Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1956, p. 6

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PROPERTYPDhSALi norm rosisALE zenith rolt nativity Edit north limbd mans nape RI RJ LACEY MALEswam gagayiield st PILPA 85298 Phone narrie PA mu ESTATE In neonmmm MINI my muao on on CHRIEMS Pm PRONl PA and POI SALE BROADLOOM DdyDtnetrronaraetoryaedva Auoolora Allataeo Navaltown PRONBPAqu munchnmdy 110113qu HELP WANTED HELP WANTED TYPIST CLERK SALESMAN soa knowledge of and good aleman is alway welcome PM EPWORTHREAL EsrA roll USEDSKATES BOUGHT BOLD ExcaAN APPly MANSFIELD RUBBER Canada Ltd Home um EXPERIENCED GRADUATE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER Ataxiahum will be remind Dy the up enighed until mm Wednesday unwary Ind 57 lot the poutiun at Me or theTovIn BAnil Dulles to be In charge ol the Engin eering Department only Applleant to It qulllllclllolu Experience and salary expected brDAUGlIAN Clerk Town oi Darrie 1m 15min aoulma Doom loco tlnn Pneu PA um Wismm um GAIL of unit you unlmove Lnto thlt ultra moduli Quniggsflgcfi AREA 12 lsary st Pana PA ems 15131 aeuon lxnTrIllgloom contractualill bun one atom home latre llvtag room mm on healed housekeeping ale coniqu or larg padrenu with in pletom window meme Camp no flmbmdlnlngroomanduviogroem Bmznmnmm Iareealtebe one wagedbed 154 Pu VlLDs silo ltzPAm vim open drenlace Deantltully decor mm ated throughout Aluminum ltonm on GIRL ior general houeewnrt toll time mm gumhgltfxll 3an New ghoul megturret vegan tillagegone PM toran3 mm mm IDlulu my rm mm cul Allioee PA own penLoon nieer mrnished Cehtrll RUBBER STAMPS ultimo at iilfi am 3°Elllli° 11 fgr mum to on mm no in mm mm WRP¢ home For rnll details can Rum rental tents Dont mlu it fllul MADEmORDER vhoosi nnmmlahed heated 4pm WEAYMOUTHS 5° Im Canon et PA owl Glll Dan ConuelL aroma phone PA sUNNmALE ROAD AREA meal Central Phone PA Hm Alter BOOK STORE PM utild Lab Cedar lslaem Barrie UPIn 00 unturnlshed meat balltdn cupboards Plan IE nil heated water ruppued Adolu only AvaUahIe Nov ls Low rent ply lu Henry sooner ls noon Apartment ever Ws mill Elimenopau en er oil led wlth lil conditlolllnlldell Phon PA Blm liter lb INNIIWOOD Apartments modern nib captained rooms and bathroom furnished or IIniIIInlslled Conumlm hot ulster Llnndiy llcilltiel Ind 1017 en AdulLI Phone PA on 1513131 sELP CONTAINED unturnlshed ut ment In Alla dale large room and Plume PA 82081 GED Aalr tor curt Leach luaur room one cage the bed In Ind one bed Maiaw room DIDOI loo Rm to men ELM LEMMA Amy Elms $11 889 FULL PRICE gm $3 900 NRA REAL eh Hm Mm lmm bm Mm um wmlécoflma gamma FULL rhcr flve room one 571 toroy oh home about enoye old Ev 53 5mm dnL ml uhen dining room llvlag room and gheeiient opportunity or mechanic urn IIth and llvlnr momfrihree R00 WM hint1 1mm room pinlight vsmrooln ofldlh plumber elKiiiClln Bu Very DICE HunU Yehr round emplaymen bedroom piece the bath mil rise ate possesnon Phone um Cooks lint floor bedroom an room home on largel lluge tr baumenllorced air all eati rat town gt IbImu Dim hllhmfll all ucond 1101 Int Ala Mill Cent ll floor lndll Its own heavy eectric and rnetrr Soddinl and shrubs and ROOM nimlshed bungalow lmmrd oargo renu term month only with eiumlnuvn storm and $33 ate pomon Phone llsrn Coon years old law dovfll