jv son 1951 with caremgr design represents one oftbe most extensive model clung es inhistory Mercurys new large body is five inches longer and three inches wider papite its low silhouette it has two inches more headroom mm Commentary By noan omen Selling Light Bulbs Lion George Graham will be chairman of committceJo sell light bulbs in Goldwater and dis trict as fundraising project it was decided at meeting of Goldwater Lions Tickets will also be sold on five turkeys with the draw to be made at the commun ity Christmas tree in December The manner in which the new vocational wing at Orillia Colleg late provides subjects supplemen tary to academic training wm de scribed to the Lions by Douglas Finch one of the vocational in structors He was introduced by Ritchie Lane and thanked by Earl Dohle Extend Resurfacing Resurfacing of Main Slreet avement which forms part of igbway 12 was extended to the Robinson residence on Main Street South under an arrange ment with the village number of sunken spots in the sidewalk were also filled in with asphalt The job was done by Beamish Construction Company which has laid the new paved surface from Waubuushenc to Midland and into Port McNicoll Cleanup Fair Grounds Members of the Agricultural So ciety put tables away in the rink and performed general clean up at the fair grounds the night of Oct 23 group of women supporters turned up to provide lunch and hot drinks Address on Missions Rev Rowe of Stroud de livered anaddross on northern missions to an open meeting in the parish hall sponsored by the WAof the Anglican Church Renewed Canvassing Canvassing has been renewed for the Goldwater Community Centre building estimated to cost $60000 It is planned to start encavating in thevery near fu turofora building modelledafter the Stayncr Community Centre 0thercurrent canvasscs in cold watcr are in aid of the Bible Str cicty and the Salvation Army School Board Meeting Among accounts ordered paid at meeti of the school board with all me hers present was one or $550 for furniture and drapesowing Keith Robinson of Coldwater jfurther payment of $1500 for sodding total cost of which was approximately $4000 was an thorized to Marion of Pane tang who had the contract architects pproval the board had had bulldozlngdone inprepi forsodding re imburserneiit cheque for 60 from gas Newt sedans privatd as yourownLto chobse from avetam ruvel Service It nuivno 51 responsibleI for the contractor Rulilf Grass Con struction Company held to be the bulldoling cost was ordered returned to the architect as insufficient The secretary was instructed to write the architects that the schools weeping beds were giv ing trouble They were said to have been covered with clay in stead of gravel The board has year in which to have unsatisfac tory work connected with the school corrected Eschew Politics when the first issue of the now extinct Coldwater Planet was is sued over 60 years ago by the publisher French previous ly of Orillia it came infor lec turc by the Orillia Packet The latter weekly said the Planet was clean printed and creditable looking sheet but had notice able fault in carrying too much political matter The Packet com merited advice of the Packet he will eschew politics altogether That is probably the only course by which paper in village the size of Coldwater can be made to live The paper should represent the entire community and needs an undivided support Mr French mayflatter himself that he can steer an independent course but the trouble is that the nearer he comes to an attitude entirely jud icial then the fewer peo in will be please Every Grit wi think him Tory and evererory will bepositive that ho is Grit Fill your columns Mr Planet and leave politics for papers which fl larger field and for places here there is room for moredhan one paper 30th Birthday of interest to Coldwater and district residents was the 80th birthday earlier this month of Mrs Seward Dinglcy Penley of Orillia Her husband who passed away 12 years ago was native of Goldwater Born at Sturgeon Bay she was married by itev John Gray in 1809 Threedaugh tors and son all live in Orillia Mrs Penley spends much time visiting her children and grand children likes gardening and en joys music In younger days Mrs Penley made all her childrens clothing including coats did her own bak ingand kept up manyother duties as well in day wheb modern conveniences were unknown Dies in Hospital Mrs CliffordDevitt mother of George Dcvitt of Goldwater pass ed away Oct 16 in Orillin Gen ernl Hospital The former Jean Reid Mrs Devltt