oNDA zit iésd HELP WANTED OIL COMPANY OPENING FOR SALES REPRESENTATIVE In DC BOOB lhfl DIV CHIN or pad nenr Trld 3512 lulna to Barrie mmrd GROCERY CLERKS EN 1rd gnawt 31235 InnTm on or P31 ToeDE Orpmltkl an lull out not annual Zara ahould apply la own hand SIRI mg mu ar to no and OM pupal oar Box Barrie Examiner Im to REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Experience not necenlry aa man we ulect nul work with manager Lead applied Car enantlal Ale Dan nar wnla ï¬ox Bhrrie Examiner lfllIZI i$l5Z9Z man In September Now would You Ill to be Put or our Orllnlntlull Toronto nurlulutunr Mutt Product wish In Englo lucceulul dlreel aaluman in cover loell protected territory llult have loch tonnecllom be nod chlnettr andlppuldnca and own car All replica In conï¬dence to Box Barrie Examiner Interview In Barrie cal 29 to Nov lIzlvlfl PAPER BOYS Barrie Terrace CT Ferndale Areas eacellellt oppbrtunlly forboy 12 to 14 years ADply in persOn to MISS ALVA BOWSER BARBIE EXAMINER 1122123 SALESMAN he uIrcd hy onto any Irnawmmanu lac urir or Barre territory AppIIcant mult pouu recent madrl CII Age rcoulrornantr 2140 111 prnnanunt poritlon and rib arr IaxceIIrat opportunity Inr advance men Prcvloua aaleaoxpanonca Ia deelrnblo but not on till Thll II arled polltlï¬n wltll crlr allowance penrlon pIan nIuc Crols Enid vacatlona and athrr aocIaI bone ta Plom re llvln lull Irtl rl Including grephmn rlumbel Box Barrle Examiner llZZl SALESMAN FordMonarch Dealership New and Used Cars Guara nteecl Salary Highest Commission MUST BE EXPERIENCED AND WILLING TO WORK HARD TO GET RESULTS APPLY Harold Micks Bullock Motors Under oornpletcly naw ownenhlp Market Square Barrie PHONE PA Mm llaztt cLBIlKTYPIBT tor general Inauranco outer part one PA 329 lmalu WOMAN to look after child the dly Apply 131 Belay St Illteliulllzxi exrltnunvcon Shl er and ard Apply auvcr Lumlrper co Draw PA WW Sun Phohd IIEILPNVANTED YOUNG LADY rivalred tor CHINA $HOP Knowlodle 01 UPI Wand PEmuunt which APPLY Box Barrie Examiner lszrfl LARGE Deall apace oll nrater Avl condition Wll earrillce Phone PA 131 55M lln Manna Aaxn Housekeeper wanted Mull barellahle Apply Wulaway Grill Angur llallr INHIBIT Help wanted Good work In candillnlu Apply Merrick Phone PA um IInm MAN with chaulleura license or hardware atore Phone PA ml Inc PA 888 IulIJ RESPONSIBLE Lady toloolr alter prohem chlldrwn while maul worn 730510 any work For phr Iiculln phone PA 547 Ilfllfl PLEAIANI arm mothera helper In modern home Au automatic ap Ilancea No mount Private room Ihenl time all Hurt like childnn VII or month Write to line Dotnlclr Iaaton Bivd Toronto llum RIGISTBRBD Nune Apply III 027 Itllln nulllflclllum neunru expo once Good ulory plul mup lrllunnca Workmma earn IT uilon Ind penalan lan Simeon edtv cal Group 11 Coil or St llulu MAN DR WOMAN Wallestablished inn needl lmblliaul man or woman In Barrie No lle IlmlLl Oplpitrtumly ta make up to 000 ear Alan ranlimo openInga App In wrlllng Banker 350 och Street 1115 7120121 POSITIONS WANTED HANDYMAN Palntlno walla waahcd carpentry riurm window put on Anything any tlme PHONE PA H886 ZlZllfl LADY would Ilka porIiIan ar campn ion to mIddIoogcd lady Phone PA ezsu 122l25 WILL Do Bully Sililnlr Prlday and Suturua evcnl gi Dependable Phone Gwen Ha 422423 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 66331 