payment and For nod buy all Al Rose PA town lblaalai ve toms CDIILI DI CD hell 51 um or lelll wne millinxlypbona PA MIMc lelvlnx town Bud ggqsmtznrxmga Rimgmveryélcepngnl kitchenelllm poceifiul Dev2 Ll 21 on ilnN Cull III How II FULL PRICE sldoo BAYFIEID ST AREA PA 34M nncus en non Phone PA comm stucco hun low uat on High 9d NIIA RESALE ml 35 110 hflumlzflcif mm MM inkling Septpact HPIIIIIICL girlish UNPuulemsn Apartment rooms dawn mm basement tom fl°°fl PA asle ismmwr and painer contained heated up lul the well estbluhfidstllgt MegEA EMALL lurnlnhod Apartment Bedvslt payment required month mm ting room kitchen and path Phone on moo per month including inter PA $2595 in litm It in H531 LARGE ht front moron film lied hot Vll er Iillll Oil heated PhymenLI only HIDth Clu sCHoOL Phone FA No lSILHM Percy Pond ivoninnvphane N137 an PM mam on nouns unurnirhed kitchen CODRDIGIDN ST $9300 Ihne hedULmom home me To gr macaw CEf bedroom bungalow only year old WK mb mulled Hulda Ind °° Slvh no money wlth thin and Very out kitchen exhlult Ian tiled tour on mmbmd low Intelrcft tie5 1354 dmonthly $3 filfidlggkmfir gllgig mm opaltiln Iltmlshed Phone PA canLes Call Dann Elihu longing clllnlsA 55 55 54 Cl lTm we mm 507 BI 73 ROOM heated ornament 0n mound 555 dTIIII nine Il oll In Tu lrva in floor Hydro sun 0n Colborne St CODRfNfiTON ST $10000 NEW NBA HOMES Phone PA odltioi iSlillJISLIi iimm $3315 HOME HOME AND MORE HOME PUnrnslinn artment Private batn mum Mm no Yes our Ielecllon oi home has never suit couple one PA com ply lhmulnau Very we Karim been better ll you Ire considcflnl J7 illlle St Apt 15 XIIf Level lot 55 iso inch in milml hum uII Al nose PA Tenn rlnlw dam can Ind Ielll elk over your hour APARTMENT 100ml twilhl piece Eveninl PA lW In pmbiem WI be plelsed to both unmmllhm lei contained all lhow you our selection without OIIIIEI heated Phone PA 621 154 BRICK BUNGALow OLDum DOWN tlon of course YEA FURNIllllED Room on ground floor central loCItion close to schools NIIA Wmvrd mummm with sink oll heated Also alngle hed nlom Phone PA 35 1541141 large bright modeln rooms Excellent basement Ina fie rmL proud Room Apartment prlvale entrance NO OBLIGATION on heat and alr eondltlonlng Fully llwhcneue Ind bullmom Adults DN PHONE PA 85298 landrcaped and decanted Call Dan emd NIP 5L 55137 Come meningi phone p1 571m IHOMFS mum OCOMMEMTAL 511mm PURlellnD Room heated Central WE ALWAYS HAVE MANY 0mm Adult AvrlIahIe Dec Phone PA LISTING Only low can he shown PROPERTIES lbm Barrie Examiner llIHld COOK Howl middle fled Modern home on hway ram Irnm Barrie Apply Reg Lytlon RR Dar rlt Phone PA boost llstm GENERAL handyman to uve in Sirlllo or widower between in and so Good want an have year round eon gloyment to reliable man Iy Ir lul hepparu phone PA zoo 414m Dom AND Palat Man for room LADIES shop in town or lleatord Capable or doing both metal vvorir and gllnllnl Must be able lo supervise an organ interested In entering highly remuner alive sales ilrld Some DI our Illu ladica earn me up weeitly 1441 home il completer Ia sea with wood noon Large basement on heating Gare lane Iot Only 500 down For further inlvninuan contact Willlarn Hacnrlde at PA owl OWNER TRANSFERRED Beautlml euatotu bullt bedmm home only HMO down Lino kit chen bulitln cupboards hndwood floors on heating lull