Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1959, p. 4

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5nnm twin Published wvmeahnzuaesvenfi EW Araudusr in Inflation HiisHgjdegt1h¢gg Who Live On Fikedlncomew Inflation it has been well said is the meanest thief of all And we would add isneaky too If you doubt this or dont understand it or if you think the evils of inflation have been somewhat exaggerated reflect for moment on the factthat it now takes in the neighborhood of two dollars to buy what one dollar bought in 1939 In other words in the brief space of 20 years our basic unit of currency has lost over half its face value The dollar its true has been eroding for very much longer than this but never before has it done so at anything like such rapid rate For those of us who work of course the situation is not as badas it looks The basic hourly wage of employees in manufacturing industry for instance has more than tripled over this same period and the earnings of most other members of the labor force have followed suit the pamphlet Industry commenm Obviously if you are getting say 60 dollars week today as against 20 dollars in 1989 you can hardly complain that your standard of living has declined The reverse is clearly true On the other hand remembering that you need at least twice as many dollars as you got in 1930 Just to stay level the real increase in em ings is not nearly as considerable as might have been imagined But it is the old and elderly who are hardest hit by inflation Livingon fixed incomeson pensions and annuities pur chased by dint of personal sacrifice over many years they find their dollars buy ing ever less Fearfully they seems in dependence they spent lifetime building slipping inexorably away from them In abrief to iihe Senate Finance Com mittee iiurrently investigating inflation the Canadian Manufactiners Association cited among many examples that of $100 annuity bought in 1939 Its purchas ing power today $5029 III we do not wish tobe ledt with little more thann state pension on retirement this kind of thing should cause every one of us the gravest concern including those of us now working We all pre sumably hope to live to retirement age and want to preserve the value of our pensions life insurance annuities and bonds But even this year the probability is that the value cc all these will deprec SELF SERVICE SHOE SHOP West German Bulletin In Frankfurt the first German selfservice shoe shop has been opened At the door each customer is handed shoe horn and may then wander atpwiil among the shelves on which arranged according to size are exhibited the establishments entire selection of each pair however only the shoefm the right foot is on displaywhile the one for the left may be obtained from the shops personnel when the decisionto buy isyimrninent AUGUST 1539 Lawn bowling was getting wann as the sea son progressed and on the Berger Trophy play especially in August and with the schedule about half over Allandala was leading by scant four points One contest tells of Bob Malcomson with Joe Seagram lead drawn against Steve Garside and Art Brennan Malcornson drew away early but alive end by Gsrside helped to even the score with Bob still finishing by nice into pug Murray Mills and Patterson played pr McFadden and John Wood Mills played conr sistent game throughout and Patterson came with rush in the finish but the final score was close at 1442 Thompson with Joe Milnelead had hard game against Stan McCauslandand John Hutchings with the lalters good leading and breaks which finally made it score of 10 it as rt Elie Hanu Examiner Dally sunaay escalated Eollday excepted wuss Publisher moi General Manager wanna ammu Manager Name smurf mum salin aonaar ems Adventnu min 30an nonnan Circulation Menus Sublcflplloll nu Am raw year Single 2111 sci ls gin oe ylu 250 monthrune month outside as renown Toronto Mu masonryJourifvi luau mu Nelupl The cm dfan eru ma snrggn or emu 80c weary Mam News oilonner Years late by atieast two per seat And this lsinotail Insidious were inflation by pushing up prices and dim inishlng the competitive position of our products breeds increasing unrmploy ment Truly this is an evil gt the very heart of our prosperitydark emng the future of everyone For these 18350115 if torno others it is necessary that we admit the existenceand extent ofthe disease and mat we take the necessary measures to counteract it that strikes at In recent speech onithls whole sub iect Mr Evans President of the Canadian Manufacturers vAesoclatlon said bluntly that none of uslabour management government or consumer can escape responsibility for inflation Mr Evans proceeds to sum up thus The primary cause of the inflationary spiral as see it is the desireI mlght even say determinationat most of us as individuals to enloy the fruits of to morrows earnings not tomorrow but to day we want more pay and more fringe benefits and we want to work fewer hours forvthem These things will come anyway under our system41s they have always donehut we cant waitWe must have them here and new The result is higher prices and little realincrease in purchas ing power We want bigger and better social ser urse°sszmmssa€ New World Of Treasure But as weve recently seen this is just gt another illusion And again as consumers we