or PA 86481 llau dell channel Im 01 slpel helm In ldl relnlorvlnl INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap st Welt Paradan Phone PA 66331 Ol PA 87304 Hit Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP moN METALS FURP RIDES mos BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Our truck will clll Kl hut pllcll pnlll Special price pnl delivered Flinn Barrio Staynel 31933 WEBB MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yardhndomce 204 Tltflll St SIltl ROOM BOARD DoAnDElts Wanted Apply 95 Burton Ave or phone PA 32300 lzlzzlu ROOM olt Room and Board uvollahle Immediately central location Phone PA 34753 12121125 Business Opportunities investment Opportunity $25000 Arl excellent apportunlty ior inten Erted pcrron or mode to invest in roanaIng Cane Ian Mlnlng Venture elt er in on mm or allont capacliy lull arilc err on requellt repliur confl entlal Box Barrie Examiner 2911211 cnnlaTMAs Season mean wonderrul earnlngalor Avon ladleu Bézome Representative in our own neighbor hood Goodcomm iohl Write Min Mari Towers 808 lol Wllann Ave Toronto 12 at zaluus WE STILL have OW Western nth chllel available In Dntlnn Quebec 0nd tlll Mlfltlrnel for Automotive Betll Stores We Ira nflelillz thll opportunity in reapaniible people in tareted In operating thelr own buII here Take ldvlntdla or thlrty years explrlencd by aaroclatlnz with Clrlt Idll mort progrelllva Automotive Chnln Ills etorer now In operation For turther lnlormatlon write ta Wedtern Tim and Auto Supply LIDlit ed Held Dulce Box 204 Londoanlzg 1123 rl ao IIIITEs lIlll DIET ciIIIIIVIIIS Deadline for Copy pm week dayprecedlug issue AlohaIII may on mnPHDNDnro omen wordm PHONE PA Hm um 80 Following consecutive insertions 8c word minimum one CASHTRATE word minimum 60 Following consecutive Insertions at wild minimum 40d MUST BE PAID WITH Olmlln BOX NUMBERS or replied directed to thin oIIioe 250 on com AUCTION SALE NOTICES lqllpwlns co VRNrs LOCALS do word minimum 310 11on mlnllnuni $106 meeutlyelneértloneach word mlxilmutnlac OARD QE THANKS IN ENGAGEMENT NOTICES 31 engo lirerTrlrahUnT nylontor mpenalhultr Ionay no Miloa not al rm SALE USEDSKATES BOUGHT SOLD EXCHANG GOLDS 530 REPAIR Cl HOB 5L HAITI 1mxn DUMP TRUCK Nl ml and and orch Tor Ida PHONE PA 84351 TIM LFILL TOP SOIL GRAVEL EXCAVATING GRADING DENNIS MORAN Phone PArkay 82907 RUBBER STAMPS MADETOORDBB WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE 11 Gilson Automatic OlLFURNACES GILSON COAL WOOD FURNACES BALFE GSON l2 Blyfleld St Phona PA 00 7ll1l19 PLACE TO BUY GOOD USED CLOTHING Menl Ladlet kChlldrenl Welt THE WARDROBE SERVICE TO am YOUR USED CWTHING FOR YOU 21 FloorM Dunlap St was Enlnllca between Cllll Brown Ltd and sporham Jewellery erIn In all clothIag that ll non ID clean and In good repatr will to all It nu or 43042 USED FURNITURE fed DINING ROOM SUITE In ex cclent condition USED CHESTERFIELDS miles to choose Iroln ODD CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS 00a CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS 88 Hayfield St PA 32843 717 DUO TH ERM HOMEolllEATERS bullt or many lulomltlb Vin SIZES ATTRACTIVE FINISH 27000 to 53000 BTUl Other model up to 75000 BJJII SAVE UP TO 25 ON FUEL COSTS BARBIE AGm BALFE SON ll BAYFIELD bl PAABM 71031n RECONDlTlONED Washers used $2500 up Refrigerators used $6500 up Piano