Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1956, p. 8

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Exemplary courtesy Aninteresting aspect of the job of being Canadas prime minister Lia the moonspic uous way in which its holder can often move aboutthecountry Inthe Unitedstates the president can hardly sneeze without the public hearing of it But in Canada the prime minister can come and goralmost unnoticed at tlines And while this might seem not overly attractive aspect of this countrys highest government post consideringthe import ance of publicity to politicians it Should not be underestimated It means that even the prime minister can enjoysome of the privacy only the average voter enjoys in some other countries An Example of this anonymity of Can adian prime ministers at timeswas the return of Prime Minister St Laurent to the capital recently from speaking engage ment in Bherbrooke Que He was travelling in the drab green old but welloutfitted private railway car he uses It was attached to the end of regular passenger train When the train stopped the prime 3min ister carrying couple of brief cases step ped off and was greeted not by crowd but bythree officials from his office and couple of reporters He shook hands with the officials and the reporters then began the long walk along the station platform other passengers were getting off the forward coaches and hurrying toward the waiting room The prime minister strode among them unnoticed He caught up to three young girls and politely stepped around them If they realiZedhe was the prime minister theygavc no sign One or two persons gave the little group cursory glance then went about their business Theprime minister of Canada was Just another man with grey tweed suit with brief case under his arm It left reporter wondering are Canad ians that disinterested in their politicians Have they acquired such confident in dependence that promnient public figures dont fascinatethem any more than Canad ians fascinate themselves Or did some of these other passengers really recognize their prime minister but were just too polite to intrude on the per sonal privacy every Canadian even the prime ministerennmmengn enjoy The Big Sleep Waror peace prosperity or depréssion mean nothing tobirds and beasts They follow the agesold cycle of the seasons When town dwellers are putting on storm windows and snowfencing is being stacked aiong rural highways ready to be put into place migratory birds are on their way south and bears and many other species are getting ready for the long winter sleep During hibernation death from starva tion and the wasting away of tissues is preventedlby absorption of fat which the anlmat has accumulated in the weeks be fore his retirement Those which do not relax into virtual unconsciousness have stored supplies of food The Arctic foxfor instance hoards dead hares ermines or lemmings The woodchuck makes storage locker of its body but it also stews away stock of green fodder in case it wakes up hungry before spring For month aftermonth it lies in trancelike sleep Bears and ground squirrels badgers and hedgehogs turtles and frogs are others that find cosy refuges for the winter Theyre not all true hibemators Bears sleep in normal state With many other species they have builtinthermostat which willvwake them uplf there is any dangerof freezing to death But true hibernators in small group of northern mammals undergo radical physical changes hibernating hedgehog survived test in which it was kept under water for 22 min flutes Woodchucks and bats in laboratory Itests have survived four hours in carbon monoxide gas The hibernators exist in state of sus pended animation because their hearts drop to the lowest possible be and keep geing at minimum body heat that no other animal couldstand for long And even bird will hibernate once in while The National Geo hie Society ACIoss Pub No min of Indocacdim ween irciuatioa tbs End Sept so 1955 7337 petition wish lf1tywereftnposslblefor illefiftohslloéite neighbors plus booklet of speeches made by paper basket Tilire norm gramme ished Monday Friday WWWI54 At The Wilson Building Post Olficesouarc Barrie0ntario can ran annals amnion LIMITED reports the case of whippoorwiii found en sconced in rock cleft in California in 1948 the sleeping bird winbem But whether they fly south or dig in for the winter the birds and beasts are safe against the cold Theyve been doing it for centuries and man with an his scientific advances is still seeking more clues as to how they do it Its fascinating subject for the scientist as well as the layman Man can talk about pulse rate and body heat and slower circulation but these things dont bother the animals The big sleep comes naturally Opinions Of Others Vyhose Convenience ivxciorinacrim was watched through four Supporiers of tbe sixday shopping week for Victoria have in effect posed blunt question Do shops and stores operate for the convenience of the people or do the people exist for the con venience of the shops and storesf That is an oversimplification of the issue but it docs give point to the fact that the public at largeand admittedly people who work in stores are members of that publicdoes not seem to cnloy much consideration in the shortened shop ping week observed locally Few if any ciiinens want or eitpect the person in shop to revert to the 12hour day six days week which was commonplace generation or so ago On the other hand is there sufficient reason io prevent siores which wish lo remain open from Monday to Saturday inclusive from following that course provided adequate time off is given to employees The fact that hours of work clauses