Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1956, p. 6

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at film LIBIll POUNDCensus shephude TI male Ian and Duck Unfithiss udlu Name stunt Ross arcom l1 mm warstayed trons Dorrie Terrhe Shanty luv Rosa ollols port Pen also est one ey partly closed Anlt sum to hlfy Phone PA lull veninu or werllend llLllm FARM EQUIPMENT IMALLIY Hommermlu IIIIh knives Ior or corn used years Phone llrll my 39130 115 CDCKSIImm Pia hydzlllltm one soon one my sulsldu UAssn Rama electric eruln tor Huey Hsrtts Kim unitl or II cows Ind trade or pin or cattle err use the plug Will hone 3565 39h MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No comm No chi vCfldit Enroll ot Barrio Phon PA can Marlgit MUSKOKA WELL DRILLERS COMPANY on drilled cued Ileanud grilles INQUIRIES TO 30x THE DARRIE EXAMINER ANGUS RADIO TELEVISION RADIO It TV REPAIRS Phone IrisDI Or lifldfl EIeCIriC Motors 10 Ross El Barrio PHONE PA 85807 Dm ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE far New Molar Needr Rewind IndDevlin See HAROLD HART Belrid Electric Motors Owen at P11 PA 32205 stsu FLOOR COVERING Amutrongl floor covering Bubber and Asphalt Til lelleunu Plsstlo Wall The llstedsls supplied snd Installed Eros Estimate WOLJEENDEN Ph PA salsa sis Toronto on PHONE PA DionDAY OR NIGIII INNISFIL ELECTRONICS TV RADIO REPAIRS ll lNlerIL BASIL Rowan co Fm ATTENTION FURNACES CHIMNEYS ALso ulL aunNERs CLEANED REASONABLE RAIIs HOWARD MILLER Toronto street Barrio TELEPHONE PA mu 5121135 ALTERATIONS STORE FRONTS AND EXTENSIONS On that homo he turned Into soutumour 2511mm Prism YEARS EXPERIENCE SCOTT CT SON Pi On 81 00 Silt 0n and his ALL TRAILER SIZES TRANS CANADA RENT TRAILER NATIONWIDE Bent Hire Leave There one Why Anywhere We Supplylltlllu AGENT Barrie Trailer Rental Gowan so Barrie Phone PA hsioo grExDeri Repairs FIRST CLASS MECHANICS TRACTORS TRUCKS 54351 CARS CDLD WEATHER IS ALMOST HERE Now Is THE TIME TO HAVE IHAI molar and ignition tuned ll in any nln throughout the writer FARM SUPPLIESANDV SERVICE CHARLES CHURCH CASE AND NEW HOLLAND FARM MACHINERY DEALER PA 82115 Aw slsuai 3WD HUDSON St South SEED RAND FEED dle Oratoostsssda pusad tor sue lamafly nun all ltul Property for Sale or Rent Ited 09¢an dlnflfl Wonloans SAVE UP TO $600 on 1956 EXECUTIVE CAR WITH NEW CAR WARRANTY CHRYSLER 0R PLYMOUTH YOUR LAST CHANCE BETTER BUYS IN USED CARS RECONDITIONED WITH WARRANTY FREE GAS EASY TERMS 1951 DODGE Crusnder Sedan time Biuc clean good running car I954 Chevrolet DELUXE CLUB COUPE seat rovers good llses car 1953 PIymOulh SEDAN completer rhected speclol price 953 Chrysler WINDSOR SEDAN good runninl good thrp looking car Just rcilnlsh ed lrl Susi White and Medium plus While wall tires I953 Chevrolet Deluxe sedan Dork gsry rieon nod runnlnr cur liloon seat covers 952 Dod REGENT SEDA to choose from 1351 PONTIAC Sedan dark bluen iasl PLYMOUTH Crsnhraolp club Coupe hluc I951 PLYMOUTH Concord coach uood running smsll economical ear IBSI PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Sedlrlp llsht netn l950 CHEVROLET Deluxe Conch Well cared for ur In top condition lsso PLYMOUTH Special Sedan rc nnlslled let black almost new tires new seat covers Isis PLYMOUTH Conch Isis FORD sedan Low priEe Isis CHRYSLER SIan I947 MERCURY Scdnn block one owner oven sound Custom ss Black 1948 CHIv Conch USE TRUCK VALUES I955 vb ACEN Vim low