used $1500 down ZOOgallon OIL TANKS Clear outs Several Used TELEVISION EPLETTS 147 DUNLOP ST 712112 BURNER Electric stove like new Phone PAVHDBSI 712IIKI MEDIUM Ilze colll and wood rlnie Phone larx slroud after p111 712 BEATTY Wholl Mlclllnd and Son ditlun Reasonable Phone PA all after 9pm Tllott noosuvvllnwxlra Edgware clarinet brand new Phone PA 54252 armd prn week 71134 OAK BUFFET and condition V2 reasonnhloc 9e 75 Mulcdatel Phone PA 84 II 7dqu PAIR oP extra lflp Snow menus ror act Illo Fordaon Tractor mounted on rubbery Phone PA mm 4421123 BLAC Winter coat me trimmed with nay ilr good condition Too large or owner no Phone PA Dom lmr BBATIY Wuher cuppa tub Baby Crib with air roam mattrcu rho high chair AII ln good coadltfon Phone PA 5126 71114 HALLOWEIIN Pumphlna at arm mllee raat Sunnldale Cornerr mlla north Risking Synnntt RR drum Tlzzua TABLE Modal Televiaion Illncll scroanaxcellent corldltlon 81H Tenn 10 rllontllly Home Appliance Bill Dunlap St Welt 74734 TRAILER at It box It alder male tIree complete with lights ton llceaao and are tire an whee mounted on Iron Phone coon town Tlnlu IQUG MAGIC Save up to ï¬nebill on belutllul broudlnoln run Turn In our old on etl woollen Clotwt Ste deggr Ilad no FA 84 752 PANEL WOOD uaed Doors Door try 52 door dJIï¬ by door on layJCT door ALB lay ll Illa atorln door amen door Some hardwara with corn each Phone PA 35713 IoiLcolllen st Tumu 30 hand law at or Aunln In cluding tirel oil uraer unit or coal or wood atove Two luaumaroon auan crock alien drum pilmp Phone Pm rIzlnu MORTGAG £5 WANKB Wï¬cnudmoflili on Imluold Ar xvi grfgelllll Illor gtVp1 Yeadune PROPERTY roll SALE PROPERTY FOR SALEJ SEED AND FEED R11 Do In CLAPPZBION snug autumn hopn non Dull05w Slim Sallininth BUY YOURSELF NEW ADDREBBII BARRIER NIWISI AND HOME DIVMPIIINT Wen aorc lloo anxlaur ue and odmlro elrllar luturulnud lorlhe drrt ital In horn of PMI Olouulnl kitchens hill In on ICDIDM Ill lull urinei heating Intern Hardwood flooring throughput Your Chou colon OSform WIMUI Then till of the mm tel l1 Pm mm lo SI Align down Iymont ll John or th ion at So Much For 50 Little It you have searched tor beauulul brick home located on Irll lOl well camiruflcdln an excellent loca lorl clan tolchool Itoru Church Ind transportationdont III to In tilt one It tonal lllIe llvlul morn wllh ictun window fllnlnl room hrld Itchen one bedroom on main Iloor upstaIrr all healln um down Contact Mr MacBri ltPA Mill NEW BUNGALOW AM EalnrvathIluï¬rI agacre lol adjoin ing No ll gnway Hun IIving ream modrrn lrltohrn lurde noon lag auiomaur noor tumaee exccp llonal value um oath down con tact John Worthinflan at PA sun BUILDING CURTAILED What will thin mun to you warm evrr huiidlnt II flowed down to aluw erawl menu housing lhort ur So the inn to buy the lrIad ot horna you need Ia right nowl but In allow you tour room home we lult lined Large llvlnl room two bedroom at lllCtlve lllnlnl hfllhl hltchen aII heated targn DuckwnrmNp ler aru tam roll prlca may low down payment Call Mr Io Wor lhlngton at PA dMll Consult Ridoui ON ALL REAL ESTATE RIDOUT Whether Buying or Selling IoIu OSCAR BATES 1W 29R COOKSTOWN SERVICE STATION AND SNACK DAR One or the hcrt Service suuoor In thlr opanung over To yenI by themeant owner no eat on II way 21 Willa good dummy up rrpair department gar ulnps coin plelely can cd over 