want all the material satisfaction that make for modern livingwithout waiting Whats more we want these things on the cheap very often preferring imports to the alleged high cost of Canadian pro ducts the prices of which reflect the standard of living we expect and demand mew 55 In short we want too much too soon to have our cake and eat it too This is what meant when said earlier that the root cause ofinflatlon is that more is being taken out of theeconomy than is being put into it fThese are the things that must be understoodand these are the attitudes that must be changedid we are tocure the wasting disease of inflation before we are permanently crippled by it Opinions of Other Newspapers POLICE AND DRUNKS Vancouver Sun We decline to accept the proposition that the Vancouver policedepartment is too busy to make certain that its own of attention Yet thats what coroners jury was told again the other day An acting Sail sergeant and that the ma hasnt time to make continuum checks of men arrested for drunkenness Two men have died under uses circumstances in six weeks The jury was inquiring into the second death to llTbis made Allandale 40 to Barrie 4a Evidently the boys could cut loose at first time too Three Toronto boys appearedon narythaft diarges beforeMngisixate Bick in Drillla Cecil Boson and Alex Rimie pleaded guilty and were each given 12 months term The third boy den ied any part in the stealing They had broken inlothe Cox garage at Wash ago andstelen Ford sedan Ohssed by Con stable Bills of Gravenhurst who knew the car nlnnber they went on the so to the sanitarlum and at bend thefcar plunged into the ditch It cut offla hydro pole struck large rock and landed upside down almost total wreck It must have travelled through the air for about 30 feet said Hills before it landed on the roof lie fired two shots but they only speeded up more All three escaped with minor myuries Pafragraphically Speaking lMan Says His Tenth Wife Drove Him CrazyHeadline That wasnt drive4 It is wondered on which side of the ledge the Recording Angel entered the item of two McClusky N11 mens steak ing and selling grain to raise enough money to see the movie The Ten Com monuments The memory is l0 per cent perfect vwith respect tosolnething person tries to forg upant to asittlngyposiulon When its time to get up most or us can sleep in any position eveninoluding catwwmnpus antigaming and topsyjturvy difficult balancel to achieve is that between keeping child tied to apron triage an Editor noterWeere in ordwit this opinion prisoners dont die for lack BABERUTllLESS SReading Poetry Opens in HAZEL seams On reading recent copy magazine Henry wondered why so few Canadians really read poetry Here was wealth of beauty and thought which can be found in no other medium The poet is living breathing vibrant emotions seeing what others do not see stopping to look closely where men pass unheeding and uncomprehending The poet is to creative writing what the voilin is to music what water coloris to art He expresn ses inbls poetry years of ex perience feeling and ob servation The creative impulse miles out like torrent of ex pression whichuls Inter revised polished and finely fitted togeth or it is the distilled essence of human thought and observation Good poetry is hard to achieve verse and rhyme come easily to many people but the pearl of gseat price is not easily attain Where do the readers enter the picture When we find in poetry the thing we have felt for yearsnnd have seen or experien ced many times Then we should make it part of our lives For instance many years ago read and memorized lit tle poem Indian Summerby William Wilfred Campbell Sin ce then on viewing with avve the glory of our autumn season these lines have come again and again to mind Along the line of smoky hills The crimson forest stands And all the calls Throughout lireautumn lands ch Now by the brookihe mania Canadian day the bluejay bo Illlllliellblsld 17 ran Alnillksllibe numeclzsbn lie Hasld tuned warmto 11 New by great marsheswrsp pcd in mist 01 past some rivers mouth Throughout the long still ant umn dny Wild birds are flying south Great truths are often embed led in few lines of poetry the reading of which pays dividends far beyond the effort it takes to make them your own As Words worth put it in The Solitary Reopen The music in my heart bore long alter it was heard no more Canada is what AY Jacksons new autobiography says in its title Painters Counilyf but it is poets country too Here are few lines written by Wil liam Conklin of Prince Albeit Saskatchewan STRANGE VOICES As in prelude to dream of dreams out ofithe liquid ilrmament There are strange voices in the mskin LVoices that want to be born They come like echo snund forms Without light without words They come Like last satellites circling the earth And mean out song for me With faint Signals in the dark ness Presaging pen world to be rn world withouttears and ainsl gt Exchange Visit Master Stroke ny snrmm GAVSBON GENEVA APTbe first im pression of President Eisenhow ers arrangement with Nikita Khrushchev to swap visits sug gested Monday night it might go down as masterstroke of Am erican postwar d1 omacy it appeared lochmnxfine of the most delicate exercises in in ternational politics since theeold war began President Eisenhower