It Tamar Iiovfieaï¬asa Entertained Before Weddingf Sotia MrsA Laird Macdonaldentertalned at tea last Wednes dayatternoon at her residence on Clapperton street in honor oi her sister Miss Jane Catherine Hinds whose mar riage to William Harrington will take place at eleven thlrty oclock on Monday morning in St Marys Church Presiding at the tea table which was centred with an arrangement of bronze and yellow mums and tall white tapers were Mrs llinils mother at the brideelect Mrs John Harrington and Mrs Frederick Horton of Toronto Mrs Kenneth Walls Mrs IlicCleary and Mrs hank Spry Tea assistants were Mrs Russell Hinds Miss Bridle Trayers and Mrs Delbert Jackson Among the outoitown guests were Mrs Hunter and Miss Helen Harrington of Torono and Mrs Bush Adams of Orillia Mrs John Harrington was at home at 21 Queen Anne lton in Toronto on Saturday atternoon and evening in honor olrthe bride Mrs lluntcr presided at the tea table which had centrepiece of pink earneiions white mums and shasta daisies with white tapers in silver candelabra Among the tea assistants were Miss Harrington Mrs Glenn Brindon Mrs lluntcr Mrs Horton and Mrs William Baker of Toronto Mr and Mrs Kenneth Walls entertained at an alternoon party at gheir home on Theresa Street in honor of the brideelect Mrs Arthur McKenzie assisted the hostess and Mrs lilacdonald pre sided at the lea table Mr and Mrs Russell Hinds brother and sisterindow of the bridelobe held an evening party in honor of the bridal couple at their residence on Amelia Street and Miss erdie lryers and Miss Marie Burke entertained at an evening party when pmcntav tion was made to the brideelect Amistiug the hostesses was Mrs John Brennan On Monday eveninghhlrs Clit ton Ward and Mrs Brock well were hostesses at shower at the Ward residence on Blake Street when Miss Hindswho is womens editor of The Examiner was honored by the girls of the staff Golden Wedding Mr and Mrs Fred MeCano RR Utopia will be at home totheir iriends and relatives on Wednesday November 28 from two to five oclock in the alter noon and from seven to ten clock in the evening on the ocea sion oi their fiftieth wedding an niversary Bridal Entertainments Before her marriage to Keith Bowen the former Muriel Evelyn McLean was entertained by sev eral friends Miss Frances Berthelotte held miscellaneous shower for the bride at her home on Grove Street East and Mrs William Dash en tertnined in her honor at her Cook Street residence The bride was presented with floor pollt isher and set oi dishes Mrs McLean entertained at trousseau tea in honor oi her daughter Parish Hall Selling Lady Foreslers Tea Lady Foresters Court Trillium 1741chose Trinity Parish Hall as the setting for their second annual Christmas bazaar and tea The bazaar tables were given holiday atmosphere by their Christmas tree centrepieces and the individual tea tables were attractively decorated with red poinsettiasin keeping with tradi lion Guest were welcomed at the door by be president Mrs Dean Arbuthnut Mrs Phyllis Romphl treasurer oi the lodge sold tick ets MrsNelson Hubbert bazaar BEETON Buowmss The lst Bceton Brownie Pack opened its weekly meeting with new game called Bogarty Later the Brownie opening cere monies were performed The Paeks Golden Bar Brown ie Sylvia Lisk taught the new Tweenie Jean Graythe Brownie story while the Brownies who Husbands Wives Get Pep llim Feel Younger Thouunds couples ari weak womut haustzd Just because bod lash lmn For new yrnunm Ieeliafnaltcx Tb oy ableu Con Iran Ior pep on vitamin Bi Geneth liiile Be