mileage refinished Ivu CHEVROLET 40 Express 952 PONTIAC Scdlvl Delivery Issl GMC Izttln Ponel I950 DODGE htton Panel i950 GMC liptan Ponel lmCMC Izlan Express i957 PLYMOUTHS NOW ON DISPLAY AT 55 DUNLOP ST WEST HAROLD HILL LIMITED Chrysler Plymouth Forge 72182 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 85355 OFFICE AND SHOWROOM 55 Dunlapst West Barrie Phone PA 84427 1313 Buying orSeIIing We finance late model CI and trucks Very reasonable rules ALL TYPES OF INSURANCI wIIh eonmete Insurance STEVENSON PHONE PA 8520I BABRIE 95 DUNLOI ST EAS 112 51 HUDSON door radio 51 HILLMAN door 51AU5IIN door 50 MORRIS MINOR Zldohr 52 GMC lfifIDN TllUCK VIAUV MOTORS HILLMAN SALES AND SERVICE l7 AGOVAN sl PHONE Mimi I541 CHEV Cosch Al condition good lIrss and heater Apply to Centre st lsla VTANTBD Old our com lets prised 20 It Phone PA from to even 421 Isl llIoNAIchI passenger coupe custom built radio and heater motor Ind body In good candttlml PPIY 71 Mary st Phone PA H281 lain CHEVROLET door motor ex Ceiient stigma 1hurl 21 undifleialigshct rs hrs pp PtTohe PA saw 1343mm JD PONTIAC sedan Deluxe one owner cor excellent condition Private Phone PA Mm or apply Prmees lsso DODGE Custom Royal sutomstIc low mileage excellent ooodlto on Hall or but offer Ind tall We no oI ilnhuc Kin so 37255 Penetln 30431 last CflBV Cosch privately owned Custom radio white vIoutlres deluxe steeri wheel sIr loam rcushlon pprmlilnotely Crocus ye owrcoior Phone ply tn fllvPooi phonessm uso Povmomuispeclal leo relish all he muses lnsl and ouI Norman °Sfst€ TWIT 6W orth rsi PA mutn lslshm paid bmiutdly Barri POSITIONSWANTED mommaunseat WIUWMP lfl Ipuo tim Howlsauna sutul LADY dmmb may PomPAJuslorcwlutlsnlu Eganus work done in on hmrsnssdanelestservln Phon PAUw Iulu clku uddy one mel Lucas MY you old would ur odd lobe Salunlul IndIncl uhnol Phone PA Miriam or Inlan 1131 memoan dnlsht truck drlv lor Ioesl or ha lets hisle or Toronto sry set record so Esme Damion ELDERLY MAN nlllbloeln do Ilflll work InBrrleor chm an inn Dpeflwced Non molar Ihotlllllr Apply Box ll Dlrlh nominal jlll FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLIts cooking Ind elllnl Ottawa Fruit Flrm PA Hm 2012813 PERSONAL To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN RIDOULREAL ESTATE LTD wishes to mount lilo termination of em loylnenl at Mr John Worthan tonficfecllva November IS IN Mr Worflllnflon vul Muner OI the Bar rte Ollico looled st l9 clap rton street olal Ir DACKAcnRs are linwinl you take HUMACAPS and help yours to roller mm psIns snd aches Ask your Drumst soIsl Ir coNdnlllluNO MARnun can suit MarlLI welisro eellist maIL Estb shed loos PCvsr tool client rich and poor married alm dy éerupulous secrecy Elmoans Dos 71 ulellsns Post omeo wtnrlh peg aami PLANTS FLOWERS HAVE You EVER SEEN Chrysanthemum Planis tee hIsh wllh thousands or hud on thrml We will he cutting these mm now until Christmas and the will be laid In leneroul bundles prevIII Prices WE HAVE THE BIGMUMS TOO AND SOME 1N POTS Itl only illlort drive from Dlrfll so come and see us choose your own lowers Ind see them cut STROUD NURSERIES PHONE STROUD 341212 MR AND MRS FOX 21min LIVESTOCK FOR SALE VEAL CALP Apply Allsn qulnlsn £4111 9H PIC91 WEEKS OLD Phone are 13 alaolzl 11 Plus WEEKS OLD starter fed Phone dart Cookstown DIZOIJI HOLSTBIN Hellen Jenny Heifer I2 months old AppIy Wsllln 21rd Stroud BIZIIfl DURHAM Cow one