000 gallon at In 112 Spooiaur well equi pod Snack Bar Owner ratlrIng in 325000 Ilearonahlo terma BEETON INVESTM PROPERTY alumna with mlnlhwhd gage ior balance Prick duplex on Room modera apmrnant and and rami modern apartment any can venlencea acre or land divided into town lots one acre parcel with large earn lultnble ror chicken ranch along or rnlmulacturinl Town wa ter ruppty on property hrrgaln THORN TON ourclIm ousmrss Well ortaollaned rofluble hmirlcsl lncludIag rlcctriaa caul prd mo room modern iivlng our cm douho full delivery truck Owner retir dn II or To yean moon wlll han MILES WEST OF shame Clole to No 90 ï¬llhway W5 el litre 100 lore of load lertlla Ialld aultable or spring crops aom at good huah Good house and Iller good ham ntate ruperty an ex ceptional barge enna can be in ranged ESSA TOWNSHIP CKING BUSINESS Pcv and or canoe nigh clau aloctr ranlng area Thll prontohlo ouainara war ambushed 20 year go good truck and ulprrlent owner mutt aelI due to illh th can he arranges PH In THORNTON ONT HI Inn 27 near Bani2 dclmll Ierck ealdence in cellentpcondl long 10 rooml JM ullfl feet floor area Modern It hen lot lazx In inlly llndulped ultable or rest llama hurlan home llize llllllly or llmllles Could he edslly duplexed 30000 will handle thLl property MUIRI REAL ESTATE LTD 4011 Dllntlu St West hr llm lom COUTTS Real Estate Broker I5 Dwell Street Barrig CONSULT US ON auwnorvn Payment Boullnl Plane Exnhlllld or Propertlee National Hourlnl Altar Ilncoma Propertidl Rentall OBIauteur Opportunitlu erroparty Hamlement For Rentqu tau PA om day hoin PHONES Dulce PA suitemenu lPA HUB gt IHB MCGOEY TOUCH am ESTATE ausINEss moms competent Baal Esta sereneé xcluaivo and conllddntial llrtluz oPrlvaia andNflA nuanclag plans 11 unite In Izufnlflvato IncoBllevlllgmel reloctlal 91 larma and lrtaatI lrida Irtl col arc and ellxtlllmmgthurilcd OFFICB ll REPRESWAIIVB McGOEmTOUGTH PEIONII PA 83442 tillan uowlin reT13 STQTQT LACEY REAL ESTATE 98 Hayï¬eld St Pb PA 85298 anlpm IM Slumy In III NHL RESALE SUNNIDALI ROAD AnxA MUST BE SOLD oo mu pure rar IhIa thm room well Outed brick home In Iiv room and large ltlleocn hardwood Oonlhrountoullhur Icc llle oath divided hueroral my ad uapod lat Illh rhruoa nd run with alu lhla homo la equipped num carried hclumntaxeangoaerl PA Map 93 Itornu ml month CENTRAL LOCATION 10 lull ncc room hrlrx too law homo plocated two hloelu down town Hot water an undue oucmrai thm plrc oath nuIy mood and lands lot Now largo arrgo wlth Iaun auoa and cement our llau down rroulrrd Tnn home In Idral ohm la er ramlly or or rod or auto Call Al noulgtA NJIA RESALE flaw lull prlcl or thla mu planned hree bedroom homelen than on an old Cenlro hau plan large ltchea tiled our glue oath tiled kitchen counter an uh ho Thu home It brick merit torced air on hellnl undry turn and located on nu eruhluhod ltmt Down payment only 000 um no aalrry noulremeau mu unï¬na not mortgage with aymrnu tannin nnt CIII Al on PA QUEENS PARK AREA Thu reel Value slum tull prlcr Iar llx room bungalow brick with harcmrnt laundry tuba our Ioce we on all room are extra ale with many lino lealuru that an not room In other homer In thIa price nnge Down aymont 33900 will handle Call Al oar PA um and make an appointment to are thu outrtandlng hamand you win agree that here in real value ST MARYS CHURCH AREA