The chart divides the lake in latitude and longitude THE NEW Lake Simeoe chart andgrid is being ex amined by the newly elected Commander Al McMahon Sergeant Charlie Robertson of the North Gwillimbury Plr lll Krswrcx Start Resc lice Corporal Ted Giddons ct Barrie OPP and VieeCom mander Al Ward The chart and the method of locating distrcss calls were explained at the first grocrdi meeting indicated it timetable to List year totalitarian total 31 mm AndBarrie council has ruins Gibcomm nine tea ixatuang tha inns and is tinglrlba xwill likely hi to favor and Sunnldale $2100 of the Lake Slmcoe Rescue Auxiliary and last eighth Kcswlclr The policeotflcers acted as advisers to the newly formed group Ekaminer Photo ué Plan For Lake Simcoe in small room atop Kesv wick boathouse last night 21 people including boat marina operators and police put into operation master plan for or ganizing rescue operations over all nf Lake Slmcoc They form the Lake Simcoe Rescue Auxiliary The LSRA will work ashn auxiliary force to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 0n tarlo Provincial Police and the localpolice in aiding rescue at tempts Barrie OPP will be the cen hai dispatching unit and will forward calls to the closest marinas to go to the site of an accident and help until the pol ice boat arrives In this way with marinas posted all aron the lake help for adistress case would he only minutes away In previous cases another problem besides the lack of nearby boats lay with rough approximations of the exact area This guessing will be named led by the use ofa new plan adiï¬ted by the auxiliary last 20 sections of five minutes section col Eadl ers appronma Ell square miles my sunnrvrjms grill was also dos ad which can be placed over allfyF oi synops Pleasant weather Wlll prevail across most of Ontario today few thundui storms developed over southern Michigan today are expected to spread Into southwestern Ontario today and across the lower Great akes regions Wednesday Clou dy skies with showers and mum derstorlns are forecast for the of the Johnsonstreet storm Lake Erie Windsor Cloudy wlth few sunny intervals today and Wednesday few isolated owers or thunderstorms this afternoon and evening little warmer Winds light Lnke Huron London Sunny With few cloudy intervals today Cloudrng over late tonight with fewisolatedshowers or thunder storms Wednesda warrner Winds light Lake Co ara Georg lan Bay lorolggli Hamilton Slmny today Sunny Wednesday clouding over in thefafternnon wrth few isolated showers or thunderstorms Aiittla warmer little Winds light Halibur Sunny with few cloudy intervals todaysndch today nesday few scattered afternoon showers both days Warm winds Hg Kirkland Lake North Bay Sud burySunny today andWednes day clouding 9V5 Wednesday afternoon with few showers or thunderstormsbeginning byjeven lag Not much change in storm Winds light TimminsKapuskasin gt Cloudyi with saga and thundershowers Wednesday Not much change in temperatur inds light Forecast that sum my tlrm of which the Chairman of ed by Barrie CityCouncil last finance chairman Aiderlrlan Ar thorMorrow had stated Mr Smithfhaddeman min the sections Each section would thus be subdivided into 20 smaller areas and agulck an act reference for anymcue op eratlon can then be made if someone sights case of distress all that is memory is reference to chart for exact location and then phone call to the local or the central ofï¬ce of Barrie OPP The OPP would then dispatch boat from the nearest marina and thus help would be only minutes away from any spot in the lake WIDESPREAD USE The successmt this plan said Al McMahonof Keswick newly elected commander is the wide spread distrihution and use ii this mapand grid He said it must be hung whérever boatmen gatherlhe chart and grid must everyone including bothersand become annual reference for cottagess Commander Mnlitahnn stressed thcneed of mobllizing 10000 pairs of eyes on the shores The discussion often drew round realiralion that the public even the children must be nought into this plan Corporal Ted Giddons of Barrie OPP and SergeantCharlie Rob erlson of the North Gwillimhury Award Barrie City Council has award ed construction contract to the Public Works Committee Aidendan Lester Cooke is on record as saying We have no conï¬dence in the Lorenzo Con structiou Cdmpany Last nigbttouncilrcceived report of theronlmittee intro duced byAlderlpan Cooke ao vising Lorenzo has been award ed the contract for construction sewer The report alsorecnm mended Georgeihultz get the contract for storm sewers for Essa Road Alderman Cooke last night told council the contractwould be more binding tnanfpreviously Other municipalities he dei dared hfld employed