with colt at anI one due Dee Joseph Emma Phone 0m 32 alsl DUCK GOAT servicesble sge Apply corner Can ll sidewall lo Innisfll Township Daytime 8131 YORK as TAM PIGS well started Howsro Carter shone Ill Wu YORKSHIRE Plea lil weekeol Agviy II Mslehelt kit Giliord one Bradford 8131 PREsH AND Sprinser Rolstslos Tose Cochnno and Son an Ba Phone llrzl stroud SJzom GERMAN she herd Puppies nllo Hol steln Heller Ile Nov 10 Phone 00 303 Sandenon FIJI3 lltBGlsTBluzDHolsteln IIeliers en soln accredited herd and nor am Pilorle PA 89511 alter 9IIWISI YORKSHIRE sows second litter due to furrow this month stehl Exam Conntawll Phone 44le or Mr Buolaz POLLED ANGUS Stocken nvenll weight shout 650 lbs ply Alex Mprrllon Alliston Phone rls Allis ton 91304 REGISTERED Lsndrsce Boar ls months old Leaving excellent utters Registered papers supplied ll desired RIu Tinanuns RR Creemore lphone us sl WANTE gt HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BAIIERES Planners 66331 orPA 69487 Iso ll es heams es wellonsls°l premonini 138s INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlop St Welt rum Phone PA 66331 or PA 87204 sm for BarrieMetaVI C7 Salvage sCRAPIEON EIDESRAGS BATTERIES LIVE POULTRY msiWlpfisfi $3515 Phone DunIla PA um PUSHKOFP courANY Yard and Office all WOOD lrUIN Ac 21th Phaue 1m EImvsI LA ON FAN lor ho no ADDUBGX we 27mm smo5m pedalls acres Dear PROPERTY WANTED lmmlmhotoen IllnbuoemlmrA alstm snow Dam An CHICKS calm whalesr you need punstsi MOIIon MINI Buy numb new ltss and shale or on or most produrlloo Preler scum an den hit no tech luv Inch on hand some finned Ask III or lllt lgulI Copeland RD Breton on Sirll Mlll AUCTION SALES wadday Nu tl Anetlon ssls or tum Isrm stock Illlpiellunll hay In no straw tor Orvsl lieArthur st Lot ls Coo llilvTernhip miles north Irqu Inst nmvs ssle st Indpm sharp Na round ullrmll oi toneDimm cuts Jerry our un Atlelimledlr hand Nov Auction Bale oi nary st Lot 11 Con moorsis Township Gnfi Count miles south west or Thorn sls st Lia pm shsrp Terms Ier xeuousn Auctioneer mus ssturdsy Nov Auetloo sale at purrhred mad estue lsrm stock Iln lemon and house old efiects tor wnnco Tomsls Lot Can are Townshl Sale at Ina psn Terms rash Sprouls Auctioneer lulu ostnrdsy Nov 24 AuetIoo sue oI Humclmld Pisrllitlllo tor Mn rrsores McKenzie Main Street Thornton sue st sharp No reserve as house Is sod Jeny coushltn Auctioneer lsom Tuna Nov to Aurusn sue ol Holstein Cows Swine lily snd Gnln Ior Clarence iersIIy sI Lot con la Colun Cod Townshlp mliel south or lrhburl su st lls pro sharp Terms essn Cali Nellou ll Auctioneer no TOWNSHIP OF ESSA KINDLY TAKE NOTICE THAT the I11 Slfllnl OI the Court of Revision iar ills Township OI Ell will be hIId In thn Oran IIlll Baxter on But urny November ll who at the hour of DJU oclock in the morning Anyone nsvlno any hullnell in con nection wllh Ihll Court Revision klndly lovtm themselves accordingly NORMAN COXWORTH Clerk GEORDE WILKINSON Reeve 1mm NOTICE TC CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors ol Mhuouam GALLA GHER Alla known II Marguerite Gallher Ind Marguerite Glllllher Ill Cl the Village Olden CltY Count Nassau In the state all New ark who dlsd and fly at May 1955 must file their claims Wllh fhl undenignrd before 3rd December 19 liter which date Inetl Of tile estate will he dlstthuted SMITH MCLBAN asrrlsters our erunlop st Dsrrle ootsslo souclton tor the AdmLoIstrstos