Mental Illness For brief period theworld was given the impression that Russiath revised its polit ical outlook There was the appearance that the USSR intended to live up tothe precepts she had been preaching for so long to the world First in Poland she eased herhoid and then in hungery new political freedom win dawning in midEurope andwith lta greater hope for world peace Then in the United Nations wevwitneued series or phenomena the unusual fact that the veto was used by nations otherthan Russia and in the General assembly America and Russia voted on the same side But the mythwas exploded over night In what must go down as the greatest be trayal in history Hungary was reinvaded by Russian mightand the great slaughter began slaughter or people whose only crime was love of freedom While this was going on the Russian delegate to thc United Nations General Assembly explained that his country had entered Hungary merely to protect the law iul government of the country and to stamp out fascist elements who were attempting to disrupt it The Warsaw Pact made this action obligatory And later with seemingly equal sincerity the delegate proposed that Russia and Am erica should send forces to the Middle East to stop the war there However all this may have looked to the rest of the world it is certainthat the Kremlin saw nothing incongruous in it The opinion of the Western World was crys talized in Americas blunt rejection of any suggestion of combining with Russia for military actionln the MiddleEast The logical outcome of this complex scene should be aclearer appreciation of the in herent danger of Russia adanger which has not been lessened in any way since the end of the last war despite changes in gov ernmcnt heads and neverending flow of propaganda TheRussiansspeak glibiy about fascist elements Imperialistic aimsyet fact there is little difference today between the fascist and communist state and itwould be easier to speak of Russian domination of nations as imperial istic thananything which has been dona bythe Western Powers An emmirieht psychologisthas said that communism ls religion which offers to the neurotic certain peace Within the confines of the Party the peace ior which tortured neurotics seek is available He has also stat that the major distinction betweerr the ommunist and the fascist ap pears to be that the latter is psychopath rather thanja neurotic Here may lie the key to the problem It is evident that the free world israoed with something which has ocen created by manmade circumstances Short of major war we can hope at present to do littie morethan contain Russia within her pres ent boundaries To do this effectively we should be prepared to rightfin the sector the world those conditions which tend to breedheurotios and psychopaths so prone to the Party or fascist line We must be prepared toï¬ghtbyail peaceful means at our disposalpoverty starvation want and frustration in Once alstate of police has béeni estab lished in theMlddie Eastitshguld be the dim the freï¬nBtmmmsee that thecom tually abandoned nd Social Credit unde Premier Manning has munities therefwith th ir aspirations and problemashould every help possible toattaingt osiwithin their frontlers The wealth of the West the wealth of the free world and by wealth we include more than just money7 canhe the greatest weapon againstflthe spread of the mental illness of Russia EdiiOllai Npres The fountain at the oldpost oflice gore continues to provide thedinest drinking water in Canada thelatest date can recall Thisio in donated to the town years ago by tho Bankof Toronto kisusually or much earlier The proposal lose the and move all rdilwa pass expressand lreight services over theAllandaie are talking stage Since th mun be jiist as logical for them to proposea 20hour or more recent injection bfsplinlai party strength and GOP practicallyannihilntedUDuplessis head winter CCFfour Liberal is in what could be described an fexplor atory stage New traffic re umbia ban hitch No person shallbe on highway for the purpose of soliciting rideempioyment or business from the occupant of any veh lcle It follows similar ban on hitch nuon in puma coli iig Theruiing states hiking now in force income sectionaorflthe us but does not affect 30 municipalities In other words its still all right for afVan couver or Prince George resident to solicit ride towork from aneighbor The pre caution on thahighways is to safeguard the travelling public and providemore safety Latest edition of the Soviet Illustrated News but of ottawahas an article headed No Obstacles To Friendship Canadian and Soviet Peoples Can Jooperater We beg to differ One big obstacle is such ac tion as the soviet has taken in Hungary Buffalo CourierExpress made nice ap eal for more 75 tourists for Canada There