13950 iing students confused Differént Text Bboks of children moying to other uring the school term have been system whichfinds different and different teaching meth employ2d in the new school bury star observes nine cases the pupil is advanced spoint where he chews his pencil class catches up to their he has alreadyrecelved else Inother cases the pupil findshim dying textbooks he has never seen hool lrustees Association to ask 91 move towards standardization The refusal of the department of education to anodtï¬at it is desirable is an example 01 outoftouch reasoning that gives am muhition to critics of Ontarios educa rrtlonal 3515mm We fear Education Minister Duniop misses the point when he says no two teachers are alike and would certain iyinot wish to see all teachers forced ihto identical moulds for either the mat ter or the method their teaching There is no desire to folcaJtcechers into Identical moulds Give two carpenters identical cools and they use their own methods or arriving at snidenticai re suit To give teacherstbesame tools does not mean they would all be forced into the same mould but it does mean that pupils in the wools wouldnot be ham dicapped whentransferred from one school to another Wealways had the idea the education of the pupils is the prime ideas That is the heart ofthe matter$chools exist not to provide Employment for tea chersbut to educate students Teachers are necessary part of that process undoubtedly the most important part 74 but we are in an age devoted to the idea of systems and methods and we some times allow our taaoination with meth odology to obscure the fundamental pur pose 01 our effort It is not reasonable for child teat tend one school and learn from certain texts at certain pace and then move to anothcrschooi only to find new texts and new pace that are different on ough to cause him to flounder for weeks and perhaps months Holiday Motorists Bewgré The holiday season is at its peak More andmore people are climbing into cars and starting on on long trips most of mempeopie who are not accustomed to spending long hours behind the wheel of vehicle It is to these holiday drivers stunt traffic and medical authorities than the allowing advice The trip should be planned for easy Stages Most motorists drive short dist ces during 49 or So weeks or the year think they can cover hundreds of miles on special holidays or on vaca tions The average person is not physic ally or mentally conditioned to drive eight to 10 hours aday lracationirig drivers should stop for requent breaks Noncollision accidents most of which are caused by monotony owslness or generailack of alertness account for about 35 per cent of all traf fic deaths Safety and medical authorit Opinions of Other Newspapers MADE sALVATIOleTS HAPPY Cape Breton East salvation Army band played God Save the Queen upon the arrival Newfoundland community the past 27 years have been struggle for Salvation Army ofï¬cer Maxwell Cole in keeping of Her Malesty in his band going at Deer Lake Nfid But it was all warm it The Queen told him Your music lovely The band is composed of ten men ght women two girls and boy After the Royal couple had ielt the band leader said This inakesup forall our sacriï¬ces Brave little band playing earnestly the tune whichlhe words lmpore God to save the Queen great momentforwhich the musicians had practised faithfully Then the Queen tells Vihem in music was lovely Four kind words her to he remembered asrshe spoke them and yeyed band leader telling about it after ard One of the best moments of the Royal Tour be is the porno of bigger events AND THAT is Tim Hamilton Spectator fifteelryesrold boy in the United States confessed to series of assaults on women is excuse familiar one is that he was the dim of an irresistible impulse We never see this tlmcworn pleabut we ecall the blunt commonsense of an English iudgewho when it was offered to him in court as defence promptly replie irresistible pulse is an impulse that be resisted Many reckless driversar mentally Bible says traffic official Ilhis appraisal cant beappiiedltoi the most reckless of them opalson cant ind Uhr Emir Examiner errantaccesses um stigma none Publisher and General Manager nuance Basins Manager LB sansarr MnanorBdltot inï¬nity Single so 5c use six monthi coma cum to omui 14 megs antral not sfor re nbllcltlon er lted ies recommend that motorists stop every considerable duty to achieve lion year will be couple of hours and drink cup of coffee tea or similar beverage good nights rest before the start of trip is important to enable the motor ist to start out refreshed and relaxed llhe days driving should end well before dark because statistics show that the most dangerous hours on the highways are from tour to eight oclock in the at ternoon and evening The car should be in perfeet mechan lcai conditionnln recent nationwide check two out of everyflve cars were rejected as unsafe for suchvlolations as defective brakes lack of rear lights had steering and so on And of course it is only common sense to obey all traflic regulations especially speed laws Three out of 10 drivers involved in fatal accid dents wereviolatihg speed law other violations include followinganother oar too closely failure to give right of way and improper turns 400000 FOR DEFENCE Ottawa Citizen Civil Defence operation will pass into the hands of the army on September and the military are not going to be caught napping Staff officers numbering about 60 are now Asnu You saw Your the has donounadtbo GCF delveiatobau mm Don lluDousldm pricunttbls winnersuns Andthntlrpryxnioodaicini mian wh m8 mm so are inn there It foam covenants noom lo the time however he is to have lotot lympaihrwlibnlsdelvlng injure out pimwu would lay the government boobed badlylatbownyitwilnihsin of Honor REAlZWEW MIRKQ Rexl CUBA TODAY Is Country Another Dictatorship LOOK AND LIVE flooding For Ill this second article of se Castro however does not apjtrated unions now are sufficiently ries of three William Ryan Associated Press foreign news aniyst gives some answers to the quution of whether another dictatorship is likely in Cuba Ryan has just conducted new surveyof developments in Cuba since he was last there as the Batista dictatorship collapsed By wnnwun avail HAVANA APlt can he un wise for Cubanto be careless about questions nowadays Be might ask casually of the wrong person How do you think things are going