HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITHVTHE BEST IN BARRIE warmest mason PlilllAY sIIruIIIIIIII EVENING SHOWS START 650 AND PM CONTINUOUS SATURDAY FROM 230 PM THAT GAL IS BACK AGAIN AND SHES NEWMANI COME AND SEE IT Broadways biggest hit becomes Marilyns FOX NEWS SHOWING THUR FRI SAT as PLUS CARTOON URANIUM AVOIDRUSH GOT CINeMAscoPE coton no LUXI Amen OCONNELL arm mm BLUES COME EARLY MONDAY TUESDAY SNOWINU TWO DAYS ONLY TOMMY COOK AND MOLLIE McCART in TEENAGE CRIME WAVEADULT ENTERTAINMENT STO RY It THURS EDDY DUCHIN SONGS TYRON GALORE JAMES errMONl CINIMASGODE Rumourson VICTORIA SHAW DAY FRIDAY TECHNICOLOR FOUR DAYS STARTING NSIAK WEDNESDAY AT 230 pm CONTINUING SATURDAY GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT TNUII Fill SAl CONTlNUOUS SATUllDAY 230 PM COME IN AND SEE THIS ASTONISHING PICTURE OF THE FIRST MAN CREATED InsaneLL IN IHE5KÂ¥NR 2nd FEATURE THE AMAZON TRADER MON rm w1II TWO scrum liilS EDMONDOiBRlEbLtNLCRÂ¥4NTH LNIG THE DEADLIEST SIN WITH AUDREY DALTON ROXY GRANADAI FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRES Club 60 Is Guest Orilliq Advisory Board ClubGO the Barrie club for blind persons wasthe guest of Drillia CNlB Advisory Board at Orillia Community House on Wed nesday night Tber were 24 from Barrie 28 from Oiillia and number from Vasey Duntroon and Hawkestone Douglas Robertson vicepresid ent of the Barrie club gave brief account of the history and the aims of such an organization Mrs Saunders entertainment convener provided an interesting BADMINTON PLAY carnation TONIGHT wasoer 31 due to other activities in the Armouryg Play will resume asiusual on Friday November program the highlig ts of which were pair of tap ancers Judy and Gladys Wanamaker of Oril lia and feminine barbershop quartetMarion McCauley Mrs loan Stockwill Miss Gould and Edith Spearn Wallace Kennedy president of Club 80 replied to the welcome given on behalf of the Advisory Board by Jack Walton The next meeting of the club will be at Barrie Community House on Nov ember 28 Duck Hunters Disturb Rattler On SeVern Riven Orillia Packet and Times party of local duck hunters re ceived the shock of their lives dur ing hunting expedition on the Severn River The group had selected their hunting grounds and prepared their blinds and were settling down to await the noon hour opening of the season To assist in recovering any shot ducks that might fail in the water they had brought with them an in flated inner tube As they prepar ed to move into the blinds one of the hunters tossed this tube onto nearby flat rock There was an immediate pro longed hissing as of escaping air and the hunters in disgust went to retrieve the tube it must have been punctured on sharp rock said one of the Joycees Hear Insurance Talk Lose One Member Junior Chamber of Commerce held the monthly dinner meeting at Community House Thursday night with Ernest Bell as speaker Mr Bell described the history and necessity of insurance to everyday living The talk was highlighted by question and answer period with Mr Bell giv ing many interesting personal ex periences in adjusting claims The speaker was introduced by Monte garaes and thanked by Harold re It was with regret that the club accepted the resignation of Alan Shrubsole who is moving to Oak ville Alan has served wellias secretary in the past and this year as president of District Seven Region Five of the Can adian Junior Chamber of Com merce Plans we made for attending the fall nference of Region Five at Delawana lnn Honey Harbor Nov 34 and large re presentation is expected from Bar rie he meeting was adjourned to Ordllia wherethe Barrie Jaycees joinedwith orillia club in honor iing the latters seventh birth ay party as he bent to pick up the tube and locate the leak But as he raised the tire the hiss ing sound did not diminish nor did it change its location When he glanced downin sur prise he learned the reason There curled on the rock where the tube had fallen and rattling furiously was full grown Massasagua rat tlesnake wrounarnoracrao av board is for 4V1 PopUlar AINT naeNames Penetang Alleye Jimmy OHearnr nibban hockey andball player of several years back has been appointed manager of the new Huron Council Knights of Columbus bowling alley recently opened in Penetang He played with Mi lands ORA intermediate champions of 1940 and was offeri ed tryout with Detroit Red Wings However he joipchhet Earrirgiï¬xomimlj WEDNESDAY OCTOBER I956 Canadian Army and played oer vice hockey for four years After discharge he tangHamilton Tigers Lachiï¬c Ind Aurora He also ball and baseball for ocal teams COIIingwood Pleasant antlci ation in the benefits of onntlful wheat crop in the West is being experé ienced at Collingwood as the end of the Great Lakes navigation op preached The terminal grain elevator have handled close to 8000000 bushels of grain compar edto last years 5400000 with another l500000 bushels dueto arrive by lake carriers beiore seasons end We are shipping 1300000 bushels by rail to be stored an abandoned cement plant at Lake field in the Pelerberough dis trict sald Norman Boadway ele vators manager This is being done