would in crease the number of employees working for big concerns if no midweek halfholiday were in force has won support for the plan from labor spokesmen More jobs are created rlind aseis glarineg obvious during the tourist season Victoria is losing great deal of business when oneday visitors reach town on Wednesday walk the streels looking for shops which sell the type of goods they want to buy in Victoria and flndAonly leaked doors The argu ent has been raised on many occa sions that full sixdoy working week would in flict hardship on proprietors who have small businesses employing one or two assistants Either they would have to engage more help or extend their own working hours according to the case presenied on their behalf That it seems is one of the challenges of com Tbey need not remain open unless they small staff to handlethe extra afternoons busi ness they wouldhave to form their own judgments on the advantages of staying openVand thereby presumably collecting more revenue which might cover costs of additional helpor shutting up and letting the days business go elsewhere Why should those who want the business and are ready to handle it be forced to remain idler Where is the justice for them in such Ian arrange mentan arrangement incidentally which does the city serious harm when it is thronged by visitors with money to spend and no place to spend it Propaganda Machine Oshawa Welarc going to have to secure larger waste imesGszeite paper basket for our editorial office The one we have has arrlarge ca acitylt is needed be cause of the tremendousrflow of useless material ihat comes with every mail Publicity agents of all kinds keep pouring in the products of their propaganda machines Nearly every country which has an embassy or consular office at Ottawa has now developed the practice of sending out Volum inous press releases for no otherpurpose than the glorification of their own countries They have very little or no interest for the general public and certainly do not come withithhe category of news The need for largerwastepsper basket how ever stems from the sdditionofa newcomer to the producers of propaganda Recently the Russ ian propaganda mill in Ottawa has joined the list Every day now the mail contains volulninous arti cles dedicated to the glorification of the Commum ist ideology and life in Soviet Russia Some days two or three packages of this material are received Only today there came ten pagesof material praising Russias relations with her Bulganin and Khruschev at the recent Communist party Congress They were enlightening as re vealing the kind of material that is fedinto the ears of the peopleof Russia Posslbly thcRussisn propagandavmongers have the idea that by sending out all Hildematerial some of it will find its way into Canadiannews papers If they have that ideatbey are all wrong We cannot imagine any selferespecting Canadian editordoing anything different from what we steppingconsignmg it to has waste swan Sc REG snnannor crime the lucky win ner of $100 perweek for yearih the Barrie Branch of The Canadian Legiohdraw re solves cheque from the chairman of the ticket committee Ken Ramsay left With them is Hugh Gill also from Orillia who the lucky ticket The draw was made at the the proceeds will go towards hospitals is known that earned $25 per week for year for selling Open House held at the new Legion head quarters on Colllenstreet last Friday and defraying the Fnvero costs of the hall if nuclear warfare ever to Canada the most permanent effects of evacuation of the large cities likely to be bombed will be felt by thesmailer cities towns and villages andeveu the farm ers For the city resident can save himself from ibedestruction of hydrogen bomb only by fleeing to the country If his city were wiped out and made uninhabit sbie by the blasihewoudvbave to remain in the smaller centre He could not go homeagain he would have no home to go to Under Canadas civlldefeuce plan it is the responsibility of the rural dwellers to be prepared to cope with the problems evacuation of the cities would bring them And these problems are many and varied The immediate demand the evacuees would make on the country folk would be for shelter not only from the elements and the weather but also from the threat of the blasts aftermath radioactive fallout The fallout of pulverized cities from one ll bomb could contaminate areas more than 100 lniles long and 20 miles wide with radioactivedust that might remain dangerous for from hours up Where would asihall iowruor bleeds Force cqmesivlllnge shelter up to on Rural Dweller Athatit isproposed to both in five times its normal population for 48 hours or more How would if feedeem for that timer Sup ply them with water These are only few of the problems local civil defence organizationcan work out in ad vance and it is only by advance preparedness and training and practice thatJhe tremendous de mands 21 nuclear emergency would make unrural dwellers uld beruet Since civil defence planners expect the wholecountry event ually to be divided into evacua tion zoneswith persons from prodetermined sections oflarge citiesgoing to predetermined Suggests TV Tower Be MOved Nonh OnPower increase 98 Codrington Street Barrie Nov 1956 TorThe Editor The Barrle Examiner Sir am givcnto understand crtase the power of the CKVliTV With the recent increase in power of the Toronto station CBLT can be seen clearly in Barrie and in many cases with rabbit ears alone In view affine considerable sum of money to be spent on the new tower feel that the sugges tion of moving the transmitter to grillla be given some considera Ion To beginwith this should still serve the