mnnsoumov n86 NEwCANADIANs RECEIVE NexI Monday CITIZENSHIP CERTIFICATES At Citizenship Court in the County Court House Barrie on Thursday Nov 25gt New Cm odious yore presented with certi ï¬cates oi citizenship by His Honor Judge Harvie Fitteen ap plications or citizenship were also heard Applications For Citizenship Jan Rene Adrinenssen Staynen Jule Adrlacnssenustayner Bar lha Boekhoven Mldhurst Leon ard Bockhoven Midhurst Duiilo hmaro Oriilla Michele Funaro Orlilia Klastena Hamsm BradA iord Gohke Jacob Hamstra Bradford Erlgart Hauser Pene tang Bradiord Arthur More Shana ty Bay Marcelle Richer Coiling wood Wilhelmina lionbos Barrie John Roubos Barrie Maria Udris Barrie Janis John Udrls Bar ric Certiï¬cates Presented Vladimir Alter Holland Land ing chnka Alter Holland Land uruu blsflln couldnu BBC EYE By BETII WELSII Senior Footballers Lose To Oshawa Barrie senior football team was stopped in its tracks on Nov 17 when they met play the COSSA semiï¬nals Oshawa had big and fast team They seemed to just slip through their wouldbe tacklers fingers Our hoys fought all the way but Oshawa wouldnlt let them get through There were quite icw casualties Players were seen limping around the school or with arms in slings due to puii cd musclcs Senior Girls Win COSSA Volleyball The senior girls volleyball team did better than the boys 0n Saturdaythey got up in the wee hours oi lthe morning to journey to Bellevillc tor the COSSA playoiis The iirst game with Petcrborough gave Barrie thcir iirst win The score was 3615 Ior Barrie Jill Sinith iiuth Dangerfield and Nollie Ras nowski were the spiking line and showed the other teams how to spike Mary Jackson in centre back position showed true skill in picking up the other teams spikes To complete good light Ving team there were Mary Ber thelotle Gale Keiso Carol Pratt Ellen Cottreii and Beth Welsh The Second game made the Barrie girls really show their skill Trenton had good team and put up stiii competition The game ended 3228 for Barrie giv ing them thevcossA champion Ship As can be well imagined spir its vMaedonaidrand Iss Simpso bought they were with wedding party instead oi volleyball team On their do parture irom the bus they were showered with conietti by the team There were number oi blearyeyed but happy girls who reached home that night It had been long day but sure cessiul one Now that voileybail and ioot ball are finished basketball is getting underway Lets see it we can keep up the good work Oshawa to the way home in basketball and Fight Team Fight fast easy way ing Wilhelmus Beeklnh Brad Iord Matthewis Brianna Camp Borden Barbara Cheniyn Coilingwood Marcus De Leeuwe Barrie Hilde Fahrner 0rillla Helen Felinewski Midlan Felinewrki Midland Emilio Gnllt lo Orillin Karl Gunther Barrie Michal Hararumiuk Bndiord Ksenia Horodezkl Angus Fence iiorvath Bradford Erik Jensen Bradford Bohumlr Keiklicek Pet terlaw Marie Kejlicek Potteri Victor Lesagc New Lowell John at Lesage New Lowell Bela Mae say Utopia Julianna Macsay Uto pin Hansiurg Seitz0rill Haw ryio Solctar Barrie Micheline Solotar Barr Pctrus Van Gaa lcn Angus SoEd Niemioers Learn Facts About Cancer Barrie SoEd Club is carrying on with great deal oi enthus iasm On Wednesday Nov 21 iiith evening oi the eightweek course members were pleased to have Dr Steian Friedrich as their speaker Dr Friedricbs talk about cancer was very ex lighteniag He explained how cancer grows and the diiierent parts of the body it attacks He told oi the progress science is making in ï¬ghting this dread disease which is the second big gest killer ot mankind The im ortance oi detecting cancer in Its early stage was stressed as then there is much better chance oi curing the patient The SoEdcrs were very interested in this topic and asked Dr Fried rich many questions Ken Sollery introduced the speaker and Elizabeth McCarthy thanked him for taking time irom his busy schedule to visit the 504 Club The second period of the av ening continued with instruction in ballroom dancing and dry skiing Sometimes few people spend this period in playing bridge or cuchre Wednesday night iound two enthusiastic young men playing chess Aiter refreshments everybody went to the main hall again Ior the social period The highlight was taxi dance In which all the young people participated merrily Everyone isJooking forward to Wednesday Nov 28 when member of the newlyformed Bar rie YMYWCA board oi directors will be on hand He will he tell BRAND NEW SINGER REVERSE erTCH ROUND noaaIN titgronrantrs $9990 $11995 FREE SEWING LESSONS SIIIIIEII SIme MACHINE CO Phone PA 84365 28 Dunlop St Eï¬a Township is to ha an election on Monday Dec Only one ottice that or deputy recye baabeen tilled by nechmatiouby Mervyn Denney The