Airconditioned woolin wida 0pm waffle weave this two piece travel costume by Not Gordon is cool and nomiortr mm able Easy to ltrthrows7 off travel wrinkles overnight ï¬malntalnbltswellhllored Loses Weight To Save Lu By IDA JEAN IAIN An overweight who couldnt re duce to save her life did reduce so that her son would not be left motherless Todays stirring story from courageous womdn shows that when the motivation to re duce is strong enough near miracle can he wrought She writes On February 11th something happened that set me on de termined reducing ou At that time weighed 197 pounds height and had blood sugar count of Normal blood sugar forme is so to 110 That evening my 11yearold son came home in an hysterical stateAf ter getting him quieted down got out of him the reason for his upset His best friends mother had died that dayof diabetes He kept repeating that he didnt know anyone could die of dia betes DOCTOR DISBELIEVES On February 12th went to my doctor and told him that this time Twas trub serious nbout losing weight and getting my blood sugar down He didnt be lieve me because had taken no care of myself for 10 years My right arm was almost completely useless couldnt eat with it iron or write more than dozen words at one time that shows you what bad state W85 stamd that very day on 1100 calories vitamin capsule and 10 minutes of exercise Now months later have lost 41 pounds my blood sugar count is down to 1153 and have changed tromaiu 22 perfect 18 Queen Knitép While Wailing LONDON AP The Queen waitsforthe birth of baby the wow most wo always done She is knitting and sewinf baby clothes and discussing nursery furniture with Prince Pbillp Appearances of state the mak ing of speeches and thelehaking of endless rows of handsarelaid aside un after the birth early ext year This temporary releaaefroin official duty will besomething the 33yearold Queen has not aperieneed since she cendcd the tllrone Feb 1952 Queen Elizabeth the ignore one tradition followed by most iamillu Clothes are not made and the nursery is not decoratednn blue for abomr pink for gist basis The color schemein the our aeryis buttercup yellow Before Prince Charles was born she conï¬ded to hefformer goveiness that she it waamore tactful that way She isreportedto have said the fancya little gir turn ing up and ï¬ndinglthe wrong colored not wed for her mne one can gums what hoping for ma Ileeï¬ll new woman still am on 1100 calories and con tinue to take the vitamin supple ment But now am guereising for 40 minutes every day plus walking two inlla can now sew iron and writeas you can see fmm this letter LDSES EVENLY have lost the weight evenly from head to toe and have not become drawn or tired looking in my face do needSome special exercise to help restore tone to the abdominal muscles and to pull off roll of fat right above my bra line under my arms Tell your other overweight diabetes that whereas uSed to require 80 units of insulin day am now down to units day Cheers for this courageous mother Love is motivating force so strong it can truly work miracles Reducing the excess weight lightens the load on the system Exercise is of paramount inn penance tolthe diabetic for it lowers the blood sugar and there by lessens the amount of insolln needed On both the diet and exercise score the the plicitly Gives Flag Quilt ti but even lo all isnt happy swansmm She and her girl triad went to leerend school protntozetber as neithermoat Alterw the me shodldot have any ton and that wanna oomph muted her friend on how pretty ebe poked but nobody compile items has xtlxiy akin to measurinwsw blon In interesting month warmly cut humorous cuplde bow with lull nodallip brod lair brow and vulceéy shaped widely spaced it comes to the social am EXAMINER WEDNESDAY auausr 12 use Should Use To Curb Iealous By CLEVELAND mas Of boy four with brother two mother write from Ohio He leases and formats both chlldrennnd adultsng in the sand box with Other Children he will destroy their creations and he overjoyedatthoitmnger and annoyance Other2 children hate him and cry toavold him Hedelighta in doing everything to annoy notooly Ila hisperente but all adults no muons gaseous The mother reports that al though this child was very jeal