PLACES THIRD and iourth in the schools publlcspenklng county finals were right to left Patricia Nixon representing Essa Township and Neil Diuon of lenetpng 12 THE BARRIE EXAMINER wEoNESDAY News of racism Visiting in Ottawa Mrs Torrence Hunter is visit ing her son Jack and daughtenin law in Ottawa thisweek Sundaylvisltors Mr andMrsD McFadden of Toronto were visitors with Mr and Mrs McFadden Mr and Mrs Gordon Henry oi Thornton were Sunday visitors with Mr andMrs Douglas Hop per Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs Milt Trace and daughter Betty oi Elmvaie were weekend visitors with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Harry Leads 18 Miss Patricia Evans Toronto spent the weekend with herpan ents Mr and Mrs David Evans Miss Edwards Toronto was weekend visitor withMrs At kimon Illness gt Miss Sandra Coburn returne home from the Alliston hospital where she spent two or three days after havingJiei tonsils removed Mrs Ross Elliotflifld Mrs John Duttori are confined to their homes through illness Visiting inColbarn Mr and Mrs Tommy Mayes spent the weekend in Colborn with their daughter and sooinltw Mr and Mrs Alvin Cammackl Mrs Cammack and son Lee returned home with them foravfew days visit Returned Home Mr and Mrs Gallaugher re turned to their home Saturday after spending several months with their son and daughterdnlaw Mr and Mrs Morris Gallaughter New York State Mrs Herbert Mapes from the Hollows is making her home for the winter months with Mrs wGlass Sunday visitorswith Mr and Mrs John Faris were their son inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Robert Wardlaw and son Paul oi Woodhtidge and Mr and Mrs Wil bert Wardlaw of Westonl In Eugenia Falls Mrs James Miller spept avfew days last week with hersoniri law and daughter AlmondMrs Bert Harmon at Eugenio Falls Institute News The Womens institute have speciallinvitation to attend the Bond Head Institute meetingflon Friday evening Nov 30 Ladies to meetat the our cornerstior transportation Orilila Visitors Mr and Mrs Ryan and Mrs Fraser rillia were Sunday and people visitors of Mr and Mis Norman Ryan was Sale The WMS oi the United Church helda very successful bazaar of homemade baking knitting and other articles also afternoon tea on SaturdayNov l7 Masonic Lodge News Manitoba Lodge No 236 Cooks town entertained the Scottish districtv under Bro Peter Hum ter at the Mosoole Hall on Nov regular meeting of Manitoba Lodge No 238 withthe Past Mas ters under Bro Gordon Henry will be held on Dec is Fowl Supper St Johns Anglican and St Lukes Pinkerton will hold their annual fowl supper at the town hall Cdokstowii on Wednesday Nov from to pm Varlety concertwili follow WI Short Course The Womens Institute sponsor ed short course up fAids to Eif ective Spéaking project of the Wi altlsdouthsnncoe this year was at kstovitnIio n3a EdnesdagNovï¬hm 10 ainfto pm special invitation was extended to presidents of clubs andgtothver organizations and fairly good crowd attended es pecially in the afternoon from Cookstown and the surrounding towns and villages The meeting was opened by the district presid ent= Mrs Campbell of Stroud This was followed by the introduction of the speaker Mrs Hare who until recently was liiiss Elizabeth Master is ivery clever speaker from the Department at Home Economics Mis iiare gave wonderful and educational talk on $peechj Among the many things she said was thata speech must be worth rememberingmust be en tertaining= educational and have purpose rip1preparinga speech ï¬nd out all youean Material can be pick ed up iron newspapers libraries institute departments radios TV take note There are three parts in every speech The introduction when the first sentences should make the audience comealivé and want to take notice the body of the speech andtlie conclusion Study the speech 1and write it in ï¬nal fqrrnaiidlalmiist memorize it Mrs linre spoke about platform per rmance and the importance troduetions with the import ant ones ï¬rst In speaking she said the speaker must watch tlme quality enunciation inflection of 21 1956 Pick upldeas and Tunas mono Comesiriiwrs iii in gt Public Speaking contest Sloicoe County Fin als held ot Hillcrest School on Friday lett voice iaeial gtexpressionvg have stated and