allowing candidates will be running For Reeves George Wilkinson ed Sandiord Page Derinott LynIna Smailey How ard Cole George Davisi Thomaslwilkinson and Stanley Applegatc liliedthe two vacan cies on the school boardby ac clamation tor two years ing the group about develop ments to date and then the young people will discuss their partr in this enterprise Another event on Wednesday evening will be an oidiuhioned box social All the girls are bringing lunch tor two in gaily decorated box and these will be auctioned at the begin ning oi the reircshment period The men are reminded to bring lots oiunoncyl The Barrie SoEd members were invited to visit Central Tor onto SoEd Club on Tuesday even ing Nov 27 Quite law oi the Barrie grouphad planned to ac cept this invitation and they ieit irorn Barrie Distrct Collegiate In stitute at 345 Central SoEd is becoming an old triend as some oi their mem bers have visited the Barrie club twice the last time being Nov COLORFUL BIRDS The American flamingo rela tive of the stark iamily has an entire plumage oi Vermilion an Git5011 iootball on TV Ilr and In Broley and annoyBarrie sputhunday at Mr and In Pumiv Charles Day has returned iron huntingr He shot deer Sand Visit Mr and In Rodway and Gail Tomato visited Mr and Mrs Bowdery on Sunday sundry visitors at ll Browns home ltis Ooiborne and Larry min Beaten visited In Dan git Saturday SHANTY BAY Mr and Mrs Robert Kline and son oi Whitby returned bome last Sunday liter spending couple at weeks with relatives They were accompanied by In Norm Maxwell Dalston and Ir nd Mrs Perkins Shanty Bay ust For YCUI Were speaking hair styles oi course because there is one particular style that in length in design in flattery is present perfect for you Make an appointment soon with Maurice Danielle or Joan who will we yoiir locks into the prettiest possible headlines with trim version or 1957 hair fashion news thats yours and yours alone the ioan garrick school OWEN STREET ruONr New PA 466 lt3 BARRIE FOR AN APPOINTMENT Open Evenings Tlll Mon Thur Frl Girrrsnruas or THE wEEk the Sweaterthat has nowaslï¬ngprfoblems GUARANTEED WASHABLEl This long sleeve Vncck style sweater is iully cutto give greatest wearing comfort smart eippearance Made oi 100 pure orlon it will take washing after washing and still hold its original shape The neat rib knitat collar cuiis and waistsiidd to its appearance 100 Pure oran sweaters HES McGREGOR and Locum PIIIJNLV BIDHID Britiaol Cutie 109 toluwa two Cur lotion In 91c Ill MILK CHOCOLATE nnm nous SPEClAt DOMESTIC SHORTENIHGGWE spscmu MONARCH CNOCOLAIE SPONGE PUDDING SPECIAL FANCY unonnto titliE8PEASw 27 CTN 39 PXGS FL com 9531 SPECIAL YORK BEE STEws W23 CHRiSiMAS CANDY corner Aim nATs cAILv W5 333 ELICIII Christmas Mixture vvcrtto°zéao 35c Festive Mixture crimp 35c LLDILAWS NEW PREMlUM CATALOGUE AVAILABLE NEXT WEEK IN ALL OBLAW STORES any cmm 1v ms rnqum Curtitlutn out or THE WEEK lelclAtL WiSii vllQUiP ILl ms wipopnr For car age than at Time Day Station nu mum um run up Own um ding wok tarom In EFF3 wanna roman wnII can your sIu um nu wIna Iue urnlhgn Wu PUDDINGS MINCEMEAT5 Loblawsï¬hrisimus Pudding 53c tohiuwsiihrislmusrnudding an 057 Shirrilis Fr Pudd as 33 Weiheys neemeui oer 316 Mrs HamiltoanMincemeal as 31 Libbys Mincernent ozfxis 43 rRUITs AND VEGETABLES FLORIDA MARSH SEPBLESS SWEET Gr JUICY GRAPEFRUIT FEOM IRADFdRDvMARIN NIALTHFUL AND NUYRITIOUS CARROTS JUST ARRIVED FROMCALIFOittliA aw cROP SEEDLESS HAVE CHANGES OP LAR IlE AT POPULAR PRICI EtonIoA aorslun MILDAND rwssr Lille 0rigtnal Bunches rlei swEET THICKmi Eb GREEN PEPPERS are 23° It 19 on me lookhwttxirun In oNiwEEKw new on sat 996 32L mrozITL Ivory flakes REQÂ¥EIEEDIALH Nerdu Powder 40c 41v 710 to oiaur PKG llIii LGE PKO Sinai medium and large sizes in two attractive shades Flame Red or Powerd Blue These sweaters will sell out fast so we advise early shopping on this item nso IIIcuIes AILnliE IN IchuoyToilétiéupp 190 Sun ghfSéup 2ms 23c Volumes 25 35c Palmolive Beauty Soup are 29 OFF nEo mes iiiiliiiiEIt SWEATER ViiLilE ior Men LAMBS WOOL AND ORLth illneck long sleeve sweater that washcsbeaul tifully Small medium and large sizes gtShownin soven terriï¬c shadeagvgrey grey mix red powder blue beige mint and charcoal 695m 1295 75WTEllililw in Boris Sizesz ALL RLON long aléeve vneek style in smart Flame Red sen or sharp looking Charcoal Grey Sizes 6to 16 SNOWcruisar atows sNOwIN ANY DESIRED DIREC ION BONELESS VEALFRONTS gt ennALronmnnr Lona transponders Extra Lean Minced Beef SPECIAL IDEALFOR BA VBoILING OBIFRYING LEAN PEAMEALED BAcKgBACON rhasnrnoznn FISH Named sesamLaoorn lihAND fliaddock rIIIets MhrcuiN sox AND us ms Tim outstanding shades grey bluesand bro and lneAvperteet giltitem your list as was mean