for Winnipeg grain firm to case the storage situation there Heavier shipments of grain from the Lakehead have boosted employment figures both here and on the railroads it all has meant good deal more local employment Boadway cxplalw ed plus moreand busier lraln crews In addition we have unloaded grain boats al ready this season compared to 25 in lDSSwlth more carriers yet to come ovcrAall grain sales are well above last year withthe bulk of the transvshipped wheat earmark ed for overseas Colllngwoods harbor expects to play winter host to record number of Great Lakes grain and ore carriers Orillia Utility Wage Contract Ends Dispute lengthy dispute between or illin Water Lightand Power Commission and its employe cver Wencstionjol anewwage contract ended when the commie sion voted toaccept the mad imous report of the conciliation board which sat to hear argu ments Earlier Local 1847 of the in trical werkers which represents the commission employees had voted to accept the report of the board Basic recommendation of the wage in crease for all hourlyrated com mission empioyees who come un der the terms of the contractlhla Increase will be effective retro active to Sept 16 1956 but will not be retroactive back to April the date when the former contract was terminated In addition the board recommended an additional increase starting next April The contract will run until March 31 1953 LakeTrout Egg CollectiOn Now Underway Siche The department staff are now engaged in the annual collection of lake trout eggs at the north end of Lake Simcoe Parent trout are taken by means of two largetrap nets which are lifted daily by crew of three meuusing small scow During the course of the netting operation several thousand pick erel Whiteï¬sh smallmbuth bass pike and other kinds efï¬sh are taken in addition to the lake trout All ï¬sh are subsequently released uninjured to the water Although it is usually necess trout during the spawntaking ac tivity only some 150 femalesare actually stripped of eggs to pro vide the 500000 eggsrequired for culture The eggs are taken to the provincial ï¬sh hatchery at Wiarton and are subsequently re leased aa ï¬ngerlings and yearlings in suitable waters in Southern OntarioI Having played their part in On tarlos fish culture program the female trout are returned unharm ed to the water and again contri bute to the sport ï¬shery of Lake Simone Couldy niafford rebuild his reiurnla if you had tire See forcomplete uptedate Fire Insurancel Malcomsons In Dunlop SITE rnoracr voun yuruna gt secuairm surcnceAgciIcy Record Grclmt II To Elevators ary to handle thousand or more played for Pent lplayed soft MrvJusticei Stewart Sets Precedent ln Kitchener Case KITCHENER CP prece dent in Supreme Court hearings was established here when Mr Justice Stewart asked jurors to retire and assess damages in civil suit before considering liability Juries usually consider both as peels upon retiring Mr Justice Stewartcxplalned the move was made to avoidconfusion iCourt officials said it was the llrstsuc procedure in Waterloo County and probably in all On tario lt occurred during civil suit started by Mrs Edna Cochran and herxdaughter Helen of North Dyrnphries agsnist Robert Brown of Woodstock They asked damages for the death of their father and husband artin Cechran who died follow an auto collision with Brown June 25 and damages forinjurios red by Mrs Cochran Justice wart told the 194me firs retiring When they return ed he told them to keep their judgment secret while he instruct ed them in respect to negligence The jurors retired second time and returned with both verdicts matammunitionme ficial said he had nevereheard of such procedure in Ontario Its something new to me he said HaIIowe en Tea Is ProIecl OI MlSSlOIl Band Centennial United Church at Stayner was gaily decorated with black cats witches strange faces pumpkins owls balloons and or ange chainsltfor the annual Hal loween tee of the Mission Band Under the guidance of Mrs Walter Clemence the young mem bers served tea sandwiches and cake to visitors and sold hand work at nearby table There was fishpond for the young try to visit and table of home made baking Little handmade candy baskets full ofhomemade candy sold well at the bake table The Mission Band children had made these has ets and had also made pretty litt get well cards and Christ mas cards The tea table was graced with alarge black cat candles and pumpkins Behind the tea table on the platform was tremendi ous pumpkin which had required assistance of The residentpsharon Dale the vicepresident Patricia Cle mence and the secretary Judith Culham welcomed the visitors and one of the children provided music for the afternoon Some of the ladies assisting the children withItbeir gay tea wer Mrs ClemenCE who was lncharge of the kitchen Mrs MacKi non assisting at the handwork table Mrs HG Dobaon urer for the afternoon Mrs ow we arenas stairsc3735 the 18th annual Community William Sherman Torontocom merclal artist who will address the Barrie Art Clubvat its No vember eating next Monday ev ening in the Library Hall has travelled around the United Stat the British