Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1956, p. 16

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odd use inst Womens Editor in place of the usual social gathering of executive mem bers following next weeks sheeting ot the Womens canad ienuiub the speaker of the evening andrew Thompsoa will meet with the newlyformed New Canadian contact committee of the club its senior liaison Officer of the department of citizenship and immigration he will review the committees workw date futurb activities Theibralnchild ofahe ub prep ident Miss Gwen File is an exofficio memberthe committee been drawn up to do special work under club auspices with the New Canadians of the com it munity Although its role has not etbeenotficlaily defined it will ry to fill anyvgsp in services already in existence and avail to our newest citizens Chaired by we can Ralkes the committee is composed of Miss Rhoda Young Miss Rains Shopoff Mrs Clifton Ward Miss Emma Pctch and Mrs Bernita Jobns Mr Thompsons visit to Barrie ext Wednesday the club is meeting in the Oddfeilows Tom pic on Collier Street at eight thirty oclock willbe of con siderable assistance to the group He is extremer interested and conversant with problems of New Canadians and is very much aware of the contributions they can and are making to this coun An experienced public speaker Mr Thompson was regional lla ison officer tbe federal de partment In the Prairies before becoming senior officer He was sent by the department by re quest to attend the last two bien nial conferences of the Canadian Club in Winnipeg and London native of lrcland he was educated there but attended uni vcrsity in Canada Following year at the University of Toronto he took his bachelor of arts and bachelor of social work degrees at Queens and then his masters degree in social work at the Uni vcrsity of British Columbia During the war he served in the navy with the rank of lieuten ant After the war he entered outh and sociaiwork and com munity planning doing field lla ison work as discussion leader Bridol Entertainments Beforeher marriage to John Edward Murphy of Toronto last ssh voilesenallvscene and white and will give advice on its 527 Saturday in the Uoited Church at Bradford the former Riva Mary Adair was entertained at seweral showers by Toror friends in Bradford linen shower was held in her honor by the Misses Roberta Connor and Mary Hudak who were bridal attendants and Mrs Wesley Adair entertained at trousseau tea in honor of her daughter Family Fun Fair it might be good idea to keep at least the early part of Saturday evening November twcntyfourih open so that you can attend the second annual Codrington Home and School Association Family Fun Fair Although the program is mainly designed for the chil dren of the family adults will also enloy some of the games and will want to patronisc the special bazaar booths There will bea tun pond dart games and ring toss set up at the school alongside tables selling aprons and Christmas gifts and parcel post booth Movies will be shown in the auditorium and hot dogs coffee and soft drinks will be available All this plus clowns balloons etc and the cause is worthwhile The fun fair is the only fundraising event of the year of the Home and School association Come and dont forget to bring the children even if theyre too young to enjoy the games baby sitting service is being pro vided for visitors who need it RCMT Convocation Among graduates who received diplomas at the annual convoca tion exercises of The Royal Con servatory of Music in Toronto yes terday were John Allason of An gus and Craig Cook of 132 Bind ford Street Both have attained the school of musics associate diploma solo performer and teacher piano Smith Mrs Tarllng and Mrs gt Late Aulumn Tea annual late autumn tea and bazaa held under the auspices of St es Guild in the parish hall Co Street Tea hostesses were the guild presld nt Mrs Johnston and rs Tomlinson vicepres ident Presiding at the tea tableV which was covered with lace ciotll and softly lighted by tall hite tapers were Mrs Allan ead Mrs Sherring and rs John Riddeil the rectors 05 Mrs Arthur Nesbitt Convener of the tea tables was rs Pope Mrslohn Skin ncr Mr lian Green Mrs David Wilfred Cadogan were her assist ants Work table conveners and their assistants were Mrs Ernestfipar ham Mrs Hammeli Mrs Seal and Mrs Moore aprons and fancy work Mrs Hollo way Mrs Frank Shannon Mrs John Clarke and Mrs Charles Knight homemade baking Miss Raina shopott and Miss it Wesle white ele bani Mrs MeNiven plan rs Bryce Thompson Mrs Herbert Sparham Christmas Also assisting at the very suc cessful afternoon event were Mrs Ralph Congdon Mrs Lorne Stran aghan Mrs Walker Mrs Seal Mrs Garvin Mrs Hart ley and Mrs Hacon Home and School Momh Home and school Associations Permanent Feature of Canadian qugoi Life ISfafes Inspector By rarest scorr inspector of Public Schools Simeoe No in an excellent book for par ents entitled Fathers are Par ents Too the authors stress the need of children for security the problems of puberty and the meaning of childrens aggres