Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1956, p. 2

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was Vfgg and professional vpresented accidents was scrumental grades men An article ofclothing such ture game gate anniversary ducts NEWLY NOV couun COUNCILSEEK PHOTOS FOR NEW EDITION or BOOK Fourth edition of the story of in preparing for the 195 edition Simcoe County illustrated his lf you have and white tory of Simnoe written by the photognphs which you think lion Drury is now being would improve our present readied for the press Story of Simeoe County beam 50 Reeve Lawson Robinson we would be happy to review chairman of the simcoe County them Each new photo which is Tourist and industrial Commit used in the booklet or for other tee informed this weeks smion tourist promotion will be paid for of county council at rgte otbctviaheen bland $133 Of the 34000 co les printed ePt 18 9C to date all but hllindredhave qufimyr and um now been distributed on request used WI be fmFd to permanent residents of and Any person Wishing to sub tourist visitors to Simcoe County mit photographs should send he said them carefully wrapped to the Photographs of points of his secretary Simcoe County Tour toricnl interest of parks and ist industrial Committee other beauty spots andof recrea P02 ox 80 Midland Reeve tion facilities in various parts of Robinson explained An 8a10 the county have been used to print is preferred illustrate earlier editions Only by the wholeheartrd colt We are however most anx operation at all our amateur and ions to increase our photographic professional photographers can coverage of the county Reeve v42 hop to do justice in our Robinson said and we are ask ry of Simcoe to the beauties ing the cooperation of amateur of this grand county ho con photographeis eluded Accideht Figures Worry Police Chief Urges Driver Training Program School Safety Pqtrols During the past to months while automobile accidents in Barrie waiting list is created by the have resulted in 44 injuries 28 smaller youngsters who admire of them to youngsters 14 years the patrolmen and want to do the of age and under and damage to same thing when they get bigger vehicles amounting to $66200 Bun Session These °¥$blechéa$ bun session followed the Tscliirhart head of the local pol meeing braking 10 5m ice department in an address to 80 to discuss lIiIlcrcs Home and School As Sh°rtP°°d mil sociation at its regular meeting Emu 0m mm hFh hm Thursday evening were ably answered by Chlaf Chief Tschirhart said he had Tscmflmfl planned to talk about the history The Speaker was nmduced by of the police and law enforce mama Gm and tank by mcnh but had changed his sub Pre5ident Herman Tomlinson jcct due to the number of in Barber Shop Shula juries received by school children ght much was added the itié°nluléi as in prossam by Barbershop what the re resent Fem grqup at 15 male smg Withoiit aEy oneof the three filgalyhffigmd dinigriyt 5191 an SCET llll ES Pul tflmc Pmblems Win Ml ties and cummerbunds Undefi uncuotn Kennedy and lufetfil it the directifin hof their leader mus as PM yo Murra Ha an ivenum portanco of these three letters hers yunner psik lgdmu Tell for Engineering for Educa Me your Dream sit till the tion and for Enforcement Re Sun shines Nellie Blues Heres ccnlly the 1010 081 has to You Old Timer and Keep serited itself in competition with America Singing war and disease as mans amt VicePresident Garnet Pratt ost rkillel and while we recognize who was in charge of he meet that our present knowledge is ing announcedtthat Miss Chan 1imitcd and we do not presume he5 class had won me 5th that some spectacular solution attendance will be evoked immediately we caffeé servedhyillrs do feelthat continuedapplica Anderfim afldhwmhteedur on duty readymade iion to the problem at hand will ing the buzz 595 result in better techniquesfor rc meeuhg Wm ducing the incidence of traffic by the senior pupils Poor Drivers The major factor in automo bile safety is of course the driw lake Lawrence er He is the cause of the mo lOlIlhle Ninety pedr cent tit Rehres acc dents are cause by vio on of the Highway Traffic 40 Years serVce be d°° The arrivalof the cult Hamil ton way freight on Tuesday after noon Nov 13 marked the last run for Walter Bloke Lawrence who who had been with the company forover 40 years ldohshcelfirmzzdrd classed as conductor in 