their proposed annexation Ciro Township Council Reject Barrie Annexation Completely Snow PIovving Tenders Are let His Worship Reeve Scott was School Section number Oro In the chair for the regular meet ing of the ON Township Council on Friday Nov in theTown Hall with all member present Business as usual came mostly through correspondence and from Gordon Mclurk Depart ment of Planning and DeVelop merit Sawyer Massey Wil son Co Town of Barrie Anderson Department of lilunic lpai Affairs Chappell De partment of Highways Simcoe County Health Unit Armco Drainage Knight Industries De partment of Labor Mrs Dak Ludgato Howard Robinson LaekicI Lemon and Cameron Received from Gordon McTurk was memorandum of conditions with regard to the proposed sub division of Brndcns Day Heights which was accepted and require ments will go forward regarding roads etc Coates was present regarding the sale of property Thisreccived the ap proval of the council Tenders for snowplowing were received from Lemmay Son Crawfords Garage and Gordon Moore The first named was ae cepted Another advertisement will go out on tendersfor heavy duty trucks or power graders same to be in by December 1956 The tender of Arnott Construc tion for addition to MacKay Bridge on Development Road was accepted subject to Departmental approval in reply to request from the Town of Barrie with regard ito structions to the Township clerk were that Oro Council are oppos ed 40 any plans of Barrie for annexation of any portion of Oro Township Received from the Credit Branch of the Department of Highways was the audit report of roads expenditure for 1958 show ing that the books and the roads had it ii found In excellent con dition The Departmentof Planning and Development scntnotice that they had accepted the plan of the Coupe property addition to Clenrwatcr Bench Concession 13 rcquest was received from Mrs Dale to purchase or lease portion of road allowance and reply will go forward state meat of road expenditures and interim subsidy was received from Ludgnte No action was taken on request from Me donte Council for payment of wolf bounty petition was received reqiiiast ing that the east half of Lot Concession 10 Medonte Town 531 ship be transferred to Union of mammoth power project New Phone line Going 100 Miles ForHydrovPIanI CHICOUTIMI CP Cou struction crewsare racing to meet midDecember deadline for establishing IWmile telephone line from Milot 85 miles north of here toChute des Passes site Worlroo the fine started last September monthafter Alum inumuCompany of Canada was awarded $185000000 contract for building power station on the Peribonkaltiver at Chute des Passes Construction of this de velopment is scheduled to begin early =next year Meanwhile 173man Bell Tel ephone Company crew have been workihg from dawn till dusk six days week to provide telephone communications between the site Tand its closest existing exchange Cut Through Bush 40footwide path is being cut dirough dense bushland in the area and poles for wire string ing are being erected at the rate of 60 day The telephone system will serve 3000 men employed on the power project which will take about three years to build When the station is completed the line willserve permanent community of about 60 homes The spowerstation will be cap le of generating 001100 noise from five powerful tur tunnel six miles long 83 fee wide will aim water to the station ftomPasses Dang euscs reservoirand annthertun Tudhope was appointed as arbitrator for Oro Township and notice will be sent to Public School Inspctor Scott tendent Ross on work done dur ing October was accepted and passed for payment and he was instructed on road matters The claim of Isaac Show for one sheep killed was ordered paid at valuntors estimate lighting fixtures tile floor cover ing and stands fortownship of fices number of quotations having been received as to furni ture for the offices Council drh cidcd to view an sissortment be fore purchasing Various accounts were passed for payment and ad journment made until next meet ing on Monday December Barrie Driver Reaches Final Truck Roadeo as DONSCOIT Barrie driver for the Ontario Department of ngh wayuushown just before taking the eel to compete in the Third Annual Roadeo staged by the de partment in their Downsview yard on the north edge of Toronto Scott beat all competing truck drivers for the departmental tached to the Toronto district for which he won bronze medal and the right to enter the de partments provincial ï¬nals For purposes of administration 0n tario is divided into 18 districts and Scott was up against the hip men from each of the other 17 districts No less than 225 driv ers took part in the original dis trict Eondeos which were identical in every respect While the Roa deo requires grest driving skill the primary objective is to pro mote safe driving Besides ability in handling vehiclethe final score is based upon appearance knowledge of safe driving rules ï¬rstaid fire ï¬ghting and mechan ical knowhow MouNT ST Lows Wins Contest Congratulations toBernard Bel anger who was the winner at public speaking contest at Esdy hall on Wednesday evening Also the children of our school made good showing with their play singing Special mention goes to DavidPottageywho told of his experiences at Provincial public speakingcontest at King Edward HoteiTToronto last Easter Coldwater Meeting Mrs William