and painting es and throughout isles on sketching tours Artdirector and business man ager of the Sherman Lawaand Parker in loronloa position he has held during its busy eight years of ex istencehe has worked in other advertising studios and business in 1948 agency himself Mr Sherman is well qdalified to talk on his topic The Com merclaLArtist Born in Toronto he attended school there and spent in the Royal Canadian Air Force as navigator obtaining the rank of flight lieutenant He studied art at New Yorks Art Students League and The Pratt Institute School of Adver tising Design and has alsoat tended the Banff School of Fine Art The artist has hitchhiked all over the United States painting in water fromNew York to Lee Angeiea and from Butte Montana to Laredo Mexico He travelled throughout Mexico on another sketching trip going by bus from New York through New Orleans at Mardi Gras timer and has made trips throughout the Brit ish Isles sketchingand painting Married in 1950 Mr Sherman has three children and now con fines his sketching trips to Can Bdfl Among his favorite spots are Quebec City Peggys Cove Nova Scotia and Northern On tario The meeting time is eight oclock forming the HendersbnMrs IAgiar and Mrs George Pain aasisting at the bake tableers Cody Mrs Dcikieand Mrs Gould pour ingtea and Mrs Wrenshall and Marc Colwell receiving vie itora Visiting he Stayner Mission Band was Mrs Neabitt of three Iladies to Barrie secretary of mission bands for Simcoe Presbyterial WMS The twoglitlte waitresses who waited so ably on her table were Karen Leach and Williin The Halioween tea haa been held successful for them five ossix yearaland migh ell be copied by other missio bands in SimcoeConntytln th inion of Mrs Nesbitt PA 34427 iIr IIpI on HELEN ABELL principal speaker at en sponsored last week by the Simcoe Go My Federation of Agricultureat Orillin in an informal discussion with Stewart Page left agricultural representative for advertising agency colors as he travelled Section ThreePages Is to 20 Life Confer Experts AdVise Huntersl Dont spoil your ven Ison when you get it home On tario Department of Lands and Forests experts advise They point out that deer meat can be cooked by the same methods used for beef of similar grade Some prefer to remove the fat from venison before cooking they say Suet pork fat or balt con may be mixed with ground venison Or strips of bacon or salt pork may be placed over the out side of roasts to keep meat from becoming too dry Tender cuts of meat are cook ed by dryheat and the less ten der portions by moist heat While young bucks and does furnish the more tender meat the meat 35 an art 11 vi nu Montreal from an aged animal can behinade IrenWsnTWflJflï¬mnrtender it Tdoked correctly ITomatoes onions spices and herbs Often are added if theweni songflavor is objectionable to any one tablespoon of vinegar may help destroy the wild fla vor Tender cuts such as rib and loin chops round steak and leg roasts can he pan or ovenbroiled or roasted The less tender cuts such as neck shanks chuck and breast should be cooked with moist heat or ground for deer burgers or meat loaf They make particularly good mincemeat Since Christmas is not too far off heres tried recipe for veni son mincemeat Use two pounds of lean venison from the neck one pound of beef suet six pounds of apples two pounds of currents one pound of sultana raisins two pounds of raisins v1 pound citron six cups brown sugar two teaspoons nut meg one tablespoon allspice one tablespoon cinnamon one tea spoon ginge one tablespoon sat HOCKEY TONIGHT II DAlililE V3 gt UUELPll BilTMUNES 55ch AI THREEDAY COMMUNITY LIFE CONFERENCE North Simcoe and Cecil Chappell right secretary of the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture and the organizer of the conference LEFT President Gordon Cald well end his wife were among those who attended the threedny conference Nevllle milieu Hunters How to Cook Venison two oranges eight cups cider or grape juice Bake the venison in the oven for 40 minutes using moderate heatabout 350 degreesthen cool and chop Mix with chopped suet pared cored and chopped apples currents raisins citron Add sugar spices juice of two oranges ï¬nely chopped rind of one orange and the cider or grape juice Simmer for 30 minutes Pack hot into iars seal and processdominates for pint jar and 70 minutes for quart jar at 15 pounds pressure or three hours in boiling water bath The quantityiahown imakes en ough for tentolz nineinch pies rai roast venisonthe loin or run the experts suggest th tit be sprmkléliviithsalt andpepper over all sides of the meat Place on arack in an uncovered shallow pan and putin preheated slow oven at 300 to 325 degrees Do not add water and do not cover That is most important they an MW the pound lt9 VENSATILE ARTIST MOOSE JAW CP Rafael Mendez scheduled soloist at an international band concert here arrived without his instrument apparently mislaid during change of planes Ne mind he told worried officials any trumpet Hedid TRY ANIEXADIIN pa To grab yourllegal rightrofwayl ForINSURANCE to FULLY C0 VER yo see an iNSllItANCE SPECIALISTI Nisrrvrnsuu sins so