wise pep ntw health quick llIrilty waylry mu magmaII dwellIts table convener had as her as sistants Mrs Charles Fletcher Mrs Wilfred Bishop and Mrs George Bowles Handvknit ar ticles aprons Christmas cards und novelties were among the most popular items There was also sale of home made baking and candy convene ed by Mrs Ronald Haughton who had as her assistant Mrs Clinton Eccles Mrs Patricia Rynaski tea table Convener was assisted by Mrs Beatrice Miliken Mrs Madeline McGillivray Mrs Merle Ormis ton Mrs Ruth Lennox and Miss Eleanor Lennox Mrs Jean Urry Mrs Jean Peachman and Mrs Jack Martin were in charge of the kitchen draw on handmade wallet was won by Mrs Hazel Maaten of Aurora were working for their Golden Bar practiced dorning Mrs Ardele Norton local nurse visited with the Brownies and taught them how to practice rules for healthy living She demon strated the methodsof baridaging cut fingers and grazed knees At Powwow Brown Owl thank ed all the Brownies who being true to their Brownie Promise participated in the Nov 11 par ade At this time may we express our sincere thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion who so generously treated us to tasty lunch alter the parade on Sun day it was goodl Also thank you Mrs Norto tor your kindness After Taps and Brownie pray ers everyone wenthome to prac tice darning and bandaging VWEBBSJEWEILLERY Distinctive Gift for mum lmnuti Snorkel Pen $2000 Pencil 750 CHRISTMAS range ofprios colors models Coin in demonstrated today Cgthrisinias Tea Collier Street United Church Womens Association was well wlth the nieces at its annual twoday Christmas and tea last week over attended the tea on the tint non and the cthth women served over zoo therlollowing you the most popular Christ nï¬sgilt selection spots at the bazaar rtagedin theupper Sun place day School room was the ielt work and dolls elothla table where Chï¬stmuvstoehinga and iclt flotsamactive tire Inlttswere bought up quickly by customers Downstllre in the recreation room tea arrangements were in rga oi the social convener Pntt who was insisted by Mrs Harold Forster ME AND MRS PAUL PATRICK SHANAHAN were married in St Marys Church at Barrie last Saturday The bride is the tunnel Joan Mary Marehildon daughter oi Mr and Mrs An thony Marchildon oi Shanty Bay and the groom is the son or Mrs Shanahan and the late Jerome Shanahan oi Phelp ston They will be making their homeln Barrie iLes Cowper Studio treasurer Mrs Charles Firman Dorcas buying Mrs Joseph Men Gowau Living Message Mrs Fred Gosney l0 eentsamonth fund and Mrs George Spearn lunch convene Mrs Stuart Again Heads WA Afr SiGeorges Mrs Charles Stuart was in stalled as president of the We mens Auxiliary at St Georges Anglican Church by the rector Rev Newtonsmith at the meeting oi the group on Wed nesdayafternoon She is begin ning her third term in office Members of the executive lor the coming year are Mngliew tonSmith honorary president Mrs Dallus Lee lst vicepresi dent Mrs Alex Sim2nd vice president Mrs Annie Cain sec retary Mrs Lorne Giihooly Tonnes STILLTIME in Bill II RECREATION nonin BEFORE ciinisrviiis III elbitihgnew NATURAL SAFEGUARD Hibernating animals spend the winterat low body temperature but will awaken if threatened with freezing no uvaurrv Very 5m use ni min 01 Purcellulna poul rollnu uw red Itchcanned by mm mm mIoInlIiibnchaï¬ngotiieriirnimublu CInlelesa Inlnleas ave trlul holtlr must Ilth or money back Dont suitor Atk your dnlflllt ior oaurntscnlnlnll IiIsqurIII IIIlERIOIt rIIIISIIes Your home too can have thrilling