are only onetenth asMany canadians as Americans the paper pointed out Yet Can adians spent $80000000 more in the 115 lastyear thanAmericanv visitors to Canada icit as far as the United Statesis concerned the tourist trend this way should be much greater than that south the United States paper suggested 02inions Of Others Shorter Work Week ran Erie LetterReview From Toronto comes word that provincial CCFera have been closbted wiili labor leaders for the purpose of formulating plahs to further their demands for 30hour work week Those taking part in the discussiondï¬lt is clear expect that the takehomo pay of union members will be no less undel thc Whour week than under the 40hour week What leftist advocates of the 30hour weal are really seekinglet there bano mistake about it is the equivalent of a25 per cent wage boosttbe benefits of which they hopeto collect in thaform of more leisure Other Canadians as is usually the case with ICElabor demands wiilwbo expected to pay the shot Puullng to most Canadians in why the Ontario CCFlabor group should bother with even so hour work week sinee their obiectivc is clearly more loailng time at thefpublicsamuseitwbdld iDhourvwork weekor even that they should not workrat all but should instead be supported in iulitime leisure at full pay by the rest of the country Our Muddled Politics Huntsvillcjorcatarx The viclory of the Conservative candidate in West Yorks recent bygleciion merely left the par ties in the Legislature as they were which caused no particular surprise It does however create to group together the results of recent provincial elections throughout Canada and note the resun genes of thesplinter partiesformerly mere segre gated oilshoots of the oldline partyorganizations British Columbia divorced from the bonsarvative party for some years yielded to coalitionof the two old parties and finally backed awayfrom both when prominent Conservative endorsed the Social Credit party and elected government strong enough to retain its ascendencywitb an increased majority ina second appeal Four parties were represented in the contest with the weakest con tenders the two old parties In Alberta thetwo oid parties rhav grown in strength with Similar succassJLbeing by arty in Saskatchewan in Manltobawhilc Liberalism has dominated for some years coalition experiments have been necessary because of the elections Ontario adheres consistently to the Cause tive party under Premier Frost with both Liberals of the Union Nationale party in Quebec has worn oldstime party sirength to mere frazrie New Brunswick adhere to the Conservative Nova Scotiahas just switched froinLiberI toCon servative lnNewfoundland Premier Smallwood stands supreme at the head at his Liberal govern ment and frowns in triumph over virtual anal hllation of the Co ervaiives Summing up be ten provincial parliaments across Canada we have tw Social credit one we conservative and one Rn tlonale What the fu re holds Canada may nydne exists impressive evid no at both oldztim ties are beinggrkdual she heir predominant influence in the provincial olitlc 6a provincialpdliticg in guesszhere be measuraof interest cor Minister 16axierna1zannnmxid spent since Canadahas huge trade def Scéï¬ish Readeli Tells Glenorchyf Where locatecila Oct 27 195 SirThrough tha kindness Dr Ross Turnbull receive aynur excellent paper and scan its pages very carefully Barrle means lot to me as my husband and lived there during the depression and returned in England in 1931 Many of our friends have passed over but their memory remains and Barrie still holdsaplace in my affection and regard for it certainly has grown in all dire tionsduring the lastvfew yea This by the way and hoping every future success for your very inter esting paper What really want to say that in your issue of Oct 10 there is reader wishing to know where Giouorchy is located Well itiiz of course in Scotland and ha written today to the rriinlsle Glenorcby asking him if throw light onihe said liver watch dug upo is ground 20 years will be pleased to forward any information for coming as soon fasit reaches me Meanwhila withbest wishes Sincerely yours Mas ca SINGER Garelochhead via Helensbnrgh FutureJustified WhenLiféline is Threatened Edgehill Drive iv ToTher Editor The Barrie Examlner SirHats off toyour editorial in Fridays Examiner The man the street is confused conflict headlines confront him such Dunchatian Cottage Barrie Nov 1958 ro going to the me ing of GLOR lOUS EREEDOMJ for one id much mm sce nussm Hought on her soil rather than mE night hear the air raid sir ns in Barrieand thsrldio warn Vng RED TROOPS are moving south from Ntilth Bay England has teamed by axpor nce one cahnot dcal softly with icfators They found that out with Hitler Mr Chamberlain tried to deal with the