nusof his brother she thinks this is not so now Then she goes on to ear We show him an abundance of love and praise him when he does praiseworthy things He seen to an SnudayVSchooL Both his daddyand with bimi sing read and talk to him has ailrkindsot boob playschooltwdmorninza week 1118 No doubt jealousy is factor in your chlldl behavior Yet you seem to beacting well to help this child feel own in the family Aguenuy you are kustlng too Inn to persuasivemeasures and hava not made No decisive and attentive When he deliberately annoys other children as when be destroyed their creations in the sand pile you need to be on bandimevehould tinn him over your knee at such times and smack paddle him soundly warm on comnon one you have him under con trol you might abandon spanking Punishhhn byhuvlngblmaltln choir form minutes unamlu ed Spank him ooiyif he leaves the chair too soon an mm larger than pinhead the odds against this method of crosspub eternal ltlldent you wbonitfer hum levelrand asthma on bt JSonIuchfortherorta vltrwdf Janesflsurezia va or with her face she can he beauty by present day standards soon eroticlearns how to package honelfwlth styloand how to roam herself as equal in per sonal valueto other girls who believe in their own nttractlge nee tlilokJanea vreal handiCap on them of beiogliked and havingheaux basto do with passivlt anddepeudenoyol character lacks driveV self oonlidcuce Kitfllflndgit will and Purposes of her ownwhen swim Per hapsthtsisbecauseshelslong conditioned to overprotective parental car GETTING THE PITCH Where other girls her age have been taking tofdating and the game of trumplng eachvotherl beads with boys very muehves duck takes to water Jane has happen And it Just doemt Socialsuccesscrowns those who understand it is goal to be won reward to fight ferin tho Scriptural sense lightingthe good light Parents cant do the childs work for him Instead they must plant him on his own feet early to terms of affording him13lrainlng in giveandvfaka that teaches trim to get along with others rollwith the punches come up smlling and keep on pltchliggiostructedxather than daun by passing revereee Mï¬ Mary llaworth counsels through her column not by mail or personal interview Write her in oarejxof this newspaper Spend time studying him gun even curb hi is with other son has reported his bad doings Also you might learn more about him by observing him occasion ally in the playvschool aowirnaan your IdLQndbn Museum LQNDQN Ont CF The flags of 72 nations are appliqued and embroidered on quilt made in 1899 by former Ontario dress maker Mrs Gertrude Logan pres to the London Elston Society earlier this year and now it is on displayin the Menstru Mrs Woodhunmanled at the time used dictionary to help her reproducethe flags any of the flags have since some have changed The fin the United States Had fewer stars The flag of Siam new Thailand asted vanelephant The flag of China was yellow black dragon USED GOWN MATERIALS Missjmgan and her sister had downtown shop at which they made gowns for the noted ies long that sweptthe floor woth high necklloes and wide legofmutton sleeves Scraps of ï¬nernaterials from the gown were used re produce thevflags Bright to yellow and beige woolr locka were used th The ouog dressmak es ctnried borne her bicycle at Imeh lnilsklrted dresses time to work on the quilt in lahed itin 1599 then put it away Married yearsglaterto Ben am Woad who died in 1944 Mrs ood would occasionally take herquilt from its box air mod the clothesline and replace the mothballs When she took it out this year it was as brightand fresh ha ever and she decided to givethe precious keepsake to the citizens of London Mrs Wood was born In Water loo Iowa She moved to Londtm when she was eight and haslived herevaipceeibiltga have changed lot in the span of time and stylesarea lot more sensible othan when eladded the city should allowthem It is not clear how he could tense yon parentsyxoept by hnrtp iogyauorretuslngtoobeyyoo Define clearly what he most pothole you or other pmons Then see that he cannot repeat without instant physical discom fortno explaining no repetidon of No Ueeiynur hand and dont wait until you get angry wrth bnnly Ecommmouaam Do go on you and Dad