MultiPorposeRoom guy Recreation Room charming Extra Bedroom Eartlyamxpmiiulawitb Ibex richly pruJeéhrnrzdFinirberApplied right over old walls and ceiling or on framing in new roomsno dating or papérin re quired As you uild or modernize Evil hue panels you insuIaIefor greater year round living comfort and fuel sat lugs Get complete details and suggested roe eaonenu rodnyl 0R NAILMEADS Board and or nullhndt hid rtnpl and securely lnluloclu pa Iiegulur ordainriviiusiini nnu PIIIIIIIII we Mll mlnister officially opened the bazaar assisted by the WA presi dent Mrs Bruce Edey Mrs Chisholm was general con vener ot the booths Publicity and decorating can vener was Mrs Mchven Mrs Harry Dawson looked alter Ihe bake table assisted by Mrs Paul Scott and Mrs Coch hurn was in charge at the bazaar table where appointment calen dalrsad new WA projectwere so Mrs Elmer Wiggins was con veaer of the sale of aprons and pillow eases and Mrs Roy Urry gBARRIIz BETHEL SPEAKER Mrs Lewis wile of the Youth iFbr Christ Aiilllatcd with Youth For Christ international SATNOV24745 mm wwqv wnutzvmmmw heirloom Mnandlrtlsuswhaveile tuned fromde trip in British Columbia In Annie Thomas of Wood bridge is visiting Mrs John Goo waa In charge of the work don tn Wéhume Ilra Bell ol Baffle called on an urday In Victor Knox convenedthe um felt work and dolls clothes table In the tea room Mrs Peter Kaye lncharge oi servers assisted by Mrs Ross Rodgers and Mrs John Ough There was Cbrlstmas atmo sphere In the bazaar room where Ch treCIand other holi day not were used decor ationa The women were complimented on the wonderiul assortment oi baaalr articles which sold so well that tho 1056 obleetlvé was passed The twoday allalr the associations biggett project at the year UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev Trlmble BA BI MIDHURST Mr as Dlnlelx Organist SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25 1M Returned To Ottawa Mr and Mrs Ben Bird returned FenSUNDAY SCHOOL to ottawyaalter Ipending week 11 nineBeginners Department with Mr and Mrs James Rugman 1f almshc10RNIING arr an VlaItInl Daughter Ed Grey of Delhi isvlsitlng his mm daughter Mr and Mra El ink11° lis Mr and Mrs Robinson Pm nlnn Serme with of Town we the weekend Rd Pru yterian Church Anniver III with the Bills iamlly 815 pmYP to meet at Esau Rd ANCIENT ROCK Presbyterian Church The mountains of the Gaspe EVERYONE WELCOME region have an average height of 3800 feet SAINT GEORGES Anglican Church Allendan Rector Roy Newtauflmlth BA RALLY HOLY COMMUNION Carpate Communion tor BAC ll amMORNING PRAYER and Sunday School pintEVENING PRAYER EVERYONE WELCOME CHURCH pm oSCAR SIMPSON Peterborough Bible College SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT Northernaires Trio Peterborough Bible College Dont Miss The Fun and The Fellowship MAKE SURE YOU ARE THERE Services In Sunday School SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25 1956 11 nan Ancientand Maderh Necromency alias Meamerlsm and Hypnotlsm Denounced THE Ioor TEMPLE Minister VREV MUIRBA The Rev James at both Essu Iloud Presbyteriunlihurch ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25 1956 945 innCHURCH SCHOOL ages and up 11 aimNURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN II am THE SPIRIILESS CHURCH pnISUBSTITUTES FOR FAITH Jack BA or Stayner will preach 1815 pm5rIuEsrnE noun llldstiated talk The Rock tram Wbenee we are Rewn by Rev Cooper ramnu oi Elmvale This will include the showinl oi scenes Irom Scotland in colour Wednesday Nov 23 Anniversary Supper 41 Collier St