WARDEN JOHN ty Council LOCALTBUS COMPANY TENDERS FOR BARRIE SMALL yesterdayf presented June Thompson law of Penetong with Royal Canadian Humane Society Honorary Testi mony for her heroic action and presence or at Coun mind in the only onetcnder fo the bus service of Barrie was received byTownCooncil and that was from the local cblnpnnyfthe Greer Transportation Company Ltd The tender was con sidered ata special meeting of Town Councilron Monday nightï¬mdwas referred to the transportation committee for further consideration and recommendation Barrie Town Councilcalled for and the Town collects all bus rev tenders bascdon three different schedules of service the ser vice maintained atthe present time the present service with the addition of an hourly service bev tween pm and pm along Dunlop Street West to Ann Street and north to Grove and Owen Streets and also this latter ser vice with three services per day to incorporate Blake Street Companys offer Greer Transportation Co Ltd offered the existing service at 45 cents per mile to be paid by the Town and the Townto receive the fares only advertising rev enue going to the company At present time the company receives 45 cents per mile from the Town enue An allorhativemroposal for this schedule was for the Town to re ccive ail bus revenues in return for paying the company flat rate of $700 per month The subsidy at the present time avcrages around $500 per month in Sep tember the bus service cost the town $480 and in October $590 in respect of the other two tenders requested the company offered to give the hourly service to Ann and Grove Streets for $250 over and above the rates quoted above and with the company re ceiving any fares taken on the additional route The company was prepared to corporate the third ite in the rescue of Mary Clancy from drowning at Victoria Harbour on Augusta 1955 Mary Clancy age about five was playing on the dock when she fellinto the water and had to be rescued chem schedule for an addi per month One Year Franchlse Aldermann menting on only one tender be ring receivedr said that he had heard of one or twowho had been prepared to tender but de cided against doing so because of the offer of only one year fran chise and the severe insurance requirements It was pointed out that the in surance requirements had been modified andall those who had been interested had been interest edin tendering Eranchise for longer period than one year was only possible after public vote but any company operating sat isfactorily would receive five years franchise after the one year In presenting Greer Transportation Ltd stat ed that Ford Cit humorbetter would be used nd all staff would distinction who was later knighted He ser vedas Judge in simcoe county from 1843 1888 when he was followed by Judge Ardagli anothergreat jurist The portrait was giv wento theiCounty by the Ardagh estate and hangs in thezqourtroom mma lColds eom Carelaking Rural Sch Unsatisfactory Suneoe County Health Unit sanitary inspectors have been concentrating their effort on the inspection of schools during the past month They report conv sidersble improvement in sani tary facilities in most of the schools but found the csretaking in many rural schools still far from satisfactory Sirong recommendations have been msdeto improve these un satisfactory conditions in October the senior sanitary inspector and thenledical officer of health visited most of the mun ieipai clerks in the county to de termine if the health unit could further assist municipailtlcl with any problems they might have and to improve the service be tween municipalities and the health unit total of l224 inspections were made by the sanitary in spectors during the month con sisting of 863 routine calls 280 followup visits and 75 complaints investigated Will Speak To Junior Farmers Lasbley of the On tarlo Department of Agricul ture and formcrsgricultur al representative in South Slmcoe will be the speakervat thejvy Junior Farmers Ten Year Commemoration ban quet The banquet will be held tomorrow II Ivy orange Hall commencing at 630 pm varied program in addition to the speaker has been arranged for the occasion Former lnmsï¬ Clerk Dies lnnisfil community was stunned to learn of the sud dcn passing oi Gavin Cv Allan on Tuesday afternoon Today as the ratepayers go to their nomination meeting they will remember the many years inle Allan ofï¬ciated as clerk of the townsblpover thcse pm tmiinn The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon from the home in betray to the Presbyterian Church Churc hill and to the 6th Line Gem ctery wear uniform after serving pro bationary periodz The company oificials would be wining to meet with the transportation commit tee legiste Andltorlnm tions will be accepted forrtho office Ilnyor Rene Dep uty Reeve and twelve alder men torithe Town of burla Nominations are also called for seats on the Public School Board had the Publlclitil itch Commission Alderman Gordon Ilcfmk informed The Examiner this week that he has decided pinstr standing for reclec lion owing pressure at work lteport 3Cases Measles in County Durng October Measles topped the list of com municsble diseases reported to the Simcoe County Health Unit lining the month of October There were 39 known cases in area rCiose behind wsschickenpox with 34 reported cases There was not much evidence of other diseaseswith only five cases of mumps reported three cases of jaundice and one case each of German measles and soar let fever There was one case of menin gococcsl meningitis reported and case of bacillary dysentery The customary tenmonth budgetvplaced beforeSirncoe County Council yesterday showed the record lowest estimat ed deficits for the year for the Childrens Aid Society The societyhas at présent deficitof $4095 and it is possible thetthe overall deficit for the year will be between 18000 and 510000 In prscenting the interim report Ernest Cumberland Vicepres ident of the Childrens Aid Socl ety pointed out that they had been fortunate to have received revenue in excess of what was expected to date in the smount of $12497 To offset thubow ever payments to other murilcu ipalitieg was 1320 above the budgeted figure for the year 316500 and the figure was no pected to exceed the budgeted figure by over $17000 by the end of the year in accordance withthe wishes of County Council we are doing what we can to carryon the work of the Society with reduced