Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1956, p. 2

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mmmmrmamammmmg Mr inclJunlomouui immsorowcnunoiismp Youd think mu coaeh would be anus over the fact that his iootball team hadJust wona championship tor the second time in new wbuid tyou But such is not in cgseiwtth molt Psutka noun or the Barrie DC junior football team Yuterday at Coltingwood his club won the Northern Section Georgian Bay District Football League title by defeating Coilingwood 114 The win was Barries iourthwithout nloss Rather than being elated Mr Barrie because yesterdays score Psutka was Just happy and du was not entirelyfindlcative oi the lious course Im very happy play Bsnie was more than 11 with the way the boys played points better than the game Col he said but theyre going tohave liogwood squad to show marked improvement to make much headway in play oiis with the SouihernSection winners iustdldnt have it except tor quarterback Nell Gllles and spect gt ocularrhaiiback itevld Butters It The huge Colllngwood crowd they were pinkinz most value would probably dlsagree slightly shle player in the league Butters wlth cosch Psutka Theyre would have little opposition Dc mighty glad theyre through with spite his lack of size be was the big man torColilngwood all sen son and especially yesterday But the host Collingvmod bovs roe nxrnns REPAIR wonn mm Morons DODGE DBSOIO DEALER 75 Brndtord St PHONE PA 84971 Minurncrunsn Benjamin Moores Millaglmfl nuooen tarex Pains As the scoreboard would ind icate he wasnt thescorlng hero But his dashes through over and 1around the Barrie line were amszu ng But the other squad Barrie had more than one outstanding performer The entire club shone and came up with line combined effort The winners were streng thened tor yesterdays game with the relum to action of Larry Red Mulligan The chunky redhead tilled an with The rubber protected filoIV of WallSntin washesiikeng ollier decorative wall point Covers most surtdces with one cent dua in 175 REGULAR BEIGE 230 GA to 598 nnoumn mice 765 BALL militia MILL co no so Barrie in iA 82496 nunerclaland top sillbestrol larfeeder receivesior weilllinl steer comparedto ipoorly finished steer can be pretty mbstsnm tisi nightnowrior instance there is one spread betweeo cattle Cattle feeders everywhere are ilndlng that SWAIN Beet maker makesbig dillerenceyln the type oittnlsh theycan pot on cattle On top of good iloishthey getiaster gains aodbetter feed conversions now that theyesn bu Beelinaker containing dleth MBNS MAJOI LEAGUE Wright 90 mm an Legion 20 Deluxe 21 jeanU Hydro 24 we as Web Georkes 16 Denis BhutdltCo pace 11 Peak Mondays Scores Hydro 7HEPC Legion Wright Georges Seven Webb Denis Sheard Legion 4Deluxe Copaco ll dro Maillot was the top bowler with single game score of 337 and triple at 774 MENS HAIOB LEAGUE Lakeview 30 humane CNT 20 Domlnion Auto 2413X Depot 22 Smith Farm 22 Copaco 22 Corner Cupboard 19 Kenwells in Weston 14 Barbers 13 Stew arts Tuesdays Scores Smith Final2 Legion r2 Lakevlew Corner Cupboard Weston Dominion Auto tax Depot Barbers Stewarts Kenwclls Copaco INT unrvsew LAMBS Leanne Coop 40 Ken Emma 31 Webbs 28 American Hotel 24DS 20 25 17 offensive back position as well as anyone of the Barrleclub 0n deieoce however he was all alone vicious little tackler Mulligan servednotlce that his sacroiliac troubles wereover He lntercepted two passes and knock cd down ball dozen more The Barrie scoring was widely separated Alter BobHenderlon elimaxed yard march with major standing up iromtheiive and John McDowell booted the convert Barrie didnt score again until the dying minutes oi the final quarter At that time it was fullback Murray Hill who skirted the Colllngwood right end tram the eight The second major was set up by 30yard pass and run play by McDowell and Ron Knighln McDowell and Kaighin combined or several large gains during the aiiernoon