Mumblers lire In All countries Montreal Phonetic Espert lSays lvfe heard very Jittle can to we e°w5e° guage wouldbeunintelligiblé moo bids operands player passes both sides vulner able What would yoqnow bid with each otghlcflollowing ltve handsi A73 9764 WM remwile H953 Ald you chosqu 53$ the vows oIteAKm Kansas VMQAKTSZHOQB One notritmnIiiéonly two hl to considorare onenotrurnp two clubs onolnotrurnp hand which contains to hiQurd points The bid is not atoms The opening mey pass two club response generally shows to to to points Being new suit named by responder the opener is torced to bid again flhis relatively poor hand does not justify competh the open er to bid ngqn Henceithc two vciuh response is notmade It is true that the notrump Iresponso is not completely accurate dis trubutlonnlly since the hand contains singleton but it comes closes to representing the values held Three spndï¬ The double raise is forcing to game it shows approximately the stren gth of an opening bid The point value is usuallyin tong Al though there are only it high card points the hand easily makes the grade as doublo raise when the good trump lit and the singleton club are cvniu ated There is not much point to WINNIPEG CF There are mumblers in every country in the world says Montreal phonetic expert who devotes her time to helping people overcome the lault Dr Bertha Gngnon interviewed here recently said this mumbling habit has tarreaching results al ecting personality and clear thinking Dru Gagnoo holds doctorates Town linexciteci litMr Visit COON RAPIDS Iowa AEtTiiis little town in westcentral Iowa apparently is takinglin stride the news tllat Soviet Premier Khrush may come here to visit farmer Roswell Garst next month homes Roger who local weekly so far that anyone is overly excited about it In talking to reporters in Mos cow Wednesday Khrushchev said he had been invited by an Amer ican tanner named Garst tostay with him and that héprobnhiy would Garst lives ina big place on the outskirts of this town at about 1700 His specialty is growing seed corn He has visited Russia has talked with Khrushchev and has sold the Russians seed corn Sinoey 1955 nswerai Russian arm delegationshnve visited the Gérst Showplace Were used to Ellss as com ing Here saidlï¬ogcr Tlley stayed at theï¬arst place andwe did nothing special to entertain glam It was mostly private 23 Oriana REM SMALL Ans You Atari responding twoburtr With only thxlwdt llmreontrnct rated and partner should be so intromed without unnecessary Two do lhls them all pom 11 din support we moo bid is avoided because or the filled being tuned with tile spade rehld by the opener in which case it would become dil ticult to know whether to pass or bid three spadg By bidding two spades directly the decision oi whether or not there isa game is placed where it belongsin the lap of the opening bidder No heartahlbis follows the inéudiog odequnts putthaVnnoouverJnnmenoul general principle of wrong are higher ranking of two livecnrd sui regardless of strength in the is To bid clubs lirst and then follow with hearts would indicate to partner that the hearts were only tour long and might result in missing game or slam in hearts Two diamonds What we have here are the voluestor two and half spade bid The highcom points are supple mented by tour trumps two doult bietons and good live card suit The intention is to raise spades at the next opportunity This will give partner chance to stop under game if he has only minimum opening hid two spade response would be on ay ALICE snooks CHILDS PLAY childs play to make this may puppy and wont all ages love pet like this Fnundatlonv two pillowlike pieces noiormlng Just ONE 4ounce skein oi worsted Pat tern 1787 is easy on child can make this iryinch puppy Send Thlrtyfl cent coins underbld th spade re sponse would be on overlaid Tomorrow How championships on won lager Members rest the legion should do mood that branches be given the same accessto banquetpemals asother organizations and clubs ityto sell iiqu that members heallowedto have their wiv tions he lifted coming yearn lhe measure now from the Universities of Paris and Montreal and 15 years ago landed the Institut Cnnndien do onethue in Montreal which has the approval oi the lnstitut Phonetique do Paris Hei teachingmethods involving articulation llp exercises and voice placement are devised to correct every type at fault pro nunciationi gt Dr Gagpoo said stress em phasizing certain syllables in word or oneor more words in sentenceV is the remedy for mumblers Stress eontihns rhythm to the 11 cc shesaidand rhythmical groups linked together create the charm expression to the sentence The average English speaking Canadian respects stress more than Frenchu Canadian she said