Lorenzo under such contracts and found them satisfactory The weather was more favorable to contrac tors Ee added lorenzo tender was $1900 lower lhan the near considered The committee had est whichwaa also carelme sought had received powers to act at previous council meet ing anacr commons police were at the meeting serv ing in anadvisory position CorporalGiddons airmed the need for able crews organiza tion and close cooperation with the police who will command all operations Thoughts by members were also expressed at extending this chart system to Lake Couchicb ing but it was decided that the Lake Simone mtcm should be made to work first The meeting resulted in the election of ofï¬cers work lm mediately Al McMahon whowas the or ganizar behind the new scheme was elected commander while Ward of Toronto was chosen vicecommander Underneath these ranks were five lieutenant commanders secretary lieutenant and treat urer lieutenle All marina operators would be eligible for holding the pmh tions of lieutenant commanders This executive will serve till Oct 81 when an annual execu tive will be elected other types of mace open stars have already answered the call Skin divers and air craft pilots have expressed inlt tcrestintheidm orerizo Sevver Cohtraét Alderman Newton noted thecommittec hno awarded the contracts quickly He had been under the lmpnssion lot of work would be involved Alderman Cooke replied the committee had considered only the prices and reputations of the tenderers Speciï¬cations were drawn up bytlle cityrengineeri ing department which reduced the amount of work involved in comparing tenders He told Alderman Charles Wilson the large price spread vvas caused by contractorsgwho tendered high Prices in the hope there would be no other tender In report presented to Council may is themed Works Committee had condemned the work of the Cousin lion Company on eight counts Complaink inehlded disregard to private property sloppy work manship poor compaction and methods of ï¬lling trenches catch basins out of iinefnilure to En ish up as the work progressed cutting off servicesand failure to replace diam machines on ide walks and no attention to erection of traffic signs lights W111 our Queenstreet may rlIn straight after alL direct motion pass night provided for payment of $200tijo Smith whose 92 yearold house stands in the middle of the propns tron of Queen Street At the last council meetln the property Mr an Examiner Arepor offered th house thehlnldlng ouidr hcrknoclrcd dew and street straight But last night council was told Mr Smithhnd nevermsked for $5 iiewould accep $1009 sa surewy deal vmentedvAl Fred Smith Aldermen stlillquer ithe city shouldpay to the cost of Isisnigh Queen treet hi th told ancking Stree Including divide theirland into more lots Mr Smithtosub Govcrlimenti grants will an nount for mamdlunicipalitlea pay the balanceSlrncoe County terraced to provide $976 lnnisfll 32M yesprn $15 Essa 832200 011131230 New provincial legislation will permit the payments to beansdo rovera periotiwithout requirv in annual plebiscitéa previous byiew of Banla town was he dared invalid Later private bill was introduced to the legis LENNY allow the homitala wing to be ï¬nanced but was withdrawn when an unendmcnt Diabetic In Crash diabetic who was mm to Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sunday after he had been found in the hack of car sick through lack of insulin was involved in car accident on Blake St Mom day Barrie City Police say the no cident happened when William Fitzgerald 38 Kirkland Lake lapsed into diabetic coma while driving When he was just pastJohn son St travelling cast on Blake St car went out of control any police abnd rammed another car drived George Ransom 54 Strand Damage to Fitzgeraldszcar was 3100 to the left front fender and red while Ransnms car re front fender door cab and left ceived scooaamaï¬g to the left rear fender Sunday evening Fitzgerald had been rushed to hospital in an ambulance when he was inundaickinthebaekof car on Blake St He was given large shot of insulin and th released Man days accident ay police was due to further lack of insulin Charges are pending Ecsslanenllledmnnl passbylawsmaklng my male Barriesmnnnai to bemï¬mlhisw totelueariy he has appeal up When it became ptmmsmanh cipalitics would plovide grantr enabling the new wiug 4o be it swash on as current Even ao Indebtedliesxpf the hospital at the end 05 last year was nearly 3mm Smdl3iï¬li200lh In tal Comm on vaniWpeu secretlamedledalidielcs set atigureousbedsperthourand population is suffi our vlde hospital faclll es Even without the new wing RVH pro vided this standard of acconunod atipn but still has not nearly enough bedsfor