staff Deficit ï¬hows Saving report of the special wel committee of the Council hich followed that of the CA5 Councillor Kinsle chairman of the special committee pointed out that saving of close to $40 000 could be espected for the year despite the estimated deficit Amplifying this Councillor Kinzie reminded Council that in January this year the CA5 had asked for $227000 and hadre ceivcd $184000 for their years work The impact of the reducedser vices is being felt backlogs of work in the adoption unmarried parents foster home finding and protection services are growing pressures src becoming more per sistent an insistent from clients other municipalities and agencies We hope we will soon be able to rectify this situation Bum Board Asked Consider Reversiim ysnolarship on At the regularmeeting of the DCI board held at the colleg iate an Margin night board man will 11 own gem33 gave name of motion authorizing the sale of $11000 bond with view to uc ing the money to assist in the purchase of equipment for the new collegiate Any amountleit over would be added to the gen eral account of the district board During the timewhen the col legiate came under thelurisdic tion of the Barrie Board of Edu cation lhe board was permitted to budget in the years 10444510 the extent of one mill for the purpose of creating reserve fund for equipping proposed FEW coMs TO TOWN FORUM 3000 RADIO PARTICIPATION Whatever disappointment the Barrie Junior Chamber of Com merce may havefelt ov lack of public participation in their Town Forum last nigh must have been compensated for by the knowledge that there was con siderable radio audience Only 30 people attended the forum in the council chamber but there was steady stream of telephon ed questions for the panel as soon as the program went on the air Under the moderatorship of lack Forster there was panel of five sepakers expert on civic affairsReeve Willard Kinzie Deputy Reeve Murray Mills Ald erman Cooke Town Clerk Ben Straughan and Town Comptroller Tressurer Walter Gigg Each member of the panel spoke in turn on specific phase of municipal government prior to tbezquestion and answer period Reeve Kinzie dealt at length on annexation and Deputy Reeve Mills gave little time to town finances The questions with which the panel was faced covered wide field of municipal affairs and showed genuine search for knowledge by the public on mllnv icipal matters None were really controversial natur few points clarified during the evening were Any person who is going to be out of town on election day can vote atthe advance poll which will be at the Allandale YMCA on Dec4and5 An alderman gets remuner ation of $10forea uncil or committee mcetin but if two meetings fall on same day he only gets $10 Alderman Cooke was of tho opinion that the remunerationyas adequate person with property in two wards can vote only once on the offices of mayor reeve andde puty reeve but can vote for al dermen in each attire word In which he has property There is no immediate pros poet of cleaning the bay suffi cientlyto rnake ing The advantages of BarrieAbe coining acity are mainly in tary The reevefelt that could become cityand maintain good relationship with the county it would not be legal for the council to appoint nominating committee to suggest candidates for election Council should give serious con sideration in the opinion of Alderman Cooke to the appoint ment ofan industrial commis sioner to ensure that industrial expansion kept pace with resi dential growth While the main portion of pro posed annexation would not af fect the present town sewers it was true that the main trunk sewers were in need of expansion now Annexation should bring no immediate cost to the urban rate payer as the new areas should be able to payfor themselves Barrie bons Stage Another Monster Buffet new addition and auditorium which it was thought would be necessary to meet the needs of ecnndary school ccducation in er December 1947 the Bar ne collegiate became part of larger high school area and came under district board and motion Was passed then turning over the principal of $11000 plus interestto the new board for the purpose of establishing memorialchoiarahip from the citizens of Barrie The interest of the principal sum was to be divided equally between two pupils each year at the rateof $150 per pupil as scholarship for further study atOAC Guelph in giving his notice of motion Mr Blair stated that if the money was used for equipping the new collegiate it would be used for what it was originally intended The motion will come upfor discussion at the next regular meeting of the BDCI board Once agflnlearrieVLlons Club monster buffet held in the new Legion Hall Collier Street last night proved great attraction in the eliminationdraw carrying with it the option of 195 car or motorboat of equivalent val ue or $2000 cashtbelast four names drawn took theoption of splitting the cash prize Thefour finalistswinnmg $500 each wer Frank Hargreaves In Ernes Wolfenden Allan Hives and en Bailey and Dan ny MacDonald who shared ticket Weaihery quéY Mild Showery Mpdernto weather has pre veiled for this week part1 or short Today Jud nlodente Msnvm 22 PagesThree Sections incr Ianv an Lula4 nunu cl Further Economies Possible Tthpecisl committee report went on to point out that the saving would have been under bad all the economies been in effect for the whole year The entire staff had been given their annual salary increase plus an additional special increment of $200 our year effective from Sept Further the board rate for foster homes had been in creased We are stiilfirmiy of the opin ion tiiat further economies in op eration could be effected hythc closing of the branch offices and the establishment of system somewhat similar to that of the Victorian Order of Nurses Un der this system resident social workers would take the place of branch offices As reported in Turn topags two please TWO MEN OF GREAT STATURE in CountyCounciiflal though their names belie the fact Councillor Thomas Little Reeve of Beeton is comparative new corner to County Coun cil and he standsall or six foot Worden John Small is Reeve ol Adiala and has served well en of the County warm pecan lambs NEWBY 82 both of Goldwater were the only two ora trio which has become known as the Three Musketeers present at the opening of Countyc ncHSession this tirn The third member1ack Fell asoh in thevexacting task of Wardrf