lARM EQiiirMENi ued months Pam Leroy 31114 AUCTION SALES mum Nov Auction 1an of Inn stock implements Dry rind min Ind fulï¬ll at Um 11 Lot so can Termlilo autumn luimur and Touomnuo Tuwnilne St at an sharp Tenn cub Cllulel Porter Auctioneer lulu No Audiod nlo bomb Ind cattle farm flock In intents and houaeboid meets tor uniice Tamsilt Dot con Orb Tomb sale at luv pm Terms £111 Spmuie Aucunnocr Jul muddy Nov Auction solo oi Hotrennin Putaltar lcr In hum McKenzie Main Street Thornton Sale II sharp Na reactIa as house is Jerry Cougpun Aucuolllclcr AUCTIQN SALE Household Furniture Tile linden nrd IUEIIUHEII bu received bstnttuona from MRS FRANCIS McKENZI Main Street Thornton Tn cell by Public Auction on SATURDAY Nov 24 AT pm sllAitP Till rounme lUIIHIIUII Nurgc helrlrerrtor large rise good ar new cactnrrrter burner electric range road at newilectric Toartc Electric lron Dining room table bu set and chain Antique love acr aid table Cooking liange ivory Co and Wood Stove with but water at lachmrnu Wrabing Illchine While ewing Kltchtirxr Cupboard Wuhrtands Ironing card Lawn Heller cait at soot bred Sept 25 odd Kitchen Chaim Antique Rocking Chairs thcn port goooreprlr sauce in good res pal Cruet Stand alivcr Easy Chair living room Nardheimer Piano and Stool in good repair Flower Stand Garden Tools tsgi steel Drum Living room Rug blue by 10 flying room hug by Drunrl Lawn Mower Ladder Beds wlih mattress and rpringr co Bedding Drape Curiai Piatic Drape Plclurel pair and pans in and many other articles too nume to men lion TEltMs CASH No reserve as house is said Nothing to be removed until settled or Norman Coxworln Cizrk cougblin phone PA c5449 AUCTION SALE Form Stock Implements And Furniture The undersigned has received lnstructlons mlr LLOYD BIGHAM Lot 30 Con Tossorontro Tw MULMIJII 10550110 TIO TOWNUNE To hell by Public Auction on SATURDAY NOV 24 AT pm THE FOLLOWING CATTLE lerrey Cow years due in March lied Cow years due in March Red cow years ua ln MIND Jersey Cow yea bred April GreyCow yelln due Jun Hciler years old due in March Steerr rising years old Spring Calves Puts rowt Saw due in Deccmc her 12 Shoau lzs Pallets is Hens iMPLEllENTs Pord Jubilee Trac tor ivyiqrd Perguson Plow m7 Ford gab newtircs Flnzusnn Tan dem Dearborn SpringTooth Cul tivalor blasol 81ft Land Packer wheel Farm Trailer with truck tires hahbartlre anun John Deere Trac tor Manure Spreadernew Set at Narrows Mn iointer hin Table Saw Cement Mixer Aluminum Wheelth row rubbcr tlre on Ficury Dissel Tractor Disc 2whcei Trailer with grain box Viking Electric Separator No Am Small Eaton Vega Separa tor table model cwbeei Trailer with stake rackr HAY GRAIN STBAW 1000 bales Hay sod baict straw 700 bus Onu llthlTilhE Table and chairs to match Cu ha Washstands Dreas idd ables Hench Electric Stove Goodvcheer combination Wood and Oil Cook Slave Daby High Chair Conunoda Chair hit DullHD Cu board Other articles the numerous mention TERMS CASH George Dodswortll Feller Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Registered Shorthafnsl Grade Cattle Farm Stock Implements Household Effects The undersigned has receivrd instructions lrom LAWRENCE TAMASK Lot Can Ora Township MILES NORTH OF NO ll HIGHWAY To sell by Public Auction on sAr NOVEMBER 24 AT 1230 p111 THE POLLome REGISTERED SHORTHORNS wood Bonsain born Sc to heifer calf It font bred September Orflhnn Annie hprn April 13 19 he er call at not bred Mly Windw tbom tied hare born March 1941 bull calf DI fa bred June GRADED CA LE Shurtlmni COW ll years bull call It tool bred Mny III Roan