Two Two homes valued at $50 000 each were mducedto rub ble in Paciï¬c Palisades near Garrison yrn Goalon non BANNGBT 0mm Governor Geuerol Vincent Mamy once told pauaudianoethatheenvtedtho mum of whom it was saith He could sunk platitude un til it ported liken epigram In retard 7th years asGov ernor General and alter hair TOLDBY NDsLmr Santa Monica California as resultof lnndslide The houses were looted at the top of now out which he gun to crumble during the night Later the houses top White Haven Mission Unï¬t Mom Whytej To Build Anew HAMPTON CPMrs Bertha Morn Whyte whose Whyte haven Mission was nrled Friday to be an unfit place to house children doesnt plan to stop her efforts on behalf of homeless Youngsters Before Judge EV Philp of Peterborough announced his de cision that 107 children at the un licensed home near Bowmunviile had been neglected Mrs Whyte said were going ahead and well build new Whytehaven re gardless of the courts decision Cheering news for her after the verdict cams from Welfare Minister Cecile who said the gov ernment has no desire to exile Mrs Whyte and would take one other look if she should apply to reapen Whytehaveo Judge Philp found the children at the home neglected within the meaning of the Child Welfare Act because overcrowding the lim itedstatf and the incidence of disease made it an unfit place for them to live in PRASES EFFORTS lla praised the work of Mrs Whyte and her small stall how ever in trying to cope with the outbreak of infectious diseases which prompted provincial an thorities to remove the children two weeks ago They endeavored to perform an almost superhuman task he snid Mrs Whyte showed little emo when she heard the ruling think it was very fair con sidering the evidence he had to deal with she said She was close to ears however wh Judge Philp later awarded custody of sixyear old Bruce Wilkins to his father Bertpat Mr Wilkins request The sh construction worker took the boy to Mrs Whyte aboutfive years ago when he was suffering from severe burns lllrs Whyte said she planned to adopt Bruce and it was in an ef fort to see him that shecnmped for three days and nights outside the home in the Toronto suburb of Scarborough where he was taken from Whytehaven Judge Pbin said bkjudgment was abbreviated and would allow him to proceed immediately with placement of the children He said he would amplin it later After the three day hearing ended Bury Ontario di Gov General In Hospital MONTREAL CP Governor General Vincent Massey is rest ing comfortably in it yet Victoria Hospital in Montie He is here for treatmentnf the kidney infec tion which Ealliul forced him to cancel farewell tou rof th Canadian North Mr Massey who is to retire next month entered hospital Fri day after travelling from his summer residencajn Port Hope 0nt by private railway car His son Lionel Massey who acts as his private secretary said the move did not indicate worseniifg of his fathers condi tion We want to mow more about it he said The 72yeero1d governor gen era is expected to be in hospital for at most week rector of child welfare said 35 children had been returned to their parents underChlldrens Aid Society supervision lie said Jilng Phiip will all again Tuesday to determine cus tody of another 58 children where questions of jurisdiction and su pervision are more complicated In Toronto Mr Cecile said the court action was taken only to protect the children and not from any desire to persecute Mrs Whyte He said the regulation of the Charitable institutions Act which glect under the act or of any oonlt travention of the act would be waived should Mrs Whyte at tempt to re upon Whytehaveo An application from her would receive the same searching scru tiny as one from anyoneelse 30 BEAR MOM in St Catharines Friday night Mrs Whyte spike to 30 people on the second stop of her planned crosslcolmtry tour to raise funds Mass Fear By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreals polio epidemic has been mild but doctors have an other problem that could he more seriousmass fear The citys health authorities are faced with the predicament of warning people about the seri gtlorhids anyone convicted of ne pied into crevice ls feet deep thirdborne completed only week is also threatened for proposed new Whytehaven She needs $0000 to meet property option which expires Aug 28 She estimates the entire project will cost 8300000 Mrs Whyte says an anony mous benefactor has pledged 310000 year in monthly pay ments for three years to main taln the new home court