dictator ith smooth talk to Englands Sir Anth ny Eden nd Sir Win 2mmwill fn nonarrrmai mam Writer orrrhwzi Nuns capo velopmcnts in Europe and the Middle East been led the litelh tlon of the capi lasi weekIs External Affairs Minister Pearson described the upheavals in Soviet dominlted Hungaryy and earlier Poland as being for the West the most important iron Curtain MJ RSEPOWEM ï¬rmed Tue WHEELt iWlndlnvr Slur Churchill are doing Where is Pandit Nehru these days At tinies he Is great elocutionlst on aggression espec ially if Great Britain has finger in it But Russia tries in walk ver Hungaryand not word from NEHRU What is Canad answer to the situatioui Australia has aiready sided 100 tviih England VWe shouldybe doing exactly the same Are we tied than of Amer lrlter Empire it seen pa Ha know exactly what they developments since World Some dplomativi sources said it appeare from Prune Minister Edens statement tothe British Commons actsaturdly that Bri tain was movingalong the gen eral lines of Canadas thinking Britain had expressedquallfied candal UN police for the Middle the Second Sir Anthony iold the British Commonl at the police lciiofl of Britain ad France in Egy would go but that they won halt hosiillt afar soon as force was ready to take ove Theview here was that it may take weeks in get UN police force together However dlplo maiic sources felt ihere was good chance ihe UN might agree to have Britain Erance do the policing as cmpcrary force until troops from other countries could be added There was some speculation thatCanada might contribute an infantry battalion of 500 men to such afforce but government of ficials said last weekend that discussion of number before any UN decision would be fruitless Reporithat 10000rnnn force was proposed were described by Mr Pearson as entire specula tion Meanwhile Canada decidedlto continue trade negotiations With Hungarian delegation thatial rived in Ottawa before the if garian upheaval Their status had first been questioned be cause of the rapid developments in their own country New hankPollcy The Bank of Canada hasdeclrL ed tofoliow new policyde signed wakecp itautoinatically one step ahead offline shortfem money markcthand help prevent an inflatiopmgrlso theeons trya in supp 191th The central bank announced its inleth raiaon loans to charter ed banks and securities dealer will be fixed at oueouarter of one per cent above the avengeweek ly tender rate for 91day govern mnnt treasury bills The action broughtanother im mediate rise in thecentral inter est rate4o 35 per cent from tb seventh in15 months it incidentally plugged hole through which borrowers some times could make profit by bor rowing from the Bank of Cur Ida and investing in the govern mentc shortterm treasury bills Treasury bills kind of short ierm government bonds maturing anywherefrcm 90 toï¬ldfl days are usun offered for sale once week under tender system with the government accepting the lowest Announcements of acceptance are made on Thurs days Since the average fender last Thursday was 334 per cen UN forthe Dlday bills the ccnir bank rate will heam per cent uniil the following Thursday if money is scarce the rate likelywill climb droppin lf is plentiful The Bag of however caninfi ence the rate through its huge mane taryopcraiions The rate has been rising sieadily since the central bank switchedme an easy moncy policy yearly in 1535 to tight money in i953 New PC Candidaie Onzihe political scene George Nowlen 5yearold Commons member for Digby Annapolisl Kings NS wasreported by Progressive Conservative party source as certainenlrant in the race for the leadership resigned by Hon Georgcrnrew tor health reasons He lawyer themselves available for the post to be filled at national convem iion of the party here in Dunn her The othersare John Dlefen ould join three other MP1 who have made bakerrethPfor Prince Alert Saslr who bidunsuccessfully for the leadership in 1942 and 1948 Donald Fleming bl member for Toronto Eglinton Mr Diefenbaker in the 1948 leads enh ghoige won by Mr 10 bagdnl HOW is Newséaeer Helps Advertisers With deï¬ned audience familiar with that audience THE UNITED STATES AND RUSSlA ARE NOW ALLIES in the latest UN session BRITAIN my annexes or EGYPTJN MID Thank heaven EAST CRISI appears lhehead columnists allacross thogllnited StatesZero blasting SNAFUDulicr for his trying cop withhisiao as Minister of his tbehgovcs Finalise has already iiort Ithefiorthcoming electionn World afiai day are moving cepte itatnface nlï¬chut he is certainly confuse bimseifwith these cigar hope they kn wb Yd ing Tint and resigns Any speaker knows to his audiencewith greatesteï¬ectiveness litmus ï¬rstbe and neewith baplute accuracyand that inorder for him tog We wantyou know the size eats message ofyour third behind