room brick horn only three yell old located About one block mm erya Church Ind when Two ll bedrooms Ind DIIII llllflg pllll one bedroom llvin and 1n1ag room cora hlnatlon Ind Ilia kitchen downstalrl Ellie two plece oath iorcad Ilr oli Eltlnl laund tubs Olk loan throulhuut Pul price 3000 rlltll 500 down lyment requlred Clll AI hare PA ror Ippnintment NEW HA HOMES We luv an excellent aelection of new NHA Imlliel Or Illa with down 1300 ltlflldll ll low Iil about and munlhly phymenu ltlfl n1 at $5600 plul taxes or month Clll Role PA 293 orIn polnlnlent to red hull completely eoulppcd homes12 to moon lrom BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LA NO OBLIGATION PHONE PA 85298 OHOMES cum ecommcm MIMI PROPERTIES 15121 STOUTT= REAL ESTATE BROKERS When lauylng or snung the ï¬rm to call ll Sloutt Real Eltltn for Alt emclent oonIIdcnual lervlce Architects Dream HOUSE Ultn modern In every detail rpot leu Ind uniquely decorated plul car port and 12 10 patio bed room dul lied noun idea or reg tired coup or young coupla atartlng out Luv dawn pl ment and very ealy monthly paymen Will live on Immedlaia pomulon pallna to ay Codrlngtorl street Special Modeln eroota hanglow on corn pletely Iandroapcd lot Largo dlnlhg room beautiful decorated lpacloue IIvIag room wit open draplaec lot or cupboarda in lteE ravlng Idichcn Dont mlra arcing th quurloua home Priced For Quigk Sale On Napier Street Two Itorey cut rtoaa and clapboard with attached lan use completely landca ed and cum Thin oeaurmu ra llama wu built to owngll epeclhcntionl and muat or leerl to he appreciated Call todly orPdrticulnn Bud Inspec tlon INCOME HOME 81 attracrlve lot close to down noome ovar 32w month Here Ia your chance to let an Incoth home or the price or man hung low Delaua are or zlau at your telephone Id NRA RESALE true on lovely corner lot near oodrington school Just year Old hedroorn hrlulr hunlalow with many extra includtng iinlahed recreation room and bar owner mode In horaa and la prepared to acce any rraaonhlo alter and move oul LISTINGS INVITED GORDON REAL ESTATE BROKERS lOZDUNLOP ST WEST omca Hours91am to pm PHONE PA 85901 tom kPPMXlMATILY acre land ox caIIunt garden roll mile ml AI Iandala noy mucrap Int Barrie liizldu until new and roomed home partly nnlrhed on pnved road In vul or Edi Phone mm or wrlte Pearle Bldwall mgar Oat ldlzsdzs mi EST School no END hedroom brick hung low all heatud lrnmedllte oceupan small kidnapmeat Private mo II AK iSlla amr John Deere Elleaand italic awetapowd wulht IteLlocathn church achooIa traurporieuon ConantLo roonu heautl uIIy decorated do picc rwder room plea hathroom at chad garagr dart roomwith lot in lenient holywan ou he pg lame lot lagerMPAOï¬oEymen SW on 101114 ==r== FARM EQUIPMENT cbcxenurr 1m modal my 11 wllhlive power taken Alfrolnlllfre Lander io lit nnlo Ap ly Crai hum dlVch HI to as outward coax zor tau nunme lorluo or nod Apply margr ant man Mannla corners loInlla DOGS PETSTOCK COLLII Pup or flu Film on ll Ind Gwl rule Id Dull ent ulth Blueloafhle Write on mourn Po umin Dun AND to liminda lint ha aold this week Owner each Phone soulstroilug waging MISCELLANEOUS COLLECT lONS No N6 cudlt Burnt of Barrie Pym PA if II HEY3 mKoKA WELL Dnmm COMPANY lnl drillod and Buni drillarid INQUle 30 BARBIE MIND lBtl ANGUS RADIO TELEVISION RADIO TV REPAIRS Phon lmlSDI