because the English lon ntherwis flap Liquor Laws KITCHENER CPt Members of the Ontariocommand oi the Canadian Legion ook few pot shots at Ontarios liquor Wednede and approved ahriet onliquor or presentation to the provincial overnment Frederick Revel past preal ent otthe legions Windsor branch told delegates at the biennial con vention here tbnhilquor legisla ï¬on islthe modt ridiculous pid and assininenpiec oi ie He made his comments alter Bumel chainnannof the legion liquor licence board com mittee asked the convention for approval of recommendation giving branches moreauthoritr torserv gbeveragesin their quarters he said The brief alsoasks that legion branches be tven more author and guests served in the licensed roomsand that gall age restrl have been used lnth ceramic period which preceded thelstraw rope patternpnrinll Thestrawrope periodderivdd its name from the way tern appearing on pottery used then lffllDAY AUGUST 1230 Test Patten lZASSneied llear lorgthis pattern stampscdnnot be accepted tojHouIsehoidlArts Dept Thor Borric Examiner 60 Front St Toronto Ont Print plainly NAMEK ADDRESS PAITERN NUMBER Our 1959 ALICE BROOKS Needlecrelt Catalogue has many lovely igns too crochet ing irni ng embral ry quilts dolls weaving special gilt in the catalog to keep child haplt pily occupieda cutoutdnll and clothes to color Send 25 ohms for your copy at the book Stone implements Found By Japanese TOKYO ReutersStono lm plernellts 4000 or 5000 ears old believed to he prehistoric tomb Hokkaido northern Japan The objects are believed to an pet The objects wereloundin field Under layers of black soil volcanic ash can small rocks stones neatly on top rot one another to form domeshaped tomb Stonedmpienlenis which arch aeologists belieliemay havebeon used or carving pillposes were discovered with some pointed objects which may have been harpuon or spear heads were discovered piled Archaeologists said the imple ments resemble artifacts and relics discovered in Siberia roe unlon inimedttéet Show 01 Wimp mmmendncoodue toneventhoughtbey nationtoe prornotér paid but be side the theatre where they played or queuing customer for two hours promo Miss lane 15er returned from Prince Edward Island oft er spending week with Mr and Mrs Ron Arehibald Mrs Frank Lawson ind baby visited with Fraum men prior to joining her husband in Gar msny Vislors with the Bulls Mr and Mis William Exell and Harry ol Barrie Johnny 1mm and daughter at Tomato Mr and Mrs Jim Exeil Mr and ltlrs Gordén Crocktord and Missionara Exeli ol Barrie and Mr Dale Oboe oi Drillls and Mrl and Mrs Norman Parodil of Barrie Vivien alng in hospital Mr and Mrs lred McCann spent the weekend in Coiling wood and attended the memor ners service at Balteau on Sun day and also spent the holiday at Clarksburg andlhornbury Mrand Mrs orditl and baby in Germany werojn on accident causedby gas stove cxpiodingn Mr andMrsBowes at Toron to spent their holiday with Mrs Bowes parentsMr and Mrs James Jackson Mr and Mrs Ken Bush took the plane at Maiton last Tue day to spend some holidays in Alberta with relatives there BALL GAME The Girls Utopia Ball team played Stroud lost week with score ofa to in tailor at Ut opia Mr Ray Mills and girls at Coldwoter spent Sunday with the momentapily Rays moth er returned with them to spend lew weeks Wesley Robinson spent the weekend with his motb er Mrs Robinson spent day last week in Angus with Mr and Mrs Bob Elliott Mr and Mrs Vern Hodges oi Angus were at Arneli Muirs one play last Week The Iltopia girlsteam won ï¬rst prize at the Lisle hall tour nament on vlc holiday Con gratulations girls Am Stitciifftvand math or vis frienos at iitopia on Mend RADIO liND TELEVISION TELEVISION7+ 100 News Weather Farm Report 115 Movie l3flrn Reckless onmens Show 3l5lilovle Waltz Theme soc Discoveries Even 605 Western lheatre 625 Farm Market Report nan News Whether Decision Suspicion who Know Don Maser Gillette Eight colomnni 93o snrURnnyjauGus lo Test Pattern 25 News Briers cxvll clone Naked City amt Moviu cac TV Newl it unï¬t Chi is re rain on Georgiln Chln Twin mu Late show Volcmo Dnte with the Falcon SUNDAY AUGUST 215 Text rattarn zo Pollster Today non Good tilts Theatr Astronomy Country Jucndu HolldaySpectnl Hcuhxï¬ill Father Knows nut ombu Bride Rhapsody no van World Stage Playhouse tut San Francis v5 DEFEch alLL WASHINGTON hp Con gress passed bill Tuesday pro viding $392282390Wt0pay the caucuses of defencerio the ISummér cKBss Wei JULIET JONES GRANDMA THOUGHT mu NEVER WENT 0UP ON BLIND DATE ARENT You TAKING ACHANCE HrsAuslz Dovou KNOWA CHICK NAMED ETTA lM PLNNG coau AN Your ALWAYS asst lusrooa gusts ON THE PHONE ASKED M3 wear you LOOK LIKE OXDIA Mm weev re HES TALL ABOUT SIXTWO TERfliFiOLOOKINGL REAL DEAL EM neumosr 5WLoolzoltomcor