at Midhurst chair izTEEBABBE Harold Bdch was elected to his fifth consecutive yearly term as president of the Civil Service Association of Ontario last week at the Azoclatlons annual meet ing in Ottawa An accountant withthe Department of Lands rnmar savanna 161956 mi Adults 51 chumea 509 and Forestsur Bowen is located He was opposed by former cctor DavidLow of the Generals Department in Tomato who acknowledged their mm were not too far apart Directors of the Association for next year include Gunning Department of Health London Thomas Department of Reform Institutions Guelph Harper Department of High ways Downsview Miss llene Fell Department of Lands and For csts Maple Miss Tyrrell Provincial Secretarys Depart ment Toronto Waters Dc puriment of Health Toronto McNeil Department of Ed ucation Toronto Mace De partment of Health Whitby 1i Murray Department of Lands and Forests Sault Ste Marie Culliton Department of Lands and Forests Sioux Lookout Judd Department of Education Port Arthur McKee Di partment of Health Penctangui shone Jackei Department of Lands and Forests Cochranc Robinson Department of Agri culture Kemptville Special representative to the Board of Review is Sedore De pariment of Health in Toronto and representative to the Super YMYW Complete Arrangements For Use of Legion Hall At meeting of the YMYWCA board of directors on Monday evening in the community house President Gable was inthe Definite arrangements for the use of the old Legion Hall have been completed cheque for $500 was received from Teen Town with no strings attached To further the activities of the association gymnasium facilities are urgently needed to round out the program Volunteer helpers will be required in the various phasesof work Three vis itors of the National Executive Robert Torrence Vipond and Miss French metwlth the personnel committee respecting the services ofa trained director Choice has been narrowed down to one possible applicant who willvbe interviewed in the near future Leading citizens are beingask ed to become honorary members Sustaining and active member ship ore now available to all BigBay Student Wins lnnislil Contest dir Attorney nanonn BOWEN annuation Board is Holmes Treasury Guests at the convention in eluded Philip Rhynas chief Division of 0pcrationandPcr sonnell and Parsons super intendent of Personnel Manage ment section Department of Lands and Forests Clark director Personnel Branch Howsam personnel officer and Harold Howden chairman De partmental Council Department of Highways Dedicate New St Lukes Parish Hall Creemore Creemoro Star special event in the history of the lOlvyeor old St Lukes Ang lican Church Creemore took place when Rt Rev Snell of Toronto officiated at service of dedication of the newlybuilt parish hall which adjoins the church and is connected by an archway into the body of the church The building of this hall was an ambitious project for this com paratively small congregation The congregation was inspired to make the undertaking through the untiring energy and leader ship of their rector Rev Walter Dyer There is no doubt the new hall will be an asset to the church Its architecture blends well with the existingbeautiful seventyyenrold church and its appointments provide everything that is likely to be desired in cluding large auditorium chen rectors room toilets ete Aspecial feature is the modern all heating plant which will heat both the church and the hall or either one separately The rector andcongregation are to be con gratulated for what hhsbecn accomplished The newhail is an achievement which will long stand as memorial to their am bitions It is fitting completion to the centenary anniversary of the church Civil Smithsonian climatic Rteelect Midhursi Man nomiéii united Church binar supper varied pmgramNov1281 13 Christmasbauar us bake sale St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worslay Streets on Hiday Nov pin 128331133 Dance to the music of Andrewa Orchestra Guthrie Community Hall Saturdays 912 Admission 15c Lunch counter Door prize l3ltIF Christmas bazaar tea and bake sale and candy Wednesday Nov 21 35 pm Central United School Ha Auspices Sr WA Admis sion 25c 131182 Dance Hunters Hall Saturday Nov 17 Music by Allistonlans Sponsored by Alliston JuniorgFan mers Gents 75c Ladies 500 $1 per couple 131 Dance to the music of the Music Makers Fridays and Saturdays at Pine crest miles southElvaale one mile westtoward Aoteh Mills off Highway 27 13018 Crown Hill Womens institute progressivol euchre