baaemult laun dry tubs Graze large lot well landscaped ance 33000 wlth tuit ahle terms or umhuer call Wullarn PLACE To fill GOOD USED CLOTHING llerll ladiu Childrent Welt THE WARDROBE SERVICE To SELL YOUR USED CLOTHING Poll You and FloorM Dunlap St West Buttnee between Clifl Brown LIN and Sparharn Jewellery in all clnuilng that is reason ape clean and in good repair ill Id it for flu wo try y1w UO TH ERM HOMEOPIIEATERS bull ior todayo automatic Living slzrs ATTRACTIVE PlNlSl 27000 to 55000 BTUl other models on to 75m BTUs aAVl UP To 25 ON rum cosrs hAllluE AGENT BALFE C7 SON PA M00 7lnln We Have Openings Contact Percy Pom Evenins hone PA BARRIE SUBURBS $5500 Pull price tor thls very nlce room bungalow bright and lpotlua all through All modem convemrneeu on heat Taxes col mry terms noor central avauahic coon month adults or banner couple Aiao Ipoflmehi room IM both down town available now heated uni water coupled 55 month Agply lt 1r nlc 13 DuncanId SL lrrle lsidam Ire new shop All modern shop and highest want to the right man Apply to DonlBlImsteed Motors Meatlortillinu WANTED Reliable man as Dealer In SImcoe County It Barrie ntperi enoe not necenary line ogfiortum ltyI to stop Into old profitable alness en Rawlelgh Produeu have been sold for years Big Wonk Products Iurnished on credit rltc Rawlelgh Dept KlZSiu Montreal PQ ll POSITIONS WANTED WOMAN wIll mind one or two child ren Ih own home Apply 15 Colllcr street zInIu YPEWRF 112 $sz ltlonoI Inphotm tune as an can serv co one PA 56358 zIJItI 11qu rgyfinpgvegnghwmrhnd 12 BAYlIBLD 5T mil Iy he as one PA Holz yzlaolss GIRL requires baby slltlnl oi waltress work lily wtfit Apply flex BIP rIc Examiner ZlJJifl EXPERIENCED Rcce tlonlst requires ositlon Phone PA 169 or Box 52 Barrio Phiminer llflZlJt Dov 12 years old would lIlto odd Jobs Saturdays and after school Phone PA E4212 mornings or evenings zlIItI CHICKS WIDE Cllolcx oi Dray pullcts laying strains Crossed Arnes In cross Aim tor the Grade Large egg markets In 57 Hutchcry also has brollers ooclterell Ask Iorprlce Ilst Some available delivery now Anni Copeland RR Bolton phone barn 241 $1900 Full Down Payment ONE BLOCK FROM 62 uses Completel remodelled 1v storeys bright room large livinl room and dining room Modern xltcheo wltti new cupboards and plenty dating apace New piece bath and lull basement with laundry tubs and hot air lurnroe For particulars call Non man Shelswell PA mil GOOD ROOM BUNGALOW tuoo This is an excellent buy or handy man bus than mm will complete Dont miss it for reasonable down pbylnent in youn Par particulars call Norm shelswell at PA 6M RANCH BUNGAIDW lN ANGUS One oi the best we hrve bod go bedrooms cupboards Ior everything grand living room attached garage eicon double lot in but miderP ilal district Arrange to are all this ior tasoo Good terms Phone Oliver Countll PA GMll Consult Ridoui ON ALL REAL ESTATE RIDOUT Whether Buying or Selma HENRY ELRICK BOATS MOTORS BOAT helm hlll cabin will tell complete or lead motor Also Illl lh Scoot beam powered by In hp limrllt motor will run on water Ice it snow McNamara Doll Sang oute Ont oIum Phone PA 83482 For Appointment ilSIHJI WOMEN Unusual Opportuhily Offered In Selling Field Experience not necessary IIlIHIed women prerened TM is not magaz Ines or aesthetics Apply Box Barrie Examiner