1940 program sponsored with the aid of training Lnnite should he followed hy hehad been brakeman on that Mme examhm run through preference on his part for the past two years and hi Eh had also been on the Meafotd foiicenhent Chief hlschirliart 33 Fight hem 13 pa me out that primary traffic responsibility of the pol wuh hfiggfl 31533 as com ice is the prevention of accidents The one sin common to most drive gigmgfihgiédfligflafllfl figs 3113 scussing the ers is lack of understanding but good time was made with 85 and respect required to operate rival ahead of time ond la TEE $1191 Whitley group of relatives fellow work rivrng car 1V0 VES fill ers and friends did not arrive on most continuous series of swift reactions to suddenly arising sits geeeftfiifl platform me to nations in many of whieh the penalty for making one mistake mfflifirafi gfugetfifiieeheihii is death This mistake may come night maria up forrfisl In with about through improper attitude open house for host of friends not necessarily lackNof akil On LSaturday hoighh Mr and School SM Paml Virs awrence ad members The police chiefyfménm hm of the falnlly about as in all for ed that solution would soon be Outfit gettogether in their found that would halt the need Om They have 5° less and tra ic road slau hter Edy 2mm wm Canadian which he mg was how its Controllers Ltd and CharlesB second million on this continent in 15 39 Telephone wholehearted supporter of the IMF35 3180 ouegrandson Rot 151cm tshaféty patrol system he art Paul Charles Lawrence ope would be adopted ally Bedeeked in Barr lo the near future He he inwwmsidehce in helping to organize therfirst Canadian safety 2122 flirzlfhflftcfghd blue jn Kitchener in 1945 and hunfih which centredal ge ll pleased With its ting railway lan key and rule dgirls from the senior hosen for this work hvhich eogistsd of llimping chil ren on esi ewa unti it is safe for them to cross the road egn1t°er£rgxgcihg ignei They 31° dwfl runway till at Allandaleas brakeman guild In this middle ofdthe fireet had beg htuinman thmugh pup gm aca em standing are allowed to be patro this lgfagfiwgffiflfegf asa whitocape gloveshat or Native of New Lowell belt would distinguish them Blake was bornvin New Lowell not the family came to Barrie later andfhe attended Prince of Wales School then the West and Barrie Collegiate aeia axon the late Mr and Happy Birthday and across the iottom the wish Good Luck on Your Retirement Thefaniily homerwaa on John 1Tlarceglvhltiiiithera or Ivan Hr lt iaini pronto Barrie Side Mm Agira ViceMarshal om terson Box 101 was Winner Lawréhce whotrethed mama inst weelt Lobtnw Pradlfl k3 RCAFI and had been appointed civil defence coordinator for To ntonaod York at recently gratulatlona ioo AtthevtopL was lettered f3 hrg mung can on Commencement Enactco bun eye than my 011an swarmr Ind plated in cantata who the men lam ml where she also ahhwed remark 99mm muck or able marksmanship She walked in Collegiate Nov 16 Margaret vim fine may or her Hillard of Goldwater now attend ML Went MB In Mrs McFarland admitted she 95 mm Al mm had learned to handle ride as school honor graduation diploma $th and hug enjoyed mm mm 05 panying her father the late John at Venus mm Hawke on hunting ex ditions 5mm JIM near home Recently said 031 WW diplom End she had not much practice Mrs mm from the regular course yamhm flayed an upper Commercial diplomas were also tunin to hunt partridge or other Fmme 5200 small game in season with her In prizes distributed hi Medanm in his address Dr Crud Altho the weather was un McaIster University professor favorable the turkey shoot was challenged the graduates to lie we due Energy and V8101 the Own FINN 111 enthusiatm injected into the pro ents attain Threadth of interests you by the Counter Jun and bulld strong characters chamber we Cummne pig Princlpnl Winch stressed dent Charles Wadgc estimated the additional facilities for cours between $150 and $200 would be es provided by the new vocation cleared for use in purchasing Ill wing cement blocks for the new Cold licad boy for 195558 is Peter Wyater Community Centre build an head irl is Lenore mi 55 Besides target shooting there were games and contests Hunting Accident Joe Burden 39 Coldwater pool donating prizes for the event and room owner and photographer is commercial displays were enter in Sunnybrook Hospital Tomato ed by Mannings