BABIES EXAMINER mama pct 31 1956 Goldwater Principal ROBERT LEGATE principal of the new Goldwater public school which wasopened recent ly He is the son of Mr and Mrs Elliot Legato o1 Stroud and was on the stall at Hiiiereat School in Barrie prior to his sp pointment year ago at Cold waier The Iivcroorn sohool costing $100000 was completed by Bull Grass Construction Company with Pentland Baker Toronto as architects Newton Robinson Home for Weekend Miss Betty Mehcr was home lrorn Barric tor the weekend Mr and Mrs Walter Andrews spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs George Holt Thornton From Toronto Mr and Mrs Roy Harmer at Toronto visited Mrs Leeson on Sunday Sunday Visit Mr and Mrs William Jelly Murray and Mrs Mctcall of Bradford spent Sundaywith Mr and Mrs Lloyd Coborn and Mrs West Social Afternoon About 25 ladies spent social afternoon on Wednesdoy at Mrs Walter Andrews and presented Mrs llnrticy Evans baby John with chrome high chair Weekend Guests Mr and MrsC Houghton ot monster and Mr and Mrs Norman lloughton of Victoria BC were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Houghton At Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Bell and Mr and Mrs Earl Bell went to To ronto Saturday evening and at tended the 40th wedding anni versary of Mr and Mrs George Aspdcn at Hamilton Mr and Mrs Ivan Bell oi EDGAR Recent Visitor Mr and Mn it Lush Barbara and Susan at Peterborough visual with Mr and Mn Cook on the weekend Mr and Mn Gillian of On illia visited with Mrs Everett on Sunday Mr and the Sheardovm spent Sunday with Mrs GPark at Wyebridgc WA Meeting The WA met at Mrs More Leoda tor the October meeting with nine memberspresent The meeting opened wiht the theme song Mrs Hayes took the devotional Mrs pee gave the chapter from the study book Mrs Hayes and Mrs Lauder were lunch assistants Young Peoples Dance Dont forget the Young Peoples dance in the hall Friday night Nov Mr and Mrs Stracnan and Gary spent Sunday with relatives at Stouttvilla Cayuga spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wilfred Bell Out of Hospital Grenville Halbert returned on Sunday from the hospital where he had undergone an operation Saturday Guests Saturday guests with Mr and Mrs Houghton were Mr and Mrs James Speers and Roy of Thornton Mr and Mrs Jack Spcers and tamin and Mr and Mrs John Scott and girls oi To ronto aauracrunaas Eleorunce AUTO Seat Covers Regularly priced $3875 CLEARING AT 1995 Fit 58 Chcvs and Poutiacs BHNGEIIPIELD MOTORS LIMITED PARTS DEPARTMENT 85 Collier St PA82487 CENTRE VESPRAMM Well folks hero am again at terseveral weeks of correspond ence disappearance wru try and have rezul Fnday column Anyone having news please phone me at PA 37891 by Wed nesday evening and know we can have that regular column again which so many have seem ed to miss Why dont know Congratulations Congratulations to Gordon King who was ordained deacon in Toronto on Thursday Oct 16 Come cam service The first at our cottage church services under the leadership of Gordon King will be held Sun day Nov at the home of Mr and Mrs Wailwin at 230 Everyone welcome Deepest Sympathy Deepest sympathy goes to Mr and 57 Stanley Cripps and boys in the recent death ot their ntant daughter Mr and Mrs John Wailwin and Joan visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Keith Hall in Thornhill Ward Mr and 10 Harvey Tumbull and Mr and Mrs Hectorlumbull spentjnnday with relatives to Strattord1 Pnna Hornpayne Mrand Mrs William Denhey ot Hornepayue spent con ple at dayslastweek with Mr and Mrs Thomas Exell and Mr and Mrs Ellis FromToroutn Mr and Mrs Frost Toronto spent Sunday with Jack Ellis Good Plowing Farmers interested ln seeing good plowing do not find it new essary to go to Brooklin By tar ing drive across the sideroad plowing done by Dumpster would catch the eye iudgos any time 4a DOING net on SAANICHTON BC CPPe tunia the pride or the poultry pen laid two eggs day tor six days ina row in an egglaying contest tor eight teams at live hens each Her team won with total oi 34 eggs BEAVER LUMBER co LTD wn LBE crosrn SATAFTERNO0NS ran nu warren Mourns arracrrvis Marmara 11956 T0 APRIL 1957 Min rzsnnaoroan 5r Paasaars KENWOOD BLANKETS LUMBER LIMITED an 85543 Lukumousi ALL WOOL IV WHEN YOU SLEEP UNDER LUXURIOUS SOFT KENWOOD BLANKET YOU ARE SLEEPING UNDER THE QLDEST AND STILL THE hasr PROTECTION AGAINST THEHCOLD For lemon for lieuuty For Long lusting Value There is No Substitute iorilieerrwood HilWool Blankets iiithliiSlJlliitilY 72x tit 1695 72 ii 84 VIEEIIOY QUALITY 1995 our chestorator itoltiitTiiii nuaurr Vizvx84 fanij 1350 11pso taxes amnion out scanner moraine alarms QUITE so arcs of the To apply laid four inches thick or about 21 Puouel sroas Lenora om 85383 BLIZZARD TIRES EAIONS Bulldog 811mm Tires are moulded to help combatWinter con ditions to make your car safer Their wide tint treads arecrtascrossed with scores or Biting surfaces to help give them surelooted stability and grip over Ice Snow and Mud help reduce the danger tram treacherous pat ches NOW IS THE TIME to lit mumNOW IS THE TIME to buy them 870 15 EATON Price Each 2150 710 xlS EATON Price Each 2395 160 15 EATON Price Each 2650 100 will he allowed on Recappahle Tire at same sire used as tradein Tires titted tree wmrzn ruorscrrou ramm ma BULLDOG ANTIFREEZE Buy now and be prepared tor the colder wea ther Nonievaporating ethyleneglycol base antiIreczo with added rust inhibitors up to 60 degreesbelow zero Eaton Price Per Gallon 32s Aï¬rtraar itdrttur tun Special lnlroductory Offer EATONS RUM 12 Ga Repealing Shotguns Shotgun Guncnse Cleaning Kit aox orfsaronia Shells EATON Special Price Outï¬t Atthis Low AliInOne Price 6777 Modern Truline Deluxe Slide action Repeating Shot gun Six shot tubular magazine in combination with Shooting Master IGariable choke exten sionlor last shooting with controlled spread ZS 12 Gauge Barrel titted Rubber recoil pad Overall length 47 weight approx lbs Gun Case approx 50 in length Tan eoioiared plastic simulated leather 25 ripper carrying handles Inside padded and lined in scarlet napped cotton 6Pleco Cleaning Kit is lointed tipiece Maple lied assembled length approit 86 Slotted llp Wire Brush and Swab Box at 25 Heavy load 12 gauge EATONIAsheiis VIKING 21 NTV FOR 57 WITH swrer has bj The 7smart new styling willyméire this set handsome addition to the appearance or your living room 3i Aluhrinized picture tube with 90 deflection Easy top front tuning EATON Cash Price each moons ram 264 Enron Budget Plan Tea or 24 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 0F So easy touseiSo harmless to handle Pal0Pak Insulation will help protect your home from Winter cold or Summers heat will keep your house at afmora even temperature Made from alceliulosa material it is treated to resistjlro vermin mothsfbacteria etc Re spread it evenly over the attic floor Each Bag containa about In lbo£ PalGPak enough to cover approx 20 aqu it when It at three inch depth It Weighs on 12