IWIMF IIIIIIITIIIIIIE SALE 01 the following Land and Premises will he oflered or sale Public Auc tlon It Inc Glitchl Hole Earth on Sltllldl November11 lt In the lorenoon suhlect to cohdltons at we to be read at the commence ment of the BIO lnla Ind lullkct tn Relerved DIiI Being part cl Bloc secordlns to ResIuered Pun oumher 918 In the Township ot Oro and haVInK Inmtl of feet more or Ian on er limit of Colbunse Sch by II of 00 Int more or less as dueli ed In her gtered Instrument numher 19243 or ro Erected on the land ls sold to he Good Residence buudinr JERRY COUGHL Auctioneer CDWAN COW Mort ll lulIClIDflp Col er 8t Blrrle lithium INNISEIL TOWNSHIP RATEPAYERS MEETING Res ANNEXATION routine will he held In stroud communlty Hall on PridsyNovamher to st pm to dlseuss the suggested shnexsllon at part at lnnlssl Town ship with the Town at Iihrrie Rep mentatlves of lnnIsIlI Township In nlsIIl School Area and Dnrrle Council will he present All Interested plrtlesyplesse ltlend IRETDN Township Clerk looIll NIIiice Iov owners lo Gilli STORAGE The InlIuWInzclla qu he sold to cover storsso and towlns costs unless other nstlnestlon received iron the owners 194s NASH License 4W5 Serial No 1940 FORD License Aston 1141 Serial No 2810622 purposes only Kiicllens Gérage 178 E55 RD Iflvlfl Italics or SIIIE BY VIRIUE of In Execution lulled out of tile First Divtlion Court In the County of Simeon Ind to In directed against the Goods and chattels DI iAMEs WESLEY PERRY OF flflE TOWN OF VBARIIIE ONT It the Initfof ATLANTIC ACCEPTANCE CORP LTD or jnllg CITY or HAMILTON out have seized and taken In executlon ONE WOons FOOD mm Bulll No In rise graph 15 cubic It All 01 which rugorty will he sold by FUBUCAAU at COOKECAETAGD AND STORAGE OFFICE 834114 Refined Humvln Cow for Oilrlme CDIIIII fll REVISION November In IP50 These can will he sold for wreeklnz GTadé KTMORTCAGEs WWIIm Bu Burle gagsfilm CLERKSNCTICECP FIRST POSTING or VOTEIS LIST 3mn Lists MI me IA4 II Milhit or Vssprs Coop suseoo Noun herehy given at bun mplied with section or no an Act and that have posted at the Township 0m II Men street same on the no say at Nounher lose lhs ListM persons ooullul to vote In ll gunkiphlln It Isunlelosl neeus an that sueh IIst runalm then or lion And hmhrsll su vmrs Iotllo Influx Brutal to hlVI sny errors or omIssIons eerrorisd so cording lo ll 1h lllt ill or IP mg beInl the 21nd day ol November Inth this Iilldhy ol Nevemberim RAle RICRAhDsoN elem p74 GENERAL STRUCTURA TRADES ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING AND GARAGE hARRlE ONTARIO snAuzD rIxzu aUM moans will he received by tho undrrlllntfl until 35 Tillie on ansnAv DECEMBER lath less or the urn structural Trades Work In connoc with the EDMIHICLIDII or tile Outs Provincial Police Head usrterl Building and Garage Bah Ontario Bid Bond nude lylhle to to Hanounhio The Prov nnlll Treasurer oI Ontario in lilo Imount 3300090 mull accomplny lilo tenddr Performnu Bond made out by In approved Gunn company on the Deplrtnlenl oi Pu lie Wnrkl form in tho Imount 50 of lilo tender will be required rum the niecean tend erer Plans erIIlcsIIons wIth tender term IIIc ed Indflelldrr Enveia msy he ohtolnod of amount CON TRACTORS ONLY on application to the De hrimelIL OI Public Works Oll flrlll oam 5455 But Black Parlia rnrnt Dulldln Toronto Ontario and my hs vowed at Room use and may also he vIewed st the