these days And be told partly Thats counter revolutionary question El Jefe Maximothe foremost leaderoi the revolution Premier Fidel Castro has strange idea of democracy To him Cuha seems to represent the purest form of Athenian democracy be cause ihe crowds come outint his beck and callto cheer for his leadership Castro rails against dictator ships in Latin America and it is likely he is completely sincere learning how to operate mobile defence col in believing himself champion urnns at the Canadian Army Staff College Kingston Theywill be the nucleus that will direct civil defence work if there is nuclear attack It is expected that work will movesmoobhly men will be necessary to carry such an operation if all major Canadian targets are attacked This will pose problem Army authorities doubt that government that shuns selective service for military use would tolerate sucha plan for defence ltwill probably require concerted recruiting effort to get these columns or even apart of them Effective reuniting officers thatused their fluency in past years to enlistnyouth may again he necesshry But they will have an ad vantage With directplan which the army in some measure has lacked since its usefulness re cently has been questioned recnniing should moreplausible it may be possible to enlist the militia to major size taking in the youth thatwould form the basis for civil defence and also be available for any other home front use Certainly the army is given very In china 1959risthe gear or casein and inJapan it is the Year of theWlld In the 175 1960 general elec of 9m elm EB oerthe title How toLive Aioneand Inlthesehectlc times warmly welcomed would bee book wi the same titleminus fiklohé fhick in Head by Wife Restores Mans EyesightHeadline That as lucky strok to him nowhecan of liberty 0n the surface there is liberty in Cuba mancan talkropcnly if he chooses But if he is overheard he can he in for trouble news papermao can print what Jhe wants without censor looking over his shoulder But when it appears in print he can find him self in hot wateri ND OPPOSITION There seems little prospect free elections in Cuba for years aor is there much prospect for formation of real oppo on po litical activity LETTERS TO EDITOR AN OPEN LETTER To run one aoann Guthrie Aug 1959 Dear Sir was amazed to read the reported comments on my bus made at your meeting July 30 For over 25 years have driv ens school bus to the Barrie Collegiate Being mechanic have nl ys kept my bus in good cond onrealizing the re sponsibililyof transporting chil dren in the article with the heading Man Condemns School Bus theraare several false tale ams soninlawdrov in February until Jun pear to relate these thingslo dictatorship its just that he does not seem to permit Cubans any doubtsbout the road theyre travelling Some aspects of thedeuelopiog revoluilon have bn ugLv look though on the surface they might appear innocent enough For example there are 4hr patrols On the surface these are little moreJhan boy scouttype organizations devoted to fine and patriotic ideals But vlmderneath they seem someth else again The youth patrol ade its up pearahce in olive dr buniforrna in the big parade celebrating the July 26 anniversary of Castros movement The boys were me outing scurlous little twisted loosestep They are part tros revolution HELP YDUCE The patrullas inveniles de la policia revolucionaria is billed as an organization intendedto help the police The youths in the patrol are supposed to lnfonn the police of what happens in their neighborhoods Up to the present about 27000 are enrolled in the organization operating thus far only in Hav ana ilnder the direction of ady namic middle aged woman leader named Carldad Alvarez Alamo It is supposed toenrol youngsters from seven to it years but the age actually ranges not 17 or other ominous patients include tbemution of many workers in as Casv cluding some sugar cane campe inos that the revolution permits them to strike at the dropof hat for the most outlandish de mands In some areas Communistinfli The conditionof bus Wu condemned Perhapsthe Col legiste Board do not know that the Dcparime of Transport makes period checks on the school buses My bus has al ways had bus for the couldnt meats onselling ofmyvconhact Anyone rm businessrealizes that couldnbseil contract but husfwhere there is acontraot available is naturally worth high Lena had herowas no qu meat ethanspoxt My bushes Hwaysflbeem up to thEsu re qlurements When 1th tsunami mam berfof mi abo arhcl be Hut powerful to become clearing house for the labor force with full control over job assignments and wages These are only symptoms Per haps much of this will be over come on the whole even among the harassed middle class there is much wishing for Castros rcvoludo much conï¬dence it will succeed in the long run despite gloomy porients fibers was no advance bulldn and the timing coming so sh sfouthc election was bad Add leeondIILtners is nuance lion that the puth about the profits being QIVE REASONS Ono reporter cant say whether the brewing induslry needs the extra money ltylll be getting or not lt Likewise he cant iay whether the hotel keepenheedit But hecertsinly whbeethat ha couldhp Like puny otli not he Mbewooldfselmnru nboutthsprlcerise monomer lthellrlghtlortbcbrewerlu lodaim profits mdown nutthemhnomdoom intbeindluirypnrduilarbrhcn its butknown magnate appar entlylpeodsmom likentee homhnhmshml mar re Iiod an amicable utï¬ey 2mm that TV cut lntotbelr sales But as one pundit closelo the industry put it That still only seems tomeantbat they are down four instead of five mink con gt PUBLIC roam The argument that this Is the business of the lodustrlhisloue doesnt hold water is curdmonopolistic and It is tinder gevermnsu regulation In similar industriessuch as annual gasoihls means profits are controlled Mr MacDonalds ermuuent that the government take in other province is larger ihan Ontarios has never been denied nlf thexliquor industrydoesot want to be eventually shelved by CCF delve it might banks to present better case tothe Public ominous pm FOB Clarks lliBllLllllS li0lli ill nu 3HElllli some 42 31 TRCA victor 2m Speaker SWIVEL risenmocha ouLUMINATeosLior RULE mm THIS RADIOiFREElf with Rurchase of rue WlNGATE galrezozm 21 coNsoLE 1l¢AVIcroRTTV The VFeorures Superb Console soiling Illuminated Channel Brighten Clearer Picture New RCA rioting lube FINE TONE RADIo wrrn Young