With Joslln Guest and Winston Blogg leading the way the Barrie delensive team rushed the Collingwood quarterback so much that it was slmostsuiclde to fade hack tor pass Thenwhen the plays ceme throughthe line the Collingwood attackers and at times even speedy Butters were batted downhard Three cheerleaders June Gable Evelina ltieci andMary Coleman made the trip with theBarrle teamend believe itor hot were actually heard above the Coiling wood spectators and work girls Lineups Barrie Quarterback McDowell halves Knapp Henderson Hill Blogg Garner Kirkpatrick Dan gerfield Robinson Mulligan cen tres Masters Agnew guards Spence Fraserhdohnslon Wordle Boorrnan tackles Guest Raikes Parker Parker endshsmlih PriceKaighin Cooper Dull Collingwood Quarterbacks Gil les Hauman halves Butters Frost Keith McLean centre Robinson guards Hustlns Barnes Lowes storey tackles Rob inson BeanCurrle Culum ends Carons Piper Wagner Allen routers beastens in advanced need have helped many toattaln Peace oi Mind We provide protective facts and descriptive iniormation on request without oblige tion use tenancy Funeral Horne sowmieisu Pb PA 55553 incestuous mm oim Audrey Hamilton mi mm of no more harm undue GordSprlna 14 Warnlsa 20 Monarchir Cookies 17 Cakes in Pearsons 14 State Farm 10 But ler walnuts Fridays Seem state Farm strsthdee ar nlcab Cookies tPearsons Campbell Butler Gard Spring Monarch Cakes Garry Goddeu bad the mens high single with score of 224 Jim Barr had triple total of 745 Mrs Barnett led the women with ingie game score of 292 and thehigh triple oi WVIEW HENB LEAGUE C61 29 Barrie Tanning 28 Lakeview 24 Union 24 Duncan 23 Valley 21 Rockets 21 of 10 Shamrocks 13 Barrie Motors CliiiBrown Barrie Tent Tuesday Scores Valley Bsrrle Tent Union is Lakevlew Cllll Brown Roc kets Barrlo Motors Duncan Shamrocks CGE iiBarrle Tan ning 53 of Amby Rivett was the top bowler oithe evening with single score gig93 and three game total oi mrvrew mens Lnaaun Borden 31Brsss and Glenn Supertesi 23 Toastmaster 21 Bay fleld 21 Barrie Tanning 19 Crompton 10 Wonder Bread iii Ernies 15 John Lang But lcrs Canada Dry Mondays Scores Brass and Glenn Butlers CanadaDry Ernie Super test John Lang Tensions ter Borden Wonder Bread Barrie Tanning ti Crompton Bayiield Kershew howled the high single at 257 Mike Quinlaos high triple was 701 MIXED MAJOR LEAGUE Crackers 35 NonStrikers 33 Atoms 31 Racoons 28 Daredevlls 29 Blue hells 25 HoneBarbs 22 Queens and Drones 21 Whosltis 20 Ernies i9 Dominion Store 18 Aleco 17 lots 10 Lucky Six Royal Blues 16 Cadillacs lo Madhstters 11 Misfits Thursdays Scores Whosltts Misiits Non Sirlkers Royal Blues Dom inion Stores Ramona Blue Bells Qucens and Drones Lucky Six Jets Darcdevils Madhntierl Atoms Ho LaBarbs orAlsco Cadillacs Crackers Ernies Mae Hoskeit had the high sin sic of 355 Her triple was 760 LADIBG TOWNbBAGUfl Team Standing Clarke Clarke 34 Viau Mo tors 33 IPA 32 Oughs Hard Ware 31 Quoeneties 29 Fend leys Flowers 29 Sweanp 27 Stubbyettes 25 Jacksons Motors 22 Lakeside Cabins 12 Police Dept 11 Jacksons Grill Results Tuesday Oct 30 Clarke Claire 5Siuhbyeties Vlau Motors Jacksons Grill WA Lakeside Cabins oughs ii Queenettes Fendleys Roliee Dept Jackson Motors 5vSevenUp Individual Boom Alice Booth bowled 685 tri ple which was highest tor the night and the 287 single game scored by Louise Ens was high not tife weekend with Band McCualg oatnyrm Boy and Vlncentfiolt took in theCoopng trip to fiuelplr and Weston on Wednesdsy Weekendin Belly Mr andVMxs Wilired Bronx at the weekendrln Holly wi and Mrs James Leighton Recent isitors VlaltorslthEl er and Wat son Downer on 8aturday here It nil Mrs Downer Hairy nd Wally John or Miss Ruth Dltson Collingw agesml Bally Gillespie oi Mrldni Fred Ile Clung and Mrs WP Turner oi Midland other irons Coilingvood 19 ronto Wyevale literate and sur rounding distrchnude good at endanee at both service The UnitedChureh choir rein Wyevale sangat the