Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Aug 1959, p. 1

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MissesLOCATION To DisCuSs SWitChFI WASHINGTON CF Can adas views on accepting Ameri can NIKE and Roman amigo installations well north border will be explored in Ottawa mesday The suggated shilt northward of planned antiaircraft beau will be prime topic duringtheone day0ttawa talks between De fence Minister Pearku and Neil McElruy US secretary of de lencc American sources said thatthe switching of some of the planned air defence slta from 115 bob der areas to the heartland of Canada is under serious consider ations might cancel out the idea Thought is beln given here to shifting some at emissile sites Loyal Laotian orthwud who to where the rcsent midCanada radar net if Wunmstlum all sources it is matter of balancing military advantages against pm aihla financial and political draw Canada is planning Bomorc sites at North Bay and Mont Laurier Que but thamissrla matter under discussion involves partial relocationol the50 bat teries of the NIKEHercules and to Bomarc stations which under pmeot plans would be located mostly around border metropoli tan areas GROUNDTGAIB MISSILES Both missiles are groundtoair weapons The NIKEHercules has Iieeapiure llost Ilrmy Posts From Rebels SAM NEUA Northern Laos fteuterslLoyal Laotian rces have recaptured all but of five army posts they lost in rec eot fighting with proCommunist rebels near here the military commander of Sam Neua prov ince said today Speakin in this remote cen Southeast Asias little war commander LtCoL Khong Vongoaratb said his army lost 100 men30 deadanditbe rest hounded or missing during the rebel offensive The commander said there was no danger at present that this lit tle town would fall is renewed at tacks by the rebels who began their attackslate last month With the forces now at its dis posai it could hold out against the three battalions ol rebels operat ing from the mountainousborder region with Communist North Viet Nam iierepeated Laotian chlirges that Communist Northviet Nam has trained and untied the reb els The Vietnamese are building up their forces along the border spinghiu Gets Ieroism Medal SPRINGHILL CPICit of town that refused to die espith three major disasters in years Saturday were worded the Royalliumane As ations gold medal for here or edal to Springhills Meyer alphGilroy 52 whose fighting ords rallied the townspeople hrough two mine disasters and ajor fire The medal the 19th presented the association in 60 years as in recognition of the town erolsm in last Octobers minel aster that took 75 lives Nova Scotias hieutenaanov Plow presented the and ow have our battalions there commander claimed Khong predicted the Commu nists might try renewed offen sive at the end of the rain season two months from now They are even harder up lor food than we are at present he addcd Recapturc of the only post Still held by the rebels Muongson where Laotians fought to the last man was expected hourlylfliong said KITCHEN BEEFS RUSS PROBLEM MOSCOW iAPl Kilohmi quarrels are so flooding Soviet courts that special courts will be created to deal with them Izvestia the meat newspaper cites the case of an elderly oouple named Khrenov and their dog and citizen Novi kovaand her daughter Lilya all sharing the same apartment aslao example of the land of courtrwm ihe dogdisoppeared Appar ently the Khrcnovs blamed Mrs Novikova Mrs Khrenov banged lllrs Novikovas win dows at night with lump of iioi lied to string Mrs Novikova next discovered somebody had puncturedher cooking pan llienMrthhenov found her laundry in the mud alter somehodyhad cut the cluthesline While Mrs Khrenov was washing potato under the tap Mrs Novikcva wning outa floor rag over the potato pot Mrs Khrenov ii afrarheart attack lzves not say who sued whom But it reported the case had gone twice to the Soviet SupremeCourt cannons PLAN Bonn Firstfcell For Presuign BAUMAN GMTYSBURG Pa AP resident Eisenhower has shilted European schedule to make onn his first call One possible purpose is to allay est German fears of being left the lurch by Eisenhowers orthcoming talks Willi Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev al though Eisenhower is reported to feel that the Western allies need no suchassurance gt iAnnoImcement here and in am Sunday that Eisenhower will confer wrtti Chancellor Kon rad Adenauer in BonnAug 17 came as asurprise in diplomatic circles aoies Eagerly WhiteanuSa press secretary camehere to Eisenhowers vacation headquar ters Sundiiy to tell reporters that Eisenhow auers mutation TO LEAVE EARLIER delusion of Ennnnnhis sched ula moved upEisenhowers de parture for Europe by one day toAugv zspfrom Aug 27 Travelling by jet plane the first time US president one soEisenhowerw arrive Boon Aug and Mel to ndon 18$ eVEnitlhlg for gauge Ilring peri ill met with Prime mm Wholl lnake side visit astle in Scotland for formal has accepted Ade rirnsmcunisaunownnr ian Premier Antonio Segni Ha gerty said enhower will re main in Paris for several days Khrushche is due in Washington Sept 15 gt set no date to Russialnstead his schedule flexi sreturn it he is keeping lethrnugh next summit meetingth might be DeiéncefMinister7sIfI1 apprehension thatv nearby loca but added that noexactudatehas been setfor his turnto the US Eisenhower ls knownto have January to attend anyEastWest CampBorden Man RunnerUp Oatlilin 4s RoyélCanadxan Sch iantry Camp Borden wasrtoday newBomarc can be efledive to40qnulu Both are capable of using conventional or nuclear warheads