an EXAMINEE MONDAY NOV 18 1956 John Reéve SietSfUp Orillia CraftsShoo young bearded craftsman from Barrie is the centre of great deal oi interest in the neigh boring town of Orillia these days John Reeve who has been pursu ing an artistic career in such far oif spots as Vancouver and Mex ico is working on hands and knees these days setting up crafts shop inthe old pump house nex to the Stephen Leacock Hotel Pavilioh lie is buildinga ceramic studio in which he will hold classes in potterymaking for anyone inter ostcd lie willgive instructions in hand and wheel modelling hand painting gluing and firing and the preparation of the pot ters materials etc he stated in an interview with the Orillia Packet and Times lielping him in his ï¬rst profes sional enterprise is Jozo Weider manager ntlhe ski born at Blue Mountain Lodge near Collingwood who also produces Blue Mountain Pottery at Collingwond The pottery will be on sale at Reeves cratt shop together with the pro ducts John will make at the sine din Ceramic arts classes are getting underway this month What the students make under his instrue tions th materials available at the studio they will be able to keenperhaps for Christmas gifts The Blue Mountain Ceramic Cratl Shopthat will be the name ol the studiohad potters wheel in operation at the recent Oriliia Ys Mens Sportsmen Show Aims of CWL Outlined By Diocesan Leader Mrs George Davis vicepresid cnt ofthc Diocesan Council of the Catholic Womans League speaker at the Barrie subdivisions meeting in St Josephs Auditor ium described the rformation aims and duties of the league to the local members The ï¬rst subdivision of the long siesta MruWelder substituting for Mr Reeve demonstrated the throwing and other ceramic crafts Registration was taken for those who had already studied ceramics and also for people to whom the craft is cntirely new hoped that childrens Saturday class could also be arranged Artistic Appearance interviewer as the type who was vulsuing artistic expression rather than the silver dollar you would think hels painter from Paris or some similar exo tic place Buthe will tell any one quite willingly that his home town is Barrie He studied art at the Vancou this summer in form of beard and tan Asked why he grew the heard he said mainly because and has been constantly afraid of getting crippled at one at those daily torments But he also couldnt quite deny the suggestion that he just wants to look different in Mexico he kept his big eyes open for native designs on the pottery which constitutes the rural Mcxicans daily cooking and eat ing utensils For some time he livcdln an old deserted silver mine Just handful of artists and scientists lived in that village where it was so hot that John couldnt get any painting done All day was one John says with laugh But he made up for it up in the mopntains not toofar from Mexico City He rented house for 30 pesos that is 15 dollars month He says that he will give his future students ample opportunity to develop in many directions He will teach them the making vases bowls plates cups ash trays or piaques ï¬gures jew ellery buttons tiles and other articles of handmade pottery decorating it was Young Mr Reeve impressed his Seeing him forthe ï¬rst time ver School of Arts and acquired his artistic appearance in Mex co he is not very talented at shaving MIMI BENZELL swirls wwwwflms rses Alumnae Simcoe Farmers Representatives will apply to have Metrqptdljiian ObgéiraleStar Will QpenCpolmrnunttyConcert Season Héré ThursdayEvening Mimi Banzai glamorous prano at 31nd opera television and concerts will appear in Bar rie onthursdaycvcning at the Roy Theatre opening the 1056 on Community Concert season the association was able to secure thlstalented artist asa regth men for Miss Glsdya Swarthout who had to cancel her scheduled recital because of illness Miss Bearell is television fav orite seen often on such shows as Ed Sullivans Tout of the Town and the Voice of Fire but her scheduleis Ia arra ed that she can kecpup with her concert and operatic engagements Miss Benzeli was only 21 when she made her debut at the Met ropolitan Operaone of the young est American prima donnaa in the history at the opera house Christmas bazaar tea bake sale St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worsley Streets on Friday Nov 93 pm 128131133 Christmas bazaar tea and bake sale and candy Wednesday Nov 21 35 pm Central United School Hall Auspiccs Sr WA Admis slnp 25c Mansï¬eld Young People present Betty the Girl of My ileartat Giiford Hall Nov 23 at 815 Sponsored by Innisfll South Farm Forum Admission 50c high school students 35c 132 Doll Fair Wednesday Nov 21 Trinity Parish Hall Collier St afternoon and evening spon sored by Soroptimlst International of Barrie individually dressed dolls Noelbazaar Tea 130182 Hot Turkey Dinner good pro gram Wednesday Nov 21 in 131432 For it int ent she war given one of the most difficult roles forooioratura aopranoc thatrolthe Queen of the Night in Mozarts Thallagie Flute Recontlylttaa Benull was one of the atara of the auutmcropcra festival at Central City Colorado where in imitateslo opera house