the current pa tlt load Member We lupin there wouldbeno minivan nouncement from the Cunnllsnon on this issue before local mun icipalities bad mmltted them selves 103th for the new wing THE BAG man with fudge accent was sorry at LBIake St Barrie grocery store Mon day but be had left his money in his car So with the consent of the storeowner his arms piled bigbwlthfood andparcelsof goods the man with foreign accent popped outto set his wallet Meanwhile ham at the no cery atorethe owner waited and waich and waited But he never did see the man with foreign accent again or for that matter the groceries This time it was the who left holding thebag SEVEN YEARS FOB PUSHER TORONTO CF Magisttate Rogers Monday tongue lashed an admitted drug pushes and backed up his statements with sevmyear pemten Clary term You and yourkind am more loatbfui rim mythical vampires on Mr sick souls be told George Fisher 30 Rain lit Blue Mountain Camp Fails To Dampén Open House nespile rain which dribble steadily down on Blue Mountain Camp for Crippled Children on Open Day Sunday the hundreds of visitorsand parents who bun dled outta the beautiful camp were not dampened in spirit And neither wore the Although the youngsters plans were nearly stymied when the weather betrayed them and rain started to fail almost on the dot of openingtime pm tha sebedula ran smoothly Said Mrs JButler all St Harrie vnf of fouryearlong camp chairman Jack Butler We had wondedul time anti everybody eniayéd themselves despite the demerits Indoors cbildrengave demon day strations on how they camp sleeping eating how they roll out and their roll up their sleep inghags andshow they pitch tents if rain falls The jtmlor girls who are in camp put at Blue Mountain at thepresent also showed any les theyvhad made in theirihandi craft and art lessons dlsbes vases bracelets and madbands sewn with red velvet around mm Swimming lessons were put on forthc itors including many adultswho werevat the June ad ultcamps back for tbedny and youngsters showed their paces took tests scorned physical disab tea with as einating exhibition If the 03ml am atidpralts woodlorcslng enrich thinnywliastj session old ermen calculated Mr Smith would gain $8000by hav shjeet stralgh themselvestc amge termains Council them until Sept not the agreed dnstruction of gt the road tivities were good then says Mrs Butlerlt would be difficult to describe the show Alice in Wonderlandï¬ the campers put on The recreation hall where owing to the rain most of the days golngsonhnd taken place was packed with visitors to see the show Every member ot the camp took partall 72 ofthcmawen the can confined to wheelchhirs bada part The show was pro duced byDonyCock Newmark at who the Idramadnstructor at Blue contain Alice was play by little girl on crutches and it wdslne doubtedly tllnhighlight or the The juniorygirls return homa Wednesday after their farewell dinner tonight and senior girls wfllbcthera for the last three weeks until the camp packs up for anothérryear Collingwood Kiwaulans who have not spared thmnselws any effort this year tomake he youngstersr camps ha er and easier one turnedou force for Open Day to organize volun tarily In former years them has hadtohireiout aidersto do thisand pay them as well Open falls with differ ent igroup reachgyear there are ï¬ve groups audit the sun was little slow in this time next years group are still going toyhave their work cut oatin rise to junior girl whatevcr the weather use seam Club slit Barlle yesterday for dinncrat Central United Church They had been in the Seven Rivernreaior the weekend and bndlunchcon With the Orlllla KL announ The Austlnlown Kiwaninns were accompanlen by their prub dent Paul Snyder their division lieutenant governort Hudson Martin andthc Kiwanis gover nor for Ohio district Phil Stout of the Hilltop Club Columbus End of the trlo spoke briefly Governor stout told of Ki waniswork in the state of Ohio Mr Martin spoke about Austin town on areaoj about 13000 population wh athe club had beenformed just seven years ago but already held remrd for lnterclubv15rlrng President Snyder told how the Austintown club operatedln the matter of ftmdraislng Four summcrs ago this same Austintown club visited Barrie for dinner in the old Central church on Duniop St Three of the same members wereplesent then who called yesterday In Ohio there an 23 divisions of Kl wanlsgyvilh zsl clubs and 15000 members Berriecitv Will liaise 5450000 Aiane hand waved bribe re frigerated airut Barrie council chamberJest night when Mayor Willard Kinnevcalied for votes against Thehand belonged to Mder man Frank Hersey The motion was to approve raising $450000 for additions to Banic Central and North Collegiatcs