Builden axonnoes st Toronto Kitchener Ind Hamilton cotton to Mr Todd Gilt OI Construction Rug IIITotsaoa III Ired Epol Mn pel let Tdnfler Documents ukzn out This smount wIII he refunded when documents are returned In seed eonoltlon The lowest or sny lender not nacesn lrll ted gt NI Is recg Ifir tenders Deputy Minister Architecture Department III Pnhiic Works Danriu Psrlisment DuIIdInsr Toronto Ontsrlo Novemher lslh Its Islls ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING BARBIE ONTARIO SEPARATE sRALED Plxsl CUM dersi ed untu pm Its Time on WED sDAYDaDRMRsR lath less Ins and Ventllling and Electricsl Trades Work in sonnettlon with the Police Heldqunrtrrs Rulldlps sodash age Dorrie Ontario Honourshls Proviocls Treasurer ol OntHa In the lollowins amounts must Piumhlns and Drain Denise and til 1300000 onom Perlosmsn approved Guaranty com nyon the the amount or 50 or tender will he required Iromvthusllocssrnsl tend Plsns Specifications with tender sttsehed lnd Tender Envelo ions CONTRACTORS ONLY on sppuestlon to the Department or Puhue wa lls llsment Buildings Toronto Ontlrio and may he viewed at Room also and Exchanges at Toronto aslt Ouel Kitchener and Hamilton rhdoh spgh ent oi Construsll trl ariIlls oatarlo How wiiibe required tor each srt of Tender Documents taken out Hestl Ventilatln Elect rsl 2500 when documents are returned ln sood condi tion an accepted NC El Thls Is recall tor tenders Arehit tr Department of Puhllo Works er3 Psrllasneni Dullalnss MECHANICAL TRADES AND GARAGE TEN DES wIII he received the Ir for the Pillmlzhl snd Drslnsse Hest oonnrurtlon oi the Ontario Provincial Dill hand made payable to the accompany the tender looow Bltfltrlcll ml by In Department at Puhlle nriu form In erer ho obtained by MECHANICAL DES Ontario Room so Esstaloeh or may sIso he vlswedst the Buliden cuticnto Mr Todd Superintendt Dsposlt in the following amounts Plumbing and Dramg This smouht wlil he roiunlled The lowest or any tender not Meets Deputy IIlInister wmlm Toronto Ontario IslI38 MARKET PRICES FRIDAY Nov 16 Hoes camejhaas POULTRY As quoted by First Cooperative Packers an Ontario Barrie has S3050 Saws $2000 EoGs fA Large Merii 10 Crack Pee Wee cmcms Overd lbs Grade Grade Grade 5106st Grade Grade Grade to lbs Grade Grhilti lo wulluus old and BORN Allth the Vlrtorls too as war alum tbe agn vretesis Al Barrio an as In and Dallas on thunkr strid usso ftffpfiol Vivian es ov DIME In vldlzot In INGLIIllcAl Ishl mm Ho iiui harm on ov use to and In William hellish all Is Burris HAMILTONAt York County Hug tsI Nunsmt on Nov ls to Ir and tire Rohert Hamilton Ioee Ruth ssehsoo mum son ashy died the ume day DWIBUBYAI tho KDYII Vmofll Hos usI Esrrls on Nov It not and In Resnshury an BenIO its hm vAN canum the Ro sl VID tori llll Bl on II ID to sod rs Albn Vsn Cmcrell RR Estm dsushtsr uisrtinsl DIED EPARLINOA her lltI residence Ciuk Slllet plhrhbu fin Monoll NDv use uvlns rooIss below rd wile nulls Iste wuusm ling In her will ylli DUI mu If Bl Mllflm May Cllmhufl Ind Percy Bill Dlmt Ill hlr Idle residence until Thund NOV II Servicet an pm In ermenl Union Cemetery Thornilury CASH AUCTION SALE Holstein Céws Swine Hay and Grain The lindenlliled has been ensued by CLARENCE McNALLY Io sell by Public Aurtlon at hIs isrm Lot 25 Con IO Colliligwood Township MILES SOUTH OF CLARKBBIHIG TUESDAY Nov 20 1956 lll SHARP LLowlNC CATTLE llolrleln cowl rnlIkllll