passed on in her 60th year Among immediate survivors are ofWarminster sons lvan of Bur wash and Manly of Goderich andtwo daugh ers Mrs Allan Hobson Joan of Toronto and Mrs Woodrow Forth Isobel of Warminstcr Following service on Oct 19 interment was at St Andrews Cemetery 0rillia New Township Office era Township clerk rcasurer Wesley l3 Tudhnpe who has rela tives in Goldwater is anticipating the experience of enansacting municipal business frame new officehullding Tudhope like his that and grandfather before hi interruptedsuccession has looked after township business from the Tudhope home at Hawkestone Orn is having $42000 rn pal office building construct the north side of Highway 11 about eight miles south of lla Siatedto he completed couple of rnonthsg the structure If Mr French will take the with local news her husband and ason Clarkson were also clerks of On un or pateraltllie nswerla obit Mercury Mont willhave offices for various mun icipal servants and will be cen trally situated for council meet in girtually fireproof the building has concrete walls over foot thick has solid concrete floor andlthe vault doors are of heavy stce ®llilflatyh Son Of Early barrios Businessman Dies In States Edward Hinds native of Barrie Edward Hinds died at his family resi dence in Bloomfield NJ on Oct 19 1956 in his 83rd year Born in 1873 heewas the son of the late Edwardand Margaret Hinds His father oncof the earlier businessmen of Barrio erected the old American Hotel close to Market Square He also built the block directly across from the old post office building which was the familys place of business in later years it was occupied by the Robertson Drug Drug Store As very young manEdivard Hinds Jr left Barrie and became engaged in the buildingtrade in New York working on many of the Big buildings of the Empire State He was cou of the late DArcy Hinds KC whose father Bernard Hinds was also connect ed with the business interests of Barrie in its earlier days The funeral was held in Bloom field on Oct 22 with interment in the family plot Mr Hindsleaves one son Ed ward of Brooklyn NY and two daughters Ethel and Marguerite of Bloomfield sister Mrs Heydon of Alliston and Toron to is the last surviving member of the family There are many close relatives throughout tbe Barrie district dWithRedCross 0n World War Front MranzH Taylor as Mrs ll ï¬lm of Shanty Bay 65 who served with the front lines in France Vduriiig the First World War Royal Victoria Hospital on Oct 15 1956 after an illness of 31 most five years duration native of Cadenham En land where she was born on Ma 23 1891 the deceased had hee resident of the9ro Township villag 1923 She served on Shanty Bay school hoardfor two years and was formerly organist purl from cleanliness in mil moral Store and at present by Caldwells small town lion and limited resourcesdo to defendltselt and helpto defend the rest the country against MunFlldï¬ Fedonl ivil defenceplanneis whosoJoh it to voli outeand unique new floatingrlde with many new chassis and suspension features provide easier handling and greater comfort Shown is clair Phaeton Sedan guide into theopentlonal stage disaster plan for the whole coun try say theta smalltown or com munityï¬iecds an executive com mittee composed of the rem and two or three responsible ofï¬cials to lay down policy director and small planning committee These committees are madeup ofthe peoplewho head the var Ious services such as welfare health police fire communica tions andothera whose knowledge makes them valuable to child fence planning Since the role of most small towns andvlllagcs would be as reception areas for evacuees from Thumas Anglicanchurch prealdentof the Chancel Guild She was active in the Anglican Church and belonged tothe Wo mans Auxiliary and Church Guild of St Thomas Mrs Taylor wasalso member of the Womens institute and the Barrie Legion Auxiliary She was supporter of the Conservative party The former Dorothy lrines Lill ingstonJhc wasthe daughter the late Frederick George Lilling stonpRN and Frances OBrienz She served at Ypres and Calais withthoRed Cross in the 191418 war Besides her husband she is sur vived by daughter Mrs Thomas Bell Joan ofharrie and son Fred of Toronto five grand children and four sisters in Eng land Van Archdeacon Light bourn conducted the funeral ser vice at Thomaa Church on Oct 18 Pallbearers were Here wnrd Martin William Brooks Dudlw 01iver John Brown George Simpson and Campbtfll Raikcs lnterme was at Sh 333 Ambng the floraitri fltes thoscfrom StThonias Church Guild Shanty Eay Womens ln