The coat of building mull abuses in Canada would rimcon siderably highér than in the US becauseolaneedfornewroads and other support lacilitiu Democratic Representative bert Sikfl of Florida member of theEouse appropriations sub conunittee eat that duringsub committtee hearings slate depart ment officials reported Canadian border cities and towns ed tion olBomarc andNlKEHer cuies missiles on the us side of the border might bring the duo gerof fallout in the event of nu clear war llesaid in an interview that Canadians seem to be more con corned about fallout than Ameri cans Opposes Refugee Integration Idea BElllllll Lebanon Routers Represcntatives of seven Arab League countries met Saturday in mood of sirong opposition to any move to integrate 1000 090 refuges who left thcPales tine area altervthe establishment of the state of Israel The delegates met toconsidcr report by United NationsSec relary General Dag llam marksjold on integrating the relt fugees into the economic life of the Middle East countries Delegates from the United Arab Republic Saudi Arabia and Jordan attacked integration the refugees now living in camps in Arab countries Salas Gnhor director of the UAR foreign ministrys Poles tine affairs department told the meeting at nearby Solar that Hammerskjolds proposals Would decidenofioniy theretuges lure but the whole Palestine question have to destroy all at tempts to integrate therelu PM Cool Cabinet sasxaroon icri Prime day there would bechanges and appointments in cabinet in the coming months Buthe said the only one who knows of changes is always the prone minister and they gener ally are not announced in ad vance Mr Diefenbaker was comment ing on aCahadiao Press report Thursday which speculated on number of cabinet possibilities He said he did not know what the source of the story could have been but described it as masterpiece of imaginative writinglf Diefenbakér also saihlie arangeolsomemmlluandthe Minister Diefenbhker said Satur When the cavalcade cl vet erancars came through Bar rie this morning onlookers quickly realized the term old crocks was not applicable Shinin in superb condition cwlast minute entries today were expected to swell to ncarly lull the number of candidates seeking legislature seats in New Julgeneral glee tion close at pm today record 91 candidates had beennominared byv midday to day for the 36 llouse seats dom inated in the lust legislature by Shuffle like an nouoeement ly September concerning the governmwts plan for winter worksprojects assistance How ever any assistance to munici palities would depend on whether the present economic upsurge continues Ll The prime minister also said bei expects to name members oi the national energy commission iii the next two orthree days andpossibly sooner Al Prince Albert earlier Mr Diefenbaker said his government has given Canadas comprehens ordinated program of agricultur development sinos taking office in 1957 PRESSJTIME Commonwealth AillinislersT LONDON Reuters Authoritative sourc moawealdi finance ministers will mcetjher three days to discuss sterling area problems and Commonwealth Vfinancial economic apd trade too 12 miles west ofBelleville ed today ggest drillgirl operation unc Palace cedtoday BONN tReul include Boon the eudof this month for ChancfllorA enauer Sgt Ralph Porchases errenion Paper PETERBDROUGH out CP GeorgeBalrer of Pater borough has purchasedthe biweekly CourierAdvocateat Tren Queen Chooses frenchCanadian LONDON ReuterSQueen Elizabeth nas chosen French speakiog Cans an Aimy ottieerliieut Jean Lajeuoesse of Montreal to give Flentlll lessons to Prince Charles during the Royal Familys summer vacation in Scotland Buckingham Adenauer Welcomes Vlsll President Eisenhowers decision to is preMoscow tour ifEuropean oapit hailed today as political triumph Pt 722 for about matters fromlA soils it was learns Police Raid Racket House ronomo cm squad screaming policewoman Sunday Guildwoodvillage hom tovbreakup what they called the of morality officers ledbya charged into an exclusive overed in Toronto in cars Few Last Minute rungs Swell Newioundland Election sr JOHNS Ntld GP AlPIgemier Smallwbods 31 Liber Smallwood vouong to wipe out tioos crrns mum VINTAGE cars the vehicles bad character and beauty foreign totodaya streamlined monsters More than 30 gallant vehicles from so to 45 years old swept Thirtythree Liberal candidatu had been named all the premier laps up nservativa what No sehtsht disalu planlo contest every riding hey had 82 nominees Sunday night The labor backed Newfoundland Democratic party has is candi dates and the UnitedNewfouo land party formedby fonner Conservative members the legislature had seven men in the running There was one Independent The election was called July 28 by Premier smallwood afterhe failed to Win over two PC opposi tion members to resolutioneon runes quickly through the city and out via Highway 27 Later to day they are to visit Spring water Park and Wasagii Beach HarnessQueer Dismiss INaiiie LONDON Reuters Ghana Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah said today it would be wonder iul interestingh to dismiss eenthe possibility at third childa Ghanaian but Nkrurnah said he would not raiso matier himself during his visiLto theQueen at Bai moralCastle in Scotland Nkrumah said he will uss with the Queen the question of the West Africaocou try becoro ublic wiih monw alth Nkruniah floater damning Ottawas handling of special Confederation grants to Newfoundland Tbetho other PC members voted with and formed the UN premier has met wi 1i esu toss