reading to him making things with him and having fun with him If he likenit cuddle and rock him But inge deï¬ne limitations and tr him to acceptlllo or Dont promptly with ï¬nality and without gothe My bulletins Preventing and Reducing Jealousy Stnlbornn and How to Teach Child MEAN ING0F N0 may be had by sending sell andre US stamped enveiope to me of th newspaper when he dren No sense lnpimishinghimafhreomepen or soun nine 05 HEM plant alone WOOLWOPJHS ti While flowers reootato both male and female reprodub tlve organ and can fertilize ism i°in 33 on or very llcult or impouth POLLENS JOB Nature roller upon Ins eucliubeceoruponthewtn tor mouthum This is the Sob at the pollen unto them to plant eg gs to produce eeedl and thus oew generation of plants By relying upon the wind na ture takes tremendous chance grain of pollento be success ful must and on flower atig meet its own specter Turn the only place that it emper form its function Slncethe sugars nilv be no llnatlon are fantastic llature compensates for this 17 releasingmuch to the an noyance of allergy victims vast amnnntaot pollen lt is estimated that for eabh particle of corn pollen that pen forms acrosspollination fune tlon successfully some 25000 quinine released ASTRONOMICAL MOUNT When you see all those stalks corn and multiply each grain by 25000 you get some idea of the astronomical amount of pot len that is loosed into the air each year by this one type of SEAL OFsATlSFACTltDVN Annuustu can sown Bompnffln sonny unstructod of Julia Jeahlerlo canlomla in Bonn mplagg ï¬tted on notepad mserhlulugpenul and core PA 844661 mm zen pA mu PA 84423 tattoo minnow OGKS WGULWURTHS 39 till ON SALE THIS WEEK article It ll and LI produoo Milan My Wvhejll etc anyoneorx AND Hr TBD mean af correct lootlnd thep co uottzeetnient to ya we Barber PrefersMens Curls TORONTO CPI BdrmK569 Huhtale prefers clipping mans hatrto fussing over wolmoe colffnre Shes ohe of Torontos few women harbors Although she had trouble getting job all went well once she was employed Canadian men wereat first very nervous about having me out their hair or above them with cutthroat razor Mrs Huhtals says Butnow have my own customer who always ask for me She prefer it when the men gt Instructions because she it makes the work more to meeting Mrs Euhtala says cutting mens curly hair is more difficult than cuttlng womene curls They have so much less hair that one cant cover up mistakes as one can with womens coif ture Beards and mustache must be trimmed to balance perfectly Mrs Euhtala leaned the trade in Finland She came to Canada with her husband in 1951 ENFORCE ON Ooly Ontario and Saskatchewan have provtnce wide laws en forcing the pasteinination of milk THE issues so By marinaraa FOR TOMORROW Pounce and little man thmtheusunltactwillheneegg to maintain haflnflfly dull tomnoon Nervoustemlon on the to pertotmnnywillmakeit dv able for all to watch dispositions in order to avoid diuenolan The PM will bring some relaxation lrotn such pressures FOR THE BIRTHDAX lt tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicate personal relationships will behlghliahted during the oomlng year Do mastic ties should grow stronger and there is planetaryovldln co thatthrough broadened social horizon you will makemuy new friends and valuable buainou contacts Best months for aro maoce November May and June Wherelob and business inter ests are concernedyou may havo to work alittle harder than what brig thzurcwaarda welgalhl we wo up alert to new op ornide inthia connection dur October and December An uptrend in your financial status begins in into No vember continues for at least eight months Beginning with early December and co timing for at least six months agin ation and originality will be un der fine stimuli which willho welcome news to those Svhou workmma along creative scien tific or executive lines Those in the entertainment field are also starblessed during this period child born on this day will be intuitive and enterprising could succeed in any field which brings him ingteontact with the glbllc ff asst or FOR aAcKJoescuoqt rims unionst tOOSEtEAF Htltlts WhitinJham with some atom on for easy subloot Identification 969 linen imm totem EQU TAlN 9ng nominroumm in