Shorthom Cow yearn helter cull ntioot bred April 16 Rbm shorthand COW yahrs heifer call at not brad July 19 Pulled Alli years Calf attoot Pulled Align Cow years hgifu ell at fact bred Sept 14 Pulled Anglia Cow yPIrl bllil call at fool bred Se 17 Foiled AMIKLCOW YE he er rolled due Dec 11 errr heifer Jury l3 cierx Charles is Milli Angus Heller $111 Polled Angus He oalt rt toot bred Oct 25 oiled An Heifer uni bred July it Po ed Angus er year open Pollen Angus Heller cars bred Aug is Holstein Heller year open Yorkshire Pigr montha old 100 Plymouth hock Pallets laying weu Chestnut Riding Horse ll years lMPLEMimTS FordFerguson Trrc lot in Etna eondltion Fergu CIII tivator erguron Man re Lorrie Per guron Power Mower nearly new Ferguson Manure reader to bushel neariynewPower alreotl lor Permi aen Tractor new Dion Threshing lilalt chine on rubber 24inch cyunder John Deere hinder Mt cut nerriy ngw lohn Deere Baieirnewr inst brie 15M bales vohn Deere side Delivery Rake on rubber used one rerao are Hammernull Rubbertired wagon and Rack riiding min Grain and lliaer Drill lidiac MAI Hay Load Potato Digger Mfl Tandem Disc llnrrawr soplate osection Drug Hrrrowa1lentrcw Damsealar 20m lbr Evlncll Sump Pump lzloot hose root valve High Pressure Spray Pump coo McCullough Su or as Power Savv new we Cream ara tor power driven Inc 1951 ton Truck rtaira body Loading Cbut out Extension Ladder new zlogal Pump Gardencui GRAIN HAY 1000 but Eeavpr Oats V300 bur Mixed Gnini bus nabui Whe moo baier Mixed de Iqqu ha Tour Loose Hay Bags Polato Pertluzer china Cabinet Porkcshnveir Chains and many other nrticlu tun numeral toman tionhlAii wgl éhn aaldvlliéhglllt mom ro torulo arm smudariplm Tank All AUTOMBniLts HALWlGS BALANCE OWING SPECIALS BALANCE OWINCI IS THE FULL PRICEYOU PAY NOIEDIG MORE 1951 Chevrolet Duatlehaclr Sedan Ne dark blue daislt not rust ma on very Tint original interior con ditlaning heniu and deltatar deep tread tires outrtanding condition inrougbout Sensational buy Balance ONLY $62342 1949 Sludabakcr Champion Coach Nice numn nnisb air conditioning heater and detrastcr directional ugh good tires nice running little car reliable transportation balance owinl ONLY $29743 1948 Plymouth Coach Lovely origin blur hoish very clean in man It er and defroster ood tires run all preuure This hire car la in tenidr condition throughout Senrrtionri value balance owing ONLY $2872l HALWIG TRUCK SPECIALS 1954 CHEVROLET PICKUP Original two tone tinish not marl on it very clean interior heater Ind delroster direction lights very low mileage New truck condition SPECIAL ONLY $l050 1954 GMC PICKUP New camrnnrclll men Knish heater and defroster directional lights very low mileage This truck loch rum Ind drlvt Ilka new Hurry or this one SPECIAL ONLY $950 1948 MERCURY Illion Picku Nice dark green finish heater an defroster good sound iiitie trucir in nice run ning condition balance owing ONLY $27368 HURRY HURRY WHOLESALE PRICES 10 ALL WE NEED THE ROOM NO DOWN PAYMENT To FINANCIALLY rtPSPDNSiDLE PEOPLE See our ï¬ne d18le of late model one owner automob lea manyto choose from HALWIG MOTOR co LTD USED CAR SUPERMARKET PA 66652 97 BRADFORD ST 1312 Buying or Selling We finnee lite model inn Ind truck Very radonhie ntu ALI TYPE OF INSURANCE With complete insurance STEVENSON PHONE PA 8520 DUNLOP 51 EAST Wm ndizu lm PLYMOUTH winterized new bat tery good condition Phone PA 32711 1113135 VTANIEDF 01d errr Cain lete priced Mm$12 to $20 dellve PIIOIIB PA 34351 Bmlilu JEEP campletely reconditioned 1542 Army model Thorns Keeloi Shea Service Station