well and your old due In More Holsteln Hoiser run our Io Dec Dual Purpose5ilo horn cow ss due Dec DP shortlistn He er fresh DP Shannon eow hurl mluruls well duolll Much olsteinHereiord Heildr years rolls ShoflhumHollteln saw years thIn wall hred In Oct rshlre cow years milking well III In March Herotord hallers yam due in Nov sod Dem llrrelord row sen duo in ldnulry shorthom Houeio cow Shorthoro cow March and hurling steell olstoln holler yes Shorthorh users ssrs wIntvr cllvel shout in mon in can be on ixhsd as baby braver wall short horo oslvrr PurebretI Shortharn hull ears All cows osvs been hsnti an machlno mliked and TB tested mumfly eslrhood vseeInstsd Balance oz cows havs hssn hlood tolled Farm en esn buy wIth confluenceJmm thIs completely clean held good produc eows wIN Young Yorlt sow with lllhr week youngHumilith lad Thur worth sow with Lsndrsse ttsr weeks 46 Llildrlca Ind Elm chunks trom to in los ls Lmdnce and llsm shim chunks shout la weeks sm lilfre sows ores Land rsee dilahl and In Ysrlt snd Idm sows hred tn et 75 Lsndrste hear months 7556 Lsn drace hssr years Thelodowl hrs nmducen ol land used litters Th ordll lrre disuse IJIPMENI zuult milking compressor and pipes lnelud eldctlie cream BEDtor 600 Re Elettm plil water heater Ch plan electric rllll grinder toad team harneer Ier rollrs rPOULTIIY 11 Iyeamid Iter sod Sussex hens GRAIN HAY sndSTRAW About 20 tons good mixed guilt to loose mixed my wall saved wmlililimds fitn ll VQ Ill WI ID wtnout ressrvs as Mr sleNsz has other tsrmIlIs Interests Tums CASH Clarence hIchUy Proprietor Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Form Form Stock lmfilémenls Groin Hoy Show The unders ed auctioneer Ill received ustnictiolu irom ORVAL McARTHUR Lot 16 Concert Tin Townsili Enc Curl 131 MILES Na TH AND wst 0F ELMVALE To hell by Public Auction on WED NOVEMBER 2l AT 1210 poo sIIARP THE suLLowlNc CATTLE Holstein Cow years due to ireshen by date hi all Guam sey Cow years milkhui well hred Ignin Sept 15 IIniltLin Cow your mIIIrIns weu tiled sssinluly stein Cow glean mlunns we ossio lune HaldteInCow mllhlns well tired sssln Iuly ls Holstein Cow yesrs lniiklall well bred to freshen Dec la I958 Holstein Cow years lresh Holsteln cow yelll nulklnz weu hrod Iglin Au lo Holstein CW yeah bred lreshen Ian 5llolrteln cow yem muklnz weu bred sssIn Inns ml Holstein Cow years milking hred to Ireshen son 15 lasi Halltuln cow years multin hred to lroshen Is Halltcu Cow son milk Ing hrerl to freshen Ian m1 Hol rteInCow years mllkilll wen hred ssuo luae Holstein cow years milking well bred asslh luhe aa Regutercd PoUed llerelord Bull Irers old IIolltetn llslzer ismsoollu Ofen Holstein Heifers months Vol colves Plos YorRshIre saw our toIsrrow Yorlnhlrs sow due to mow Yorkshin sow due to row Dec 15 Yorkshire saw hrods weekd Yomnlre Row hred wetn Yorllsiure Has lyesrs old ll PI ll ween lo wsslu Il Pigs weeks ol Chunks HAYLCRAIN en 01 lslxed Grainxloo Dushsls oi Buck helt 1800 holes oI Mgm ollGDold str no IMPLIUIENIE lIslsC ous Allis Chalmers Trdmrw years ew Allis Chalmers nilrow lrsetorPIow with power git good ss no AuI Chums ln or Cultivator In erhstiousl Seed Drill also an bumsma °II°Eiis IIWsI at on ru or re Ham II to sin ws Dec Petw Matador Mt bber Tired year Spro rep Ick In 00 ton True to numerous TERMS I6A shalt be ousrEII xo lhlll Kapuns 2d Over Thule whom we love Avelcn Crunder 1NI Md Oct