the meeting closediwilb smile and gestures make ithem the Mizpah hencdlctlonandiater Legion selves Success dopendson what is said and howlt is snag In introducing anyone make it brief interesting experience and qualiï¬cations that person had Ask the5peaker ï¬rst for iniorrna lion and what to tell it should he brici andtothe point Toasts should be hrie£trib speechcs of welcome retiringiroln office speeches of dedicationyiith out hesitation or pause andmany more uselul suggestions were given At noun picnic lunch was served United Church main The regular meeting of the United Church evening Junior Corrigans on Thursday evening Nov 15 with good attendance present The meeting opened with hymn minutes androll call There were 24 sick calls made to the homes and seven to thcghospi hills Birthdny money was receiv Mrs French and Mrs Stewart Corrigan gave report at see tional meeting htidinL oysrs cently yliirs Powers convener of the program opened wthrthe singing oi hymn Mrs Newell gave an inspirational message on the pres ence of God Mrs Donald Monkman favored with solo The study bookon Burma wasably giyen by Mrs Arthur Cooper and prayer of ered by Mrs Albert Roll The offering was received and dedi WMS was held at Mrs Stewart delicious lunch served byithe sarimuse thasAcuvities good number of veterans at tended their annual turkey dinner on Nov at the town hall spon sored by theiinstltute members During the evening honorary membership in the Canadian Le Craitsmen of St Catharines and g°°dwm ROW 20 like gionswas presented to lion Earl Rowe Col Harold Eaton at New market was the special speaker at the evening in answer toihe roll callmembers responded from To roiito Oshawa and as far aï¬eld as Michigan The oldest member present was ComWllliam Baker 32 years old All members report ed good time Veterans Euchre Aaood crowd attendedgthe vet erans euchre on Monday evening Nov 12 at the Veterans Hall when 13 tables were enjoyed Prize winners were Mrs Bert Armstrong Arthur Kidd and Frank Fisher A1asty lunch serv ed by the veterans followed the game The next euchre will be OPLNPL WW crowd is expected Everyone welcome Remembch Day Service The Remembrance Day me ial service held at the Unl Church Cookstown at 238 pLoi Sunday Now was wellattetid ed The service was in charge at Rev EJWINewelihininlster of the church assisted binanon Chap erlin of the Anglican Church The address was given by Mr Pasno of the Presbyterian Church who figs ospoeioiiyyto when the young to MANUFA iNSURANCE Li EACH in your miiyineuns nddodxesponsih ity Our Equity incom énefi idenivxlmum gt ifs need is great designed cruasas Fï¬ COMpAN gamete some by ghtJJildy Campbell illnivalé mohai Marshall or Ora Township Elizabeth Illden or Nottawasago Township gavea line talknanfliaithz The members led by the NEAR Band trom camp Borden led the parade to the Cenotaph where they Apirticipated in the service Don Elines directed the service at the Cenotah Mrs Roy Goodiel iow read he honor roll ans school children alld public placed poppies on the cross Lunch vvas served at the Legion mu Erosbyterinn Church WMS pe closed wuhproyer and the host ess served lovely iuhchand social time was enjoyed gt lAiter the placing oi wreaths the veter STRATFORD CP Cousins Ronald and Victor Neeb met over crtimpled fenders whchone of thecareriedto pull intoa traffic ilane addcollided with the Theirubyterlan WMS met at £031 the mansezon Thursday evening with good crowdpres Patton the preaid ened the meetingewith Scripture readings followed by prayer fromjirs Lloyd Hughes Afterthe minutes and correspond ence articlesfor the bale for Gra venhunt Sanitarium were display ed Patton reada paper on nd the Soul Mrs apapef on fProtits also gave prayer or the mi ionarje Mrs Pasno minislunar Cornpllments at nanonnriato More LTD Chevrolet Oldsmobile 15 Munitimnuoraedimirames my borrow widi donng from use becguseiisc isCanadasohlyoohsumerï¬nanoecompanybaeked W73 years cranium Hellenism specializes in providingioans from 359 to $1090 in one day anti in privacy This pionipt depend My all our ï¬nanumooumhnr use gave an interning talk on be ex II Whergvé voiding dealerwlli gladly rotate my whinha maunï¬ yaw own Countty durum In trike pantqvfinlor driving or ham liig You twin collision cave