Crown Hill Phoiw ditto lalastt 51 HUDSON Sedan iiooo miiea priv ate Ownelalll good condition Not needed now Clll be seen It Dun donId SL Bhrfle Turk 1313343 Clam VGENEIIAI STRUCTURAL TRADES ONTARIO PROVINCIALIPOLICE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND GARAGE BARBIE oNTAlilo SEALED FIXED sum TENDERS will be received by the underlan until pm 33 Time ult WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19th 1956 or the General Struclunl Indn Work in connectinnwith the camtructlon Of the Ontrid Provinclni Police Hedd Ontario Did Pond Dude ï¬yahie to the Honourable The Prov eirl entree at no in amount of $500000 mull lcï¬omplllyi he bender Pertarmrnee hand maria out by no Approved Gulflily Compllly on Depnrtmentof Public qukl ï¬rm In the amount at 50 at the tender wlil be required tram the race lui tend erer Plans ecldcationr wl tandei form an ed and Tender vhnvela tiny be obtained by GWERAL C0 TRACTOIE ONLY on lppllClIinn to trrio oom mil liiart Block Parlia ment Buildin Toronto Ontario and may be wed at Room to and may nllq be viewed at the Builder Exchanger at Toronto Gait Guelph Kitchener and Hamilton and on appli cation to Mr Todd superintend ent ot Courtruction Ontario Hospital Ofliih Ontario Deposit of mm wlli be required Flt net of out Thir amount wul be reloaded when documents in returned in good conductJ The wart or Inytender not necess rrti accented To is recall tor tenders Deputy incl Architetddra Department of bile Works ontrrlo Parliament Duiidingr gt Toronto rio No elm7191 lath mo uarters sanding and Garage at Bar the De artmeat at Public Worka0n Tender Documth taken El Weekend guest Itrihe home of Mr and Jln MrGillre Glen Elven were Mr Guiru mother lrnA Siam DI Klmllton Illinois Captz It McGilkq 1nd Min Dun Ricbuda Ottawa George Blar shlrd Of Beechvi1lc and 1111 Harry Blone Mn Hlmns llitl hon hcktllirons of Hamilton BOR AanNAI the Royal Victoria Bob piul pants on Nov III last to Opt and In Ardern it Wan ley sLul Ion Drilli rmear humAt Tnmto East General Hotpltrl on Nov ll rm to Mr flflnlrï¬ctrmin it in Ed rug er by nounAt lha ltoyrl Victoria Hoa ltai Darrir on Nov 19 1166 la te and bitr Thom Docalr 25 Anne St ran iian lhoului cauTunEAt the Royal Victoria Harpllat Dnrrlu on Nov no mo to Mr and Mrs couture it Art St Cain harden ton FLEMINGAt Royl Victoria 110 pital Earric on Nov at less to Sgcrnd Mn Vincent Heming till Dru Slrtion daugbter rumAtthe Royal Victoria Hospb lat Darrte on Nov 19 rm to Cpl and Mrr it ruoco Mom Loop camp harden ton lawnsAt the loyal Victoria iiospi trl Barrie on Nov 19 loos to Cpl and Mrs lanes Morro Loop camp garden daughter scriANbLsNAt the ltoyai Victoria Hospital Barrie on Nov lv use to llr and Mrs halph Schrndlen Thornton ran David Wiiilam scuNlllewAt the Rilan Victoria llorpltal Danie OnNov to lose to Mr and Mrs Milton Schneider RR Anna rod David Milton thTsnAt the iloyai Victoria Hos pital Drrric on Nov to 195mm Mr and Mn Earl Winter nee loan Laklngi 11 Game Drive son Gregory Thomas yoUNGAt the Royal Victoria Hui pital Danie anNav 20 1956 to Mr and Mrs lack Young strand daughter DIE llltltMONAt Shelburne llospitai on meady Nov 20 1956 Mary Elim bctlr McCiennon beloved wild at the late RoyLR Hermon in herlilrt year dear mullinr at Mn Dun can Gcrtrudei of Toronto Mrs Petermrn Edi It til Englehr Mn Drooira El rnar Of Dorrie and red Hermon ot Sbelbume heat ing rt Lloyd and Steckicy nineral Home Darrte tor service on Thurs day Nov 22 at no pm inicrment Danie Union Cemetery bumsSuddenly at her home Churchill on Mond Nov 19 ms