Centrally located in some Anzlicai1 Methodist and Prcs nilurdcd by byterianmnde useai iqua éxporimant lncliurch union and these were served iroin Fair valley Warminater and Jarratt Corners County the boundary rosd or townllne between Orovnnd Me donte townsbiogpusas ioa Walli ers general storeatCouison so named in honor oilunmCouis son who kept the ï¬rst post office there about 100 years agoifll mile Westward from the corner store atop lolty hill stands Coulson church and school and it is to thclorrneroithoso that this article retort In 1880 tge lat 21 occupyingt era concession Ora donated the land requiIEd tor the erection of church and horse shed mak it solidntedvthelr hold by organizing time passed Sunday Schoolbccameuctivo in the various departments of church liloangiIrth League choir etc an Methodist Church Thugs the time oi church union in United Church Canada How cver leadership bocanio increas ihs un roaectiveiy However was the ethodilta who com Sunday School as Well and graduateo of this ecame members 01 the ms congregation entered the Schnol Thisneed wasmet by daughter one of belonainx to in son church wag and she donatedthe lunds neces sary to mmablhhinfh this place Just ended alter 18 years of gradunl clapboardhuiiding has been ren ovated Agleaming metal roof was put on the painted and papcred decor broken window panes were replaced were hung Ncighborhood tam ers regardless of their denomin intional préterrnco and tho boré time tent state laid in rch and Sunday 0t or ally built rship During is summer Allen deterioration thev old interior was in modern new window shades lothe ed in community Coulaon listen died yery sudd home on Fridnylevening and we mum Itr and John Walker and their silent tribute to the ownaldouor andat Lune sutured tall tor the luturé uronnly to tha ex will worthy goals be achiev church and May the foundations truly in thepaatland prmht at naver be lacking in supporters in the future IFVEREIT silothy cou unity Lorrie Thomas at Alliston died in Alllston hospital onSunday as We extend deepest sympathy to his wile andtnsnily ltecent Visitors and Mrs Robinson at ing accompshied by Mrs McCaulcyA ohCreenmre Jones of 0rillia and Mrs ldn Rowstt Moose Jaw Sash were Thursday visitors Whitley ith Robert Deepest Sympathy Williammhjnyberrf of at extent that the prount generation min thair lndobted noas In the past and determine to be laithlul stewards oltbo res cat and mi 91° gelidyAIrs wirssssssjwitt ditch stoic ASSEMBLY triflipimb anutheworldhlaflut grow thsa riat aoeietlea navar its Ministers Chriatlaa nmr ends and the Christian Ministercan alwaya ad vanco in ministerial quilts tins These are Jehovahs Wit noun contor coca Jehovahs Witnesses Nov and at Midland Since the beginning Chris ly when Christians ham to uphold the name at Jehovah it been tba aim object and purv pace of Christians to minister to thaneds of others Recognizing in these scrim tinsel very great need or more Bible educa tion Jehovahs Witnassu on iluvqr in their individual can gregations and in mumbling which are held tveryslx month to improve this ministry and the propagation oi the iaiih The openinl sessions oi the program which aim to stimulate the preaching methods at the Witnesses will carry the theme Happiness Comes From Service The ihrceday program is really an extension at and retrcsher or the regular training program conducted in all congregations or Ilehovnhs Witnesses ThcBible shows that it iaii requirementlor every Christian tovbeapt to teach flhlsro quires thorough grounding in thojiblo and lmowlodga n1 techniques og preaching has duébbeen completed by Han ryJiobbins and the old sidewalks are to be repaired this week The Witnesses will take part in full program at ministerial activ ities and will widaiyndvortlac the public lecture What Will Arn IR llvond Sis aiternoon at three oclock my 11 Nathan special re untativo the Watch Tom Society and district supervisor in Ontario will deliver this tree Bible address Insatiable Enemy oddon lean For You to be do In its tight to stop heart breaking problom or motor vahb ole accidenta involving children lho National Sulety Councilinsists thatthis destruction of our chil gran can bo stoppcdand by so Aii it takes defeat this5in satiabie enemy tle patience another lookbut above all uwsrenoss and caution And thesothings can ha taught like the three lt by constant widowby repeating the suns lessonsoverjand over again until theybecome decplyrengrooved in our minds and sound ouflwhen danger in near pause lit aims Wmenwxmw said an varsity 917 Manitoba Stu 4f EXTOBHDNISTS held Mrs Louis Molnar and her husband or ransom in their Mexico City ï¬rt ruent earlier this month Mrs oi nar is this lormor Rita Ann LaBine daughter of Charles LaBino Tor onto rnlning eneeutivclhe extor lionists released the couple alter the miningmsn rclused tele phonodvplea from his daughter to pay the ransom use iijéuisiiiériorai New nfaniryï¬Cl At Camp Bdrth LbColg suinersord one it than Chiei instructor with the Royal Canadian School of In tantry at camp Borden Born in Shrewsbury England he was educated in Vancouver and Uni Reloincd the Bens own Cameron Highlanders in 1836 and wasmobliizcd with the unit at the outbreak of war in 1939 as platoon commander With the rank of major he led ll coinpnny in the early stages oithc cam paign in Northwest Europe and hy0ctobor is was brigade ma jor of the 8th Canadian infantry in April 1945 he was named to command thoCamcron Highinnd era and brought the unit back to Winnibeg Since the war he has served its General Staff Ofliccr at Hnliiax