ll32lll SALESMEN Full Or PART TIME Clhldll ingest Farm Service Orion lratlon requlres two salesmenior this county WE OFFER Protected Territories oNoncompeuuve service oAnnuai repent buslness Cnmplny paid pension plan Accommodation Wolltod RDDM Iumished Iphrimeni wanted by Doe for adldler and wire Phone PA m7 111351 WANTED To RENT by lan Smlll bedroom house will learo by yelr Phone PA W0 1113135 IAIIIILV or desire room hon or apartment close to uhoois by Jon Please write Nunn Ila Erb 8t Enlt Waterloo Ont lllxbuo =2 EARM EQUIPMENT RED PINE CHRISTMAS TREES PlLED lN THE Eusrl READY TO LOAD 60¢ each DELIVERED lN THOUSANDS 65c each DELIVERED 1N loo LOTS 70¢ each All good hues Ind will keep well BE EARLY AND SAVE TELEPHONE PArkway 89236 AFTER tan 85212 In the evening 15114435 In nurads at atlme so It you do not are what you want here iust cell Rooms unmmlxhed hcated not our otilce during the da PAbom or water am on muler evenlngr phune Pmy my pl um couple and PA 35310 lsmlai ovenlrlu phone Dan Connell PA 3710 evenlngi phone Don Coutis PA 34712 0R It 0M5 Iumlshod at in CupP herlchd Adults only Apply 92 CALL Us ABOUT Cumberland st anytime 71513311 onufldlng Iota KWme mm iiitl l9 msl l°ll£°liul neoine producing home en es hone road no fldu homu In both town And coup ROOM Apartment Ibrnlahed with Frigidaire and hot water central Adults only Phone PA M017 lslMIda APARTMENT large rooms unturn Used Tractors iFerlulon Trlctpl Ai condition iltlrd completer rehullt 8195 141 MoneyHerr DleIeI AI candl tion allot iAllil Chalmers good motor 3200 1102 Iunlor SACRIFICE USED EQUIPMENT lHydraullc 2mrmw plow ICocltshutt Murrow plow lo 11 and lz bottom Farms ind lcmflo NHA home with low down puma GORDON 135435 SALESMAN Commission lue CrossPsl coverage Unllmited advancement Write glvlng lull dctalls In Ilrst let ter to ALLIED FARM SERVICES DP CANADA 24115 Dundar 51 London Onilrill Our present staii art aware or thls advertlserncrlt llii PurlL Time SALESMEN for Ba rrie District Married Cill Good chmcter habits Willingness to work hard Also opportunlty ior lull time men wlth advancement Box Barrie Examiner rllloifld FordMbnorch Dealership New and Used Cars Guaranteed Salary Highest MUST BE EXPERIENCED AND WILLING TO WORK HARD TOGET RESULTS APPLY Harold Micks Bullock Motors Under campieiell new ownership Market Square Barrio PHONE PA 526 llzztt for WA QUAN NTED Tlllt 0F CINDERS DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNESTIlEFl Phone PA 82907 HIGHEST PRICES PAID We 150 hell chunllol Int AND Dunlap st West lhone PA 66331 or PA Barrie Metal Sdlvage SCRAP mON METALS PURE HIDES RAGE BATTEmm Int SCRAP METALS BAIIERllEar Phone PA 86331 or PA 8il48l EP INDUSTRIAL lRON pea ireIns relnlominz METAL Fanialo 4204 osott LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call SPeclal price Phone Dorrie PA 8295 lid MAX PUSHKOF AND COMPAN Yard and Cities 204 TI URGENTLY Wante sandy loam sultlble Tor Chflsimu trees Write loicey Blvd Toronto 12 SECOND HAND Show Blower wanted or hp simpllclty Garden Tractor also IaIr sized building fnrJvreEklns purpollrs Box 89 lilllES Fill lililEl columns Deadline for Copy pm week day precedlngissuo ADLEPs MAY BE mEPhom To wordrm omen Ilium 80C PHONE PA WM Following consecutlye Insertions be word minimum one CASH RATE Word Immmurll 60o Pollowlng