Wiiiena Eirnche Latimcr beiovod wire at chben Lucas and loving mother or Wallace and the late Les Ilnfmru ruler ot Margaret Mrs Al Webb Stanley and wallace Latlrncr nu o£Torollio Resting at the lennett illnerli Home Dame Filneni aervlec Thursday Nov at pm lntcrment Sixth Liné Cemetery lnnirdl TOMPluNsAt the Roylai Victorir Hospital Hume on Monday Nov 19 use George Henry Tompkins beloved burband of Dorothea Kink and dear rather of Penny Sue loved son at Mrr Ameua Tompkins of Darrie and brother at ills Ed ward Heels Ruby at Drillio and Altred or BillTie in his 52nd year Resting llrthe lennett Funeral Home DIME IIlllelll leerce Wednesday Nov 21 at 230 pm Intermcni Darrie Union Cemetery ilrsonlr gravest codvice auspices Connihidn Lodge IN MEMORIAM llAilltlsoNln idvin mem Manaiield Harrison svho illegnin Iolll ugcï¬ntdoge yelrmnlgo Nov 21 1955 you we rd Wlte Vera and Marian MOOREIn loving memory of mother who passed away Nov 10 1953 page in the book of memories Ir gently turned today Wolter and Mary 131 ï¬r MOORE1n loving mcmnry to deal parents Dad ran tie artcd lhls lire Jan 14 1547 and other who dc parted this lite Nov 20 was Oh for the touch of the vanished handi And stale1e dsnllnd of voices that are loovlngiy member lzr Carrie Ind so Ew £llldÂ¥uï¬13 CIIIIIIT 0F REVISION TOWNSHIP or ESSA KINDLY TAKCNOTICE THAT the litst Sitting Of the Court of Revision for the Township of Essa will be held in thnDane Hall Baxter on Sat urday November 24 less at the hour of run oclock In the morning Anyone having any business in cnlb neciiolt with thisCaurt of kindly avern themselves ncuortellnsgll NORMAN collwonTll Clerk GEORGE wturtNSoN heave 130131 MECHANICAL TRADES ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND GARAGE BARRIE ONTARIO SEPARATE SEALED FIXED suM TENDERS will be received by the im dersigned um pm as Tirna on wsoNgsDAy DECEMDEN 19th 1953 for the Plumttln and Drainage Heat ing and yard ting and Electrical Irrdet Work in connection with the construction of the OnlnrfuProvinc1Il Police He quarterr Building ngtl GED age harrle ontrHo Eid hand made payable to the Honourable Provincial Treasurer of Ontario in the following amounts must accompany the tender Plumbing mil Drainage $400000 Heating and Ventur shallow $500000 PerformIll and approved Guaranty Company on the Department at Public Works form in the amount of 50 ot the tender will be required tom the ruccesrlui tend erer Plans Speciï¬cations withrtender form attached andTender Enveio may be obtained by MECHANICAL itADPS CONTRACTORS ONLY on application to the Department ol Puth Works Ontrrio Repurm Eust Black Phr liament Duiidingr Toronto Ontario and may be viswed at Room 843 nd also be viewed at the Bliilderl Exchanges at Toronto Grit Guelph Kitchener and Hamilton and on appli cation to Mr Todd Sllpcrlnientlv ent of Construction Ontario Hospital onuia Ontario DPstItJn the loiiowing nmounts wiu be required for each setvof Tender Documents taken out Plumbing and nrainua Heating and Ventilating ectrical This amount will he reiunded when gunmentd are returned in good condi an The owert ccepted This it recall to tenders Deputy Minister Architecture Debrim at of Public orltr unLlIlu Palliable Bulldlnglr Toronto Ontario 193 November 13 1le ficers tllrlheirefficiency FO A7 OfrFilter Centre In Vancouvér P10 SHEPHERD The imponant work of the Ground Observer Corps goes steadily on and muting wu held on Wedheday Nov id ih the lounge of the BarrieFilter Centre with George Chandler regional supervisor of GOBC as chairman gt Much to the regret of all