and Kingston Command ing Oliicer the lst Canadian Highland Battalion in Germany and prior to his new appointment was Assistant AdlutnntGcnerslat Winnipeg sis THEIEXAMINER Hittite FOR rmurmo Nesos saunas extend deepest sympathy to the tamliy Halloween Dancer Two gala Hailoween dances were held in Camp Borden on Saturday night at the RCASC Sgts Mess Hall and the Con porals Club of the RCAF Both halls wero gaily decorated for the occasion and several rizes were uWarded for best dressed and spot dances Rabbins and his Pine River Ramblers provid ed music or both occasion New smewuk The new sidewalk lnEverott ing only one stipulationthat any Protestant denomination wish ing to do so should have the privilege of conducting public worshi in the new church build ing olunteer labor built the church and shed and for the ngfx3uf$ï¬m$ï¬Â¢fn ï¬e may well he foundation the well time wagborrowed from the am known Words lly ol the late William Leith We God moves in mysterious oi the greacnt time can scarcely wayI realize what sacriï¬cial effort ms wonden to perform the necessary uipment WEI 1111 Recentlyvthere had arisen in required lime milk the Coulson community grow Evcntually three denominations ing desire or the spiritualuplilt COLDWATER By Louise insulating Laymens Service laymans service was held at St Mstthius Anglican Church Goldwater Sunday evening Les Sanlord at Toronto read the Scripture and Herb Stevens read the prayer An address was given by the rector Rev Churcher Goldwater Anglican dolcgutes uttendcd meeting of the Dean ety nt Crown Hill Tuesday night Oct 30 More Milestones Two district churches recently added another milestone in their long history wyebridge Presby terian Church records show ï¬rst mission work was started at that village by James Cnrrutheia July 131832 log churchwns built in 1870 and the present brick one in 1882 Rev Adam Elliott held Aug licnn services at the home of Capt Elmcs StceleEairvalley in 1833 and tcn yearsdater the church lngly diiticult and finally in 1938 regular church services were discontinued in this build ing erected at so much sacriï¬ce and with such high hopes by an earlier generation The happy sequel tothis story frustrating harvest weather gave generously olithelr time and al iort inthis they were aided by the minister Rev Ding wsll Hillsdale who not only lent nhand in the manual labor but nowassumes additional ro sponaibillty serving the Coul son church song with those at Hillsdale Vauy and Hobart 0n SundayOct this home iike little arch was Medina ed to th glory and worshipol God at lmpresaivuservico con ducted by the minister luv ll nouns linines Massage Back Steam Baths tow usurious Tryn Message or Doines liloDOiiiNION BANK beat banizinq entice rounrrbsurmnm 412mm pa 97111 JFAMIWZSAVINGS pqgulqrnssoriments HQJR is loin NA so is lg Ross Saii3foctio1i Gudj sizes sMI Choorafl Rafimi Eiwï¬mi 535 styiu ln nilwool with glitter FEAT gala aaiectidn wrist or liner to Youthn lines 1334914 Up to Monday Clerk Chester Martin had received only one up penlto be heard at the Goldwater court to be held previous to the council meeting on Nov Assessment appeals will be dealt with at 730pm Matchedash Township holds Court of Revision at the council chamber SS No Matchedash at 130 pm Nov Only one appeal had cen received by the Cierhnoris Cooke up to the first of this week Clrek Howard Robinson report ed Monday that he had received live appeals to be heard at Me donte Court of Revision at Moon stone Nov at 2pm Oilto Florida gt Mrs Stan hovering leaves Cold Wiitcr this week 1dr Florida and espects to be inthe southern stata till next March She is accompanying her hr that and his faintly Mr and Mrs and three children of 9m ins goldvcoloured trim and gar wooden sends White black was in use St Georgesbrick gt church wasvbuilt in October 1886 TEENAGER Mil IS Continuation at line weather re if med hm business APPLIQUED with colqurlul repro in appliquod on Illd $055$423 ductinna or Dlrnoylandn lovable trict resort urea Some operators brown report the luck at returns during has been partlyhalnnced by late visitors during recent weeks ckeckl¢hpgn3dv smooru canme Water repslb any woo ns hm ween rammed the tlt nrnwn binck in ir cn ti drlc nd r° innings courtsot revision are prepar ingto sit at Coldwater and nd MEN VS NYLON ASK CAPS nonwdar snug with peak 129 pastel and bright coiou cho BriskBusinEIa GIRLS VWOOI MITTS lishments in the Goldwater dis mu md black gee characters rang and pasta the unfavorable summer months BOYSLLEATHER MITI Motor traffic through iColdwater gt enti Cotton fieece llnedi Eialtic nr ends About 11 byil ins Pop CW ham 1119 Grand io nowfor gun later jusent municipalities Warm ton lining with stra ran all ed crown can in lawn tinto Feat Chuoll this popular hrgwn navy lien on iuonnnwnli bpyuanreiier loulchnol and amigos wo anti coalrnn it MEN ssAvoN SCARVES =rw unwoasznncrmn teal upa smnn no an in out whit pasii antsng 3in farm 00 19m and in rayon Scarves ms and runny uhaok delight Your tyne TURTLENECK PULLOVERS ALL WOOLInst nation at $52 $52 ti3chiilifeï¬hif at and Whlts ad uoiu ok ink use mtvy some in slalealt to no on WINTERCars sizes to Popular jstatlon Wagon atylaaa shown above Ny lawsrayon sheer ahardine with hnavyvpiie ban or nylon can with mouton prr canad sheared lamb band Quilted llnlnla his brown navy erey Fancy back tors 0g Sh Matthl church Coidwater uw speaker atlthe Remembrance Day banquet nt Goldwater Headqunrters November Annual chiirchacrvico or the Goldwater Legion and Lazion Auxiliary will be at the United Church at 730 prri Nov