ons They say slyly that many parents are two sets of chiidrenotheir own and their parents children Home and school associations provide parents with the oppor munityio gain insights into their wn and theicichildrena upbring ng The association does much ato provide parents teachers and schooi administrators with an in sight into the best methods of assisting boys and girls to be come good useful and ha Canadian citize pp Someone be said that it is im portant to Seek Johnny See THROUGH Johnnyand see John ny THROUGH By bringing parents teachers and other inter ested persons togatherinthe in terest of their mutual respon sibility for all chlldren home and school is providin oat toi comm nities struggling to rear Within the provincial laws and regulations pertaining to schools the people through their repre sentatives actually direct the work of the schools Where home and school as soolatlons flourish the general pubiic is given much greater opportunityvto see and assess the work being done from day to day in the classroom situation Par entsand others interested in edu cation of boys and girls through local home and school associa tions have snopportunity to ask each other and the childrens teachers great many perinent questions about schools and schooling Then too from the pooling of ideas and opinions progress is made in manyaven ues of educational endeavor ex tending aii the way from educa tional administration to child psychology and health Through these channels local communities are better informéd and arebetter enabled to meet the challenge of the times and theilndividuai problem at eaeh child Home and schoolhas be come established as permanent mature of our anadianwayof moan savings Mauritian savingaback depaa $2566 ahd also had the pleasure of hav the Brownies begs Doll Fair next MR8 LAWRENCE vamcicmsinmws flelén 4ncerd¢m Marries Jawrence Matthews St Pauls United Church at Bramptonwss the setting for wedding of wide interest when Miss Helen Marion Anderson daughter of Mr andMrs Ker wood Anderson of Bram tonwas married to Lawrence anwyck Matthews son of Mr and Mrs Russell Matthews at Barrio Rev Hodgson officiated at the candlelight ceremony as sisted by Rev Bowles Wedding music was played by Mrs Fulton of Brampton who also accompanied the soloist Miss Betty Orchard of Barrie in the singing of The Lords Prayer and Ill Walk Beside You Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing an im parted gown of white lace The bodice was made with portrait neckline and short sleeves and the skirt was fashioned with bouffant tiers of nylon tulle fall BEETON BROWNXES This week the 1st Beeton Brownie Pack had as guests the Newton Robinson Brownies and their leaders Brown Owl Cope land and Tawny Owl Steers During the evening very special ceremony took place when Brown Owl Copeland enrolled one of our Tweenles Dorothy Coleman We are veryrhappy to have Dorothy in our Brownie Pack and we would like to say thank you torBrown Owl Cope land for performing this cere mony We were royally entertained when Mrs Dorothy Rutherford arrived withher movie cameras show us pictures of past Brownie events the Beeton falifair with all itscentenniai floats etc and many more events wthat we en Joyed to the utmost it was really special night for us as we welcomed new TweeoleJean Gray toour pack ing her mother Mrs Jack Gray and our new Brownies mother Mrs Roy Coleman with us At the close of the meeting we all joined in fairy circle around our toadstool and were served delightful luneh by the four patrol leaders ohthe new Beeton Guide Company Thanks very much Guidasl Brownie prayer taps and the squeezegoodbye brought the ev ening to its close May we also add another thank you to Mrs Sedgwlck for hen sistance ST GILES BROWNlES Wednesday afternoon Nov found all the little Brownies and little girls with want to be Brownies living in the east end of Barrie going into St Giles Mission for the first time TheBrownies carried with their meeting while the little girlswatehed The Brownies got into their sixes and Brown Owl vaskedthem to now am their fairy ring The six songs were Bung before the fairygold was put inthepot LahLahLah was followed by poyvvwo Brown Owl talked about the tea bake sale and be zaar the Guides and Brownies are having on Saturday Dec at TrinityParlshJfall Mrs Sheard gave outtea tickets Brown Owlsaid he liked to see her Brownies come to pack meetings with heirflualforms clean and tidy their berets on straight ahead clean and badges sewed on properl Then came the singt Six Littl Ducks 5011 and The Croco Poo Tli ing into short train Her fin gertip veil of tulle was caught to coronet of pearls and she was carrying bouqu of white ros es with an orcbi centre Her attendants were her sis ter Mrs Dawson Roberts of Nassau The Bahamas matron of honor and Mrs Chris Ander son cf Toronto and Mrs Terry Harris of Barrie bridesmaids Their gowus were of Cuban red velvet and they were wearing matching shoes and mittens and small white feather bats They carried cascade bouquets of white mums with white satin ribbon streamers Russell