raisin Novmm IN MEMORIAM DUNoAsls LameMo sour lint m3 who PM on Nov II no maulnapalm shortnesss Na milenun egge uh uh surhy also DUNDan loving ordinary hi In our III who JOed Ill NW luv lost my lites rompsoiao MWifll In men ll As wukilnmgh Ills slone Ssdly mined by hIr huohsod flany lsf DUNDAlln lavlnz memory of wonderful mother and fnnmhtr who passed sully Nov lass bulllinllvnlunory dearer than gold or mother whose worth ean omr he told Alone unseen Ihl stands our lids Dont vve deli And thspers rsnnot divide Deep kIll our hearts ths memory Is one loved and will never la Ct Alli lholllh lhe curl Do Inan or ow Well divsyd be hlnklnl tillr mother III Ssdly misled hy the ismlly Isl ELLISIll iovln Elam my dear hillr Fred who DIM IVII NDV I5 35 Your fro to II Iver near In Your we remain with us yet You were tho llnd fuller Your loved on would never forlel chmhored by hi dlllfh lull ll BullIn lovlng mrmory my dell lllher Crick Ellll who Filled Ill Nnv III 155 HI we hour Ind lily of deII HI mu ldd nlflhu no pill And In our uh hurt WI know He lill found lwect Put It lull anlllgly remembered by hi dlulh Morn Ker Ill ELLISlo iovi memory of dear tstnar Enos cs James Ellis who parsedway Nov In less rsnwell dur other thy work Is oer Thy wIIIIn nsnds qu roll no more Isvlns Ithar hInd and true No one on earth well iIno you Lavl rememth dlu litur Isorrllnelyllfli Ind Randell drclll III ELLISIn lovln memory OI my be loved huabln Frodtritk Ellll who passed away Nov Inn smile Somttlmel they make me try But Ihly Are procloul to mi Ilona MImoIIel oI you and Lovl mamb ii wIt aLusIo Iovlos snelno oi Frederick ImEIIIs who pallet raywly Nov ls Wsvstnussed the sound oI your Ioot And you voice since you have gone And hou no longer we no you In our nds you sun on on SsdI missed and ver remembered hy hIs au hlll yrs soololaw aoh grlnflddugh er Ci dy HBNDRRIONIn lovlna memory at sr mother snd srandmothsr Henderson aw Nov ls lvso out or sisht But never out OI They are eherlshsd In the hearts ct Basie lthey leithbohgldh Ill remm tuck oweI soonan lol IlooPsRln loving memory of siren llaanr who passed smy Nov ls Peseetul hs lily rest dear mother lt Is not to breathe toy name As in life we loved youdearly so month we dg in inn rrlnern Edna Mlldred snd Davey IIll LowRYln Iovln msnlo of dear husosod oil or MlTIidnd Lowry who ed Nov Is 1955 Dear you not lorlatten Thou on earth you ore no more still memory you up witiv In As £3 aiwlylhvnlas bheron remain ere wile ulle IIsion Fin Ienls Indyhmilin lsl SWEENEYIn lovlos memory or dssr rather RIehsrd Sweeney who pulled lwly Nov IS 1354 thilel you are nottorsottsn liloll on earth you on no more sun memory duller with us Al on always ere before on dsushterInIsw rhiidrcn EWEENEYln lovin memo at door husband Iehsrd ryswlfllllyy who pulled away Nov la IBM The worlds welry trouhles and trials snd grand Ill bore TIII God tilled him home to lllllor III more Aiw rlmombare wild Bgtflce by IWIXST CASH AUCTION SALE Registered Holstein was The underllzned llll been ensued by CLARENCE LON DRY To It by Puhllc Allnuoh It Ills hm Loi I7 Can Euphrosio Township rimsflfil cm or THOMUBY 0n THURSDAYNOV 22 AT III THE FOLLOWING HO IEIN CATTLE HERD SIRE Avllon Toxll H11 croitwfli born Jilly 54 will F15 All on Io dood mi ll mtur test at rs cows LIIrslon Rs Ray 1mm May l9 flsreisnTe sI Dora Clfilfll Susi man use 95 or Ottu ls Rots ml Is Jami seh Tells