iDdtlD Kluhncr Hail nurh worm oi Bunk Wilma uni Norman oi Toronto Albert And Vie lor Barrie In NI an your lab In the Jenn Funenl llama mnlnl union ï¬lmy II pm Inltmenl 31W Union Cruinleryn coUlrNxYHn Williin courtnnw And lnmll Willl In on their Hunt and rrla we or air Iund inn ayrnpauay and bulimia on ourrinu especiIiy tilnun llnv Lawn Dr MacPhemn no1 hbon Mr Ind In her line dledl Think you Courtney AGENTS WANTED HART 10 bullion III looddb meta Plemnl payl vans direct to curtains manned roducta toiletriel medicinal cuunnr tel colloo Allruflvn box Specilll will re productI intern In communion I10 nndtd mo Dept 30 SI llllbefl Monlnfl 61334 Business 0pporiuniliu IBLIGRAPIIKM elln bl ply Mm wanted on Ruliwlyl Trnin ll homo Free hock Damn Synenil 811 nrlor Ave Toronto 411 AM LOOKING rollhie arson with 32000 to lllto very lngnllve MIA wholunla memhlmliu no Blrrlo Exnminer nmm POULTRY 2000 Rin LS PULLETS 11 Weeks old Dev 111 $100 PER BIRD pllu io per our inernaiier BEAUIllUL BIRDS RIDLER MILLS up NEWMARKKI ONT PHONE Twmiz mm or 52391 iluom NOTICE TO enrolrims AND QTHEIS In the Matter oi iho BBTATBOF JULIA norm All persons Iinvinl oirinu lrnlnrt he nl JULIA DDDDdrcuud Ill 01 he anll Bnrrie In DB County oi Simone who died on the zli dny of Nnvzniber 1355 IN llfllby notiï¬ed IO lend memlfl undnr lined duly vrriiied on or helm the day 01 Jlnlllly lKTI Aner which date in meta or tho above meniionedestatn will he dip minind nmolll the pnmnl entitled thereto having regard only to inn claims 01 which the adminiatrntar rhail then have notice 251 Dunlap st Wm Bum Ontario L142 AUCTION sAir mm Sil EAIJ REGISTER JERSEXS compirto Dispersal at ino nerd or DOLIVER SHANTYBAY Lot LAconcessionZ Ora SATURDAYDEC is SALE AT paleUNDER COVERV rliiilhixiiprmiuein¢=hern hr 11min mnrt nun in Simeon Couniylrtun R0Pmily accredited vnecinnled CONslsls airan mllk coin 20 helm and cnlveii inure oi Vhre iresh or springing No imam Is owners heaitn his Jorced him to give uninon CATALOGUE DN REQUEST As BREMNER Solo Mongen MARKET PRICES MONDAY one 10 nonsmnmni nails urovlrmr As diluted by First Croonerally Packer 11 Ontario Burri Pee Wei Over all Grilqu EBA ii to shin um su nonmn there cowl lav II no thoyfolfowlnw In all it sphere or in Barrie Ind nibr SinaOOG County com munilluA Illflher 319 In nonunion Jamethrill 1m mall week with the in nemroonl nln iepliono topé rounder Tele intmleu In tho but were compiling 1511 calls lind be tnnnniiiod through CKBBs iwitchboprd ind than an acted to twidlnperecording rooni II the opposite end oi the studios Nuw obtaining regard inz of an on eapni revenge oi some inipnrinntoelien can he an rigd 0111 in little ill no delay only necessary knownMum nihulu For will CKHB Ellum MI Frill Al 905 1111 no1 toorec ionicl 11o Sid Manhngy Beneï¬t Ga is loud mum 10 Sid l5 former Barrie Pintand proceeds at the am will an to him It willhkc place Barrie Annabetween in ExBlrrle Flyels and the 59 51 IIyers Meet the Flynn and once the music at Paul Elam liter the game ll Clul IP It sounds like lot of inn and hi the urn lime is for worthwhile cause Herefn iaci worlh howl radio net sales inCanndn for the ï¬nal seven months at 1956 wet up 167 over 1955 Dominion humu of Sulistics report 351 net sold compared to 301488 sold in same period at 1955 1100 on 111 Tunr in In me our Ann 11151 in wipuvunnv nut 11 an gumvi Ianii mm mm mogul tmmlim MEL ll nud mtro who lLl 70 Ill ruunsnnv one 11 rm mil livl Nall 1011an of HE It my MY look Inï¬ll 31 If Ian no Hum 111 no InnI In WI In For hAlvin run we Julio Ii Mon LN Fm tin uail Donvnnlinn 111 Today In nub run Iona unir1 11 air Inhmllimll udvl fern ERQGRAMS rum tin IWAV an mountn Eudllnnn awn 51m 1mm 1mm 1m galE nrmiinin ri 30 Chin o1 enrolm nu antililiujb 11 Air uo 605 can on no inn $338 E8 1155 5358 50 lnnn Inn douniry oil mu Knoll in ï¬rm an ln 1ch In Hui no Ann inn Mrmasthflllnflnlhlil or nan Lon sh2=882 3825882382 75rn 2882982 on has 2122 len LIMEERI wrenuognmlup one muo houl oneywoodi Oir orinrJnciunc Ora eCowl Here lord Cowl in Slum are Here ford Bull son Hem exeep unlilyjine line ncunllyrnewvtrnplor equi mom ruler and cumini minare hnlu oi hall 00 aquaro lulu straw min eie Auctioneer in which TOWN OrrAliiur PAW arthou r0 Wri ny v1 mum haul rive Inel in Incornp unn nunt Aet Milo oil by llllbllc auction tin rain lnndl or in much chmll 1y hisnecran or ta Ann urn noun coiurr II lloiglruin the mold 111 ldJoulnetl uh wiiihe hold at we unlynnd Dine MUgtM Me Johnny lath comm AD ol flioFÂ¥owllfulnm All 10 annulus ucn own in as acorn 53 Tlnin savior ID Frauen Human cum hnolollnnc Elill cmhy ano InsIn country lulu IIIIMV HA noldlhfl In country snortI mom Pumvllnhtï¬mfl 1131 Round 1711 um Hamil151 Cfllmn ot comma Chrlllln Ill Till Alr max country nul mn andlllul Bull ClAIll ClmDM en Boom ID County lieanno mmi moon Bonn hychk Hummer cm Wm JAB Ontario nuter And could not help In Georle ncln m1 min Bl ADI em 1iualoal clock noon PIlm 1mm liner an ovrnirnianon ionu Walnut own seon show 11m nutv 1000 lierem 1005 min Emuuni in flolnrninun cunlo 1030 min Post 1100 Nuwuut 1105 Good Nona um um ninr cram 1110 Mule colnix style wrnunnnv 1200 Nova Hemline mm Town Ind country 111u anoru Dint 1215 Plnu Markt Report 100 New Hemline 1m nulioiin nouda 10 manna snrlnl 145 Aunt um no Nunn ii Womenn world no carol curum 100 non iMchlmu or chmth 210 chriiimaa in 111 Air uu 1ntinn Handling 30 is 20 Clmn Borden Sparta no Nun 510 Town and country 1N MEMOle Gamï¬Inioyini nlenlory or err wiir and mother who passed nwny 5112131955 We wltched ynli nifler any hy WIN nut lust stood by nd you pass into inn rsnvlolirll mm im IlySIllLYmlssed by hllnhlud and BullII hm 141 lllilivr ii 1mm Gil1 AWE31 lllprwllilrii