or dial DASHS Electric Motors 10 Ross St Barrie PHONE PA 85307 rm ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE For New Nola NataI Burnqu and Repair 56 HAROLD HART Barril Electric uotoru 53 Owen 3t PD PA 32208 ldflu PHONE PA OwlsDAY 0R NIGHT INNISFIL ELECTRONICS TV RADIO REPAIRS BASIL BOWHEY CON INNISFIL 542th ALTERATIONS STORE FRONTS AND EXTENSIONS Can that ham he turned Into ap ant1 ETIMAITS FREE mammal In SCOTT SON BI Ore Station Phone 020 5H FLOOR COVERING Arnmronn Floor Covmnl Clubber Indmhllt flll Unoleuml Plutlc Will Til llefl and mflofl nu FIOPEItlmdtel WOLFENDEN PB PA III HI Toronto St on loor ServiCe NEW £10149 FLOORS Sandlnl Rennllhlnt ldylnz Hardwood Ind Tlle Floor Molntenanca Estlmalel lreeSdtlltnctlon guaranteed ROBBIES FLOOR SERVICE Box Barrie Examiner bIZIlfl SPECIALIZED TRIM WORK mMMING BOUSES COMPLETE RECRUITION ROOMS BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELLI NG POBCBE SHINGLINO IMMEDIATE SERVICE BRUCE CAMERO BUILDER Phone PA 66382 313m CONTRACTOR Phone vgkAMlBZ In 5123le FOB EXPERIENCED Flower Inden htl Clll PA BMt PROPERTY FOR SALE ROG STERLING TRUSTS BLDG FIVE POINTS BUYING OR SELLING 1k marl Ind conï¬d oIITIIT lfrvlgul In Bell all In Elma District We have for sale at all timer NnAhadroom bung19w partme endIncome Propertlea lotl and property la ldParfla out outaide at Town arml Call ui tor courtioaa oraonal attention In any no latate Problem PA 66357 ANYTIME DAY OR EVENING Charles Rogers REALTOR gm BARBIE 01 YEW lSmtl PROPERTY Iron RENT aroma TERRACE 0411 PM apartment IQ coa lllned lth Icyrut Mint Ind laundry requi Phone PA 66101 alter pm leum an nimllhed room Phone PA lion79 1511341 IUINIIIIID KOO CentrlLPltoot lSInm PA um ABJI fumbled Bedroom Clanll Phono PA Hm ISIulfl ROOM Aplrunont all convenlelim o1 ILI Prion PA 35704 naurlltnlmu Boom hlmlahad Phone PA mu lFlflIJ ROOM Apartment heated lllrnllhede ed Adultl PA em lllnlfl HOUSEKIBHNO ROOMS lefll Iov canon Phone PA all lsloiu BBlOIfl leahed bedroom In quiet private home Phone PA Mala 1613423 unmrnhhtfl IItel Ill 15110 DOOM Iiouu Clout to down town lmmedlllo PUIRIIIOB Phone PA 375 ISInlzl ROOM Apartment electric nova and refrigerator ou healed Phone PA H25 Iblnl Round lurnlahed Iplflmeut Hot wa tel hohllnl aleculc and rigPhone PA 2901 lBIzl ROOM Dun law new aood raaldrn tlal area Avaflahld Nav Phone PA om IBlIlIM ROOM unlumlahed yartment 50 Heat and ll hll lMlu ed Dunn Centre sh null IIIlulu ROOM lumhhrd ertlnent Includ Inl elnk and range Centrll AdulLI Phone PA mo 31214 noon Aplrtnlant unturnth Shirl bathroom Am 58 Dunlop El nl Phone PA IDln IIDUIB available Dec on Duck warih st hie he um by ap oint meat Phone 92 IBi FURNISHED Room In quiet llama Very crntrel Gentleman grinned Brelklut nptlonll PA37 151124 SELF contained large room and kitchenette Eut end 55 monln Adulta only Phone PA war lsmIn INSULATED Cottale tiled lmldn cont vonlencel Your mund Reno DIE child Phone Wan Beach 1511 ROOMS unlurrtlahed qulot home at wtrr heated Central Adulu Ah alnera PhonoPA Mm uoa lhl lu UNIURNISHED roorrl loll contained arirnrnt private bath clore to bill p75ullncll pouple Phone PA IMAM lDIZIII LARGE Room uhtumlahed hot 1nd cold water with link hut Ind water Supplied Phone PA 331472 IblIZIZI HOUSE Iplrtmcnll near Five Pointl Suitable Io relldenlll and lollIner olllcee Apply 15 Dunlo Welt