said thatas an act of faith he would be willing to let COULDNT TELL HEB Mr Wllkinaysaid he applied for Bruce without Mrswnytes knowledge becausehe did not have the heart to tell her She only found out when he testified on his plans for his son Mr Wilkins had only praise for Mrs Whyte but he felt it was time Bruce returned to his fam thlnis howill be happy with us be said He said Mrs Whytes downfall was caused by her great big beautiful hearthha couldnt turn anychild away Whytehuven is good up an Im going to do all in my flower to see that Mum gets back business In fact if were to die wouldnt want my children to go to any other place but Wbytehavcn pono lNMONTltllllL More Serious Problem Than Epidemic1 ousness of polio ing panic director said day that anun reasonable tear can easily he built up We have thefaciiities doctors andbospitais tohandle the dis ease but no facilities to fight the rises in the human mind when polio strikes be said Ihe presentsituation was no cause for alarruhe said ask the public toavoid panic stay calm Eut it all available precautions such resetting ï¬alk vaccinations and understanding just what polio is were hdmlttédtoMontreal hos have been 251 cas Doctors said there are indie tionsthatthe idemio iselev iingoff The next few day and the owingrweeks will guide us Dr Gustave Charest city ep demioiogist said only one out of as of polio is race jMildhundetected cases give polio infection and as in result the greater proportion of adults are protected without knowing it unwill he said Panamas COMPLICATION its termed simply fan accidental ease In its mild formwhen it does fever digestive troubles or sore The only other significant polio problems Newfoundland and Ontario Inrthe island Vince three newcaaea were reported Friday raising thetotal this summer to Three pera wfoundiandaicases Mr Witkins before going into Bruin return to Mrs Whyte lace for children to grow Dr Adelard ouix city health unreasoning spectre of fear that Friday 45 more polio patients ccurately Dr Grouht perso immunityagainst further althoughthey may emselves be cani be spreading it around Dr Charest said paralysis may andrare complicationjofthe dis not reachspinai marrow or the brainpolio is characterized by dreth of speeches Mr Massey appears to have come as close tothatgoalasanyofhisllpre deoessors The goal is difficult one for the Queens represen tative who as Lord Tweedamuir once said inns confine himself to govern nor generalities Utter lmpan tiality in the countrys political and economic affair has been demanded of every Governor Gcnerai since Confederation By tradition the government which recommends the appointment to the Crown is held responsible for his actions STILL am The limits still exist even though todays politicians may not he so eager to poimce on any apparent breach of them as were the members of the House of Commons in Lord Duffertns time Lord Dullerin Governor Genn eral from 1071 to 1m once was castigated by the Conunons 0plt position for making speeches on such Seemingly innocuous sub jects as cooperatives and retail ON TOUR Chief Marshal Sir Thomas Pike toured defence estehlï¬hmenu in Canada and liio United States in July August moo no was to become chief of the Unith Kingdom air stat merchanta associa lions whim benign on pt 15 to hesucceeded by Maj Gen George Vanler has seldom ever violated these traditional taboos But he has managed to frame his platitudes In as to he come one of the mostjï¬ipular speaker of the last deco few quotations culled from his speecha as Governor an uling may show the reason for ROUILEBS AGE 0n the present separation The weakness of the present leneration is that it it roofless and the great function of the Canadian nnlverslty is totnke it back to the true roots AspBredécessdrei mama We have been living through time when the common retort to serious remark has been 50 whatt The question intelligent church The tragedy of the So what generation has been that they sumed that there in no answer in the United States exploits donin movies books and televi sionof the American West We have never had wild wuL do not see why we should not commemorate the fact that we established civilized life with out one URGES BIIJNGUALIEM chlng French EON VINCENT MASSEY Bovernor General speaking Canada teach ourchil dren the other language of our country so at on crner from school ey could most of them at leastwith their French speaking fellow Cane dlans In their native tongue EThcre is surely nothing absurd or presumptuous in the idea