Matthews of Toronto was groomsman and the ushers were Flight Lioutenant Jack Matthews of Trenton and Chris Anderson ofgtToronto At the reception that followed in the church banquet rooms the mother of the bride received in charcoal lace wearing pink ac cessories The grooms mother who assisted was in blue lace and was wearlng black accessor ies For wedding trip to theUn lied States the bride chose pale blue wool suit with deep white fur euifsand white seeeo series 0ntheir return Mr and Mrs Matthews are making thelrr borne in Barrie on Vine Street nexr cavemenassent The suggestion carried forward in London newspapers indicat ed that Princess Margaret would do fine as Canadas next governor general We think+ondon news papers would do wel to let Can ada choose its own governor genersl at least the suggestion should come from the august body in Ottawa called the cabinet and then only by somepopular publiclyexpressed desireSwift Current Sun jde it iflFashiQnIhii8i loaned to the Barriewomena Pum Instituteer tor thcpsst seas of Barrie is doll ind chair being displayed at tho Sore Wednuday Novgzl in Trinity Parish Hall This beautifully dressed doll is in 1385 which was 1890 Mr and Mrs Grassett carneyto Barrie in 1898where be war manager of the Bank of Commerce They wcre the father and motherinlsw of Mn Mar garet Grassett now residing at l29rCollier Street The chair was made in Brigh tonangland in l85ti by Thomas Alston forhls nephew Waiter Wltien who was Mrs Margaret Grassetts father in 1893 Mrs Grassett was given this chair and Aher twodaughters and three grandchildren have since The doiland chair have been dressed bymembcrs of theBrant ford YWCA Club to honorthe visit of the worlds general secre tary to BrantfordYWCA where Miss King was director for number of years Other dolls and dolls toysfroln 114931 to represent the 56 coma tries of the world in which the YMCA was represented at that time has also been loaned to the Soroptimists by Miss Margaret King childrens aid supervisor at treasured it Midhurst Siaiion Mrs Bertha Ter and daughter Betty and granddaughter Aili son of Toronto visited one day last week with Mrs Cctor Reid Mr and Mrs Mar Willow dale visited Mrs Victor Reid Wit and Mrs Victor Reid at tended the Royal Winter Fair this week We are sorry to hear Mrs George Pain is inthe hospital and hope she will soon be feeling better AN sums wans ao sum nauas LIMITEP STORE HQURS rsN ohm r0 930 pun an SUN re use pan EssaRd en es 21282 More hoax CHOPS From You 122v amuse Your WEWW mi The more pork you can produ of grain you feed to your beg to makeitworkeffieiently canprovld these Extra utriedts loally tltroug llieliu from every one hundred pounds $31 more efficient your feeding operation well be But dont eapee takes extra proteinminerals and lamina added to your grain MURGAIN EDENle CONCENTRATE and it ydoesnft take lot to make comp HOGMIX ONCINIRMI ain alone to do the lob it nvenlently and econom four years and have been much ldmifldxexhlblta dressmaker model of gsslimfigda of ifsabion gileato Mm HJ Grassettin futilfl Ill ramsave PBONEPA ssut fllfl HANDLING GMMSHAW Alta CHJohn Christensen farm or turned up penter eolleda broken hockey sticks and makes fumiusrvs from them One coffee table given to lwl tunan campaign roamsana Ist W0 gt manna unions YOU DODGR DESOTD DEALER 75 Bradford to PHONE PA sold for $00 Young peopleare beginning to adopt the attitude that the world owe them living payable in ad vance if possible so that they can start out wheretheir parents git off tt may not always be like it is today and once reces slon sets in the first people to 51151 ed our in if jobs wniwbe Hit osn or spec emp oyeu uyn onn thsdollfair Press nonvnowtn flivcapaclly annua GMSBGflfllnlnid months llven up to was man surging p6 Ihals original Ins1pm plua on ex elusiva ability to knappmduclny full in of current longer ihn any nthr type of emu to faster motor turnover ltlva ears munr ltartlng sum to last ordinary rammu SAVE SAFELYAT cmnouut rsrls GUARANTEE Ivar MOBPOWER ansran Instantad for il Months Years or Year pending on is Rap mm or munr You pay oer for service rendered illMonthuoaranise 2Year Guarantee 4Year Guarantee nonrower MOBPOWER MOBPOWER HEAVYillth Batter SUPERSERVE nIospaelrv 39 Pure 45 PLATES v61 PLATES nae List $1330 nemtlsr 32125 nee LIST $2115 95 aan vcua am You YOU save sssa has sinamp 7° OLD IAT OLD IAWEKY rec any sassnu also toll in mt no ca ivdo Loada vim cur not 5335 Lns ion or run I9 performanc pmr ea salty your old tutor arm snu has output Is any Eu vii ru humanist most pillar can gtor or nnvusmmw liar Cars lequilliled with ilh an action leid or term We we was identical quausycsnumcuon am as an honesbtojoq wiurziIsxennss last wssisi tell its that an as nine bsfora and on visa mn sown nym mu the damn nannies uttrim slain to ask bigger su gel you away an and any in tum snow mud Smoothvridilng am one ribs gripe suppr1 Charon run an inssni mass for 60 ans usa tor mmcncxrnss will run you through lamestum hdruwfil nus smooth iyahd colour dry haso to as Prtcad

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