Niégain man visit last Alfred Mr ï¬lling an odgérs oi Toronto yuajrunawinz acquaint nnces hate MU Sunda mm was 59 diamllle ave ithm about 75 ahdneighbm called dun lernuon md evening to Ind other congratulat oh for her dghlielh illrg Wilda Wright and labialaw Mrs lewis Wright of Preamn were piesahl for line ha occasion Mr andMfl Am Dehnflor nlo spe ind hirstIlammnnd Mr andMr BBrillon Tor nto nr mending fewdnyl lth Mr and Mn Elden Listi gt Mrs Raymoml any and Gary RCA Giulia Manitoba are AMrs Gantiers wilk mildly1 man on Is pose in Camthorden and will be ing than in he near future in uninhh Dudmor lh angLloyd Conlsnn spem the weeken with relatives at Mill an and Town Ernest Gaul Winnipeg spent few days Mr and Mrs Oscar Lillian Ple David CouL son who as been ohcnursu at ImpBorden returned home withlhem Mrand Mus Ross Wilkinson dsor land Paul Fingal spent couple days with Mr and Mrs gt Mrs Geo Bridge and family and her parents Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush spent Sunday wiih relative in Toronto They visited Gordons hiother Her man Bush who is ill having lered aslrnko someï¬nzg ago rsfWm Robertson is visit ing hexV daughter and family Mr Blahg Nash of eah Andemqu Marion Moon Linda Huihe paged their exams With honors BURROUGHES ilall ndoprï¬Ã©pnscigï¬s so nheerCIALsiija si beethflesve ho 7951219 796 Draws iorxsmme Idenicr throw itofvlmgobhly landed whimwow rim gt yqulnud gnomes Mlvx 16 30 mot proof busy eelahdsbad fiélusine Iggf exiends fable ï¬n big family Ill8 Deep contra ing moldirigon fablé Tppnre adglegs have ornamqiflal brackets and seifleveilérs Vinyl cover Goodricht Toxfoam on seaisfor buoyancy jidfebséf suite gt BurhMlmbnd ï¬nish Handnoinev With Scupfnied Drnï¬erlronfs vPIVankToprï¬sflnié DehephanHVRnlpbod Lustre $80 suvingpius hose hlghquulity feqiures wii be sire bleuse you Comeio admire H156 solid ussiva oiyling duslproof and centreguided drawers dovgt led forsirengflh 7Hmworr if Ieï¬dressarAdrqwar dlettahd bookeaseiwd with sli mg panels