consecutive lnsertions2cgword minimum lilo MUST DullAm wml ashlar pox AUCTloN sambanclz Followingycondecuhive insert NUTtoms 01 replies directed to thlsoltioe be extra Comma EVENTS Looms too wordme $qu ymlniln delso at lied paid delide stoyner WW no Sb Siiu sitloo acres poor lantlnu Gus Ima 51 3131134 Barrie Examiner 35134455 SNDWPLOW and Wing wantedeom pleter hydraulic suit train our to five ton truck Apply Monougall Construc tinn Companylce Lake Ontario olulsa 1000 No HRSMERADB Plne hnd sprucechrlstrnar Trees or church or Elnlzhtlonl wanted Apply to Austin McKee McKee Motors Stony Creek Ont Phone Normn 28303 31 on nous CEDAR Rail Fence Ms Mary St Phone PA 841095 7lztr sNow TIRES 525x15 proctlcally new Reasonable Phone PA Mm 7134 GOOD Space Heater excellent condlt tlon Apply 92 payheld so Borne 1lltl35 01L DDRNER and drum etc Bert ot Ier Apply oi Peel st Apt itirmg II CD Fl USED FREEZER Universal matte load condltloh Phone7 1132 lb quLls hand made ApPly George Hulnes curnCl oiLllly and Patterson Streets lleeton 7lzlls USED SKATES for sale or trade Must be in eod condltlon ad Blyfleld 71311 GOLF CLUBS Complete set Cnflgbeil Punchlrons Campbell Top lghi woods flags and 31 my cart 13011 PA 82704 NEW AND USED planar Ap Ly Funk Artie on Kennedy miles north at 17 mile east on 2nd line Ellison Vela 91111 7411461 CllltlsTMAs Trees good Scotch plne Illd spruce Apply Wellington Webb Wyevale Phone Elmvale 36111 be tweenjdo and pro 7134135 SHOP DOORS long glass brass latch on hhndltl Yule locks $55 for the pair Also panel doors each All in good condition Phone PA bugle COMPLETE outdoor type moblle ampli fler system 15 VII fill11W DIIhl speakers microphone tables Zipeed turntables Phone 398 Alustoh 71111 DuoTHEM 011 Space lIeater cheap or quick sale Booster ior TV less than halt price Thermostat complete for furnnce Phone PA 844977 mu HOTFOENT deluxe electric range burners one deep well oven util lty drhwem clock and time 1115 cycle As new Price 3100 Phone stroud 5m 71 ELECTRIC Range in good condition Viking refrigerator condition articles or tunlitur Must sell qull Moving this month ply 15 Clapperton St tIIl135 USED ELECTnlc Washing Mdghine us used Prigldalre Relrigerotor 59 Oil Heater $75 Used Gus Stave 50 hangcitcs and coal and wood Ranger all prices Robinson Hardware 7134 PYPEWHTERS omco machined port ables addlng machines cash re isles Indaervioe 11 Game 11 Frances Barrie phone PA 115 Box 233 mm Caron npluenthflve 180tfl FOB RECREATION Room Ceiling Tllell 12x12 Telnlonk tile snow white sc each Imus Telnle tile snow white Dc och lieVELLIIIDber 2Co Ltd 129 Brudtord St Phone PA 55943 7154 SHOOTING MATCHES lNngPn lu Para ll root o1 Little Dill Matchwtlornmenc lng lypm inside Shotgun SIIDMIy 3613943 Rurr av APPLES Having purchased the 7apple storage GETABLES or Mr Goldie low sunnlaalo In 11le to null lythIe Blnior Dd Hando with oomé APPLES Me lNTosH sNow APPLIPOR m3 smmoLMAN swm P011 BAKING Wn hlvnr aPPlu every Me an ad price tfi aulteyery purle by the buhd Iii In MICHIE REALTORS 15 Owen St Phone PA 35583 2350 Five room one and II rtaroy brick home located close to downtown Hillth school area Elie living room Iamlly sire Intele three large bedrooms with plenty oI closet space Iour piece bathroom gah use This home Is in Excellent candl tloh complete wlth storm