Ski Crozyi Features Jimmy McConkey The feature length movie Ski any uhlch played one night recently at the Oakwood Theatre in Toronto beiorje packed house with several hundred standing at the rear hasa iormer Barrie boy JlmmyMcConkey leads ing role Ski Crow which is being sponsored in this country by the Canadian Sid Patrol has already played in all Western States and was brought east from Vancouver Darrell Robinson United Stat es Olympic ski champion and Canadian Jimmy McConkeywho became professional back few years ago in tho BauflJuen oi lheltoekyhlountains have the two tiue parts Incidentally limmy is rugions er skiing pm He has gone luv to the insurance business in Salt Lake City Utah Thls picture was filmed twofears ago at Lake him in Nor ern Caliiornia mountain sklresorL Jimmy now gets in his skiing weekends and holidays on the Wasatch Range oi mountains in Utah Ski Crazy whichscreens an hour and 15 minutes is in Cine mascope and the color is describ ed asrealiy beautiful The story is lhquitek uraoroua Jiclntirys Ina er eorge Co 11 ey and twuroi any brothers Fred andiom and their wives motor ed down from Barrie andvthorl ougth enjoyed the showing McKays JIMMY McCONKEY LTB Turkey Supper The hotturlrey supper under auspices of LTB 337 in the Loyal True Blue Hall High StreetBar rie on Nov 13 Tuesday even in suecess 1inall 11 the pm there was good response asrnet proceeds were for the Loyal True Blue childrens home on High way it north of Richmond Hil Mrs Kirk was convener of kitchen and Mrs Gordon How was in charge of table arrangev mentst Persongls Mrs Michael Magus has return ed home after six weeks hospi talization in Toronto where she underwent treatment for an in jured hack and arthritis Part of the time Was spent at St Johns Convalescent Home Newton brooir Mr and Mrs Walls have returned home from trip to New York via TCA NOTmNo suns Thebest block to the spread of the trading stamp is to con sumers to realize thatnomstter how alluring it may be there is no such thing as getting some thing tor nothing Estevan Saskz Mercury Mrs Wanda Miiler the form or WandarBowmanmt Barrie was returned to office as Mayor of Gravenhurst for her fourth term by acciamation when theannuai nornination meeting wasjheld INov 23 mean Mountain members all the Womenli in stitute anditheir familiespalunl ilh their own iamilies very pleasant evening was rpent41t the Orange lull in progressive euchre and dancing Mrs George Holt won the ladlea high prize with tho consolation prim Ixoinz to Mrs Bourne Gentlemens high prixe was won by ArtjlaCk and the low prizorwent to lton Binting Special prises to ehil dreTr having birthdaysmost re oently were awarded to llarold by Altman1nd Axvery delicious lunch was served lnthe basement of the hall lira 1Lermox presidentot the institute the ed the Orangemen torihev len did evening triendiy ahipr suc at very sixceessilll iii ten bazaar sale otlhonle made bakin was beldlhthe basement Stlude gli Church lastdfriday Mircueu SQUA Wonenslnatlmte Thursdaypbeéi at atzhhs Albert Forresters Each member bring sstamped Christmas eard and our gift for the childrens Aid Presbyterian Wilts The WMS oi CentrnlPresbyten in Church will meet Wednesday Dec at porn at Mrs Frand Back non Hunting number trom this community returned alter spending ithe past couple otweoks hunting Sunday Service The service at Holy communion will heobserved in Central Pres byterian Church on Sunday Dec at pm by Rev FSllVik Several from this district attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto The British Association for the Advancement oi Scienceshsld its first meeting atankin lhdl gt gt Quicklaxahiec memnmmy use with My mm today or Chase Guccimuseum president Miaa Beatrice Me lede in the Sunday School room which had been prettfly decoratedwith Christmastrees and under the dir chk Webb lunch The teahbkwasoovend with green tape cloth and adorned with acehirenieee Christmas mm poinsettiaa ndwbitecanT ï¬cQuade andMrs rett Emma Miss 1pm Behband an my Cook sold knitted goods and Mrs Iry Lovelace and Maori Lo lied Roserhounk was aerioualy lured in an accident atNovar week While trying tomato an sdnistment between the chassis and theloadboa otfthentruck he wasdriving for Cook Construction Company the box rutonqu hint Gary wash3pm tor the minutes before being released byjnothervtruc driver lie was Huntsan 6mm where he was unconscl 14 ham WhUe sum1 traciures there Iald hi vbo possibility of nhlo the brain VISITINGOVER Titanium Go CNRthemre the mmjvrtabhwayNomatter wnq youre going whether youre travelling solo or with yoor anallyflan can make your plans now Snowï¬lled skies or icy roads will make no differenceyoull you want to yournip get where go and youll sojoy every relaxing minute of Imn your holids fun plansby making reservation now Che too the moneyésaving runs of our Family Fare Plan Askabout CNR Gif Cemï¬catestefl for bolidhy giving Every year moï¬and more people whoare going visiting over the holidays go Allyou went in ti uo ï¬tness White Swangivea you the famoys J1atght You Ant strength Whiteswimflii strong at so aniahingly You want tnessthat millions prefer gt Swan nahnmmnwmm l1e stronng on wedneada did considerhie danugeto roots and also blew down hydro pole Standlat ï¬nisher Nov some at am to hemtoes ent icon it was necessary to get the oldoil lamps not win an naught Fm ne hospital We hope to ace Value Periectly Matched ijuly leather Lined snoPno amBum Hocm OUTFIT kothu Lind boot are equipped ï¬nely balanced naotehod run Skater very popular Outfit tor rugged Datum or inst bathtub in Forward position HOCKEY BOOTS outm anyplo block topgroin leuthlr with controng ioi nun Crolkrtflchod lull leather lining Rein lnroed too cope Padded ton in Combination 1a with narrow heel Builtin Tendon Gourds mmvm eel dqu nusma hi sup mind MENS SIZES so 12 Complete 9993 mums ourrrrr identical quality in sin to in an lam but kedol guard nunsun hoophonnl value at on bargain in mu Tendon owe to proiodl an Idaho no no lmtï¬hlnl in ma wage am mm mm blnel no groin loamx luauu county foh lhtu mm In uni mininint not am slm II In comatr noun7 my nhhnyll lulch skirts and EQUIPMENT Mens slut Rivtod nmmm There are supposed to he gu turbines which can atheist on practically anything from coal dun to old candle enda Whal weleellarullyneededlda mo lured vdddowhieb will run on grapefruit rinda and steakhonee and the outalde leans til lettuce aurt oi disposal on wheels Nautnn AltaNews DINKY TOYS 3s sumo sr and mi Kan Pud em Pun Sloelilnvv oer sacsJ 5avtnql hie moon mount Drum Hocm ourrrr restaurantm noon mu onion1mm saw our Tynda Guards And an noded louder puddod anonn Controlling mi imam tries Rivtad to am yield unpmd bum in lnt action andhed chucking 0ilTFlT so were 19 an uonasxonntwom PM videkwa 3m melMMludflWrdahrod mwnflVamWiflMykï¬e denialelm imam 57 goon Assn nu mug um nu Smooth mi ruini ppn Micnut loath linlna to with glad when Illper lube ï¬ntoododun Mens al 11 or 4517 we