One ol the vrctims oi the unemployment rioting in Cara cus Venezucla lies behind tear gas barrage while mem bers ot crowdthat stretched out his body snake fists and Mom Whyte winds Up Vigil With Legal ActionPIedge rononro CPiTMom Whyte packed up her camping equip ment early today ended henvigil in root of childrens home and headed back to Whylehaven Mis sion in Bowmanville MomMrs Bertha Whyte43 called halt to her protest watch at Sacred Heart Childrens Vill age around 1230 am She had been there three days in bid to reclaim sixyearon Bruce Wilkins one oi in walls taken trom Whytshnven by the Ontario department of health and wellare The department said the children were not receiving proper care Mrs Whyte was not immelt dioteiy available for comment However her husband Bert Hidinth Boys Mother Drowns HAMILTON tarpons George lurnbidl 33yearold mother at two small children was drowned Thursday while helping two boys who got into difficulties while swimming Mrst Turnan was pulled from Lake Ontario by neighbor Wil liam Hutchinstm hut fire depart ment inhalator crews were un able to revive her gt Police said Dennis Macleod 11 and Paul Nieson 10 both of Gait got into diiliculties about 150 feet from shore Poul exhausted called for help Dennis swam to him but unable to move him swam ashore and called Mrs lnrnbull tram her lakeside cottage Mrs Ilumbull swam to Paul and held his head above water until he regained his strength and was able to swim ashore Theetiort proved too muchtor the woman and she sank after making few feeble attempts to follow Paul to satety Slaughter CattlePrices Strong Kt Qatario Public Stockyards magma CPirPrices on all grades oislaugbter sieers and heiferswere strong to 50 cents hundredweight higher this week at the Ontalrli public stockyards Fed year gs and top quality cows were strong Bulls replace ments sheep and lambs were steady Top quality vealcalves were 31 highcrHogs were 75 cents hundredweight lower Sows andstags closed 31 hun dredwaight lower Cattle receiptswere about 200 head less than last week and 1700 head less than the same we last year Western cattle receipts totalled 486 head and 155 stock calves There were no ship meois east and nnexporis to tho UnitadStates slaughter cattle Choice steers mostly25265Q with few sales 257 sons med ms 235095 commons 21 13 good MWithchoice to 2459 care by the father ï¬ve years ago after suliermg severe burns Mrs held later fnu youths taken into custody at Oshawa alter they fled the home when hulth de pnrtment otiicinls seized thachilv dren last Friday night iingersmt the police who are not visible in picture Demon stratioos began as protest gainst unemployment and snowballed into ihcworst riot ing since President Romqu said in Howmaaville that ltlom stairwoys to the upper fibers and went home niter Bruces lather promised to rake legal action to have the child declared the wom ans word Mcnnwhllc itiappeared likely that hearing into complaints at neglect of 99 ot the children from Whytehaven will open WednES day in Port Hope 55 miles east of here The ntturneygenerals depart mcnt Thursday said Judge ivR Phin of Peterhorough who isto preside would probably conï¬rm the date today Mrs Whylc moved out with no fanfare She started her watch in the some mannersuddenly driv ing up to the village in suburbpn Scarborough and in blanket anda tew provisions on the ground beside the roadway She never did get to see Bruce lad she says has been denrto her heart since he was put in her Whyte wants to adopt the boy CAMPAIGN PLANNED About 50 supporters of Mrs Whyte attended meeting Thursv day night Mrs Whyte told thorn she will campaign to have Whye haven reopen and fulfill nilgov crnnient requirements Complaints that the mission was overcrowded and lacked proper an equipment prompted the removal of 117 chil dren by the healthand welfare department week ago tact designing proposed new mission for Mrs Whyte said there is little wrong with Whyte havens physical plant now Ho said told them when they were going up there going through my recordsihat would take them to each child and go through their case histories with themhut said itis less of firetrap than Villa Marie Toronto shelter in which some of the youngsters from Whytehaven are staying He said Villa Marie is over crowdedeith 30 or 40 children some sleeping two to cot Two tireexits are badlymarked and looked while there are only two 165017mediums 15 16 com mons 1416 cannch and utters 1214 good heavy hologna ulls 19 an cqmmd 1619 Replacement Good slackers 2527 withstock calves up to 32 edweight corn mon andme umstockers 2021 Calv Good vealers 29 ill with choiceto top eta mediums 2528 commons 22 boners 1522 Hog GradeA tlor ncvrlnw mm mm end racketeering in in try wantthnt sort M13513 MM gt er rookc out io rndiotcievicinnaddrea as Can grmbeaded townid bitter battle over labor legislation in eitectbc