wlndows combinntion doors Ind unens Naplcr street room Erick bungalow consisting or living room with open nreplaee hllchcn three bedrooms toned air oll heating Close to school and transportation 53500 down will handle payments oi seam per month to lnclude interest principal and taxes lmmcdlaie possession Queens Park District room two storey Brlclt home locatedclose to the down town district on heated excell ent condltinn suitable for coflVertinE into duplex lui price 1700 wjth $5000 dawn terms on hllnnce Minctc Paint room wlntelIxed Cot tage with insldc conveniences heated by all sphee healer Price $5500 with 31800 down This cottlle il in ex cellent condition remodelled About two years ago HENRY ELRICK ii NHCHIE REALTORS PRONE PA use COUITS Real Estate Broker Owen Sheet Donla lhroehedroom Bunglow Ru Brick pleaslng deilgn large living room buIIHn kltc en with ample mom for kitchen set hot water heating Th1 home is what ynuJIlve been asking forfinanced NHA low down payment other line homes lvlillhlo under same plan Coll Mr Marshll Duplex 2storey brick recently built Each unltconsistsoi llvlng room large kitchen two bedrooms ample closets hulltin bathroom Au walls painted deep basement all servlces Owed hot alr on storms screens ED 775 39500 Cook street Two bedroom live year old bungalow ample clorctt Modern dellgn with attached garage out more walls palntedJn pastel shades throughout Hedge surrounds property lmmedlate possession Call Mr Marshall 3500 70 uorugi mile lrora Highway Pt Lot 72 highway No Emmy room home with bath hydro hanlt barn hen house garage Miracles level suitable roll or seed potatoes ether hm properties available Call Mr Marshall CONSULT US ON vLovr DownPlyInent lentils Plan Exohange otPlopertlea attonal Hollth Loam Income Proportlu antel onuainese Opportunities elroperty Management For Rentals call PA who day can PHONES omee PA owlsEv PA um 31 101 KELLOUGH REALTORj PltOPEliTllls rAltlds it ATE ARCHITECTURALLY ChurchespParksi Pet een Benny streets tloa and rcrvlces now under can carnation Act now Ier late llllr occupancy Price range slung sumo Several dineront styleslo homu1u rhooso Imm MCGOEY IEAL DsTATE Dusmlsa BROKERS rivate and NRA Duanciagi Pillu ogreclalty at hgrklweot on lime Ind mall IBIIXineol olncm lo Rm NATIVE McGOEY TOUGH Phone PA 934 deyilmo SLESSOR Real Estate 16134 AnriounCing Barpries Newest And Most Modern ISubjDiyision mé DESIGNED Close To Schools and Dmeown LOCATED WELLINGTON Si is ELOXOM CONSTRUCTION C0 LTD lolbsrrP Hquse Building of 34 250 FOR SALE Shanty Bay Road CHRIS BAKOGEORGE 179 osllAWA BLVD NORTH Oshawa Ont RA 56784 lomlsa TOLlGH service on buyinz Ind Hint private Income home ro mics sold on consid catlal ildtlpgpumea To emvdjrou henm PHDNEPA tatol oad DPDeJowlintg STOUTTV REAL ESTATE BROKERS When Buying or Selling the lilm to call ls stoutt Real FAtute or last emclrnt confldentlll aorvlce THIS WEEKS SPECIAL $6500 FULL PRICE tor this very neat and tldy bedroom home situated on very nice lot close to downtown Featuring every convenience plus brand new 12 22 garage Low down payment and very cosy terms to the right party WEST END SPECIAL 38900 PULL PRICEior tth well plan ned drellln hulls enturinlllly lusan comer on board hardwood and tiled throughou Largocarport plus 12x20 atlo oIl heatln Large well located