ll rim liAnltni EXAMINER MoNnAY AUGUST to ma Biflhi Classifications IRsiil Esra IYIONAl Royi Vicioou iloo All Rool EIMM In 3m 1mm 17A Property For Sale Kr IM In Chum BVM Graydon REALIORS ileArthurn ton KO gt ONE DUNLOP EASE BARBIE ImmA PHONE PA $5565 ANYTIMEFI ml ISTAtlYBROKE Hog lul Burr HIEDROOMIIOME ilisoo III DUNWI 61 EAST Ila NH DIV 1011 tlono when ho II Violent Hoo IKFBIlggAoll AIMin ID gr And In JQIIII larynx SCHOOL AREA ci ul Indvay ttmunl dourltd iniorior PA 35 lAioItimloEmlwléh ll oil huuu lyllenl Low don nt Flask TIME OFFERED $1 iernulm ertnged PiionI PA win my palmetto In tun er on gt om him now clos Io 533mm Illlh scnooh an He II low 70 dughter In In Ir um NHA CREAGE HOUSE WITH SMALL mllflllll You mu on thin to IV hlvo KCltioiiflutlom I7A Forsol lnj Momolioms unocxwxnb loving plenary or durum momerk Lilly Bmkgill who potrd only ugurt ii lg God kne tht tho wn luIIuiu nllt ths hill um hold to cllin Ho cloud nrr writy lyeildr And whllpcnd lieco no lhlho lovlnrly remenomd ny hut osnd Ind lmuy in Card of Thanks hunGiANNFwo with to on our huriiell think and or pmllllon to tho nu ol undue menget oi wowmy Mid bunti unnuer ultlnr ior looo luu within III lnilu oi mm um lluri ht illi hours with or room no bathroom SACRIFICE SALE mnlsmliiivm mums 1100314 resrm WI umtaa sum it Dismin lulu IsrAn imAiui many honi wllh In Maroon NEW NJLA BRICK BUNGALOWS NHARESAIES lloor plus bum roonu ruin FARMS ANDSMALL HOLDINGS SLESSOR coma haunt Ashlnl 3pm Mtxo REALTOR In aim Con urry zor whom 19 COLLIER STREET ly Vincludlnl lulu lul fionl oilerlngl Ind mus cords LARGE LOT PA 85934 ANOTHER HONEY mowed from nelubhnn IllIve 31 with food Inn 20 314000 nu price Owner lnnsizmd trotn Elma io luv to tell their irndt in our nd up ond inudo ulniLt Oiltor 3323 In Illpiling Dr Smith building on prvptr Suitbl or delightlul lnreo ballroom brick nnch home Plrrpiue in living room dinlnt room ultn modern kitchen cellmlc liie brill pllla in union IVAXML xvales CALL GRAYDON KOIIL PA Hoo JAYNE JONES PA Vmi nouo DRYSDALE unini mm PARQUHANSUNPA mu ilAmti In Appreciation Mr toll Mn Cunniliio oi slnlloy uncutire who own bun kit to trial dturnter tnd Mr Mn smut l1 Puget some with lo nllllvuuhud lrllendghfor their hotplluty on rm during llielr viril lo 33mm HAROLD FORSTER REAL ESTATE BROKER 96 Baylield Street Barrio PA 66453 EVENING um KARL MARSHALLPA DWI nun MARTINltSTROUD lorl PEG MOREPA 1171 HAROLD IOWA W55 Member of Elii1 Ind Dhlflcl SATURDAY 6m cAhAliti STYLI Member Bum 4qu ONLY IPINECREST use colpl ror mm nlmluomgt PHONE ELMVALE 1571s ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW SPONSORED BY BARRIE HORTICULIURAL SOCIETY Mn Geoullnnl thd Julia ttmponry uhodv um down Low aluminum nwnlnls Ind hu mill builtinJetluret cinte lo III psinu uhools Ind jug nlco mix to down town com into or month lovey ond rewind llolur sundnn PA Cominb Events DANCING EVERY 55 NRA moringo curries Pint time oliered ior tale Truly For ngaulnlmrnï¬ to IMF call lut Bri rveningr PA 65 Clll one or SIIumenDny or lyeninr FRANK IELLES PA 65596 RITA SCANDRETI PA 84365 GRAHAM DIXON PA W93 PERCY FORD PA CHARLES BYRON PA W93 SLESSOR REALTOR OFFICE PA 59 onurlo Gundin And Nnflmll l1Alaiti ROS Norman MOVING Dollop to moon INSURANCE iiiw esrAii new And ii gnu neoo um coverlie oi Dunlap Street am PA 8996 or PA sow SEE STEVENSONs Sunnidalé Aret PA aozol iu humor 51 we hlvo very one selection oi Bond execuLllIe Iype home IVIIIA able in the Sunnidlli Aron Coll loo