Barrie viewers equip ped with rabblbears antennae it would also extend viewing for considerable distance north of 0riiliapossibly as far as Hunts ville and Parry Sound with pro community For it is the pur pose of civildefence to work out these problems and allow every individual to learnand be train ed ifuecessary in the surest and swiftest method of putting the solutions into action mesme Today and Tomorrow Helge is HOPEHELPANDREAfIllG Why does nurse wear cap Why do styles vary in different What Is the signi ficance of the band From history and from fuel it ihc lineage of nurse clp dates back to the days when bridal veil signified young womans humilin and obedience to her husband This custom was common to the Rom ans and since many Roman mat rons galned renown for their in forest in nursing the veil be came symbol of their service to humanity in Queen Victorias day all women worc caps indoors This could account for the frilly cap that Florence Nightingale the pioneer of modern nursing de signed for her students in 1360 Some nursing schools have retain ed ihelr original caps with slight modifications Others have been ebungedput of necessity since their original cops were either not washable or had elaborate frills tint necessitated special laundering The cups of some gradqu nurses bnvo binck bandothcrx two bands and some dietitians have three short stripes on one corner There are some histor ians who maintain that the blsck band or hands serve as mrk of mourning and attribute to the memory of Floren Nightingale Regardless of its origin the cap has become traditional in nurs ing schools throughout the World it is crmsnent symbol ofsef vice to umaglty in the constant sirugglewhlc hospitals wage in the war Igolnsi sickness pain and lnlury CANADIAN PRESS By HARRY ECCLES Canadian Press sun Writer Advance units of United Na tions police force made up of soldiers from l7countries includ ing Canada are preparing to move in the Suez Canal zone to take on the task of keeping peace in the Middle East Establishment of the world peace patrol received at least qual ified approval from Egypt The oibers involved in recent fighting Britsin France and Israelal ready had promised totum over occupation dutiesin Egypt to the UN force But there wasgrowing evldv once that Israel intends to hold on to the Gaza strip the Zomiiev Mediterranean cos tsl area from portionate increase in advertising potential In addition to the above this would give the Barrie viewer with an external aerial choice of channels 10 and 11 and possibiyrothers To be realistic one must ac knowledge lhat ckvngrv is at times nuisance and not being wealthy organization some of its programs leave lot to be desirEd Thereisuothiug to balcst and much lobe gained by considering this problem before this vas amount of money is spent con structing huge Itower here in Barrie with the subsequent realiz ation that it was erectedginjho wrong place It is infjnitelypren ferable for town to have view ing from many stations than hallo transmitter of its own in close proximity eliminating most of the others 31 HAWKINS which lsroeli troops ousted tion defe era They were expect tbe Sinai coinsuls which in dM nisovov rrun The bech old at the north end of the Sungonsltbat British and Frenchninvasion forces seized wasquiet last Weekend cease lire went into effect in tbeSuez battle zone last Thursday MILGen ErLIMv Burns of Canada who was named by the United Nations generalgasseinbiy to command the peace patrol splt psreatly secured promisesrcf co operation during the two days of conferences with offi cials in Cairo Fears that Russia wasflinovinl to lnterlmne seemed to ave less Duncan Sandya intuit iwgodiervztive So far as we know ztbcrc is no foundation for the belief that there basrbeen any significant movementbf Russian aircraft Into the area Neither has therebeen any largescale buildupof Egypt isn forces which would lead us to believe they were likely to attack Britishtropps on the canslli splurcd Arms Israels Foreign Vter Mrs Golda Meir said at Tel Aviv that some of the vast store of equip ment captured irorn Egyptin the Sinai peninsula was so secret it had not been display deven in ened the equip rsessauiitv of the captured material Twas sold to Egypt by Russiaand her sat eiiites Another lsraeli govern ment official estimatedjtbatlsracl captured tanks vehiclesammuui sections of the rural area any community no matter how small must be prepared to care for the injured almost certain toturnr up among theevacuees There would be extrademands on small towns water supply and sanitation capacity The town engineer who would kuow what these facilities could take and how best to expand them is therefore an important part of any towns civil Civil defence voluntee needed to helpzhim The evacuees might outnumber the towns normal residents by as many as five to one That poses the problem of law enforcement No town police forcevcaurby it self provide the necessary pro tection from the Besides the necessityo bo live in the vcduntryiand the smalltdwnsl and cities to help iheirless fortunate city dwellers Zu event nuclear war requires ass evacuation there possibility that rural dwellers themselves may baveto evacuate Under ertain circumstances the rural esidents must be pre pared to move tosafer territory The chief cause of themselves this pruldbe fallout If the Weather conditions were sucbthat heavy of dangerous and quitepos bly deadly dustrwerc likely fto pie is the nutanti nu II Ill1111 wu Ivl concentrations and Illllmlllll up IllIli fllflIofll rurnn Tuxd to page twelvegplease NOT THE PUSHOVERT HE rHouoIir it wAs

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