Miller attended meeting in Goldwater on Monday evening From Toronto Miss Doris Stanfield Toronto visited with Troughton At Convention Mr Frawley attended the OFA convention at King Edward Hotel Toronto last Monday and Tuesday Algonquin Parh Mr and Mrs Maurice Fitzger old enjoyed motor trip through Week WATER POLLUTION We advocate the establishment of water improvemen ommia iioiisfor our aheiilth ind the iiies of our fish and anti inais may depend on the clearing up of our rivers and streams Campbellton NJ Graph GROWING BEAR are certain The report of Road Superin committee of Council was ap pointed to arrange purchase of Longer iowerand more graceful looking the 1957 Pontiac the automotive ear Offered in six series with engine with fuel Injectio front bumper and grille able Up front Pontiacs steering wheel and instrument pane wheel features cleancut functional lines of including 3283 abroad integrates ttvodoor convertible Pontiac for gt Turning Vanw margrxam December cii physiciansz ANo Maps no Inurirui FLOATS ANDWLLIEfL6¢lleG rosALL HIS Lift vs ANDVGIRLSI HistorichHous3 BecomesMuseum OAKVILLE er The 12 yearold Merrick Thomasme has been opened for display by in Oakviliev Historical Society Museum anfof the hidestiandmu in the Oskville area the house was built by Mr Thomas in 1329 on ZOOacre farm originally survey ed Crown reserve to be leas ed for support of education In Upper Canada Mr Thomas purchased the property 10 years aft be leased it and built the houselfomjz inchsquare timbers of whlte pine is described as the surprise package of wide range of six and eight Bslhas new long ow brand new ran of brilliant interiors is also avait are freshly restyled The steering safetyscoop styling llnder wer teams styling with Shawn above is Laurentian llie none GARDEN NOTES By JEAN GABLE THE BARBIE HORTICUL TURAL SOCXETY held its annual banquet on Nov at Trinity Parish Hall it was delightful turkey dinner with all the trim mings served by the Parish Aid During the evening Angus Ross played dinner music Rhoda Young entertained witb one of her humorous dialogues and Mrs Lloyd Cook sang solo THE MAlN SPEAlKER was Gunnell from Hamilton who was accompanied by Mrs Gunnell THE GUNNELLS ARE mile travelled couple aa ttir Gunne lectures on horticulture great deal This pngtï¬summer theyiiad touted Northern Onthilo to see just what strides were being made in horticulture in the far north They found things grow ing in the north they would never havebeileved grew there There were beauttiul gardens and the size of some ofthe pansies seen in Timmins would amaze you Mr Gunnell went on to urge members to try to grow things which have not been considered hardy hero for climatic condi tions are changing and more things are being found to grow in the northern areas eyery year that were impossible to grow few years ago MR GUNNELL SAID HE had been active in horticulture since 1919 and found it one of the fin est hobbies person couldhave He showed movies of various gardens and manyplants glvlii arunning commentary as he di so Some of the movies were of African violets The Ontario Horticultural Convention is being held in Hamiltou at the Con naught Hotel inMarch and the owner of these violets will have them on display there As Mr Gunnell is district director for district No whichis the Ham ilton area we canrest assured he will go all outto welcome the delegates to Hamilton in vthe spring Hamilton with its lovely botanical gardens fine parks sys tem and active horticulturists has much to commend it for horti cultural convention QUESTION AND ANSWER period produced some questions op interest to all When do you prune Hydrangea Preferably in the spring for all Mr and Mrs William Algonquin Park to Pembroke lsst Progress types of hydrangea When do you transplant Hibis ens In the spring it has very heaVy root system and is apt to heaie land he winter killed transplanted in fall Whenshould you prune ell atis Dont prune them Take IIIIANE Same pieasantpeopie same friendly service Ont the name has changed in as some gBENElilccloAla Later Miss if them down offthe trellis lay the top ends onthugrouad and cover with soil All the ends will root in the spring just let them all come up fresh andyoull have nmass of bloom without the tap ering to us point as so many climatis do What do you do for Black Spot Everyone had it this piist season Csptan considered best prevent stive There is no eureforit shade tree Moraine Locust treu one of the best Crimson King Maple very good flDWBIillg crabs and pin oak also very good The new cobalt blue spruce will be very popular MR varnished4 urged hélticu turists to go outtothe now sec tions being built and help to ad vise the home owners in planting Usually these new home owners havent an idea what to plant and very often choose the wrong thing Street planting in the new sections should also be given thought and suggestions mad to those responsible as to what aces would be most suited to car ain areas THE SPEAKER WAS intraduc ed by McCarroli and thank ed by Johnson The meeting was chaired by Parsons and program was arranged by MTS Bert Cook MR PARSONS ANNOUNCED the annual meeting of this soci ety would be held Dec inHiil crest School auditorium Awards were made in the course of the evening for the greatest number of members re ceiiied in the 1956 membership drive They were won by MacLaren Mrs Pulford Oates lWhat do