the observers learnedtllat Flying Of ficer Shepherd who was the first officer in command of the Barrie VFiiter Centre four years ago and for three years thereafter has been transferred to Vancouver as administrative officer with the same branchof the Service there Flying Officer Shepherd who tins done much to make the Bar ire Filler Centre success wish ed to say goodbye 10 any observers whom he had been unabieio cons tact personally before leaving for the new western post At this meeting Mr Chandler announced the appointment of TedLewis of the lhDds and for ests department to be assistant regional supervisor Chief observers present were from Angus Lois Lewis Phelps stun Bill ONeill Big Bay Point John Miller Holly Hazel Camp be Edgar Betty McLeod Mid hurst Sterling Knapp also assist ant chief observers Dick Bough en Hawkestone and Lou Triton Craigbllrst During the evening FO Lou McGuire assisted by LAC Bud Lamb conducted aircraft identi fication lessons with new meth od by Showing picture of an air craft on the screen and then lidv ilig individual volunteers put in simulated aircraft flash call to the filter centre and identifying the aircraft seen This proved very instructive and Voiuntegrs were congratulated by the of film Shown was Your Security Most welcome Check and tasty res ireshments were donated and served by Lois Lewis Irene ONeill and Elizabeth Lee and enjoyed bylaii On Monday Nov 19 meeting of the district observers of the Ground Observer Corps of the RCAF was held in the Armouries in Midland Chairman of the meeting was Geo Chandler reg CARD OF THANKS GLENNlETlre family of the late Mrs Glennie wish to expresl their thanks and appreciation to the many triends for their kindness and rym thy to the nurses or the ltbyal ic torta Hospital to Rev Lewll for 14 meerarcyr pawl Shepherd Expect non to Improve Quality Lut month tho Simme County Haiti Unit began to receive lab folll within milk utopia from inlmprxuliinciaiuirhonï¬ory It Or lnlt PM Ihat mills will be given every second month it hoped tint thue II in work loin monthly counts The lleglitli unit director Dr Scott feels that till will are11y assist the staff veterinar ians in assessing possible sources of trouhi ml the milk producing Not only will we knowtile types of bacieria pruent in milk butrtbe actual numbers While 11 yet therd are no standhis laid down for good quality milk with rellion to battin counts it is gentrally Accepted Ihlt counts in the neighborhood of 50 thousand to 100 thousand in raw milk rre quite goode lllé hellth unit has had num erous counts in he past year on thé bulk milk producers and gen eniiy the counts have been well below 50 thousand Mnny were consistently under 10 thousand Withth ddded service authori ties are hoping for better quality milk during the coming year During October total of milk Samples were taken con sisting of 307 row 67 pasteurized and 72 miscellaneous miikjesis The quniity was reasonably good with limos 87 per cent in the heifer glhdhs lite month marked the innsi iion between summer conditions and the cooler weather of fall and winter when it is usually easier for the milk producer to put up better milk Not only is the weather more favorable for quality milk produe film but generally the rush on the farm is slackening off and more time can be devoted to milk pro duction comments Dr Scott lanai supervisor 6030 and in Itiendince were 23 representa tives of observation posts Chief observers present were from Mdlhnd All Tattle Wye bridge tllart Withers Victoria Harbor Mrs Hilda Savage Pene