all sme mo hush Hams are past In siIsoso he suitered Impatience he Orillians Told Need Preserve Hisioric Siles DRILLIAWilliam mm tcn publisher Of the he Pnfl Herald In Midland addressed the members of the University Wo mens Club at the PubiicLihrIry hero recently In his humorous speech which he entitled Want edHole Rear View Windawl he stressed that ii isqu safe to drive lheld without knowing what ls behind Very few In Hamill have rear view will dn gt Mr Cransion meant that Cub ads being young coun tends lo look into the ftliurerai crlhan taking look at the past But we Cansdians seem Io come awake now that we have been sampling um significance our own his iary through museums historlcli societies etc As far as tourists are concerned he nld historical sites nunInk all other interests The Ontario government ll be coming more that hlsioric sites must be preserved and merited much more than if has been daile soflr Started IIlllonia In 19 group of men met Midland to start the Humili Historic Association Huronih is rich in historical lore All Its possibilities have not been cxpion ad yeL Much more could be done in Oriliia and vicinity Mr CranslolI finds as has been done with making use of Leacocks birthplace the marking Of The Narrows the memorial to the Steele Iamiiy cit But these parts are rich in places of histor ical interest which have not bee realized yet In Midland tile Huronia Muse sum was started in 1847 One of its great workers Mr rushing ham died Just few days ago In Peneiahg there is the Pioneer and Military Museum which tho British established In 1812 as tort to sin Americans from coinL lllEthI0iIE the Great Lakes Huronia Institute exists In Coi lingwood and the Womens ID stituic ls maintaining museum in Barrie Only Oriliis doesnt have any such institution seem ed to be Mr Cranstons unspok en hint Back Museums County councils are backing museums how such as In God erich Industries also became In tcrcsted They really that more and more people aresvisiting mus eums Interesting is the fact that no less than 25000 visitors were attrhcied by the Huron Ill dian Village this past summer which was recreaied by the Mid land Ys Mens Club last year It is too bad that less than onethird ghoul museums and historical galleries are sponsoring programs for students and school pupils Mr Crlnston said We need an active teaching at Ills toIy in the schools to make the students appreciate it Along with the reading they should be able to see the physical evidence of It gt There Is shortage of qualified archaeologists in Canada than are only five in Ontario Mosi archaeologists come here from the United States Ml Cransion mentioned the forthcoming issue of book New History of Simcae County compiled by Han Drury with Mr Cranstons assistance RARE BIRDS Wouldnt it be refreshing to see candidate Tunniugdm the economy ticket promising nottu spend nitkie that cssaTy7 Stanstesd Qua Journal iiiiliIIIEEE WIIBIIIIIGS We have had several sharp Ilast reminders to fill liil wiih good Antitreeze do It nowi Corop Brand Antifreeze The Best for less per gnllpll $3 25 The manufacturers of Ethy leiie Glycol usedIn all good antifreeze has warned Infull page ads Dont lull around alooidng for one brand antifreeze at the last mn lute 0040p have an Ethylene Glycol base antifreeze with out the extras at only wasnt nee

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