Barrie ALL ARE WELCOME organist MR FRANK BUTCHER CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Bunion and Toronto Sta Rev Cecil Bread BA Mr Bert Churchill Organist SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25 l9d 11 mm Blueprint for Builders Junior Congregation Cl UBCH SCHOOL 945 an Junior Intermediate and Senior Departmenta ll aimBeginners and Primary Departmantu pmThe Worlds Best Seller in Story ll Read FIrstSamueI Chapters 15 to 31 pmThe Secret of the Gift Our Young People Invite everyone to see this outstanding Illm services ANGLICAN The First Lightbourn gt Anniversary SUNDAY NoVEMIaEn 25 800 uniThe First Holy Communion SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY Specth Preacher VEN LIGHTSOURN Arehdeaeon of Simeoe County JUNIOR suNiJAV scnooI Slew In uniSENIOR SUNDAY sonoor See You in Church 95 000K Sin 200 Béyiield Street Rev rGoheen Minister SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25 1956 1000 aIuThe Family Bible School 1100 mumMorning Worship 130 pupEvening Worship Service in the Mission W311 WWW AWN Y0 930 am SERVICE THE lb $11 snIvnIIuII namv Collier Street MAJOR AND MRS WHITE 73rdï¬iiniversury Barrie Corps Saturday November 24 8pm ariety Program Birthday Cake ilav November 25w II 230 pan 160 pni nnioamenArm MRS ream Divlrioatlciirnmandera iroin Orlllia moo muns non Meetingnrénaéast nmBIBIE coder 21 or GILES MISSION held their nominations Thanfur evening when they put on chicken upper Comrade ence Duaaett and her two daugh ter were preaent She took charge the nomlnatlonl Mn William Manrbrldgeds Jinx Corbettjs visiting her son viaitlng iriend in Barrie llll Ill llllllll BURTON AVE FIRSTBAPTISTCHURCH Clappertoh REV St at Worthy LU SD Mlnlntccrx loss is cwoonwr ornnm and Choir Leader SUNDAY novenoen 25 Iago lamSUNDAY scaooI Classes For All MCI li amThe Sword oi the Spirit pmPower to Become EVERYONE WELCOME Convention oi Ontario Quebec COLLIER ST UNITED Minister Lewl MA Bl Ornnlrt and Cholrrnaster Lloyd Tnflord SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25 1956 LAYMANS SUNDAY organist Mrs SHAW ATCII PMORNING SERVICE Chokleada Smemum Five men at the congregation wrll conduct the abrvico Anthems by Mens Choir THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 aIu Junior intermediate and Senior Depts IIoo rrnrrenumry baby on ting Nursery Kindergarten and Primary Departments painEVENING SERVICE fDlvea And Lannie The Minister good Sunday to come to Church you will be welcome ml TRINITY CHURCH MlleII 2d Collier SI THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT November 25 too minnow Conï¬liihoh 930 amMomlngPrayer Sermon Nursery Senior Sunday School 1100 munMorning Prayer Sermon GATHER UP THE FRAGMENTS THE REV ALLAN READ Nursery Junior Sunday School 700 prnEveuing Prayer Sermon COMMANDMENT THE REV ALLAN READ == 57 ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen and Worsiey Ste REV JAMES FERGUSO Minister CLARKE Mus Bae rarer Organist and Cholrmaster SUNDAY NOVEMBER 25 1956 11 mullMORNING wonsnre luneEVENING WORSHIP The Ministerat both service 11 an The Church School tor alleges COME TO CHURCH r=i ll arn THE SIMPme OF BEING FILLED winI rIIs salon vl PM Houto ROBERT FITTON HAVE GONE TO THE GALLOWST MANV NEWS COMMENTATORS sAV NM CANAIJIAN comm on was rnnEnA1 cove NMENT AV quTnoEszuE In In ciiLVIIIIvriziinwsiiimuncii of The Christian and MissionaryAIllanoe CORNER BEECZYI DUNLOP STREET EAST armrauiviiiennne Pastor ant rillilVWiiltlt sconce wenapm EVERYONE EMMANUEL BAPTIST mowsm or EVANGELICALBAPTISTS REV ERNEST moron