she sang the role of Zerbiucttldn Strauu Ariadne Completely Americantnined lilimi Bcnull was born in Bridge pdlt Connwhere she had her early music training To con tinue her studies she move New York and took Job sales girl in la department store She won scholarship forths David Manner School at Music ind her first singing positionwas la church soloist She wa aing ng in summer oparettaa when the attracted theattention of Sir Thomas Beecham who arranged or her successful audition at the Metropolitan Opera Miss Benzella personal beauty and her greatgifts as slnger have made her popular figure on television and through this medium she has become one at he beat knownopcra singers of the present tlmcand there is much interest in her forthcoming appearance in this city The concert time is 830 pm cfroy Resident Winner Loblaws Picture Game Three monthssubscription to The Toronto Telegram oneof the prizesolfered in last Weeks Loblaw Product Pictures Game was won by district resident George Plantl ofLeiroy Mr Plant made his lucky pur chase at one of Loblawa Yonge Street stores in Toronto TRY ANEXAMINEB WANT AD PHONEPA 82414 local ScouiMoihtén Auxiliary Plans Election Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Cub and Scout Mothers Aunlisry oi the 2nd Barrie Pack9 red by SLAndrewl my byterian Church was held on Iionday Nov 12 lo the ladies parlor of the church The prai dent Mn Churchill coir ducted the meeting it was announced that 3161 had been raised from the bake in bake sale and it was hoped more wouldbe sent in request was heard for six cub scarves six scout scarves and two leaden scarves The con vener in charge at aewing urn Morley was asked to obtain material for scarves and have them hemmed The membership convener Mrs David McClymont reported tho one at the Scou Andy lurnof hull was in the slplal as reY suit of an accident remem ance will be sent to him by the auxiliary The election of officers for the year 1957 will be held at the De cember meeting at the home Mrs PGundy which will take the form oi Chriatmai party with an exchange of gifts The meeting was brought to close by repeating the Scout benediction At this point the group committee joined the meeting The chairman Mr Me Ciymont conducted the meeting following prayer by Rev James Ferguson ths Cubmaater The chairman explained the func tions of the group committee which is composed of represen tatives of the sponsoring body ldealso explained those of tho association composed of citlleua of the town plus one representative from each group committee After brief outllnc of the program of Cubs and Scouts discussion was held regarding questions raised by the Mothers Auxiliary it was announced that district meeting would be held on Saturday Dec at Mid land and it was hoped two or more members would attend After the meeting was adjourn ed refreshments were served by nembers of the Mnthera Auxi ary THE NET CWL was formed in 1921 in Win Slmcoe County accepted under Cookstowrl Town Hall 1111 nipcg Toronto and Montreal In 1948 was decided to organize one in every parish under the direction and protection of the hierarchy it has the same eccles iastical lines as the church It is important that every member from coast tocoast work and try to putevcry object of CW1 into successful operation it is at the parish level that it succeeds or fails The CWL fosters its ovn paper The Canadian Register it is car rying out decency campaign against objectionable literature in an effort to arouse public opinion against this type of literature Everyone was urged to write personal letter tohcr local mem her of parliament immediately protesting the sale of objection able literature Ottawa is concerned with the imported literature from the USA Customs should tighten up their inspection and prevent such mat crial from coming into this coun try The police have their job to seethat convictions are ob taincd when this literature is sold If thisdrive persists for two more yesrsflhe hook stands will be cleaned up The CWL is also helping to ï¬nd foster homes for children It has rvrm NSURANCE School Association ren on an year lt pays $2500 dentaldcath benefit It protects the student insured for injuries received while at tending school during the hours and on the days when school is in session including coverage for all sports gym Physical education activities shop ï¬eld trips etc It also protects them while travell ing directly to and from school and while participating in school sponsored and supervised activi ties either away from the school Final plans for the presentation of accident insurance for pupils were made at meeting of the executive of Codrington Home and This insur ance is being offered to parents for the protection of their child entirely voluntary basis at the rate ofone dollar per accident medical expense $7500 dismem hermcnt beneï¬t and $1000 accl Buys Skeleton For Students lheregillar meeting oi theNur scs Alumnae of the Royal Victoria Hospital was held this month at the Stewart Residence the urse oi the business meet ton for the training school had been ordered at an estimated cost to the alumnae of $350 Miss