by entertaining Jiiem do bar becue chicken dinner at Barclay Squm lilzhwny 11 it was in occasion ui Llutorntersm George and Jud young who tnrted in the store businm in 946 and whojoined the GA gnnlution In 160 uw clear thnt Suoudneedainshop pinz centre and the woner they could get started on this pro jectithe better they could keep with food mérketlng The brothers also started the imtiilii DevelopluentAssocintion Youngs hope that in this inr spaceqn whieh they have tinnrshuo at least six other merchants wtli come in and itnrt denling Thejstrearnihï¬ng oi shopping ln the Strouu area will bring with it difleientsystem business hours The store will be 10 Mondays and will re main Wednesday aiternoon and mrsdny nm Friday even 85 Thenew shopping centre ix just north of the Finn Service birthday Thou latsen were Lin and Mrs Howurd Broiey andJill Mrumdurs Clarence Brow Torontohflr and Mrs Everett Kneeshaw Paul Ind Gary Bradford The int Mn Gordon mason Olivel we daughter nndher hushand and dnughten Donna Marie and Glenda werein at tendance Alterwnrds the luniiyrepair ed to the home of Mr and Mrs Everett Kneeshaw where the hiolrlgredcoupla reecived lovely WillinmMuiholinnd Grimsby is my this wed with his brother Frank of Stroud and his nephews here On Friday Mr nnd Mrs Nor man Mnyes attended birthday party at Thornton for Mrs Dave Clerk on the occasion bi her Both birthday anniversary The rendered our commun ity congratulate 1165 on the splendid writeups he has given us of the new GA and history the local Credit Un cpngratilllat YOUNGSIGAsuPERMARKEi lAin Pleas ill Pointingand Decorating Needs Congratulation serve Stroud and Ah BULLDOZlNG ERAV by 303 GARNER Phone PA 84832 ed TnHoveBeen Chosén The Contra hashingrm Thavkoad he YOUNGSV IGA ESEHER jWILLIAMS SWIMMING POOL The mg is swimming area ishï¬undedhy 3mm outsld dimens San Imedbbr wetmenu High capacity 25 41 ot beautiful Oauioiniaï¬enwood with sturdy steel reinforcememp herto keep water tresh and ape klin um Exclusive Esther Wimarmsweter tight pool skin Wetime stainiess steelindder Over Automatic surface skimmer omge sp ce writer tea kit erd cmod Free flow main drain Initial supply or chemicals Poo de rule plaque Esther Williams own book on swimming guest reg you e119 nhohpy healthier family rmutnounnu and Pool Dim Everyb JGENERA comcrux mismmhg an theLlV ENG POO nilords maximum solely itkeeps children and pets from wandering in when pool is noch use