Longtin to nrnngo your LnA rpecuon ppointnieht Angus $1500 DOWN $1900 FULL pitlcr Lnqu bed room hunglaw with modern llit hen living room and ulillty room plec bulb on limiting and sggrrrte arrgr The lot so nd siloted in good resid rnti lien clll Lex Gordon to erranreunsptttioll $1695 Down LAST TWO AVAILABLE BRAND NEW BEDROOM BUN GALOWS with AIIACHED GAIL AGE These IlunlEs complelnuflh lulledlull decuhled ingldo llid out In your chnIca colors norm Ind scrum Ind Um Int lxndsclped Ind from lnwnsodded Clll nowlo moigo your lnrpeo REAL isrArs nllom TIFFIN 5mm aAiulm NEW DUPLEX RENT PAYS MORTGAGE unnd new iull two any duplex eonuttlng oi two literoom prt aunts llll contented reprate en tnneu Ind hydro meters hullt wlih No Iin rug red brill nodded tnd lved dflvnwhy ioroztl Ili In lieloo Um upmlnrnl rented ll mo in month Lower mnmem nvnlll le lo porchsen ouulrndlnp duplex an be bouglgt ior lillle manta gun ou wou ply or unu ow el ihLI property Xing you on in mmmPAnisri HALL can stone per you Do not heslhle on his one 393 dawn N$E€Efle 19 ptylnent required EDI 115pm BEDROOM BUNGALOW loud hotween BATHROOMS f3il hrlnd new tour bedroom hungnlow my Minusr 15 hrvinp abundhhc or closet lplcc pm mu mu lulu nutter bedroom with Ieplnie 5m wuhmomvundexln llrge uprrale stephem Meni War or henht bl Ind her clams piur three Nmem pm yA lug tbtdmilml and tour plm KARMA i1zlii HENRY ELRICK AND MICHlEREALTORS rim ESTATE moms 15 OWEN ST EARRIE PHONE PA was DURINGOPFICE HOURS OR EVENINGS CALL FRED MiLtsT PA Mm 805 FLEWHLINGPA Nae HARRY mamPA N551 HENRY £than ondiiicillm Renllors ISOch Street Barrie 11 um lppolntnlenl Bedroom Bangaloww $195360 DowN ONLY TWO AVAILABLE run PRICE iiii9onrsnd new nnd benttiIiully decanted insido nnd out in your choice ot colon Oui orgnnlzallun with olllcot Ironi The in will he Ianddclped nnd Lsht Onurio torort WIIIJIm coo suddednnd you WIII IIlVe slur IIEI For nndvscrnem Locnted nzlr dCIIDIIIs F3333 um gt and no more hill 10 minuter wellr Phymund Tumult mew pieco built In divided hustmeni iron downtown call Joe Longtin CALL OUR BARRIE OFFICE PA 55901 II II to ovalill diamond dutiful2121 PM new STOUTT AGENCIES LTD sisoud grind Spoo And equip ed with Omarnu COLLIER ST uracil an wolhgr BARRIE l7AMTF Hausa ormo rooms Apply 20 PIrluldz Dnvt l7Aiiiala7 BEDROOM hunglow recently ï¬lalunodedlled in oogvlenengz own arms one Mini alter one go flAIMIBS hhlb living room ls at in mm overniled kitchen wllh molIrro ouslom bulll cupnoardo lrrge FIREMAN hulltih Venndl wl steel railing lull huenut with provisions ior DANCE barrier innl uy room deli FRIDAY AUG 1959 out nodded Lootell cloro to DWE has and mapping NTON mrIroo BUNeALow WITH Lucky an1 poor PHI BASEMENT APARTMENT rigins Three bedroom bungalow with llv lug oronl Ilrle kitchen rnd htlh plus lflil and hlII mum lpfllt ment with oral sepmto entr Travel oer Ind hydro meien rorced alxtl ollhetiinr TliIJ Inopmy it on BEACH pAEK two you old Ask ng price 31390 Al BIG BAY POI New pork on hike slmcoETSwim HIMSHL STREET AREA picnics tent Ind trauer site Best 399w two bedroom hrirlt hung sand bench isnocres park are iaw IIVlnl room kllchen no on lwlnk Phone group um lm mums cm Jon LemurPA Hm Everett SheloweIIOm 2le Lu GordonPA mm Normn SheiswullPA Halal 17A1i9u DR HOMES SE NOBEHT Hodges Phono PA inzli any or twin por Lots nndLmdFor Lands Slka launch LOW DOWN PAYMENT LARGE RECREATION ROOM LucnIed close to oil schools hed room orlrt nultpulow lone living room itrpelntchtn