youconsldcr good OEA Had Heavy Agenda at Annual Meet in Toronto The 20th annual meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agricul ture held Nov5 to in Toronto completed an unusually heavy agenda Some 220 delegates and directors plus another 200 guests and county observers attended the sessions Lloyd Jasper President pre ditted that noappreciable rise ininet farmincome for 1951 is foreseen resolution among many oth was passed asking the prov in is government to increase its neial support of the Depart at of Economics of the Ontario icultural College The meet in felt that researchin farm anization marketing and in in ny of the ï¬elds in which co ratives are operating require in nsided cconnlnlcfllespareh meeting idresolutioif as ed th Ontario and Federal govern ments that if any additional mar keting legislation or amendments to present legislation isrequired by Supreme Court decision this should be carried out llhe meeting approved of the incorporation of the Ontario Fed erhtlonoi Agriculture This will pihvide better representation to Oiitario farmers and provide lia bility protection to the organiza tions officers Hon Walter Harris Federal Minister of Finance in address ing the second day of the meet ing said that Canada could not longafford an agricultural pol icy which created surplusses He predicted that an increasing per centage of Canadas agricultural production with the exception of wheat would be consumed on the domestic market Dr HerbertHaunam President of the Canadian Federation Agriculture in discussing party income said that parity income Corbeii Membership in 1955 was 117 in 1956 such The TH Tinnitus Henrietta Grasett Mrs Clarence pawn ll RETAILERS around egniaiionsoozss the retal mercantile businesses in the sclepeof Part lot the Compensating Act effective forinfomiatlan onceiiiiri of retailers mpensotlon Act Retail Sectio The Workmsns Compensatlo Bord hour Street Torontol Onturi it Is 869 could be achieved as the result of combination of approaches The main approachel be out linedwera price supports order ly marketing and cooperatives Dr Hannam said that 100 par ity prieeowas an impossible and unrealistic approach to Canadas agricultural problems because it would inevitably create unmsn ageable surplusses Themeeting oh its last days agenda approved resolution asking the Federal Government to amend itsPipellne ActI so that farmers would be provided with increased protection in easement asavcss or us Tarcm Ready To Build actlou deluxe stinley Ill steel in you youre money litle Modern gives youlfl the lavaitin tuning or relxiii roof overhang for ion ut extra sort to spurts pm and root caste and PATIO comm The newest Idea tnuruo designéthe 3AM EXAMINER FRmAY NOVEMBER 16 195 contractswilh utility and pipe line companies The meeting approved in prin ciple an increased budget and sheathing cut in one of Can sdas first sawmilLs The style of the house follows that of the Empire Loyalists dwellings Hardware and fittings used are typical of the period Mr Thomas widow left the house to son Murray at her death When he died in 931 it was inherited by nieceers Morse Ives of Failhope Alabama She sold it to the Department of National Defence In 195L Tha Olkville Historical Society bought it for $1 in 1955 and now has finished the job of restoring It to its original condition Canadas first national park an area of about 10 square miles arpund the hot mineral springs at Emu Alberta was created in 1885 shfl wssr INDIES UNION We welcome the formation of West Indies federation within the Commonwealth And we see in this new development the Em pires traditional tendency to muddle through giving way to positive and iconstnictive action Grand Falls NIld AdVertiser overhead door has Titerlow looks convenience and design in ma visible um and distinctive nnénn lltcn to your homeWhether you build it ynnneir or am It nuut wiin the Beaver proflit mansions garage complete package with men features for can or enn rzmzian mei you money no cap build Pres easy to rouowpiaru and ranudioynanelr instructions ru Itselfend carpenter can build the crannime quicklyvandeasliy With Hair tle Treadwood ii racyto swing with rah Port ltd bi sxlra storage spaceplus announce an in thin nastinth mrale an so it DELIVERED COMPLETE 10 BUILD INCLUDES DELUXE OVERHEAD DOOR HEAVY zlo LB ASPHALT SHINGLES TING AND PLANS DWlNDuNG srocx Australia now has about moor fullblooded aborigines compared to 300000 whenwhite settlement started In t788 CALL THE EXAMINER ran PKNTINGPHONE rs sens TRYRA Purina Hog Contract ireCisionMixed sorter Ind GmWET Local Manufactured Finisher No Carrying Charges and you my call List Price the day of purchase whether it be bag or 100 bags llnme Farm Supply Purina Chow for llvestoekand poultry Surge Dairy Equipment Pl Mulcsstcr St PA 82982 arr Protect Your Car Keep it looking new install of the weather in rooniy garage thats as new as the new cars ALL NEW GARAGE mi SPACIOUS 14 2o GARAGE so sq ft EXTRA srAcs For storage workbenchand garden tools Heros nniiiinciive one cu nun thats up so it designed to give you spacious car area with plus area or re oi extra space for workshop garden tools and storagetiltsof more roi the longer and wider new murmurs nyléd the Trinaqu ran with attrutisflvlds overhang trelllr lnw roof line and Tinslag READY PIKECUT DWIYOURSELF as Thrones 520 anomaly No nowuravvieur on sariToni E429