initiated and concluded the visitsdeal with Khrushchev in about month cnanxs or cams In so doing on the strictly Am ericauRussian level be chalked up Lbiisergains which could trans form the world scene Hehas given Khrushchev the chance to distinguish himself in wayStalin never did as the first Soviet ruler to enter the Whilefiouse At 65 Khrushchev ls amnn in hurry who is be lievedanxinus to leave his mark on the pages of history 2The president has set thé stagefor direct talks with the man who lords it over commun fisme millions These exchanges would be uncomplicated by the presence of Sensitive outsiders He has made itpessibie for givingnhimutoo much ropenriAmericsns andEuseiansf loge tter acquainted with the ources of each other dusuial clentllicl andV popular power ill aspect might fol perilous possibilities of nuclear explnsion will remain efused for some time This allow East West negotiators to think again The president will have chance of spelling out vital erican and Allied interests in such tensionareas as the Middle East and theFar East This does not mean he will negotiate any deals for he haspower to speak only for the United States OVERSHADOWS SQUABBLES The Eisenhower Khrushchev agreement overshdows the squabblings of the European Al lies over the general issue nfl EastWest relations Rivalassessmenis of Moscows aims have led France and West Germany for instance bitterly to resist Britains pet project for early EastWest summit meeting Eisenhower has out to please both the British on the one side and lihe French and West Germans on the otherlbrough his display of leadersh Tlie exchangaof is back but does not killBritain plan for toplevel talks Indeed ForeignSecretary Selwyn Lloyd has confidedito associates here From Kirkland Lake Ontario SD Neill gives us these llnesx Wing lwept ice bound The lone Lake lay Frigid ragged edged Sheet white by day Bordered by boulders And gaunt naked trees Beaulifully hurrah After the freeze Poetry may be divided into several categories narrative descriptive lyric love and so on It would be impossible to deal with all of them There is wealth of material available from which one finds it difficult to choose Many young writers are endeavoring inexpress Canada bier veemess her Let us follow their trail with interest encouragement and support greatness or and bar Syrians Killed By Turkish Miner DAMASCUS Syria AmDa mascus newspubtrs reported Tuesday that four Syrians had been killed by Turkish mine laid in Syrian border territory near the village of Tlel Elsham The United Arab Republic told Turkey Monday that Minsklaid mines had been discovered rel peaiediy inside Syrian territory it complained this violated the good neighbor treaty between the two countries Pal OBrien NowV Grandpa 2nd Time HOLLYWOOD PAcior Pat OBrien became grandfather Monday for second time Ax sevenpoundiEounce boy was born at Langley Va air force base the father telephoned He is Patrick scan OBrien 23 whose wife Monique 20 is the daughter of French magistrate The couple married last Sept 22 Young OBrien notified his brother Terryaud sister Brigid of the birth but the actor didnt get the news immediately With his wife hes in Vineland Ont on summer stock tour Mr OBrien Monday nighl openede weeks run at the Gar den Centre Theatre in the com edy The Loud Red Patrick Set loildlas Trial Ior Murderllug 11 LONDON iAPThetrial cl Guenther Podo accused of murdering detective was set Tuesdayior Aug 11 Pedals swearold German bnrn photographer who came here after he was deported from Canada appeared dazedrduring his brief court appearance Two weeks ago when Podola first appeared in court belied badly swollen and blackened left eye Several Labormemhers of Perl llameut have suggested that the suspect was beaten up by police lately that hes sure summit his 55le hmla will follow theKbrushcbev 3hower visits probabiy taking place in ember or ecember At tiresome time by gracing shooting to ct iv Raymond Purflyf 43 Butler thevhome seen tsry has denied this iDissidént matings syncs Judi1mm comm oiuvoamman questionle being wuium overnmmtmtoiitbs dissidents defeatedgovernmentsitting member 0f experience date one Windsor of course in such drcumrm lance would be the first undoubted recognizing am the election was coming the gov eminent promised the Windsor has lot of works Among them was new build iegrand verious roads Now that the election is over It has been interesting is watch the future in these promises KEEP TRUE First thing as matter of fact within four days of ibeelectfon Public Works Minister Ray Cou iiell reported that the Windsor Public Building was being pro ceeded with Within two days following that Highways Minister Fred case had called meeting of Windsor local people an the Riverside Drive an area situation NEVER VICIDUS This government is not being particularly strange inadopiing these tactics or this altitude it has never been vicious in its political outlook arronr mom eridinutlui dbl Ilanoe have lot of new schist VB noted NEH ELECTION However the last election time when the his work is either under way or promised it has been hallmark of Frost Government that than in hlg highway work overdue in most important ridiogn Aadihe next election will see gbat ls promised and whet one BIBLE THOUGHT Fbl the Lord knolnth the ray of righteousness