iour piecz nernmIc tile bathroom full divided Illuemelit with mustered mreriion room Till home in iully decorled inside and out Lovely nllunl nnlshed woodwork see this hump galore you buy Low down ply en CLOSE TO SCHOOLS nown nutrient around 3ion Ind tho blhnce on one open momgr Three bedroom brink bungan large living room And modern ohen ions tiledbuilt plus rho er iuli tsemoni ou haul be enrolled inrido and out uipped with storms and lcreenr ocnlod closeto houlpuhuc and high LASSI FIED ANNUAL PICNICS BRANTFORD CP More than 900 elderly persons lrom Western Ontariopoinls are ex peéted to attend the seniill citi zehs club third annual picnic here Wednesday Herman Fogal president of the Brantlord Cilp ziznsL Club which is sponsoring lhe picnic said clubs from Kilclp enar GnIIPreslon Hespeler Guelph Simcoe Burlington and DLIIIEIIEIILIGS would berepie FOR ANExnliimEn WANT AD senleil PHONE PA 52414 ixlast DAILY CROSSWOBD Atmoss and shaving PA H289 All it soon Cloulficoflom STOUIT Caucus warren COLLIER ST PAD59W 02m nu pun ileulhtn oi the inn Ontario no Cllildllll Raul Intuit hand In Weinun PA tom Cathy PA IMO Harry Iona PA 139 l1AIll SAVE $600 IN AGENTS FEE Buy Direcl from Owner bedrooinl in mm Hon out old gudrn lml rerun OmI SIIJIOO WIIH $2895 DOWN PHONE PA 793 IIAIMIIO Raul Estate Broker Owen Street Earth PHONES Olilte PA ldusBvenlnl PA 33532 CONSULT US ON Low down pummi housing punt chlflln Proptriie nurelnrnt i1Alu I7FPropérh ror Sale or Rent OFFICE SPACE uvnllnble Alro ior your duplicating And typing need spply Scenilrln huruu 91 mm lop St O1 Phouu PA lllasle I7BIIIIAIBI nibMobile Homes Dolor huylng your now Mohlit Home or Tnvel Puller on euro up the lull line on dimiuy at RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOME SALEsLTD Burton Ave NL 11 Highway Phone PA 89866 1701de l7D Property WCnted EARN WANTED to runi our hm rin ior horses Phone Alter cm 4011 ilDialilos l7HSumnler Collages COMPLETELY inunth bungalow hnpltce 1v piece bull etc role stndv neuron Avhllhhle now Accummndltul dismanlljlxizm asst mid st ml one roll Elli nilloads I7J Apts House For Rent NEW BEDROOM APARTMENTS Cellini Also two nnll oiliocs Downtown oetton Reasonnole rent Apply CANCILLA nullr 00 17Cluppenon PA 62253 111175155 BERN room mrtnrent Phone tillulu Room newly mmldhed lger ment Phono PA 061ml 11 APARTMENT realm stove uld trig over store on Dilnluirst PA 34450 utter pin Ill134436 LJIOOM House with hydro one milejrom stroud Reusonrhle mill Phone PA 257 111185181 SELF comm hedroorn npl Upper duplex and nuckwnrut PA Null l7Iimii35 mmimml House 119va decon ted fmm top to bottom Near schoou PA will IDlulu m1 new 36 contained ï¬edmonu Itented Ailndole 15 pm we iiilama ADVERTISINGW CALL DAY OR EVENING LReject dia ï¬ecn 23 332 or TELEPHONE waterlallg deity ltnzu olxnxlm BRIGHT Plimsm Zranlnld npnrtlnent stove and irig Ren gnnnhlt PA Will llJlllOla5 Wound Babyl marks 24Vuuge IFlorlda 25Gregk hey letter PA 82379 PA 82414 melons Elm tintrl cum Condensed and classiï¬ed ail nouns uniuroished rel con tained lphrtmenl hot water hub ed prlvnlo entrance Avnllnblt Sept Phone PA wood lliiiiilas rntal illlll Ind Nauanll heal any llAlsdli vettiselnenls are inserted at tho rate of 4c perwnrd per loser tion for one and two times REALTOR per word for three four or an HIGH smilhi ï¬ve limedanll per word cm gt rd FER VIEW1 19 Dick HendetsobIAwsa ad We no pa 21netrolt Within days THE MINIMUM Gene moonPA 8m SCOCVAI £91510 mole ADVERTISEMENT