stltnte Beaver Lumberlnompa Oates Paint and Wallpaper BK inson Hardware Monarch Life In surance Company and McNabb Plumbing Company Barrie Relatives and friend attending the funeral included blis OBrien Mr and Mrs Robert Lockie MrsEllls Crooks Mrs Edith Wi MrfandMrs James Miss Somerhayes and bro thel and Mrs Larkinall of To rono British Red Cross behind the died5 at the ce coming to Canada in at St ed out with The women nrganlutlons vtbe renmle ahoul bo Lmdï¬ndomdy providede for large numeri ofrefugoea from clb bit by In Hbomb lbll nine us courseoouldbe appliedto gt lngJuge numbers of persons made homeless aluddenly by flood or tornado or alandallde such the onerlnst fell that car xled partaolecolet Que into the river providing them wlth place to sleep small should include survey 01 the sleeping space available remem bering that ln an emergency people cansleep in barns and garage an won as the guest room small towns civil defence plan therefore might requlro stockpiling at central point such welfare essentials as his etc and foodpartlcularly dry powdered milk and caone gooda While few small towns would have to worry about actually be ing hit by an Hbomb if war came many would be affected by the dangerous radioactive tnllout from the bombs blast So the wel fare planningcould prove boon to the small towns own inhabit ants For fallout can contamin ate fresh vegetables milk eggs and so on Food in cans how ever is safe Ordinary buildings provide degree of protection from fall out Basements are betterLand root cellars even safer So CD plan for smalltown should in clude survey of the faltout shelter available for its own resi dents as wellvas possible visitors from less fortunatalareas Because of the danger from falloutv small towns CD plan should also include trained monitoring service that is per sons with the necessary equip ment for detecting the degree of dangers from fallout Thirro quires training and civil defence canprovlde that training town CDvplan should tlons of wamlngh the the town Slnce to achievoumaxlmum relt armers around organization must extendtoevery being et in provinces Onto on an area basis minac towns andrcommunltles that can help eachother it is itsvlocal director tofcoordinate its efforts ith those of the rest of the arc 1of fced The welfare ofpeoplo includes towns plan lofts suits the countrys clvll defence community no matter howsmall Buteach town must still have lite196 and mules Overall he in bu Eï¬lhlélméï¬lj Sit ation Sei Good for Time Th Binla Via motion so until heavy ing to Coowiiinanageg of lidNlllolll Employment Service here Then are ap proximately no males unem ployment picture in bruht and rho Ievcre weather set in accords mm for AN uNu auaiousrrs played and 67 are drawing unemployment benefits There are also 150 females unem Eloyed with 90 drawing hem t8 During the month of Sci volun Io mum cannulao srrcmul DRESSES 188 Girlsslzes to th dainty printed rayon taffeta and siub spun fabric Smartly yled buttons at back to alstuPetcr Pan collar some with lace and velvet ribbon trlm Self tlesnsh Pricedjot extra ravingal ZELLERS LIMITED Ana Monarch id wider ightkhqs been reduced liicbesyot headroom ha been increased two Softer ridebetter handling and readability the local office placed min and is fennlcl in ntfgfactory employment ioso MODELS or srncini PRICE son sneer owivizns in In mult fro ewly ens lncludlngtho nduatrys fint Ill cushion also Pictured latha Monarch Richelieu Phaeton Coupe skilieu case point ilsrecints COMPLETE 6000 REPAINT Sand blasting wheels etc PA 66850 For Details Four of cvery lolcommercial motor vehicles built in Brita are TRY AN EXAMINERLWANTAD sold In other Countries TWOWEGEKSIONLY 1957 MODELS TWOTONED Him with conï¬denceirooiiiié so pimps aim 82439 Dunlap clans Ayah Minion Over haifa million Canadian familieaevery yeu borrow with conï¬dence from HFC iHC isCaiiadaaonuconsumerï¬nanoecompanybiiod by years crpericnce lloiiscbold Finance specializes in providing loans from $50 to $1000 in one day and in privacy This prompt depend Iblfl money service is available tgyou today St West second floor phone PA has IAIN ONT second floor um ingafnumbergofr Zlmillionimiesfoi+testing 100 cars driven over rough roads and tlnough séarin heat andf blastsinboththe moasmoflda avatuaiswsr OR oar clincro dad the requirements of new buttarlegl lliqtrthevklnd of quality thats make Pres its lyour neatjbgtt payouts at Canada oï¬er proof test that PreatOLite lliLevelis the beat battery money can buy lottery foile ndlbenertbonfl utjof est foryovr car so hesure to Q° Hatter