at Exceptlona easy terms see this home beIore you buy NHA RESALE 313M FULL PRICE bedroom very mode brick bungalow piece tlled bath Lou well planned cupboards Artist catty decorated In oilll Large lat landscaped sltuated In very attractive suction oI town No salary requlrcmenta See us today or in speciian NAPI ER ST 315300 FULL PRICE 101 this storey Cut stone and clapboard well lanned home with attached garage all but meat Poured foundation with oil heating large bright lrltchen lectur lng lots of stepsavlng cupboards and in aid linoleum Extra large lot that is mlly landscaped and rented Beau tllul tamily home We have Iorgexo eetion at so to loa acre eholce ms reasonably priced LISTINGS lexTED GORDON STQMQ TT REAL ESTATE BROKERS I02 DUNLOP ST WEST oltlee Hours9 nan to pm PHONE PA 85901 16 434 lose to horrle All STERLINGJRUSTS BLDG FIVE POINTS BUYING ORVSELLING com 3llfiviélli nid nill hurl District We have for sale at all tllpea oNHA yhedroon bungalow Best leiection 01 larger lime voarimonu and income Properties Commerclul ioutlnd Property Buildlag lots in Dunn Innis outside otTown Frou Call us tarcourteour ersonal attention In any hen ratto Problem TPA M3387 ANYTIME DAY QR EVENING Charles Rogers hEALTpn DUNLOP EAST 12 FOB HALE50 litre of bulil lohd time to Wluzn Winch mixed timber llllic Able for lull Ind tolephonhpolu Ind ed oat Wesley Llnxlllhn filmylo hne Equ lbl Iahed heated hot and cold water wlth sink Reasonable Phone PA UNFURNIBHED room sell oontalhod artment private bath close to bus 0pflulhm couple Phoho PA 57554 151th 2011 Rooms unfurnished bulloln elfbourdl oil healed Centnl Vacant ults only Phone PA om lslazlai COTTAGE rooms wlrltelIzed eleclt trically equippod Indoor plumblng Neal Radar station Phone PA 37700 IsIJIIaa nopslnmo Room and kitchenette Avllilhble Dec May be teen 74 pm Apply rrle Press phone PA M155 15134 LARGE bright ated roorol heavy wiring Private en nhce snare lutlr room llill Thornton Phone Ivy zsriz lblsilad Room untumlshed modern brlcli bullslow conveniently located er month Available Dec Phone Moos 115133154 110cm unlurnished apartment Bloke St 01l lploe heat mplied Prlv ate entrance Por partteu or phone PA 85713 15134 PurchisDED Bedsitting mom kitohenette avaUsble or immedlaoe ossesslon APPIyJi Owea St Phone aztoo 151334 and 1hiaasoy Harris Murrow plow lFergusdn side mounted mower SACRIFICE lMLCvmllck is run seed drill lzs 2Manurc Spreaders each in lMcCarmlek bearing culting box like new SACRIFICE Brand New Oneway Tiller novel used SIW number ol good used Chan awa GOODRICH TIRES car TRUCK TRACTOR LIBERAL DISCOUNT To ALL FARMERS we MAJOR IN NEW 131 CHAIN sAws sALls SERVICE REPAle OUR SERVICE DEPARTMEN employa qualiIled mechanic who years upprentloeshlp in Germ majoring on Ferguson equipment Simcoe Sales Service MASSEYHARRIS FERGUSON DEALER 30 Sophia St Home 391 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 21 strand Phone fiFuHu VEAL cALP upon llouse on Anne st llot and cold water No objection to children Possesslon at once Phone PA 54959 otter spm 151334 Room HOUSE years old on burn er storms Ilgmlles Irorn down town 65 monthtor the next or months Phone PA 56711 15134 LARGE room Ind bath heated Private entrance and vennd AlnPio parking ace Phone PA 82059 or evening o7la7 15131 Itlam Downtownr clean modem