IS 80 IF CM BrownPA W3 Elana signs COST FOR ANY CLASSIEIED what or nun no nmrlrt Ind drum PAH WITHIN DAYS OR onhfl 59 Biznil 2415 33cm CHARGED PER SIN Ph PA 82678 281relimd mSERIIQN 17A lull 28Monkeyi Co Events per word 3155 minimum chargg 50 BIILIIJ 2910mm an Death Nance Cards gt elm It Thanks ï¬lm logarithmic Imarlin over word 31Level ward extra in MemorialNo 821 Helm $150iltverse usedac gt aims mm ward exlrai Humid mi aims Eklmllm will no gt puny gt III $3133 1ch IquWI amvnluoble nor In orron Iiiloop Ear7i noIlMd or mounting Ame ilptgion 27Burnli 90mm diKind city ot 10Devour duel Grant Lulth 418iower recep lnmirxlo papz 13Glrlamme 14Wideliwnke 15MOIII 18Teugonle image 1317orbidd 19WnII 88Vent 37lSlILehH 38DIVIIie law Rom dorm bevalagu PA 6648 lutt Around corner iron lioxyIllItn to pm modelling Maui olnon PAHIII Quinn Pu PAfuztilo rel pA moo Salim campheli rrnPA um citrill and ru PAuall Iéngi Alllllklltzzrnur In 9r gt Real ROOMS PA Nm railde dry uPPsn DUPLEX downtown noolii furnlshzd apartman clenilkhnugetto srlg not water Do blisline Adults Abstuiners Phone PA Maid 1711334 GROUND Floor Apartment largo IIva room kitchen bedroom nnd onlhroom Phone PA Mile or PA 32311 1111044 mummle loom partnlent hedizd not run cold water dup lird on our route Phone 55310 mlazlis BEDROOM modern nil contidea ground near lplnmen Very Eell Apply the belwezn pma pm 1Jlazlsl Room Apartment with bath nnwly decorated central Phone PA 82566 from liter Sphflnz Pixlynx 32437 neilvly decorntrd cum lately seIl contained Privnto ion Avlllnblu Aug ranne LARGEmoom blth lint waldr or PA 15325 my mailnu privnte balcony luminous tro gt $83 Available AuE phono PA lltl puumsuun Aportnlont newlyd oontedp leilli mom kitchenette bedroom and ballArum as or Inzolllllih Phoml pA trim or melt illliliiad PumllsiiED on dnlumlahgdAput aimingmi 3923ng room In II II BII Il My evelunu PA 1m Animal Emi Classificating i7A PropéltyPoISan i7JApfsH°uses For Rent Balloon meal Mn khool umer winmmï¬nh It luIIIm DUNLOP nor not rout melt Ilh sun room Ilunll lull Etmn3lnltoolf illlulu noun inAlliolon Bedrooms modern idlehen ultimo Ind living rooln oiect um humanll lr oil hath Phon HR Auirton luvlulu noon mm Iputnltni WM living mm bedroom Hkhin Ind bulhmm round float Prh VIII nlnnn Gun PA IIIlulu mmer Aphnmmll Md roonu living room ulthoni place both hot wettr or not end cold war Amhhlt on 11 Herdm 1111151 mmlthed Adult only Pu Iriimedllll poies llon Clou In 0111 114 813am I7 bloom unnlrnhhed uii connlned Iplflmenl vvllh uvlrl min kitchen dinette and in All modaln Jun built yun In Blue In Qunnl Put Phono PA mg Alumna or IP51 It in The pun l1JlBJllll I7KApis Houses Wanted all liltnllixgou Home or 1mm Duplex souan Ind by Sail ny nos vi Mid UdA lTKIIIIGK WANTED or bedroom house in Angus or mule tinnlillislled gitlh iluldï¬ tsnuvsllllcnlflsflbconufl lnl an REASC Clmp noldon 11335 Automotive IACars for Sole Vi Li MOICrs Neiv and Used Econooucai Card RAMBLER and HILMAN DEAI EE 1957 RAMBLER SEDAN Love hlue Ilialsh sutomtlle rs dio meLlquI Lillian windshield wnflm new uni olel inside 1957 STUDEBAKER DOOR Heller dirrcuoml lights and tires cleon cur throughout 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Direnioan lights hontcr din bluntk heater good llles to Ian uro I953 FORD noon Dlmfllhnll iglti hEIIOI radIn ouuldu mirrors ew good tires 3° 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 OPEN TILL PM IIIIll HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH