Dance at Thornton Orange Bali Friday Nov 9130 Bertiyr Orchestra chcounter Admir rlon 50c 115 St Giles or holding an Aiiemoon Tea Bazaar and Bake lrtile Wednesday Nov to Pariah Hall Cook Street 125 llrrt veuchre oi season Ivy School Monday Nov pan Extrr prizes Continuing each Monday throughout the season 125 Rummage sale Saturday Neil L13 Hall ngh Street Au pleel Court Trillium Lady Fores ters Doors open 930 am 1161201244 Euchre at Siroud Community Centre every Monday evening 830 to Dec ll Lunch provided Good prizes Admission 50¢ 5wa Crown Hill United Church baz rrr homemade baking and tea on Wednesday Nov 7ln Sunday School room at 230 pm Every 125 one welcome Turkey BanquetGuthrle Conr munity Hall Saturday Nov 830 pm followed by public speaking competition and presen tation of awards Sponsored by North Simcoc Junior Farmers Admission $l50 Dancing 912 to Andrews Orchestra Admission 75 124125 FEEIJSEHIIIEE CARLOAD iiiEi PULP Now Ilene Dairymen Get Your Supply WHILE 1T LASTS Cllstom Grinding Mixing Rolling Molasses Mixing Free delivery on mixed feeds Buy where your dollar goes further FEED MILL AnneSt Barilo Ifhone PA 84264 Christina lunar aria Sale Paulettei of St Path oi to Church mutant stroud Common ilyiuiit Friday riternoon Nov 30 Silver collection 125 Rummage SalePriday Now tun 59 Trinity Priab Hall Auspieel lat Barrie Cub and Scout Kothers Auxiliary For pickup call PA 83101 124120 Klwrnls Auxiliary Bridge Wed nerday Nov 830 pln Eastern Star roomr Anyone wishing to make up liable please call PA 84715 Admisslon 50c 125126 Slmcoe County Beet Breeders annual consignment sale at Cree more Irena Tuesday Nov at L30 prn Fifty head of purebred Shorthorna and Hereforda Bull premium policy of the Ontario Livesth Branch will apply to all males sold For catalogues con tact Kelth McRuer Alliston 119122125 0N wasroan 11th Mlsr Barbara Banner leaves to day to spend month virlting in Vancouver Edmonton and Saska toon Cards of Thanks nvNNin tho midst of our sorrow wllh to up our heartfelt thank and ropruirtion to our many nlallvel friendl and nellbban lor the klndneII and rym atii ahown or In the Inn of be ova wife and mother We especlally wlah to thank ltev annexor hla comollng wordr all the donon or an many Imuulni floral tributes till uoumr now er bearers and Manual rnnml Home for their kind efflclent man element uI mo aerviee Mr George Dunn and irmiiy Allilton 125 JONESWe mm to thank our rela tlvco friend and nvirnoon lor mu many our of klndnen Ind expression or rympathy rhowri ua during the ill lien and death of Mn Mary Jones also or Inn beautiful floral trlbutei 1ho rrno and Ilsa of Iutnmobllca 125 lly At Our Store Your Prescription Gets the Care The pvcrcrlpllon mm In ï¬llodoomtily vvlwn you In or ow daublnhnkmlun gvorontnt accuracy lIlLHIlIIIILE IJIIIIE LIMITED rune futqu DELIVERY wltiiio mile radius of Barrie ll am at 5pm Dally except Sunday Essalid Pb ra 82323 crimeAl nod gym an 11 ties In Inth Stevens an Esme arurrirr Jordon unv Tï¬ï¬‚BAt un Fayi Victoria in rrru 1161 and Kn lohrramu rcwm dimlfll min wannaAI the Rom Victoria Hospital Elmo on Nov use to air and In lred Whaler Napier SL ran mLuAMDAl lhl 11011 mfll Hospital Brrrle on Nov nose to or and In urn wniirnuh Alfred SL ran inc Ird Andrew DIED canonAt his home School Thunday Nov last ertck Melville Clark beloved husband of In lrie lleorleiio nonIr in his 7m year our brother at Hilton rm mm Feamniuï¬chornbcrg martin at the home nu outer School erg runurl rmlce armr day at pmJntement Boudllead Cemetery IIAVERSON At Pattona Nursing Home Stayner on Thursday NW loss mama Chlrler Havenon beloved hulhand of LIIIY Won dtlr father or Reta Mn Gordon Brown oI Vrncouverroa many of IoIIn stBan1e in hll 79th year Ruling It the Illlnett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral aervlee on Saturday Nov at Llim Inton ment Dame Union Cemetery IlUBBRYAt Toronto General Harg ill on Wedneaday on ilr Albert George Victor auraly ol lrciuoor PoLnt beloved huahand ol llrrinr niclnnlr dear rrtiier ol lvlca rm George Reid ol arr Yvonne tin Irra ullirr oi nrrrie and Pamela rt home in hit and yrrr Restln attha Jenncll hirerl Horne Barrie Service on rriary Nov at pm Cremation Toronto Crematorium WIAYMOUTIlAl Ill homelof 1111 ncpnrw Alien Weaymouth Kem enlelt nrivo Barrie on weirdly ct so mo Fontonore Wruon Weayrnolltll belovedrhurband of the late Matilda max and dear minor or Mrs creelnrvn Iuwrni of Perth and Leon at Detroit on Kempenfclt Drive Brnle ln hli 89thyelr Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral no vice Friday Nov rt pm in terment Barrio Union Cemetery IN APPRECIATION would like to thank rii our rriendr and neighbor or their hindncsl to in during my rtay In tho holpltal for all the card and tiowcrrl received and our cell thankr to Dr Delaney and or mlth alan thenunu or the klndneaa Mrs Blnu ralrn company Ind calling