Music Directér Very Worslupiul Brother shnw solrinlaw at Mr and Mrs Cheesman 49 John Street Barrie is shown here in full rcgaiia of his re cent appointment to Grand Lodge Rank of the Grande Accepts Ken Hollier LCBA who has re cently taken up residence in the city was approached by the Band Committee with the prob abil of his directorship being available the Bands last direct or having moved to St Catharin ES After outlining the current band Ednulct ee Cf IrQn 3131139 Appearing before Magistrate Barron at Bradford court hi2 Logo Nationalc Francoise in Paris France VW Bro 0di shaw is member of Kerr Lodge No 230 Barrie The Odishawa are at present with the No Air Division RCAF based inFrance Position gt program Mr Hollieraéccptcd the position Born in Portsmouth England in August 1918 Mr liollier be gan his musical career as violinist at the age of eight studying in the school music pro yam He then progressed tluongh the Royal Naval College of musicnow tin Band of the Royal Marines during which time he toured Australia and New Zealand as the youngest member of the Duke of Gloucesters Royal Tour orchestra and then became one of the youngest music in structors at the age of 24 On completion of part of his career Mr Hoilier went to South=Africa as viola player and arranger to the Durban Sym phony Orchcstra Awherehe re mained from 1946 to 1951 During this period he was Music Direct or for the Dutch Apostolic Church Band and also taught privately for the Trinity College music ex aminations He then returned to the UK for brief spell before coming to Canadaas member of The Canadian GuardsBaud WEATHER Synopsis Another day of Sitde gree temperatures is in store for Southern Ontario today extend ing the current heat wave to six consecutive days measure of relief wasln sight however as slightly cooler and less humid air edged into Central Ontario this morning causing few showers and thunderstorms across north ern Lake Huron and Georgi BayrlThis unsettled weatherer reach southern regions this aft ernoon and everiingwith small degree of cooling expected late tonight and on Sunday Northern Ontario will remain KEN nontrnn LCBA Desiring to share his know ledge and experiences with the younger set Mr Hoilier decided to enter education and in 1956 eepted the post of Music Dir ector for the Coliingwond District Collegiate Institute where mus to department and growing con cert band has been build during the last three years The CDCI Concert Band placed second to the famous Barrie Central High School Band in oneclass at this years Ki wanis Festival held in Toronto As musiceducator Mr Hol iier is specialist in instrumental music winds and strings and he is on the staff of the new Camp Borden District High School where an instrumental program to be instituted He is also an active member of the Ontario Music Educators Assoc iation and the Canadian Band masters Association He obtained the degree of Licentiate of the Canadian Band masters Association in 1955 Fenders In Downtown Crash small co sion occurred at opand gh Street inter Friday when two motor cked fender Jack ngs 29 Utopia say Barr Cty Po ce was going north on High St stopped at the intersection looked both ways and proceeded across under the influence of this cool outbreak with variable cloudi ness few showers and to 7odegree temperatures forecast for today and Sunday Regional forecasts valid until midnight Sunday LakeErie tire Lake Huron Niagara Lake Ontario re gions Windsor London Toronto Hamilton Increasing cloudines today with few afternoonand evening ortthunder storms Sunday mainly cloudv iittle cooler and less hum Winds southwast 1545 today light tonight and Sunday Northern Lake Huron burton Georgian ay re North BaytCloudy today wuh few showers or thunderstorms St Thomas clearing by evening undny party cloud littlecooler and shiftingt rthwest after econi light tonight and Sud bury Cloudy with few showers is morning clearing by after noon Sunday partly cloudy little cooler endless humid today nd Sunday Vindhwest 15 For cast Temperatures Lowtonight High Sunday Windsor Wingbam Toronto St Catharines er with hi own front right fen der doing 380 damage to his own car and $10 to Dings of the party day three at four Redford dis trict young men were convtctod olrobbery and the use vio lence was attributed to one fourth man who was included in the charge was dismissed when Crown Attorney Thomp tou stated that from further in vestigations he was convmccd that rthls youth Earl Sturgeon had no part in either the robbery or the violence The victim Orville Burr evi dence showed had been joined in beverage room in the vil lage by the accused Ronald Sturgess Ross Grantand John Longburst After the beverage room closed theydccidcd to go to bootlegger with whom Burr was acq hinted They rave there and Burr said he purchased mickey of liquor and some beer all that was available at the place The party then continued to tho Chatterbox Restaurant where they had some foodnnd some of the party had some liquor in the coffee Then one Ronald Sturgess went to the washroom of tho restaurant where he wrenched piece of pipe loose from the plumbingand this was taken along They drove down through West Gwiliimbury to place where there was school near the road There the two others in the back seatpersundcd Ross Grant who is poor sighted to hit Burr with the pipe The first blow only caused Burr to turn and swear asking what was going on The car stopped but be fora Burr could get out he was struck another harder blow on the side of the head just over the car He was bleedingbut got out on his feet and started to took off he told the court headed for farm house where