STANDARD DEALS Ruplln All make as in and NAI Towing Semen ls aAmhLD St HARM PA 84165 1A4 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH STANDARD DEALERS 75 BAYFIELD sin BARRIE IPA 54165 IAiIN lssl pontiao Sean reconditioned Sulpped ndioi I=an ray rpm ow pr Cl ou have to hurry tor ill one to Midtown Used N0 Dovm PAYMENT hAYPiizmSliiEET prosm leeronLAw PA aml lAtiatr 1351 ciaxv VI outomalio tone Excellnnt condition llusonnhle tor qulck tale Phone PA unis lAlasla1 Austin Keeley wnlr leaving in far Newlnuhdlnnd shim or unrest hirer PA il7gii otChuroh Iisiitr Puli lAlhzvllï¬ 1951 VOLKSWAGEN Cln turn into blasuAmnEE leinu or viii down credit is sausiaciory or like another cu or hull Phone stroud MM iAiaziaa 1952 owsMuBLr Super 83 with numnntlc transomion recuu new twmno paint gnu chrome guise Eng gun yhoirdlo with In nu lu windshield vaxheln feudalp chronic wheel rings wluto wail Kim eiguetva uphior etc Tlul strain lnu¢flan hcondition Prl owner re PA 86517 FORCED To Suit convertible Wonk rgginFh Extension mom lAldlti lcTrocknrorsole modelA numandllil condluon Ru lg Bench nnwi lciliailis 27Bools ontIMolorg momwx Lukrdeio noel if by la wide cedar girl on wheel Indremote contriII 16 395 Phone PA Mm zliiiihs iti LAKEHEBAFI with 15 In Evlii= rude outboard Ad condtu 1319 with theadny trots lighu xiiw our linrgoln rt vloona tevlnll HungL Store Big Boy Point III lulu stroud on cdtn hli villi mï¬nuotul Mon Stake 1954 sohnhlr contcildr vugltan Woo ttono ml InexceLlul condition Dion st nner Automotive fsurie cielssoéa on lotionPhoenixs ATTENTION THESE CARSMUST BE SOLD ANY REASONABLE OFFER WILLBE ACCEPTED I958 NASlI SEDAN Henlei regimen 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN Automatic healer 1956 FORD CUSTOM DOOR lgss CHE 1954 PLYM Healer Directional Slglials two ions Healer directional signals two lona Automatic radio heater eta 1954 wlLLYs COACH WEBSTUDEBAKER CHAMPION 1951 FORD CONVERTIBLE I959 METEOR COACH 97 BRADFORD ST SEEAND DRIVE THEM MATH KRAMER MOTORS LTD BARRIE VROLET DEL RAY DOOR IACars for Sale OUTHVBELVEDERE DOOR ALL CARS COMPLETELY CHECKED AND IN Al MECHANICAL SHAPE PA 66652 lAlulfll 80 Dryn CAT momnND LOADER CONTRACT OR nENTAl WIer EXPERIENQED OPERATOR LOW RATES PA 57848 EVENING EA 35537 warm no 67 BARNES FOBERTS GAS AND APPLIANCES nlrtripuiorl or moerx ilAs stovu wnes settler illvan TEEPKONE l=A Mm In Penning strut REPAIRS WASHERS AND DRYERS REPAIR VSERVICE Guarnnteod seifvlcd Foasrloiml WORK EXCAVATING BACKHOE cum lqu LINE Chm IIUSTING all ilAlSlNG SM 55 haunt sidovu FRONT LoADiNG LEV ELIINK 0E EACKIILIJNG Dom WORK PHONE STEWART ELECTRIC MOTOR jizm PlUKUP ON MEDIUMDB SERVICE FmNmMflm Nerd Rewlndlul Infl hepin HAROLD WEN sr STA BRYSON modulinull animals SI thpperlonyst souDiNq 3795 0AM 34719 hutlo Hill kintin sm No Job Too SinII SEEDING BARRIE LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN VSUPPLY CREATOR or iiuNleNG Pol CUT AND DELIVERED DAILY nine Commé PA8798l6 PLASTERING srucco QUICKBRICK c7 STONE Preo minutes Telrou Guaranteed PBONE may oiilld coLLECT xloph IS EIecIrinMoiols in lines 3L dartlo PHONE PA 553 Phone PA 68731 or PA $7920 PLASTERDVICI SIUCCO ALTERATIONS REPAIRS PAINTING DECORATING andPAPEP HANGING Wore don ov BRIiNBLL indNW WNIG 241 nunio street wut Free PEslIliilIel 14f Bipleli BIISIIIESS Services Busineés Serviced JOHN Cr WALTS REPAIR SERVICE stovu irons Aouldn Electric Appliances Washing iiidunes Restaurant Equipment PHONE PA N912