Goldwater receiving medical care for the Lockhnrts Victoria Harbor and gunshot wound in the shoulder WClarlre Oriliia received while deer hunting with Hunting Reports Co ter pan ldw men Reports from hunting camps Huntsville where Coldwatermen are stalk Bgghwagl rcpgfrteFdnéhxagugghnw laygenderert at hthlhtix gracéically pa is on suc hmmg 31° the and cess The hunters at Novar with mistook Mr Harden for deer his gunshot striking the Cold 533 glfighfgdflgnfiuzggg water merchant from distance of about 300 yards The shot three days bmugh eight was said mhave passed mush deer Additional members were the shollilderharca fracturing the fivgfiadhe my 35 the season bone aso rce ribs and punc turing the lung Indications were 3121 lfafillmugzl Mr Barden would be hosp talized 11 mu Chrism origin he lay Levering had accounted for was carried through the bash for dinAb over five miles to Bracebridge boiling CAS interim ime an en Mr harden was standing on Deficfl Record Low small hill in the open about 530 pm Nov 15 wearing duck hunters wire instelald of his beusé ifsz hf $392131 he Childrens Aid Society voted another member of the Co against this Proposal and alsoa wager ham who stmdfi an motion to close one hranch of Continued from page one other high poi 49419 und fice for trial period The So The fact darknerawasa roach etv have been supported In their ing may hivecontributed to the Views 20 some extent by the com accident munities where the branch of fices are located and it isour Early Iii week Fire Chief William Beach said he would get 9pm um II 59 90mm much whh Mrs Harden who ities wish this extra convenience was eturning from visit with they must realize some to her husband to see what assist ance the Goldwater firemen could provide to Mr Barden who sha member of the brigadéyo un leers On the matter of financing the the sommittmemmv ext Japn SessionCouncil should consider in the in mm wm Guam iiyy lifel Judger fiiire airline sled skififlhmggzfiénxfpr N131 gf care and making suitable grant when Hon James Allan Minister to the New flew wurk of Highways officially opens the On minim of the committee Drillia bypass thefhmrman spoke highly of the work that had been accomplished Annual Thankotferhig and the highstandard maintainedi The Senior WMS annual thank by the society staff onthe greatly offering was received at the reduced budget pm service at the Presbyterian Welfare Officer Speaks Church Members are preparing to forward gifts for distribution The newly appointed Welfare by Mrs Leathcrdale form Officer for the County eriy of Goldwater who is has Waits gave his maiden speech pital visitor in Montreal to Council He expressed his ap asnl raid preclation at having been chosen John Cow the of Cokh to fillfsuch an important post and tlined briefly his activitie water ianin rnill owner Harry Cowanp obsesved his 89th hirth 99 Mm day on Nov 14 Mr sewn LEARNED IN INDIA Sr has enjoyed Fn er good health recently and has rhe Bin wgreszggififiguzsgrfiloggfi use of all his faeulties He visits the mill several times day and Fhiwiggqegegh VSiilloieediilieilelmiii walks considerable distance to India the village main street couple Merchants were generous in he the Board of Directors of Two For Older Boys Parliament Donald Dunnnore of Crown Hill and Wesley Marshall of Wye vale have been nominated for the constituency of Simcoe North in the soil session of the Ontario Older Boya Parliament meeting in Waterloo College from Dec 26 to best 31 The Older Boys Parilament la promoted by the boya work hoard of the Ontario Council at utian Education in which thefollowing churches cooperate Anglican Baptist Church of Christ Evangelical United Bre thren Presbyterian and United together with theYMCA The parliament challenges old er boy to Christian llving trains them to give effective leadership in their local church and com munity Indthmiigb practical vivid experience gives them realmnderstanding of the mean ing of democracy Dance Avening Community Cen tre Friday Nov 23 Dancing 930 oclock Admission50c Lunch counter 133 Dance at ivy Orange Hall Sat urday Nov 24 912 Beattys Or chestra Lunch counter Admis sion 50c 133 Christmas Bazaar bake sale tea and salad plate Saturday Nov 24 Masonic Hall Stroud Auspi cos OES Tea 3150 133 Christmas balaar tea bake sale St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worsley Streets on Friday Nov 23 pm 