on tourneaw ruli write Ico ouan Mlnhl gun and beloved hrothrr of John oi ir 115 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ne partyvle laoklng or in this rm may be mom offch or factory worker or working It name other tilde You moat larva aom lvu time ambition Ind oxtrr money in hlghprolt pun busineu Inn will be handling nineblind Muttl mid by it In Cun at Yonwill not be expected to roll but wul replace rtoek rid collect cash mvegtmfli or am to mm tr relinlred ror information ncoloNlu shuts limtcroa lI euwsr TORONTB on cu emu Stewartxof Ottrlla aon of Mngclayton Stewart Well lngton St West was lucky to co capewiul hlIJite when carsip which he wastepassenger we rideswlped by heavy gravel tru at Karena NY couple otwceks ago Thrown from the car hewrr dragged Iboiltiso feet with hir BlGGABln lovtnl no Woman Robert Iurr pued my Nov 1950 Ana vim shit on re ml mar Her clamor we man keep nzr remembered by druulte 0qu oninlaw Robrrt mung ofad Drvi smearin loving memory at dear hmthlf Clarence mi who plated away Nov ll memory ar dear lady Al in tho hour he puree away 5adly mined by hmth mm and Telfard and rotor cvr one bro theoinlaw éharlu it Hartman In loving memory at our our and Mother Frank rnd Armin Rublnlon who parsed Illy 1936 and ml respectively together 1n memoryl Inna Iomamvmriwryr the arm Elr Ken final Ruby Ind Mills TENDERS Two or lNNlSIElL SCHOOL AREA NO TenderI In Invited coverlrl trlnl rtrilon or llle at No School tion to smud School Enquirch ho mode to 30 GoouFELLow chairman int No amour or Ir LDUGIIEID secretary PAINBWICK Ont 124425 Mr Norica Applications for Sanitary Sewer Connections for installation this year will notbo accepted after November 15 1958 JLLARGE Dlrector of Public Works eager townkn illth retail um Thedrlver the truck in loondto beatirultin tit aatdv eoguihe war er the eentxellna of the nu finite only la by FordWlIlialnl of Ottawa teiiow alumna yith Collier and mm rho two men vialeon business trip together to Cornwall ten miles from Maseru on tha ruptured from ï¬assenaï¬enerd Hospital Mr Stewart oonvaler ring at bubonic loottrwaiï¬e is still under doctorlcaro and does auteth to return to work for arEonth He rnarrled to 111 farmer MargaretWinter tirrrie have two children Philip and Richard The family left Barrie about year ago WCIU MEWNG The November meeting of the Womens Christian Temperance Union will be held at the home of Mrs Cochrane 136 Bay fleld Street at 230 Monday Nov full attendance la ex pected 4gt naxlcaN unitlav The national library at Mexico books Royal Congeruutoryr oMltsio oflbrpnto MIDWINTER 1i957 Anneom and mm it Connmm on Illiv the DIG IV Iu calico mm Ioaotlvo at our City has more than 1250000 EXAMINAIIOINSJ as DUNwr sr Munl ecu ght fled in that this morning DRIVE for commas WINIER worer fem0 IlfllllllSIIlltl= ELECTRIC llll ORIGINAL mm segregate claims BARBIE lariNEn detachm tiol Ontario pmlndri police ll Robert Sllose who mm Perch A1 BARRIE rents AWNING co ESiéIIIISthNevllrenll WIIhAIIIOgflI DMWDIIISGII Centre November newmerehandlaing concept to rervlce the ever locreaa lug BoltYourself market was Inaugurated in Barrietddry with the opening or Barrie Tent and Awnlng Co Alrtoam DoltYouI self CentreThlacentre Is design ed for tire eonvenienca of then homemaker who enjoy using their hands and mind to bring new coin tort and beauty to their homes rald Mr Clark when inter viewed today In effect reprnte department in the store the highlight of the centre in the compact Airtoam db penser illustrated here which con venlcntly rtoeka and dlspenses Alrfoam in all aizeathlekneases and shapes to auit every home pro jecl Thll Airfoam Is thonarne high quality cushioning usedtor years by manufacturers at line it is aoeaa ork With it furniture Free pattern forms liter be eut folded orrolled Into attire and lnrtructlonpare also nv any desired shape Airfoam will ailabler Mr atated not sag breakdown lump up or that Alrfoam by Goody la the rhllt outofshrpe even after idealeuahloning material because year of ill SEEPAGE BarriefSchool ol sale Dual eonmncm SafeCompetent Lleen 111513ch 9an envisinasiayavvaygjan is now you um from OIlGllS fvourfone Sto Mitigating emattraretianas pStoret forGifte in SHEll ET andvwelconled anybome handsome product in do last years of mini service Thls very popular little mixer gives the highest satisfaction wlierevertltla pried Aboon to housewives SPECIAL auvs FOR LAvAwAY SKVINGSH coadNAoo FRY PAN ounces or $1493 UNBEAMERY FANS on 1952 milliliter 431iouii sEnIIII 1953 liEiIliiij 51 car in good condition Equipped iwitli slip eoversftwo mirrors and has beautiful twotone green lnlshz stock No 981 real liuyat hm ELECTRIC coaNiorrER en or 35 1555 norm ASANDWICH GRILL to only skiem we seem not Aler THEFAMousPROCTERAIJTDMATIC rifle buy at tb sacriï¬ce price of This Ironiroallytalresthe and perforhul perfectly You oanfLAYAwA eirrsj