What is ourshare asked Alderman Hersey How much it it going to cost us Nobodycould answer for sure although clerk Ben Straughnn said Barrics share of the assess ment of the district Collegiate Board wasappr 52 cent last year This year it may be reduced to 60 per cent Surely the high school board should let us knnw that pro tested the alderman dont think they should ask us with ï¬tting that information motion passed The $450000 is to be shared between Barrie and adjoining muniupaiities Barrie pays about so per cent of the municipalities share of the collegiate costs ai though only50 per cent of the students are from the city Barrie will floatthe issue healing By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal Dr William Francis 81 medical historian editorand cousin of the late Sir William Osier whose famous medical books he catalogued Ottawa TRev JohnDewaard about on retired minister of the Orthodonlresbyterinn churchin Rochester Toronto Colin Groifdloscly connected wrtlr the CanadianFed eration of Agriculture and atiilb ated organizalions for lumber of years iMiami FluCharis Stuiz 7s designers tbeStulz Bear catfi pioneer sports car that helped put the roar in the roar ing 20s TomnhSilbthnett 74for years the top Canadian in this llniled Mine herd of Ameri rumor sacrumu Per Pedigrew bave 195531 an official norm irtlm the Departméntreadtndouncii than the NnttawasagaValley Walla Authority isfor aniaaucurnlmee to be called Swimmer Council isrto ask tbsMlnister of Plum ning and Development to send them mprcscntntive before the bidet au rty as propos ed foraeveralmonths past and strong efforts oythoae interest edpartlculariy the Barrie aunt ers and lcra Conservation society resulted in sufficient numbcraf municipal petitions going to the Minister whothus had authority to call to Inaugural meeting Munici Ipialitles petitioningincluded Bar lut nightva that the city could send two voting tepim latives to the meeting Vlhe would be expected said the le tor to vote for or againstvthe establishment or authorlw What Willilt costtHowjre we tovote These were the questions at body could ansqu At recent meetinggmailed by theBarrie society togivo information to municipalities concerned ries representative remained only long eoougll to ofï¬cially welcome delegates Appointed to rcpraent Barrier at the September meetingwere Mayor liiard lnzle and AL Council Reinslales Fire Chief In Spite Oiloéal Crcemores onagainoltagain tire chief lsfoiflclally back at the towns chief fire fighter aft er weeks of among council the fire brigade and the Ontario Fire Marshals otiice Lloyd hTiny Hall was reins stated fire chief at last nights council meeting after he handed in resignation because he clarm ed he couldnt get along with his men To let himgo council would have to rescind the bylaw which they passed making him chief Ehey were wary of changing by ws After investigation by the On tarlo Fire Marshals office the recommendation came to coun cil that theyretain Hall irtba lob because ofhls experience and skill in lighting firs Bis is not disputed by his men but his method ofham dhng the members of the brigade has come unda fire from one element of the group and this has caused whim in the fire brigade VrnpksJH In the ltlast two weeks five men including Deputy Chief resigned Claim against Hall by some of his men were that he upped practices from one to thre week and that through these practices he has kept the same man on the same jobs and thus failed to make all of them ac quainted with the new equip ment Stone of thoolder members of the force were openly criticalof the newer additions hired by Chief mu The veterans claimed that the newermen were trying tovrun the operations and they alsosaid that many of the new man were tooold Youcant send 60 year old man npa ladder said Deputy Chief Pediyew The otfcnded element aant around petition toloust Hall but this attempt foiled1 other claims against Hall were that be ad jobs which kept him out of for most of the weds and thus was not available to handle fires Though some of the men of the force complained strongly that they disliked Hall council decided to ask him back His force now consists of 10 man Deputy Chief Pedigrew said this morning Im not going be is chief Evidently the show is not over Higher Bidders Withdraw ulendtérs TORONTO lCPJ inquiry into suburhamlorlt Townships land sales and loan ciai dealings wm told Mon that high bidders for land twice allowed to withdrawtheir tenders Builder Alex Rubin offered $140000 in tender for industrial land in thevtownship but later bought thalland for $114000 it closed shown incouncil minutes put are the inquiry Mr Rubin withdrew his bid afterf the call for tenders had