could see light looked back and could see them after me They caught me and lugged me back he stated It was then that his money was taken from his pocket and he was left on the road when the others drove off He wont to farm house where call was made to the police about am TOOK $5 John Longburst pleaded guilty tMisrsing Four On S1mcoe ORILLIA CP Poice are searching for two men and two boys who took rented boat out onto choppy Lake simcoe early Friday andfailed to return the boat MlSSlllgBle Raymond Steel 24 his wifes uncle George Anderson 38 and Mr Andersons two sons Reginald 11 and Bill 10 All are from Toronto Winds gusting up toils miles an hour swept the lake Friday police said The group had food and tent with them but were expected to return to4Toronto today Hole In The Head Winner Monday The fiveday Hole In The Head contest ended last night Grandwinner of the contest sponsored by The Barrie Exam iner and the Imperial Theatre where the movie of that name opens oon will be annpunced Business wasgoodthis morn ing startingearly and with large assortment in wide range Outside vendors were busy too with new potatoes at 55c baske sets and carrots 40clarge cucumbersdoc to see and alsosmaller sizes from 75c to midgets at $150 on order large cabbage 10c threerforgsc large elery at 10c Beans were in basket sagé savoryand dill Cut flowers included glads peas and other garden favories Large roasting chickens were 4oc lb drawn andyear old atï¬e oice bo baked bread cheesennd rai bread and other nove es and smallrolls in addition to th llarge size Sewingandfancy work are al waysznn sale and also offer vgift suggestions Manda Readers we asked to name in 15 words less one thing they needed like hole in the head Samples to date have from another gift tie chewing gumIve lgot falsc te Wh golfin man some to render bird calls or sustoi Another entrant suggesed flat spareitire while still has other cha said pretzels with Anotherthlng someone need cd like hole in the head we razorIm from Cubal was one acid An itch with both arms in sling doom ll ceremonial parade of equipm sugges to the robbery butrdenied be had any part in the violence He admitted that he had taken 55 from tho vlctim Hiscmlt player John notably farmer said he had employed longhurst for parts of two years andbad found him very trustworthy He would accept him back after this trouble had been settled When counsel orthc other Ic cuscd did not agree to accept the evidence as heard on the Longhurst blflof guilty Crown Attorney Thompson asked for an adjournment so that he could get better acquainted with the evidence it Was following this short adjournment that he with drew any charges against Earl Sturgeon He said he had learn er than Earl did at drink and that he had on rt in the rub bery or the violence GOT PIPE Ronald Sturgess next to be heard pleaded guiltytory and also Vst be had been the one to get thepipe to be used for the attack He had tears in his eyes as he answered the Crowns questions regarding the assault and robbery Ross Grant who actually struck the blows with the pipe said he did not know why the pipe had been given him until he was told to go hdcad angthit him He said he not too the first time fr If gave you gun and told you to shoot me would you do it CrownAttnrney Thompson asked Then before the accus ed bad time to reply Mr Thompson said believe you would Grant stated he had got to the second grade in school He was employed asa laborer The others admitted that Grant was quite intoxicuted obbew nautical or Constable Fox 41 the Bradford deï¬thmgnt of the one anar receiving the call from Burr succeeded in rounding up the accused men otthe party during thelnllowlng day He told the rtory he had pieced it togeth eraaying that Bunhad been struck two blow wmi whithad been learned later was piece of pipe was not found Orvilic Burr stocky man in histhirties said thatha had been convicted good liianytlm es for drinking poms of the con victions resulting ln up to days tiesaid that he was the one who ledthe others to the bontleggers and he had bought the goods He knewhe had $21 onhlm and this badbeen taken The blood from his wounds was mnning down his face he said He was not laminar with the wiuaupaniznin country where he was taken but when he saw farm light was making forlt when caught and brought back to be robbed and lefton the roadside Convictions being registered against the three accusedc they were remanded in custody week for sentence Giant Pie For Italian Team TORONTO CF 460 squareinch pizza pie capable of satisfyinggzl persoosrts being manufactured in Toronto hotel in honor of Italys Pnlmero soc cer team which plays at Varsity Stadium Tuesday Tony Rolden hotel chef and pievforemnn modestly claims the piï¬za in onset the worlds larg es Investigate Beachliollution Officials SayNot Sewage Pollution acove at Wood land Beach is not raw sewage Ontario Provincial Department of Henlth officials told Simcoo County HealthUnit Sanitary In spector Don Morrow Thursday Mr Morrow said he expected to receive report on provincial laboratory tests within the next day orso Woodland Beach Gottagers Ar seciation would be no ed of the finding he said Sediment in the water near the shore said provincial authoring was mainly organic matter cumlt prised of decayed leaves stems plants and sawdust Microscopic examination of sediment by Ontario Water Re Corps Weekencl Af Borden Toddy The lastof the current series of Co woekends holdstha interes in Camp Borden to day as the Royal Canadian School of Infantry throws itself open to display and inspection The weekend is designed to allow the off candidates to show their abi ities in tough in