Thursday Nov 22 at pm atMrand Mrs Goug highway 11 Crown Hill Everyone welcome 131 Hot Turkey Dinner good pro gram Wednesday Nov 21 in Cookstown Town Hall 58 pm Auspices St Johns Anglican Church Cookstown and St Lukes Anglican Church Pinkerton Ad mission $150 and 80 131132 5tth tourncyed ta Syracuse on Nov 11 for the 30th annual dog show at OnondagaKennel Club vTheiriCanldiln champion Lis nanuilard Tarantella made an exceptional win as thebext Lab radar Retriever in show flair makestbeaecond auto winin New Yorkstate as she won Rochestcriin September Another pleasing winlwaa by their VAnnwynfa La Veapra when she defeated butTara her kennel mate and also an otherrCInadian champion Lady Vespra is not yet eight months old but puppy and reserve Vwinner Vm Adult Rally Héldcï¬utBurrie we lAttendecl Last Saturday evening Nov to over 10 members of the Coupiea Clubs Young Adult GrouprWure ship andBlble Study Circles at tended the rallyat CollicrStreet UnitedChurch in Barrie Rev Dr Glaser the con vener of Christian Education for Simcoe Presbytery was ln charge of the meeting He was assisted by RevEwart Clarke ofNew LowelL whoisthe family life and adu counsellor for Sich Presbytery The special theme speaker was Rev Prank iidler or the department of adult and familylife work of the Toronto officerof the United Church He spoke on Program Building for Adults within the Church and showedofilm strip onChriatian family life and its problems Discussion giroups were form ed to discuss the contents of the film strip and later anotherre grouping took place for consid eration of variety of problems facing adults in the church Each of the eight discussion circles re ported on their findings and this was followed by delicious lunch served by Collier Street United Church Cou ies Club she won best Ashe RBERTMOMN accepted appointment on the staff of Simcoe County Regirlry Office Barrie at the beginningof this month in taking uphil newdutles be has hadfOflilnquishrhis business tinamith which was started by his father in Blrrle in 191 and was taken overby him onbisfatherc death in 19411 Mr Moran is the immediate past president of the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion OLD LOCOMOTIVE is us for SALE OTTAWA CP The Eddy Lumber Company has railway locomotive for sale but not totheljunk man Purchasing agent Gordon Glass says herecently rï¬used an Otu tawa salvage firms offer to buy the 80ltyearold engine He says he Will sell it only to someone who promisesto use it as loco motive The engine manufactured by Montreal Locomotive Works in 1920 was used at lumber yards in Ottawas west end for years until after the Second World War whenrit was moved to the company yards in Hull Que It was firstoffered for sale year agothen put back to work when no takerrappeared Mr Glass whose sales slogan is you can buy locomotive for They werehosts for gatherthe pace good can ing and didmuch of the work of preparing for this rally of adultsl Plans are being made bythe committee Christian Education to romotemectings in leadership tra ning at gtvarious contres in the Presbytery of Slmcoe in the spring of 1957 tlw as mass PLATE cuss said ToropvtoA contractor once shouted some interest but did not purchase moors P051 Kamloops in British Columbia founded as Hudsons Bay ac mpany post in 1812 ll Commintator Has Fans oran rum and times topenlngnithi oftiteSportsW mute Showprovided it least one little touch of irony worthy of comment though scarcely of price at for the occasion were the mayors of five communltles and the president of prominent football club Jake Gaudaur of Hamilton Tigercats During the course of the evening not one pencil asked any of these highly worthy public servant for his autograph or in any other way paid any particular attention to them except to chuckle in deris ion as they tossed horseshoeu Alao resent in the Common ity Ccn re was young entle man garhed ina fringed acket and IpPlrently familiar to most of the younger fry through his introductionavof popular west ern movie program over the Bar ric TV station In the course of the evening thisparticular gentleman must havepracticaliy worn out several pens signing autographs for the adoring audience of young admin er who thmngcd abouthim ln mu titudea Which seems toin dicate that if one wishes to re main anonymous it is far better to seek some public office such as mayor than to perpetrate western music and introduce films about hardvriding cowboys Theamuing thing about the incident was the realization