but the we of the ungodly shall perish Pellm 18 dads knowledge the right eous comes from seeing Himself gflefilted wluioui distortion CANADIAN moles There are about 100000 rul dents of Swedish birth or descent in Canada Drastic Steps To Cope Teachers Shortage By McINTYEE HOOD London England Corresponch For The Barrie Examiner LONDON The British min istry of education faced with an annualreqnirament of 7000 new school teachers year is taking drastic steps to cope with the shortage which is holding back the program for smaller classes in the schools in 1058 total at 18000 persons entered the tea ching profession including if 300 coming fresh from training college But in the same yenr forvarious reasons 13400 teachi are left the profession which lefttbe net intake nearly 2000 short of the estimated annual requirements At the present time the teach ers training colleges have so commedation for 22500 students in comfort but 25000 ave been crammed in them or initial training Towards the end of last year Geoffrey Lloyd min ister of education announced that provision would be made to iamease the number of places in training college by H009 by 1962 Members of the teaching profession organization egprcclt sed grave doubt as to whether this increase would be sufficient to meet theneeds of worsen ing situation UP TO 40000 Speaking at the annual con ference of the Association of Ed ucation Committees Mr Lloyd said his department had again raised ltssights fognihteh leashes training program er places will be providbd within the next three years at training Study Economic Wilhllext Election In Mind nonrascock OTTAWA CPilt might seem trifle early but unofficial sources say the government is already studying the economic barometers with the next federal election in mind lfthe government follows the usual pattern of reiurnto the voters every four years the next electio will comesomeiime in 1962 Obviously any nmeni cannot afford to let future elec tions out of its thoughtsfor long It takes time to prepare for them especially in the field of economics and the countrys prosperity The reason for the concern at least purposeful interes economic trends arises partici lhrly out of the experience of the former Liberal gnvernmcnt in 1057 these sources say During the previous two years the countrys economy was boom ing along at aciipso brisk that colleges bringing the total in creaseup to 16000 By 1964 be said the minlsny proposed In have training college accom modation for 40000studenls eat tcring the teachingprofesslom He added that an even larger rogram would be mdertaken 19M or 1965 if that provision seemed to be inadequate Thereis however further reason for increasing accom modation at teacher haining gthened from two to three years which would have an adversein fluence on the output of the logos in 1962 In addition to strong desire to reduce the size of classes in the schools by providing more teachers the ministry is faced with birth estimates which im dicate that there will be rep4 idly increasing school populat ion and hence need for even more teachers in the later 1960 vA movement to have children stay longer at school than has been the case in the past is also gaining considerable mement colleges Sharing in 1960 the ira ining college course is to be len urn Thus tbaipresent annual luv crease of 5400 teachers based on the 1958 figures is considered for below the additional number that will be required to meet the educational needs of the oountry within the next 0years Pres ent needs are for an additional 7000 teachers By 1965 it is ex pected the number vidll be nearg er 10000 Barometer No one can say for certain what defeats governmmts but the fading of the boomthat rolled along through resend then began sudden tapering off in 1957 is considered to have had some effect There are good many in rations that the countrys ec nomy is rolling inward recovery at present Interest rates are ri ing The Bank of Canada rate last week was at record per cent boom continue Will it turn out ic be just another temporary popso to speak fading away again inza year ortwo along about election time Nobody can say atlthlstlm of course which is onéof the reasons governments usually seem little worried But unol interest rates were rising stead ilyandthe oppositionnow the government was hammering away atiwhat it termed faulty tilgbtmuney policy of the Liber as As current interest rates ndiL catchmeneyis gain tig only difference in the present situation being that the govern ment is Progressive Conservative insteadnf Liberal LOOKING BACK Looking back over 19 some strategists in government ranks see pattern of boom and boat that might just might worry the Conservative admii ration neteleclion as did to séiegree at least the Liberals in oracle sameness The government has electionwiew headdches Theres the Newfoundlandfeud over EdAV erai aid fothat provin how much of bered by the thereabouisl Theres the problem of federal provincial taxsh ingBut thats been tucked away for the mo mentatleest in committee of officials from hath levels government lts good he th committee will be busy studyi cal prob lems for at least ay maybe for couple of rs Then therellbs time for federal vincial oonfsren But how long will this new

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