in keeping federal assistance the top campaign issue PROMISE REPEALH The Democratic party headed by newspaperman Ed Finn lr is fighting campaign based on promise to repeal controversial labor legislation passed unaol mously by the legislatureduring loggersstrike The Progressive conservatives aiso favor its rel pea although House members Liberal parties have promisedto voted enact it The UNP review The labor laws decerttfiedtwo International Woodworkers of American CLC locals one of which struck central Newfound land paper company Dec 31 An other hill empoweredth abinet to dissolve any union where it ap international officers had been convicted of heinous St John Wes is the focal point of camp ning Premier peereda substantial number of Prime Minister Commonwealth off als aodfly toScotland Tuesday to see the Queen Saturday Ghana government ewspaper said Ghana would be extremely and justifiably proud if the dew royal babyis Ghanaian name The newspaper suggestedAmma Ghana if girl and Kwame Ghana if boy Nkr wasooe of thef st sonsto be informed private the expected royal birth whic forced ponemeni of the Queens November visit to Ghana He came to Brita archfs invitation the PC as Newfoundland poli tical party is challenging Coo servative Leader Malcolm Hollett in the St John Smallwood had for 10 years rep resented Bonavista Refuses Israel Use Of Canal came Egypt tRedtersléGa $31 Abdel Nhsser ports that Israel plans to area the matter before the United Nai ding Mr 3qu Attend SANTIAGO Chile APlTha foreign ministers polthe 21 Miner loan republics began arriving here today for conference on the problems lol the troubled Caribbean Cuba will attend Many believe that unless the conference of the Organization of American States opening hero Wednesday takes positive mess urea to ensure harmony the se curity of the weslcm hemisphere is endangered The conlerence was calledas result of three abortive inva sinus in the Caribbean within the last low months The most eooboversialilgura at the coolereucaprobably will be Cuban Premier Fidel Castro The revolutionary leaders gov ernment has been charged with involvement in the unsuccusiul invasions of the Dominican Re public Panama and Nicaragua in recent months REPORTS SEEK RECRUITS Meanwhile the New York Times said revolutionary group is recruiting Americans of Puerto Rican descentin New York as mercenary fighters against die tator Rafoel Trujillo of the Donii nican Republic The recruiting drive is taking place in the cltyla upper west side slums the story said Lured by promises of money and power the recruits sign contract and are given airplane HAVANA AHCubans looked today to Fidel Castro to clear up the waiter of rumors of armed invasion and domestic conspiracy that attended sweeping arrests duringthe weekend While government blackout obscured many details Havana newspaperssaid the premier will report to the people by radio and TV at an opportune moment They didntsaywhen that might against Castros revolutionaryre gime Today the newspaper Revolu tion which frequently speaks for that regime says that possibly more than 4000 pe detained in connee ion with the counterrevolutionary con spiracy It reported they in cluded several large land owners These were not named Fania Revolution andEl risol denied without attribufiowreports ofiabortive sea and air strikes at the Isleof Pines oft Cubas south west coast CunoLi News Blackout fisfiastre Moves Crush Beyond the up 7Manuggovemm entv pioimai tickets in Havana In Cuba they are escorted toa trainingcamp wherethey ioioa motley group of Cuba Venezuejans and Dominican refugees in athree month course in guerrilla tao tlcs RAB OWN TROUBLES Cuba was having few troubles of its own The rebel government Sunday pressed roundup of ooospiratyu suspects One olliclal source said up to zoo menmilitary and civil ianhad been detained for ques tioning while the dragoet reachedfiloio various parts hf Cuba sources at the presidential palace described as absurd rumor thot the ar rests reachcd guie near 1000 Castros regime denied there had been hostile landings any where on Cuban territory Domestic troublehhowever wu obvious Ollicial sources said Castro forces under Mal Eloy Gutierrea battled with an armed band at undetermined size near sugar mill at Cienluegos 130 miles east ofHavana killing two and arrest ing15 Army casualties if any were not revealed Gunmen fired several shots from speeding car Saturday night at Castros villain Cojimar Havana suburb and escaped des apits police roadblodis Castro was reported away at the time Intensified vane where number olithon arrested were reported being questioned was closed alt to civ ilians By midnight even tele phone calls went unanswered One official source reported earlier that 200 ormore men were arrested on suspicion of plotting against Castro Officials at the presidential palace had de nied however that the number detained had reached 1000 Cfl AT Am CAMPS hiszwns the picture given by confirmed reports nipped at an army camp near Managuaahouteight miles shuth of Havana This brought about mass arrests there and at Camp Libertad of military persounelx held over fromideposed dictator Folgencio Batistas army Small armed hands lrom the Dominican Republic landed by sea aodtransport plane late Eri day And early Saturday in fu tile effort to tree prisoners on the Isle of PinesCastro forces broke up both attempts and captured number of the raiders Neolyeight mechanicsof the rebel air force are being id at Camaguey alter the crash

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