invited letteuto eon greumen expressing hope that they will balullyjrupooslvo to an cvcrwh nationnl dc man UNION LEADERS REPLY Reaction was prompt from those involved in the battle Union leaders said Ekenhower had taken an antiunion stand some Democrats demanded air time to reply Betancourt look oliice six months ago were killed and more than 100 wounded Police banned all demonstrations and public meetings for 30 days CHARGE DENIED child wéllnrc denied Mr ionks statements He said there are no more than 20 children at Villa level exits and is equlpPDd with Port Hope Oshawa Brampton which the Whytehavon youngsters are being cared for identin them as those taken from the mission making it unA necessary or them to appear at the formal hearings Philp and his party slipped in and out of the Sacred Heart village through side entrance Mrs Whytcwas camped in front oi the building REPLIES TOR PORTS Mrs Whyte denied reports from welfare fdetplartmeiit ottï¬ialshtlft some are ts George Tanks Oshawa archi ye found and addresses of parents of 60 checked 20 were incorrect he sat in 30 Fire Kills Injures and mediums di tlhhutrsdaytinma threealarm fire swep rodh Htr mentbnilding Be n8 Vancouvers what Fire ei Hu scribed as ird de reps liremen Radwdlis with broken aagkleand Norman Harcns with At least our outside iireeacape he sold Bury Ontario director larie with babies on thesccond fihlhoor and older children on the To budding has iburxstreeb fire escape chnte or upper oors and an automatic sprinkler system he said Judge Phin spent Thursday aiding informal court sittings in nd the Toronto institutions at The bearlngs were held to separate hearing is to be Unknown to Mrs Whyte Judge aven children might never be The people cant lame me for their troubles she gt ey told me to go eddle my papers Mr Bury said Mrs Whyte had iven the department 100 namm However the majority or nts would belocated eventually VANCOliVER cmmo men ed and six others were injured onrthe edge of Chinatown be two dead and four of the residents of tual rabbit war The thentwo nred were sprain mice or Merry Menagerie SemiAnnual Salelmlateome tn Elect andEAilONS will makeyour drapes to THE 0U CHOOSE Youll be delighted with shinedheading ury fabrics suchas Partisan raypnjs Eiberglas protect eaa people run the gangsters racketqu and other corrupt €19 menuthat have invaded thcll bormnmgancnt ileld bill theSonate passed last April lr not euectlvc Eken lgï¬ilwer acid nddgggnt prepared our Representatives llbcr committee is even less so FAVOBS SUBSTITUTE HILL He put binu behind sub atltute sponsored by represent Lives Phil Landrum Dem cum Robert anion Rep Mich and said that bill alter good start toward arealth borreiormiaw few hours later AFLICIO George linvies PA Mud no opinion It by Democratic Raprsenhtlvo innarpsaeney ol Callmmia Elsenbowerlnld the legislation hereon honinothing to do with otrihéxorufnaw ap Iryvhargxaminer Ad rhono PA auu none oasoro proton is indium It iflONEtA 35911 fPougibr beluxd Pryor MODERN EFFICIENT gives years of service takes the heavy 111t ing outoi washdayl Ease the hard workftha hen vy ting the tiresome ae hanging at Vashday dr nu olothes fluffyresin weather at any time Duhtautlomatlc controls rem ulate drying time and tem pentml sale or delicate lahrlcs Jnat dial to desired drying lino and forget It Shdta bfl auto matically EvenHo hentiior quick drying exduilve Dough low temperature heating and direct circulation tor Easy note lint trap dal liter to catchlint conveniently located at boot Motor heat antomntiem 31w lhnt of If door in open ed Thermostat kinetically to on again overheating socyeleonly Model me or Cuo At No Extra Charge 5195 n54 gt during the claslngvdays oi EATO eav heavy cottons pinto blend beantifully withyoiu decor younorwnsmcflleatlons for JUST THE Sp plan to savesnbstnntlell craftwersiapeedwithrtyleand any lt with highlyresistant doublevarnished andoutside to utl on In fetches or 559Modoi In as W7 extensive that ithau at Pralcct VI damron idealwouldbe achcmicalwhich cmdd bqrprayed wth lag cultivated Scrap it ccnwrvlva like cactus rockers rains srrpnrns 40 Dunlop st sham lom nu cl Facility Afloat Length Damian mo Outbonrd local Benithllllltelaintionl in uptta 18 pagans rugged dependable comfort The wide deck and clipperhbowh bendingbaqc into tbavflnred sidesgivov it that sporty lookl Its extrawide bean1 reinforced transom and long hulimak seaworthy easy handle levelridlng and speedyl Features strongly reinforced moulded mayle hull covered in venoe solid white oakbracesand 52 transom fir and cedar seats backs and deck ranted Doublevarnished inside splashfalls la hull painted contrasting Green Approx Vdecp trans tj deqr Eaton SemiHonda Snleteaoh Only parents auaiet min was on POWNWMENi uuontanrusiehu iiiiron convenieot Iguanasti and 49on ava wideilahlgh 14 ions 319 Ilinton Semi Sale arch Mg anon Se