that every Canadian child should be able to speak two languagu 0n toleratlon in Canada helicve wedo in this senseare polite diaaismaiorstrongtuma mulch them halo and timidV cameos VIEW 0n commonly planning in may piacu in our mushF manyof them irreparable Economic forces have often hub ried us into size without shape into greatnua without grandeur Time and again Mr Massey patron of the arts advised his listenersto read more book and he was aistrong upholder of cor rect language in this day ev kind of sloveniy language its delt lander know that shallow and pedantic popularizcrs remind us that grnmmnrians always lose in the end when they struggle agai the people ose who striveto correct language today find themselves rainlcd at onus by the and by the sellappointed spokes man for the multitude For all their talking had 18mm in still had and the perverse use of bad language is crime against Could we not in English not always sufï¬ciently under humanity Judge Halts Witnessf Slander Inference TORONTOJCP Judge Jo seph Sweet serving as oneman commission inquiring into York Township affairs halted testiA many of one of the hearings iasl witnesses Friday because of slander by inference in her statements The judge who adjourned the hearing until Aug 24 toailow 10 days for counsel to prepare an gumentstoid Mrs Pauline Sha pero after hours of testimony he would not bear any more evr dence from her Mrs Shapcro was the township real estate agent who sparked the inquiry last May with her charges against the township council He said he could not tolerate the inclusion of slanderby in ference in her statements and asked commission counssl Kelso Creigth to examine any Jon 1960 or Pohto further statements Mrs Shepero mizht make If these statements were useful and didnt malign anybody who was not inunediatcly in posi tion to reply to them Judge Sweet said he would accept them After consultation with Mrs Shaporo Mp Creighton suid fShn has herself told us sho thinks it would he better for her not to make any further state meow Earlier Mrsshapero testified she knew of manylpeople who wanted to volunteer information and had not been given the op portunity When she said she thought the commission counsel Kclso theishtnn should have investi gated deals of other land trons actions Judge Sweat became ir ritated There can be no criticism made he said which think is justified of the work of the com Yo MAY may will You hundreds of dollars You get lowcost Worm mama Slate lngtoinsureonbmrcfnidrivera ifoor Stale hgent handheldetude Naming around town for 95s lie writes yon aoheque for the amount you need even includescreditiifo to cover the unpaid balance all today Hes listed in the Eagesof your phone book under Stateljm Insurance Before yo gtqngaysmmntmoneyvaththi3anlcrlm Howihiaeasyplenworks are the tinm pruned azrcn ynn phone ram inanenu him how mun you need to on the unpaid halameIhc alum between your down wyniant andthnoeuoitlhewr zmmmmwonmacnnqunrn hlryefm5misynuxc ï¬rst plum accrual Automobile InaursnoeCompanyLLllend Office Toronto OntrrieVSu car throughthe Bank These low borrowing rates Youre rash svarr nun INsuniner any sure or andsin mission caunsei in presenting evi deuce here am only trying to alert the commission said Mrs Shapero You should have alerted the commission counsel before the judge repli STRONG TREMORS CAROLINA Transvaal Reut crslStrong earth tremors were felt in the eastern Transvaal and over wide area in northern Rhodesiaeariy today Windows rattled and dishes were smashed hereand the tremor also was felt in neighboring towns SEEKS IN SPAIN gt BARCELONA Spain AP anie Actress Elizabeth Taylor and her husband singer Eddie Fisher arrived today by plane from Paris They motored onto Sagaro seaside resort north of Barcelona where Miss Taylor ll to start work on movie Pitals Five perSons died There and in Finance and Insure It Through State Farm Areyononeofdiezontotéifamiiieawhowfl ï¬nanoeyonrnextnew ornsedmr Than the State Farm Bank Plan is the modem wayto buy that car without signingnpforexpensiveï¬nanoeandinsnranoepackagedeslsthnt can keep you catpayment poor The Bank Plan hasheiped thousands of car buyers gave 5100329on and even more enjoy lower payments shorter loans BoylngnNEW art Yonsave through low tutu State he you get ï¬nancing at leading loos bank Its simple its arranged to suityou bio cana fees no hidden charges Biiying mi Unlikemost ï¬nancing plans youdont pay higher rate when you finance used private Payments Farmkeep ram low by nine huyï¬nd outif you