IbI IL BOOM Iurnlahed Iiifluent Stan d1 oll heated Available Novl Adulu Phone PA 55 51 IWIII 151234 nouth heated room it arlrnent hath private entrancl Aduu only Ageg 21 Campbell Ave Phone PA lo leImzi HousDKBBPlNG Roomlinile Coop tonath mmlahed Vary central AdultI Apply 78 Mulca or St Phone PA H0 0111123 um ROOM Aplrtlnnlt huld Flam PA APARTMENT healed Laundry acIIItI 11 one mile louth ol Strand Ill APARTMENT all contained In All lndale rod iron hith link roulette Etc Avallab Nov Adults Phonl PA 04339 151le nooM heated apartment large mod errl kitchen living room bedroom private oath and lephratl cntraaca none PA eiesa lSuzlu FURNISHED haltod blchelol lplflc menl Hot water and electricity pile Private entrance Available Nov Phone PA 81110 151qu MODERN ground floor apartment prl vat entrnnceuflut electricity water included For bulliieu couple or en tlemen Apply 01 Mary at 151 411 APARTMENT ovallalzle Nov lm maculate condition herpectahle ten ante only need rppl May be aeen by appointment only hone PA um 15112424 ROOM Aportracnt uanrrahhad He water and mm ruppllcd cup board and rIaIc In kitchen Laundry tub in basement Phone om lkllllfl QUIETedPldllant loll contained un rumlah room apartment Bnlcony oil heated Good clout accommoda tlon North st Adult oaI Phone PA 359 run WELL Parnlraed heated room apartment prime hath entrance met and clean realonhbld Alro un urnlllled room apartment la la Held at alter 151224 SPACIOUS unlurnbhed artrngnt heated centnl madam ktcherl Sell contained but not ult able or mail Children Available Nov Apply Bolt 92 Barrie Exr aminer lslzam 11H WARM lurnlahed houlekupin ruoin with roulette use of Ill and Bendix also brie homekezplnl room wlth nrllll kltc latte heavy duty Itov and did entnncd Cent Plume PA Hun 1511112 ROOM Home clean Withln lulle ot Barrie Hydro water tap In celllr lchool bul It door on and winter roadMD mun Reldnnnl re ulled Apply early owner going away Box 99 Barrie Examiner 1511142 PERSONAL DE WOODROW Eye Dr Noll and Throat Epcolallrt oriuir will be rent to olum TRANSPORTATION wanted or Iron vlclnlti of Barrie to Toronto week day oavin About Im Bdtumllll lel Struu colllct SMIZLIM CRADLE Alex Gladtone Me anyone knowlnl hll whrraa oat please contact nllnhe Mona Adelaide at Port Taront olt dzr momen or wlu exchange hahy aittlunrvlees vgth loin in Plinlwlckor arrie rCIn prov do tranlpartltlon Phone sin ailluiu WILL ANYONE knowln tll relent whereaboutl 3910 In ana Wilaon amlly 01 mi Home St Burr Ind Mllut Point In communicate Vllth Box VI HI In nmlnolr 301224 llII CONIIBBILINO WAOI coir cult Merriam Weirre speciallri hy mall Eatl1 had Over 5000 cuntï¬ction and poor mlrrled Alfr Ill loll mrec Elmo all 71 Entran Port Dulce Winni pBK whum nth board quiet hedroom Accomnodouoa worthd lldllly wanna Wilb Ir man WI Bill Ilnll llIflm uranium Room or harhelor warl ma III II Tor Ina gar or nel entwined gear ou riore recur ulnar5 Ply utona aruaurrr Ilm Country Store With au um or room or audio that run pa lmlau prico volume hurlneu ate in lint letter to Box BnmevExamlnera asIpm i=m===a£ LOST AND FOUND LUBTorlnll and VIII Penilncat AMWCH IO ml name lmxa Phone PA Hm 17121 as LOSTBrown lnlhel wallet contour In valuable rpm Finder lean phone PA 57986 l1 lzl LOSTSun and Weltlr In All Shop or on Monday 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