12813l183 Christmas bazaar tea andbake sale Friday Nov 3026 pm Oddfeliowa Hall Collier Street Auspices WA to Air Cadets 133133WF erey Saltunan speakerat the reton Field Naturalistscclub meeting 815 pm Satnrd Nov 24 Hillcrest School 7A itorium gtblic welcome 133134 Dance to the music or the MusieMakers Fridays and Satur days at Pine Crest miles south Elmvale one mile west toward Anten Mills off Highway 133134 EuchreCrokinole party Friday Nov 23 pm Prizes fish pond candyand gift table Lunch pro vided Admission any patchildren 1105 dCErng unity Hall Anspic Stroud ome and School Association 133 Finedpple ilruilSlliiIlue ice oANoms 22 pontoyST Phone PA 84592 oftimes weekly for shaves He enjoys watching hockey and wrestling on television Sunday he was out for long auto drive with his other son Leonard The octogenarian has resided in Coldwater with Mr and Mrs Harry Cowan for the past 22 years He farmedin Cartwright Township and Moonstone before retiring to Goldwater Fire Put Out Occupants of the home were able to put out fire which threatened the Henry Prince residence at Bayview Hill last week before Goldwater brigade Entertain Youngleope and Mrs Cecil Levering anterta last weekend for son Kehnethand his bride Rochester NY Followingna visit to Goldwater the couple urned tohochester early the Dies at Home ilfred Pipher 11 passed may at his residence in Feaser oni Funeral service was ar anged from Robinson Funeral Home Coldwater Sensation of shoot Mrs ike McFarland of Moon stone was the sensation of the urkey shoot at Goldwater rink on Saturday in compeltion for Women usro CAR on retirorhén as Hga slip covars Fiesta white Walls good tires heater andis blue in colour bargain buy Stock No 4113 License Add488 Now only if oANGEREIELo Mamas REGULAR $850 LIMITEo DIVISION mu 55ml GENERAL MOTORS Sat Nov 24 SPECIAt LOBLAWS PRIDE of ARABIA INSTANT corrrrn 5i 155 147 SPECIAL STUART HOUSE BURNERBIBS SPECIAL BleY ROGER orvus rooo Aka Mix iiiiiutta coma riAitlzs 2135956545 NEW tux W73 FROZEN icons Sealiraolr Farms MilieilVegetIIhles 439 Mortons Turkey Poi Pie gee 65¢ Birds live french Fried Potatoes it 31c Salli Cherry Pie hm 29c Sovereign Sockeye Saliniin F1128 54 49c CHOICE Libbys Mixed Vegetables an 11c oxo cubes 16 an 29 Grimsby Siveeilllixed Pickles chin 32c oxo Fluid 11 49c Suruiogu Potato Chips mt 49 Rose Marga ne ea 31c Jeluel Shortening owned ill 84 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES N0 IGRADEfIRM CLEANA REALTASTY VEGETABLEI Brussels Sprouts FARERNA SWEET raisemacs CLUSTERS Red Grapes NEW CROPI CALIFORNIAluscious EATING Fresh Dales ONTARIO GROWN FANCY GRADECRISP AND iulcv MclnioshAlipIes with 35c 32 film $53 12 CALIFORNIA Cnisr cauNcnreoREENPASCAI celervsruIIcs an 33 White Swan To Tissue 3m 25 rueElle Tissues ml WHITE Fires lily liquid Delergenf can 30 LGIicleil qu dSIureh orec 325 Personal IVQIYVVSOCP cikrs Ilsa 43a Wislr tilinidliinindryllelergenl the 499 uorraeo ml Bfeéiealus or Willre pub at Pepsodent Denial Cream Den slit 89c Boborclegnser no inslegaci ALwAYa TeNoen rassnoiinnr ROASIING CHICKENS If sass cIiICKsN cUTs Chicken legsim 65c Chiekonflre iipa IALiMeArv pioInr SIDE snail Inns SFIEIALJ CGMIINAIION JACKAOI ThirteenBeer vEAI our Ania YOUR FAVOURITE llunlllm GOPACONMIENQEIIS FRESH FROZEN risII PAN aerY CANNIOIRTFEIEFDWEL iltéF scorrnscmhlca All annnrssrornviuoion Pride of lirahia Coffee its 109 321 Tito Clip Coffee 91c LoILAwa Tasty Treat ice CreIim tlcx 25o assouyn ILAVouIs rent toauwa litlllllt Sill WHITE sacn ouALITv PRODUCY or me LDILAW BAKERY WILLHIIDS Wits MILK cnocoLArn CABAMEI IIIILLS EACH 1V FEATURE OF THE WEEK ercIALI SUCCESS PRESTIGE FURNHURI WAX oszaiL 39c Nio lOLAWS Guy lornlanrdo TN Show Newspaper For Correct listing of Time Doyl Station FEATURING rites NATIONAL nIuNos It Miracle wnla iii no room Pull In Wu Royal In dings wok lilonull chm club II 59 ollvu sownInn Soup nutty cracker walt Cake Mix Stuart Maura Fell like Site can Furniture wax lohlows Goodwill Offer gt FUNK wacuacur UNIVERSAL STANDARD Encyplopedia AN AMAIING BARGAIN ON THE BOOKAWEEKPLAN IUVONE WEEKLY NOW ON SALE voiiuiiae 999 WITH ANYV curious LOILAWS MDNEV SAVER Premium Certificates NOW AVALAILE LOILAW STORE with cash 15¢ merchanu dill purchase you IIIV also pinchu on mono raver premium Irfll salt IEE PREMIUM ON DISPLAY IN ALI LOILAVI SYORES TuaoucIIour onraalo

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