Wadland of the train ing school staff and Miss Gill espie of the Simcoe County Health Unit gave an interesting account of the Canadian Nurses Associa tion convention held in Winnipeg in June Miss Wadland attended as voting delegate Colored slides were shown of many places of interest During ing it was announced that skele The December meeting of the alumnaehas beencancelied Christmas dinnerparty is to be held on Tuesday Dec available so that there will be no problem about leaving little ones at home and soft drinks will be sold This is the one moneyraising affair of thejyear Hot dogs coffee launch Campaign Continued frompagc one to have thodiseasestamped out by 1960 If thlsproves tobe the case Canadian cattle might very well be shut out of the American market at thsti time unleas we can show equally high health standards in Canadian cattle Township Chairman Appointed The meeting wasorganized by the Secretary of the Federation of Agriculture Cecil Chappell Gordon Caldwell President of ma Federation was chairman olthe meeting and thankeerr Worton for his help ingetting this im portant County program organized Keith Manner and Stewart Page assisted with the appoint ment of strong Township commit tees who were instructedto pra need with the canvass at once Township chairmen as appointed to headup each township canvass are as follows South Simcoe Nottawasaga Arnold Vancise Tossorontio Ern est McArlhur Essa Lee Banting West Gwillimbury Walter Lloy man you brought him last withteeth ln the Brucellosls Act 1958 The meeting llst Wednesday set Nov 30 asthe deadline for completing the canvass and have all petitions turnedin to the townshlpchaln He ays he vvdnts one like night Ausplces St Johns Anglican Church Cookstown and StLukes Anglican Church Pinkerton Ad misslon $150 anddOc 131132 ZELLERS Every Day Monday to Kris day Over Radio Station cxaa at 500 pm Starting Monday Nov 19 through to Christmas sronsonsn er ZELLERS LIMITED 60 bunlop St Pb PA some Tecumseth AlbertuBotha jaia John Hamilton North Simcoe Sunnnldale Reg MeNabb Flos Herb Whita1iny GIVEVA Pawnran FOR pensnrnas Simcoa Business Machines 69 DUNLOP sr wear Barrie Phone PA 34324 runmuns FOREVERY ROOM IN Yvoua Hosts as ammo smear Phone PA 82843 Make 11 on or DAY WITH YOUR PORTRAIT There is someone youloveforwhom there could be no more appreciated The cxecutive had full evening planningprograms for the balance of the year Mr Flook who is in charge ol Fathers Night on Nov 29 outlined the proposed program for that evenin family reunion plan whereby it helps an immigrant to bring the rest of his family to this country providing funds for this purpose in the form of loan which can bcpaid back later In this way families are reunitedsooner than would otherwise be possible if the premises or after school hours It ishoped that most parents will avail themselves of this protec tion for their children Plans were also ï¬nalized for the Codrington Home and School Family FunFair being held Arthur Gardiner Tay Murray Edwards Medonte PeterTNaugh ton Oro Bernell McKay Oli Wilbur VT Reed Matchedas James Borrow Each township committee was asked to appoint sufficient can one member had to savethe money before bringing his family here Mrs Moore thanked Mrs Davis for her very interesting talk Lunch was served by Mrs Charles Sasoand her committee gift table on Saturday Nov 24 at pm in the school There will be games for young and old includinga fuh pond dart game ring loss on apronnable and parcel post table and movies for the children There will also be Christmas baby sitting service will be macaroni was KITCHENER CWThree boys waited for three hours to see the police chief about ajob they had been told he had for them dia tributing pamphlets When they finally saw him Chief John Pat rick said somebody was kidding themthere was no job knighta glea grand therfivt and Mrs lght Mrs arry Lee and Mrs dnlothers MrLand soon as all townshipiréports are for the ountytbe Agricultural kgubscribers vasserstd get the jobdone right away andhave all petitions sent lll promptly to the township chair man who is then responsible for turning over all petitions to the townshipclerk The clerk will then certify arm the percentage of cattlernen in the township fav orable to the oBrucellosis Act 1956 and forward his report to the Agricultural Representative As as humansLa ESMITH gift than your portrait it always says that you are thinking of them in very special way and that you want them to think of you lt MAKE AN arrommnur uow warm on TELEPHONE pa 84176BARRIE STUDIO ovan Hours coverage tor unmarried dependent childrqu ceases December am at the year in which the child attains the age of eighteen To continue coverage for such dependents specialappll cation is necessary See your Group Leader or write difectio Blue Cross ftolks everywhere Es laLl40 Demo PieFillmg of lemons General Pooch Limited ivYoullrhove linishil yourself wete hiliflgiemoflte l°xdi° Pvgrylhing stops for lemon picthe favorite dessert ially when you makeitwitn Yo getthcgenuincfltang hno gratihg juicing And JELLO Fillmgglves you sure success every timc registered trade markowncd in Canada