unmuaamth Bombay now 21155 muluéaroaramflm NEEDS visited bu Whfll In any Gm mun Buny nip SgLluor and In Mason andltrs EEnion recently enjoy ed motorJrip uplaeh ride at the st hwrence Seaway and lt THE GlrrsUritEiiEtT hN YrkStte on ztrou ewo avlng Med NY An 01 van HA new by an artist otJntequntlonal repotatlh The YPA mehin flawkestone Pictures priced from $4060 to 350000 church last Friday nightrwith an is riExhihition anuisalé courmuss If Krfrdlz none or Ihomusï¬wmiluheu um 56 Dollar LANE ï¬ï¬ntpiï¬Ã©ai excellent attendance The presi dent Mel rfllwdsley the Argeetgng and ion Creighton wu 320 earnsram genuine snakeskin bag in Mr and Mrs Jack MacArthur and family visited Mr and Mrs it Deu 50 Passed on James Hancock at Elmvale last from 0119 Did lefl to anoth Suoday Stldden Passing This community was shocked most appropriate The congrega to hear at the sudden passing last tion was reminded to bring in Sunday night ot George Neil their contributions to temperance Campbell of Barriea brother of work as 5091 possible awacronymsum conducted late Mr Campbell was born and grew up on the farm now owned by his nephewWilliam Camp David Campbell Toronto The boll Temperance Sermon Rev Warr preached chal lenging sermon on temperance last Sunday The choir number Each Step oi the Way was usaoult annular Ptllll NR HOME IMPROVEMENTS $100 to 53500 Start now payments ar ranged to suit your budge N0 DOWN rumour as now as so llon The VWinston Churchill Range Ytiure hovered liitllerlwuv With 8013qu insurance Underthlis policy on pay only ice of each shooon the first 3250 01 each loss Above that amount State Farmpays everything Call today an toil information rats 10 KNOW yous Highrinto the sky reach the greatestpeaks ofjasger National Park part of the vast range which Mines Minister George Prudharn hasannounced will forever commemorate the name ofWinstoniEllacchill Snowcapped and clouddecked the mountains stand in rugged array in theglaciec country spreading out from the gigantic Columbia Icefleld Seen in this aerial view are some of the imposingpeaks that make up the rangelnset map indicates location of the range flanking the west side of the Coliimhia Iceï¬etd highway some 40 miles south ofjasperu CNR Photo Siroutl spent MIDHURST chkcnd Visit Cheryl and Donnie Hubert oi the weekend with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Coutts Farmers Visit Royal number of iarmcrs enjoyed ihc Royal Winter Fair last week It llear Speaker Midhurst Horne and School As sociation enjoyed the talk given by Mrs Orville Dobson music supervisor for Vespra area at their meeting last week let Birthday Mr andlllrs Les Bertram cn tortainod on Saturday night number oi young lricnds3he day occasion was Ronalds 21st birth Congratnlations Ronald gt WA Caters MidhursLWA catered tothe Veterans Club in the Returestry Hall last week Over 60 men sat down to delicious turkey suplt per Expanding Territory Midhurst is an ever expanding territory It is rather diiiicult or one correspondent to make complete news coverage so any one hziving any news items in the Midhurstlretoreslry station area please contact Mrs ElsieMon teith our new correspondent or that area Formation of YPU Anyone interested in forming YPU pleasecome to the Sun day School room on Friday Nov 30 at 830 or contact Gordan Walt or Ronald Coutis Bab Goodicllow Simcoe Presbytery convener will be on hand to help organize and answer any questions Outot Hospital Mrs Maurice Coutts has re turned home from hospital Community Christmas Tree Keep Friday Dec 21 open for the community Christmastree in hlldhurst Hall 55 No 17 Ves pra on Thursday Dec 20 Away for Winter Gill has gone to Mrs Playiords nursing home at Hills dale for the winter months WA purchase Tables Midhurst WA has purchased SMALL RETURNS Thia newspaper deplores the growing tendency of most gov ernments to take increasing amouan of money iro citizens turning around and when in great tit 01 generosity giving us some 01 itback Why take the money from the people in the tlrst leace Chilliwack BC Progress Full details onlth Home Improvement Mans 129 onanrono 551 1K Ken Milchfell cLu PHONE PA 85943 uaon but some raum solo from AGENT Graham Biddle 19 Baldwin Laue BarrieI pa A305 tour stacking tables and 16 chairs forh the newsrecreatgll xroom Th3 CusBo cï¬gs re an fle tilEV mo go Viusep the recreation facilities at their 37 disposal Mrs Nashs intermediate class WANTED heldan enjoyable class party in aid the recreation room Friday ev required tolook after the flooding and supervising ï¬ning who Blues ememined of outdoor skating rinks to be operated by the Barrie the 3955 0113131 CQWS and Bob Goodtellow assisted with the Recreation Cmmme games after which they retired to the kitchen for delicious lunch BBC Viewers Will See fourth CBC Drama Production The On Camera production ct Pastorale by Maxwell Coheln presented last November on CBC television will soon he seen throughout England on BBC TV This is the fourth 030 TV drama production sold to the BBC Those already seen or soon to be seen by British viewers areY Flight into Danger SThe Sponger and The Magic Lite Negotiations are underway to pre sent moreiilmJecordings oi CBC dramatic productions to at tish audience Pastoral ECONOMICAL deputy newspaperman Just cupfor full load of Ourexciting newde Judge react to mob intent on gt sigmrwill give your ivyohms prisoner In the county eFWFeS hnme bright tmh Tens 195 ue clothes youve ever seen rlockselednoM oner slngs negro spiritual and the angry mob roars outslde gt Starring in this halfhour 5u5 penso play areyJohn Drainie Ro bert Sheri Robert Christie and Harry McGlrt Others in the cast are Anna Cameron Frank Perry Ed Murchnlnd Jon Granik Pas orale was producedhy Henry Kaplan who is now directing stage plays and televisron dramas lilail applications to am GEORGE LoNGsrAFFE Secty Barrie Recreation Committee llillcrcst School Barrie mugie thewoll paper Way in England IOn Cantata is seen Monday evenings on CBC TV The series is sponsored GeneralJFoods TIST allergies 32 Dunlap sr as cdflcenfkaego Iqui emovesstuhhom Spots and Stains laundry powders am ouchlj Make THE is it TE5TT YOURSEIF ow wows Concentrate washing Poltergeth clothes cleaner whiter Fveal yet tried anyt ng like new blue WIS because WISKJS evolutionary new Ii formula that gets all your clothes cleaner than any laundryvpow PENETRATES DEEPER FASTER Only llquid can penetrate sodeep so fast Onlyliqmd WISK removes spots and stainslaundry powders leale hind Yet WISK is safe for handssafe for fabrics as only yliquidcantgte Au 51th DRY Denney