tang Paul Duheau During the evening FitLiam Swanton gave resume of the changes in theorganization affecting the Fiiter Centrc at Barrie and also gave talk on new procedures which are being inaugurated Cpl Roll Norton gave the identification features of the Bdnsheq Jet Navy Fighter Panther iet Fighter Vampire Jet Trainer Films were then shown entitled Scrap of Paper and Winter Blunderidnd orbit1 Chandler notified observ its that FO John Heppiesion has been moved in North Bay and this officer who has done so much to make this Midland dis trict success wished to take this opportunity of saying good bye to any of the observers that he was not personally able to say goodbye to Splendid lunch was provided by the ladies of the various posts It was announced it this meet illg that further meetings would be discontinued until after the new year and Mr Chandler wish ed the observers nnd the officers the compliments of the Christmas sénson PUBLIC OWNERSHIP Only three per cent of Alaskas the words at comfort in our last of very dear mother ill 586000 square miles is privatéiy owned by an br any tender not access chRTv CHANNEL WEDNESDAY Nov ans Mystery Ill mo Lav or 415 Scent Sta 431 Howdy Decoy 500 addn Page sail lunior Junction 630 Nrwl on Weather 345 snort 100 star Stulqu 1lfl Disneyland and malt Thartra loioo out rot lino cao NIWI 1115 Today In 5905 THURSDAY Nov 22 245 Mybury Mark the Love at Lilo us Secret Starm mummy Dmdl oo Maputo Muodrna ls Mf no Lana nanaar CKBB WIDNIIDA moo News Headline on Perm Marital Rupert dro spam no News 050 bulletin bond 70 News Headliner 705 Crroi Por The Day 71a sootta calendar 115 Red Poley no Cavalcade of mu no Newtcrrt 05 Hirbiirbtadn no Telegram 315 short by Carla Day showr ottoman Prom The show 900 on and Hit Parade News and Sports Top of the Town News and Contra News and sports Him Off THHRIDI 635 sin on 530 Ellwlm ï¬ll 615 NIIEIII H6fl Illlell clock woo Perm Illrkgt mm 755 Mg Wuttur mm 750 Narrr LDDJWXI Roundup 33 Null has sport sootr 855 showtime RQVIII diodrredlnr Part no Tennessee lrnio show lulu 12 mm News 1005 audio Preatnut lolh Homemakers Clinic 1020 Truding Port tum Nan 1105 Lovller You PROGRAMS moo Search rar AdiI tur 1drury Loo lane wyulan Show no climax no laeirla liar Ihcw Icon lull iialm duo nangamur simian meat um on Need in Today In loan um MollI Mystery 1hr atn The litIna rulnnv NOV 345 loyalivy Ill1t to tan ov LIII 415 secret storm 430 uwdr Daddy 5m Fun Time 5311 Iioy linearr 600 viletam Thun uo Newx an wrrithvr us lPrbl 7m sum nun stara Loo on Trill THUDIV re moo liea imam not ban Town and Country Time 1210 snort Digest 1215 Milk Report 1230 Narrr lino nurtl Round up 100 Helium 103 Bulleun HDANI no Becmd EDHIII Mn Aunt v35 cm 0mm Parade 53031 Tan Illa carth Time IM NEW and Nora Headliner no this mourn on am run leI Dulltill loud vm Ndl Hamilllac 705 For Tm Day asio Paniliy Theatr coaxe noo Hit limo Neva and abort acum ladsTop at he Town to midnightlu noNewarndJuortr soon 15 Cridwalia rabr Show loan me Music countu uh Part om Plrin Market and iciagrpm 315 Bonn by Perry Como mil llooilo Family $00 Graphic 130 country Noadowh ram miltoo riahu rub ltm caionran Show 11011 out News 1115 Shop rlnal 110 into Imrtr militant SATURDAY NOV 24 us fluit cup Parade run any our Matinee nm any one Football uo nit Sm Count at Mnntn Crim no Wild lill Hickok too on surannr uo Mr FixIt us Eddy Arnold ma LollyiaoDum 1o Nolidiy nanch $00 Perry Como short moo NHL hockey 1015 Kind wnyte lllww luo Errrlr Dent uoo cu Nrwr 10 minute 113 Wmuinil DIAL I230 Inv 32 sin on