evening ser vice with Mrs nurse Btott at as organ gt Weekl Visit Mislflilespie andekKelilh want we number rem here attended HIM er the Anglican Churcb rally service VII io Thornton Sunday evening Bnrtniiewllllimr gouelnfldsun Euchre rtznoi Mlzeslngfipent last M2 Woods Euchre Club aroboldlng lay with Mrs Rowat who 39 their itut Leuchre Wednesday meetlng zeroed with them to Minesing Week lnToronto Mrs irene MacDonald spent the past week in Toronto with her son Carlyle MacDonald Spelling Match Mrs Gordon ompson Mrs Clifford Porter Mrs Alvin Dren nan Mrs Gordon Rowat Mrs Troughton and Mrs Mil Praw ley attended the spelling match andsuctlon sale held in Vasey Orange Hail Friday evening This sponsored by the Vaaey in Weekend Visitor Lafly Drennao spent the week end wth Bob Shciileld at Mar tlovale rd 1030M Mr and Mrs James Taylor and Joan and Evelyn Taylor Mrs Harvey Johnston leit Thursday tor Boston where theyjspent the weekend WA Meeting The WA holds short business at quilting Presbyterian Sunday School room on Thursday Winter in Toronto Miss Mabel Turnerrletl Satur day or Torontowhcre alienwill spend the winter months rz EARLY RECORDS Flrst records of Carlisle Eng lish cathedral city on the Rat tlsh border were made by the Roman Agricola in Anna nu is fill loll TRIKE BYvHOUI$MoguL W5 an immense gas oil and insurance New sedans as private as your own to choose from Cell him no atTrovelService 102 DUNLOP ST ennui mi 832m in with Vconfidence iron are Mmmqimumusasyee mvwmm merqbewrc lscddadosoniyoonsumer companij by 78ycars experienée Householdiiinhnos speoialius In loans rpm $50 SIM in one day andtn privacy This mp1 ablemoneyouvioe available to you today gamut strenuouondtle mm investingyourfhard earned dollarr in cheap cotuunwoooom csrtlresis likePo me Money Down Beforeyou buy any tire seethe new DiiN Lor 11m the tire that otiers QUAL in every gmcnnnnoe and thousands extra Antler oi trouble free in the HAWKESTONE Nine Weeks in England erand Mn Gerry Croit an rivedhome on Wednesday Oct 24 after spendingmlne weeks in England with the iormerfs mo therihwho ls slightly improved in ca Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs BdgarJohnstoo rpent the weeeknd in Colllngwood visiting friends Hartornamen and of Hart at Kingston spent the weekend at their home here Back irom Toledo Mrs Jennie Smith has returned home after spending the past two months invioledo Ohio and To ronto visiting her ismily rBeneiit Euchre There is to be abenetlt euchrc Party in the community hall on riday evening Nov tor the local Blind Club 80 Prizes have been kindly donated Every one lnterested is welcome to st tend Turkey Dinner very large crowd onioycd he turkeydinner at the United SPECIAL Low as FARES To norm sunlcmunn Him His ronomo Nov 911 FARE AND onnnatr son THE ROUND TRIP flood soumm Nmm bar to Slturtil November llth lnclusivs natureLeave Toronto not later than midnight BumNov lath rnuinionnaiion from any Ilent evening nd largfirank Hill were in ate manic days this 211W fella up new to Cobonrg ufl lwupfl of WE are so to lose Mr ahd 105mm mwgg Mn anskln and Billy who have Mrsnougias Wilson and ion moved to ColmursfiMr an Manor 4° mu as mother and bro er CALLTEE nxnamvzn ran ifidun PMINTING PHONE Piawait stint is if run vs daughter and ismil In to Barths Mal Inellflvl lnrrlcr who nuke and anus inrs only Lands seamen ro cnooae enon BARBIE noeoNro as mm or SKETCH ES ESTIMATES FREE PHONE FA 55730 DRILL vIanlasfl seasonanu rayon sArssracnon common Meet BID MILhBGeneralMechanielor anthstaccurate job on any mechanicalvpart at your car come in or an estimate SPECIAL FORTH NEXTVTWO WEEKS VALVBBECONDITION CMEV $2500 PONTIAC $3000 also special prices onstt other makes gt GENERAL Morons TEXACQ illlltiiilii unmitigcogirnp connnnnnanronn with Ms rnoivn ra 82449 In little as 11oonewer soul6mm lililllmBIEMSv in isisviir Pin mans illfEASY

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