DONALD SINQLAIR appearsias Ham let in scenesirom the great tragedy being periormed by the Earle QreyVShakespeare estivalCompany at the Barrie District Collegiate Institute Auditorium tomorrow evening Excerpts irom Th Venice Macbeth and Twelfth blight will also he presented in two and ahalt hour program commencing anelghtoolock Seats are available to thegenerul publi run noose By BARBARA connmcx CIRCLE OF TREES By DANA FARALLA Barbara Viily Cormack is Canadian Writer who lives in the West She has written poetry les short stories and onepre ous novel Local Ragg Now she writes storyof an old Al Scrtzi farmhouse It was built by tam young Englishmen who we it only short time when war vmsdemred in 1914 they nt toiight fortheir country and the house was deserted for gears Then young veteran Townsendand his wife Siliida came out from Englandto llalge up farming although they new practically nothing about it Two of their neighbors Joe Mary Culver helped them in every way Then friend at Jhilips came out to join the jiownsends The lifeseemed dif ficult at first but Philip needed ï¬nd loved the outdoor life and was happy The arrivalof baby dc to theircontentment Mary have serious problem with which to contend Later Joe dies and Mary is left widow An attractive young lady comes to teach school at Greenacre She and Bob Fraser become interested in each other but alter miss school are pleasing Then it cheeringto ind that Bob and Helen meet again marry and be come happy couple Philips son is brought up by his fathers last chapter tells of young Philip Townsends coming tolthe old farmhouse HeJDDks at it and wonders insplte oi his engin eerihg trai he might come back and farm the old place hehad loved as lit boy The House told in simple directstyle and the characters seem like ugpeople It is in teresting the way the lives of the succession of people who live in the huuée and their neighbors are linked both in tragedy and in haplt pine Thecharacters exemplin sordldne jealousy idealism and courage they face the Waste Through it all the house stands asa solid and unchanging symbol of continuitybchind all the up and downs of human life In Circle oiTreesDana Faralla has pictured family of Danish immigrants in their sec ond year on the Minnesota prairies It is land of extreme cold and heat where tornadoes blizzardsfdrought and locusts tor ment the hovmetteaders This land alreadytaken away the gay and loving youngmother of the family and turned the father into bitter and unhappy man But the in has its heauty and the childie love it Then wander ng trontiersman called Reilly came tothe Nielson farmand through his friendship and teach ings helped thenLto face life anew The circle of trees her planted was symbolic To the childrenit was life growth and bean But itwasalso symbol of th eternal circle ofliie death andlifeagain In the story blizzard andtorna dovbrlng near tragedy tragedy nd new understanding In spite trien and goesto university The pression years in the Canadian Wheu dodgh milk and relzllllintflour stiflenouth be easily handled turniontn well floured board Knead until aroma and elastic ghoul five minutes Mace in grand bowl the my tiers most Candiana have looked upon pad laniily standby generation or on ago baking day wuaomnaonly regarded by the entireJamllyja the nioa wondertui day the week The delicious fragrance of yéut pen melted the whoioboueo and everyone hovered in th kitchen wailing th the rustle es tome baked aud cooled so theycoiiid be sliced lcrea recipe tor the modern homemaker who longa to recapture the wonderful aroma and flavor oi homebaked bread The recipe yieldstour loaves and can be made wltln either potato water or plain water AtJnaekl time and at mealvtimeyouilxb glad youmade he eflort KomeBaked Bread cup lukewarm water teaspoons granulated sugar envelopes active dryyeast cups lukewarm water or cups lukewarm potato water tablespoons shortening 12 cups allied allpurpose flour tablespoons salt tablespoons powdered skim milk in one cupot lukewarm water thoroughly dissolve two teaspoons granulated sugar Sprinkle yeast on top oi water Let stand ll lminutes Thcn stir well Stlr to gethcr lukewarmvwater or potato loaves Cover with clean towel and lot the in warn place me from draft iortwo hour or until dou blcdin bulk Punchkddwn dough and pull sides intoocntre Nrn onto Hatred board and cad about three minntem Dividcdouglt it to our equallportionaind knead each into Cover with clean towel ad let stand 10 minutes Meanwhile our BY inch loaf pan pe elehbail of dough into loll Place dodgh in greased ppm CoVer with clean mini and letriae hi warm place free lrom draitflé hours orvuntil doubled in bulk Preheid oven to AOOF hot When dough has doubled bake in preheated oven Alter is mlnutu reduce heat in 37oFmodcrately hot and bake another minutes Makes our way noammo raucx CAMROSE ALTA CPl Arthur Siaven told police his truck had been stolen lrom parking lot Police investigated and found the pickup truck lodg ed against lyish 120 yards from the lot the truck had rolled down the road andended in front yard CALL THE XAMINEB FOB PR1 lNG PHONE PA 82 norm nemaayéiiJiid llnlvenlty ot Sinhtehowa tudl bc competing ior Canada Olympic Games in Mellie The Regina girl flvofoottwo and ill pounds also plans to enter the 200yard dash the 400mm relay and possibly the broad jump cr In blgI up conï¬ne soou run teaspoons l957 BURKS Spurn1555 flaiqu union to mm PONTIAC BUICKGMC fRUCKS cor John alimdllml Sis lliul Pli 82449 water and shortening Add well oi the storms and catastrophes this and gentle book Thereus ricbeauty about it that metimes peihaps seems not quite real There is emotion and warm Sympathy towards its characters Somevot the characr up erstandin go their different tersarebetter realized than oth wigs Tire gaiapterrmvtmmmny young Kama Reillyo The author writea fine descriptions and creates very suc oessfully atmosphere and mood Indian summer or iriing blizi Lard onthe wide vaussn INVESTMENT Overseia investments in Aus tralian enterprises reached re cord $201000000 in the fiscal year ending June30 1956 lllilidlililiZE Tnnuns Fortunes co or PERMANENT ANTlFREEZE Ethylene Glycoli sateI sure protectiod ran GALLON Air atva muohï¬lower price again Corp has HoT snor PERMANENT yANTlEREEZE Ethylene Glycol or Alcohol Call in and let us test and in stall Coop AntiFreeze now it for delivery orse cure itfrom any one ofxthe green and gold Coop tank wagontrucks anon $465315 ARRIE axIxrGMcs arrange ofhlypoid Rule makes it easy to ï¬nd whit you need sin m1 mc for 957 offers ypu performancei proved deledionfof VB power unitswillinptozwhpisepower to handleiny Henvy ry hug two ewSa ed umu medium durywor andaroll Now theres doubt 119V7 is GMCa year or truckers verywhere With brand new atahdard arisinissions new engincst new GVWa neyvaxies new sty mg new comfort and much muchmore Seeypur GMC dealer ght awayand see these BlueChip Moneymakersl ngforjoul pe armpmksdaigdwgming wagerewnhjme med power pungent op to 14 oowlih thanevetnme eldod chm51 soona EasierIo nisup are