that so voluminous horde of young stern must spend the early part of their evening watching Johnny Mack Brown Lash LaRue and other heroes of the prairies thwart the evil intentions of succession of villains in what ap pears to be exactly the same cow town set in exactly the some piece of what must surely be the least restful section of westerh scenery ever discovered Deep space may have its enthusiasts battle and tropic jungles their advocates but none of these seems able to wean the bulk of the youth of today away from their allegiance to thegood Yon dontbud leave key or the or electric mater read pen the basement for with this combination clear glass blockcl in the cellar in root of the meter makes it for the meter reader to don the onblde of the notation nae Ml itmd 31mm block Innkeslt apertch flt witpany type of masonryeonstrnetloa work CAMP CLOSES SlngILe lAKE CAMP fallfand results in work carried out to date have been considered very satisfactory examwmah my his The prisoner project whichwaa established at Slxmile Lake to slat in park development this tall wa terminated airNov Some 72 inmates supplied by theADe pertinent of Reform institutions have been employe onthedevcl opment projectvforthe pastzaii weeks under Serge Puddon Department rangers supervised the various Jobs undertaken in cluding stump removaland burn ing road and dock construction ï¬lling and grading etc Weather conditions were very favorable for outside work this oldfashioned fastshootin hard ridin cowpokes gunmen and deepdyed villains who so en tranced their fathers in the days of their youth illllElll FOR SIRE STARTS ECONOMY SERVICE TO ALL MAKES DANGEBFIELDS co rucax scmrce Mgr PA 82487 RETAILERS zumi roams TCITHRIFTY our muss The public speaking elimina tibn contest for lnnisfil Township was held at Churchill Hall Mon day Nov 12 of the eight contestants comv Lind SC 91 Pallflllllt patios Shirley KEUY Grade plate glass an ideal glitgtshewill appreciate pupil at 55 No Big Bay Point gt was plaéed ï¬rst Her teacher is Mrs Holman Secondplacc went to Beverley Smith Grade pupil at SS No Bethesda Her teacher is Mr Vosey Third place went to Peter Sisler Grade pupil at SS No 13 Painswick His teacher is Mrs Shannon Other contestants were David Barron Carol Cough lin Diane Wiggins James Sproule and Maryvltix Judges Were the Reverend Bernard of Thornton Barth teacher Lefroy Continua tion Schooland Exit Macklern puhlic school inspector Cups and prizes were presented by the lnnisfil School Fair Board Russel Stewart acted as chairman for the evening Examiner Readers Offered Valuable Prizes in Contest Readers of The Examiner have an opportunity to win zitpiece chest afsilverpiate in the con test currently being conducted by Wisk Lever Brothers pm duct The contest openevaov and will continue until 12 mid night Monday Nov 26 Entry forms are available at The Examiner office Names of winners willhe anno ced by thisnewspaper on Dec17 Entrants rare beinzlasked to complete this founline jingle on the entry tom WISK isjfaster battentao Washes whiterbright as new WISK your family washand see Last line to rhyme withsce Entries will be judged by an independent body of judgeaon metre originality thought and Now at riNanaimo nvaisrrouar mm days modern interioli by choosing allovely lamp at Clarks Horn Furnishings Hundreds of styles tochoosc from desk lamps ijVlamps boï¬doir go necktabie orfloor lampsjn modern or con ventional designs to assure you of just the RUSSELL DUDLEY former secretaryAmanager of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce is now executive manager of Nahaimo right gift for any home Chamber of commerce major it Camp Borden in war years he lcame to Baérie list 1945111 ï¬gs ater locate at aint and Vancouver recent piamphv Letreceivediherevindicatcs felcenjt gt evelopments on ancouver an and the expansion program at ianaimoz Ground obSérver by such famous names it Lane gt Heirloomand Dealcraft Choiceiqf yr COIPS Transfer finishes and designs Reasonably gt gt riced to suit your Christmas bud isArmounced ro Johnfneppiészun who Vinyl Bodies Rooted Saran Hair been agfield oitlcerwith the Air Force Ground Observer Corps gt at Barrie for the past three years has been trdnsferredto North 1r1iewillbe Detachme com dot server orps gt th it two wil be eight mans ANNE so pretty in her printed taffeta dress 14 ins tail room no in colourful taf eak boo honne 18 printed lllld 1th lace trlm yin gorgeous decorate TnffEtta suns roses hey afwen drinks Dras in mmléelzs an in