room nurnlshed artmeutwltn bath heated One chil 0th2n All LY olsz Duyileld lag114 HEATED Roani Suit business peo ple se arnte beds Breakfast it sired lose to down town Close to bus llneAPA mu 1513343 SMALL sell contained mmished Nurt mcnt per floor Private residence SMILDII Eu coupl zvlhdlll Mil Peel st Phone PA on xiirum LOVELX room apartment wana dulet home Desire business coupl small baby welcome must he ubstal ers Phone PA 87209 1513145 mi housekeeping cabin ri vate entrance mmuhcd heo le dro Apply Lee waters Dunlap St West or phone PA 89194 ikflMu 15 GLENDALE mobile home valid rooms 4piece bathroom runnth hot and cold water oil heutlng and elec trlcity This trulIer It completely iup nlslled Ewanole rent Ply Lucas White Rose Ice stat on loo Burt 151 34 PROPERTY FOR SALE hoolvl House as Ellen st Cash tradeor terms Phone PA 56820 or 535m 46133435 WW menu brick banilow bed rooms situated on nape Ave coal tact Mr Manuelt 175 Blyflelli st 15mullu um FULL PRICE tor Ulil lovely bedroom hungalbw on Puget st plece bhthflhrn living room and very nice hitchen iull basement Low down payment Ph no PA an arm dam Epwarih Rea netrte lolai Mova to Collinzwood We IIIVa modern ranch bu alow forced air heated tlle undrhlfiwootl block to Main street one block to new cone riate Phoneewect to ex is veninll till pln 53435 New Umqlllenmhlnatlori name with income Irtmeht but end Elliltill nette large leag room bedroom rt lied rem tlon room with bulltdn Autontalc all air condltionlnz Aluminum doors rtorror and lemon remnantl lootill Iplliment produce no monthly Good Him alter terms on aarr edPaon PA lemma PIGS WEEKS uLD Phoae alru Leiroy Plst CALP FOB VEALING Phone BSirs Harrlo 9134 saortTHuRN STOCKERS surmolbsu PPly James Derultrofl phone Ivy larifl oldt CALvEs Port VEALING llobert Campbell Churchill Phone balmy um oist COWS Choose from Due Febru ary or March Apply deEruin phone lvy l7r3 olailxa ehvoorden RR Stroud Phone Mrla stroud hlfii Yommnh in weeks old Phone 14133 Carruthem Little Lake Road Barrie lo PIGS week old Yelrlintrlieil Pho St or Sllrll em or dteerr no yn Ham ll YORKSHIRE PIGS Apply men Brown Candles PA 56 Phone 9134 Jersey Bbilm HOLSTEIN Heiie Wnllin my olssul 12 to 17 months oi zlro stroud FRESH AND Sprinter Romaine 10 Cochran and son an no Phone um stroud iilzblsr ltltclsTElLEDclyde Mare years old lssu lbs or gelding yearr old use lbs Parker Peacock RR stallfl REGISTERED HolsteIn Heller due Doc 10 vessel Chopper Apply Ivan Curl RR Shanty Bay or phone 252 Dru Plstlos Halefi CALVES Ior veollnl 8mo row Mll Plow good condition cupp helI Bro RR name PhondPA E3407 women Ple to In weou old Young sows Judlbnd Apglg monsternan RR Thornton nnE lyy 7rd 911 REGISTERED boar to month old 391 backing lerving excellent Titan Priced reasonable Robert Caa Creemore phone mwt blul BERKSHIRE HOG lilo Yorklhilo Saws Ono bled one due end December Apply eonett RR Rune Phone 2m strand 9l YORK P105 meta starter ted Also pair colt mare and geldlal couch and Eelglrn born in June Ply George Shellield RR lBarrie Phone stars 97m GDADIEherthorn Cows due Ireahen soon Phone PA Hm el REGISTERED rshorthorh hull aeryiee able age almd by Sootedale mauled Reason ly priced lleni WM Applylurray Paris phoa imbued 0rd Pluuo weeks old olsaLu

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