oJoBtrengut for tha Du us micl Clock 720 EDD 3601 no Weather Report 150 News 100 Sports nounduo ISO and Snunl scores showtime lzrvua 505 Thain PC no Tenneareo Ernie snort loth Noll I035 Rldlo Preemut 315 Eomemllflrl Clinic lono Trading Port um Nm l105 mvlier You lull sing Creator snow 1125 Household Hlntl 1130 lurid Country styl Perv rnlev 1202 TM and country Time to mill inn scum Divert inlandrite Depart glol lelln an ofl Ghrlrtmu Xnlhu Air Market Debon Veteran World War Two Walt Ferry Passes Had Many Friends Here mumgxm 157 mNmAY NOV 21 You Do When You Buy Christmas Seals The Sudden lith of Writer Ferry on Smithy Oct 14 1958 VHS decided shock In llll nupy friends heres be wn thought to be improving At the Toronto pilal Weston Eldest son of Mr Ind Mrs Kinicy Perry 53 Burton Avenue lie was born on June 1914 in Ailndnle and hail iivad at the hmiiy residence tllere for the greater part of his life with one exception Frum September 1943 until May 1916 he hath served with the Crnhdiait active serylce forces and while overseas was wounded in action on Mirth 31945 in the Second World War hlld been employed Bsclelk in the Motive Power Departmentaol the Canadian National Railway lit Aliandnio and was it member of road Employees 119 He had received his cducatio at King Edward Public School Allandhie and tile Barrie Colle giate Institute and was membér of St Georges Anglican Churng The funeral service on Tuesday Home was conductedbe Itevmjl NewtonvSmilhreclor of St Gear ges Many beautiful flowers expresse ed flagrantly the regret of rela tives and friends and of the CBRE Alidnddle Division 119 Thc Mot Ive Power and Car Departments the Shop and Stores all of the ONEat Alidnddie the Womens Association and lit Evening Guild both of St Georges Angii cdn Church Burial was in St Pauls Angli chn Cemetery Innlsni with six friends of Waiterhcting as choker bearers Thomas Mllrslizili Will iam Marshall Alvin Bowen George Watson Ir Murray Sykes and Bert Hogan There was large attendance including friends some of whom were fellow employees some neighbors and also relatives here and from distance including Mr and Mrs Stephenson Konr Dey Mrs Hargreaves Sr Mr and Mrs Hargreaves Mrs Hamilton all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Greenwood Bradford Mr and Mrs Thornton Lefroy Jack Marshall and Austin Kendall Part Credit Surviving relatives of the late Waiter Ferry are his parentsldr and Mrs Ferry three brothers Arthur Robert and Henry and Sister Phyllis all of Alinndale and it Sister Mrs Davl Arnold Mary of Ivy RAILWAY SWITCHES Radio controlled switches marking an advance in the tech llique of signalling have been in troduced on British railways For the past eight yeird Walter the Canadian Motherhood of Rail Oct 16 at the Jennett Funeral ONTAliio DEPARTMENT Gr HIGHWAYS NOTICE 10 SUPPLIERS or Enliit POSTS Separate ruled lenders mnrked Supply of Cedar Posts Pf onto Dlltrlcl will bl received by the District Engineer Room 142211 Block Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario until 1200 oclock noon 12511 FRIDAY DECEMBER llh I956 Specificationd Information to Bidders Tender Forms allll Tender Envelopes mhybe obtained by mail from the District Engineer Mr Fownes Parliament Buildings Toronto Ont drip or at Downvacw Office Downsvievv Avenue nchr Kecic St Toronto Thelowést tr hnytiuolalioll not necessarily accepted Toronto Ontario TAlilo DEPAliTMENT Or ilthlWAVs Date Nov Iii56 bldtletho removed SHORT ItiBfasaamoif SHOULDER lllll cul lamla No1 Grndl Emparnr GRAPES Flnrid No1 Girl New or TANGER rues