fantry training The highlight of the weekend amid profusion of teas mess dinners and banquets is the The parade at Square will begin at 230pm today with the cadets marehlng on the field preceeded by the crack hand of the Royal Cana dian Dragoons under music director Lieutenant Edwin Spanner The band will be performing one its lastfunct as before leaving in October for two year tourof duty in Germanyi Brigadier Putves Com mandant of Camp Bordenwill inspect the officer cadets Trophies and awards willyhe handed out tothe top officer candidates The most covetedof these is the Infantry Sword awarded tothe best allround student in the three practical phases of his officer training at the CS of At Display nt andlatest meth ods also at Square will grab theforefront nfiint est non the top hats glNGLEs vmc no Victoriast Barrie PRFYEWAY sources Commission had shown the pollution contained plant and animal matter the latter being decayed cruslaceans It had reasonably high bac teria count although pimilar tests made on sediment nearer Wasaga Beach had widely varied bacteria counts Some were high and some were low said Mr Morrow addedJre did not knov whether it would be harmful to swimmers or not and did not yet want to commit himself The smell might be remov say Toronto officialsby raking the sediment out of the water and leaving it dry and other accoutrements otformal wear come out of trunks for the formal dress ball at the Oflicers Mass and give the men chanceto show off their socialgraces The Dragoons bandwitl pro videthe music sunday at 10 church parade will form in Square aid will march to the two chap The weekend concludes with buffet luncheon for theistaff and student officers and guests at the officers mess Sunday noon gt The first Canadian Schools of Infantry dates back to 18nd and bythe time World War Ifcama three regiments were operat ing lnCanada Bythe en the war the name was ch ged to the Canadian VrTraining School In 1945 the Small Arms Training School then operat ing at Long Branch was moved to Camp Borden and in the spring of 46 the Canadian School of Infantry was switch ed from vetnon BC den gt The RCSoi under Colonel Commandant iN nova mason CUTTING duty was sharetl by George Johnst Member of theLegislature for Sirocco Centre and Reeve orientations Creeniore really dressed up last night and had itself ball Occasion was the official opening of the newdzmile stretch of pav ed road iromthe village to an gusi0ne of the firstuses of the new road was for street dance Warden James Pattondeciared theroad open after George Johnsto LA for Suneoe Con tre and Montcalm Ma ice may of Tiny ToWnsvlpand chairgnanof we County Good Reads Comrni ee had wielded the scissors on broad rwhite tape Later the tape cutin to innumerable all pieces as souvenirs for the igzcrowdr Man Released 0n $2000 Ball hareeld Rarria City Police LFriday With shoo ng father was releasedvon all of $200 Vertyo Dumont 15 alleged to have fetched shotgun from the cellar while his parentswere argutn and shot him in the shoulder and arm He will appear in Barrie Magistrat Curtnext Wednes day The sand on of Napoleon Dumont the accuseds father is stated to be slightly prove Montcalm Maurice of ï¬uy Township chairman of the county Good RoadsComodttee Warden James Patton of No The roadrwas constructed un der county engineer Jones who was present at last nights ceremony for the Ontario gov ernment which has assumed the road as development project Cost was about $600000 Res cuts of Creemore particularly arc findingtbe new pavement convenient for commuting to Camp Borden More than 100 re sidents leave the viliage for camp every day Reeve Frank Gray told reporters Each of them saves 15 minutes every morning and thesame in the ev enings Already there has been an crease in the usage of theroads Thecouiity has completed stretch of road through dal Township from New Lowell to Highwayzdn and now more coupon Was InJuredi oldwater motn hadcuts to the face and suspec frac ture of the ribs Fridayafter cuili on on the brow of thchilL Victoria HarbourflntarioPro vincial Polleen Const Archie Donaldson said Francis Godfrey 39 met mot istEerna Bonne the browofia lull alfamile east of Highway The road they Mile Lake Road iurbulent rivers in India 550 miles from the Vlndlfyaa the Bay of Bengal row to tawnsaga township stands in centre to declare the road offi They Had Ball 1361111197 N¢WROCIC1 than twice as many vehicles use the two roads0n weekends use age of the road has increased four times We have been long time getting it Mr ohnston toid crowds last night Ittook us nine years remembervour iasttrip to Tordnto We werenttoo happy when we came back He recalled the Minister Highways had told the delegnlt lionplessing for the road to he developed that the government had the money but not the en gineering resources Engineer nes had offered to build it wrth government money Mr Jnhnston hoped the road would continue west to Highway 24 in the near future Warden Pattonvalso looked for ward to the extension of the road It will eliminate the dust and traffic hazards around Dunedin he said The population of Can ada would be 20 millions in five years and they would need more roadsito travel on Fverybody seams tobaina rry Also in the official rty were the Rev Sayers who said prayer of dedication Herb Barker elerkrof Sunnidale Towin ship former warden of the county and members ofxgthe county road committee Reeve Ken Gillespie Oro and Reeve Russel SomervdlepStaynar The up was followedby carnival with sideshowsanda ant bingo game The Creemore branch of the Canadian Legion which has hada lot tovdo with getting the road ui organ the sociaieve hosted an