Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1959, p. 3

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5175 EnjoyiPainlings Withouigllndeistandino Them Ivan Sairossy Speaking to BarrieRotary Club at its regu her meeting at Barrie Golf and Country Club Thursday said creativeness entered art when Paul Gauguin abandoned per spectiim in his painting The or list then became free to manip ulntc pattern inlo interesting motifs In the limited time at hisdis pusal the member of cxvn TVS production staff clearly de fined the birth at modern art the artists aims and suggested how the workshouldlhe accept ed by the public Today more people can paint and draw than are art ists said the speaker An art ist is man who contributes something to the capitaloi cul ture of our nation He feels the need to reexamine values and1 is awarehf the dangers of ac cepting our conventional edlcal ion which presents our world as the best and only type of world SERVES NATION The speaker wanton to point out that with the industrial rev olution in the secondhalf of the 19th century the artist was no longer the monoply of the priv ileged class Today he stands to serve the nation Mr Sarrossy admitted th at modern arthadavariety of sty les Ha cqaliacdhimseltlspecif TAKE YOUR PICK Asa service to our readers Examiner has collaotodln formation on number of Civic Holiday weekend activities in the area They appear lollowing under the heading of enchant munity Whileharvesting in many ru ral centres such as Eltnvale has curtailed holiday activity there are still many attrac ns Take yo MARATHON swnvt Janice While Toronto enle Kempentelt Boy at130 pm Sunday for her attempt to bro the fresh water endurance rec ordin swim to Drillia She will start from the small beach by the Barrie Yacht Club ROTARY BARBECUE Thlshas become traditional affairlor Barrie on Civic Holt day Each year members of the Barrie Rotary Clu build huge out oor charcoal pit St ically to the nonobjective style the abstract sculpture layman readily accents Alrican art but he looks at modern work and tries to find message This is think hang over of other times fModcrn art has strong nuance on our every day lives The designs of cars wasnlng machines and buildings reflect its influence People readily ac cept refrigerator but in art they still crave for th orinn angelrwith the clock in her stomach The speaker went on to state that philosphers have agreed that man is essentially sensual animal and it is to the senses that the modern artist istrying to appeal His painting or sculp turn is sensual experience He said there was absolutely no need to understand paint ing It is there to give you vis ual pleasure only He urged that thefviewer should famil iarize himself with the picture for famil arity breeds recog nition We have nothing to lose but we might gain another dimens ion to our capacity of enjoy menLl Ivan Sarrossy came to Can ada from Hungary via Austria in 1947 In Austria he studied philosth and he is alsoagrad4 in painting and mouiRoyal Canadian Dragoons Bandbefore they leave for Ger lnanywiil be held at the Camp field at pm The band under the baton of Lieut Edwin Spanner willhe cate to all tastes witha pro gram otvrtanfare trlnnpeters the augmented danceorchestra the glee club calypso group and the full conceitvban uMlISiC of the grand finale Tchaikovslsys 1312 Overture Willbesupplemented by gal axy at fireworks released by me from the Air Forces 13X Depot COUNTY MUSEUM The Womens Institute CoéiTy Museum at theSimcoe Co ty buildings in Barrie will be open today from 40 25 pm its closed Monday but open throughout the lést of the woek Curator ls Mrs and board airmanisMrs way Shuter studme GrahamMcNeil Indhigh school var Sullivan and Lou ahlotoliylmotollolidillnlorn who already had knowledge of owlmmldlum course is under ampervlslonoftheltedcrou ond cocoa Montoyalore than swintmlng knowledge al thoughthejunlonflnlshubel nminermigbt Lie KY courtesy and aunt intho terthoonvmlo performers in thewntor Beginners who satisfied ex Korrlson they know water safe water liver Judy Runehey Rosa Thomas 19 Ann Kenntd avid Son dro firncy 1min Wmdergast Doug Moan Bruce Bhutan RESORT Anelderblomnlo widow wudrmadotuoosyllarb oraomethneenrlythlsmomH log Ontario Provincial Police Conll Bod aldson at Victori llaiho raid lure Mary Dorothy Gaynor 82 ldt the cottagevwhero she was ltayiag with some fricndl sometime between midnight Friday and why Her body was found floolinz about 50 feet offshore this morning Hit in not known why or when ioft the cottage but Victo Harbor OPP sold this morning she was absent mlnded and not always tule conscious of what she was do hlg or where she was it is probable she went for walknnd fell 01f the edge oi the harbor said police Biuce Cramptoo John Bover loge Brant Pnogbourne Wayne Hamilton Earl StntheX Cathy Webster MarySaigeot Colleen Anon Richard wehster Junior posed were Michael Coutinho Fern Beauchnmp Evelyn Dawson Sandra Taylor Shelia Gayton Susan Goyton KenBoker Peter Genoa Judy Wade Verna Lone Showers Soak Fires In Gaspe ST flERNARD dealMS Que cmrho Gospe Peninsula was SGT MIKE CDUTINHO TELLSCLASS YOU HAVE PASSED note of the Ontario College of Art Toronto His paintings and sculptures have been exhibited at Hart House London Museum of Art Toronto ArtIGolleryand Hamilton Art Museum For five yearshe was an as sistant to the Canadian artist Emmanuel Hahn Mr Sairossy was also the founder of the Suclt iety of Form and Color now klilngvll asthe New CanadianArt Cu Cant Idenliiy Amused Men An elderly Letroy woman claimedlfiriday two men tried to steal her purse fromherfis she was walking on Dunlop St East Barrie Barrie lice say Mrs David Taylor 71was toldby amon she should not be walking so fast As he told her this another man in the middle of the busy street came and took her arm from the other side She replied she was hurry to catcha bus but they andtried to lake herbagsand purse from her She resisted and ran into nearby store to wait until they had gone away she told police It is thought the two men may have been tryingHo help her and when police took her on street againto hy andidentify thex twomen she lden ed number of people all of whom looked diflerent police said No arrests were made nament at arn Bands will parade from Market quare and King Street School at am Water SkiPageant starring Car oi Anne DutlLie ail 130 pm and Aquatheatre how at pm and 315 pm Chicken oarbecu dinners cook ed ih pits at Couchiching Beach sold between 430 and pin Finish of marathonEnriieto Orillia swim by Janice White Lat park bench around prn BARGE CONCERT Howard Cab and his 8le appearing on the barge atGull Lake Park inGravenhurst Sun day reveal giHIlisblllr FIELD DAY The annual Hillsdale Reunion and Fi Day will be held jdonqay Eighthsottball teams will compete for cash Pfimv sunday swam the that same at will be via ll Ronny snonrsmy Progr egms Monday with softball tour and théWomenslnstitute will serve refreshments Races HIEClllldltfl at pm Attrdcfions In rec11 soaked by heavy showers Friday night but forat fires still burned out of control However they were reported making no fresh advoncu The rain heav in month gave an advantage to the more than 900 men fighting the fired but they were noble tiegain the upper hand They have also been oi ed by our days of Iightwinds eoidcs canning timber had property losses the fires have cut the Gaspo areas annual tourist influx to spokesman for the provin cialpuhilcity bureauin Quebec City said tourist routes have not been dgteotedf by themes as lmdw starteihy thevgoyetg ent wig $10000 contribu on Friday Msgr ul Joncas viear general for Gospo diocese and newly formed committee would administer it Wintermeyer Raps Beer Price Boost TORONTO CP Liberal Leader John Wintermeyer lri day accused the Ontario govarn hiding behind rising hotel is nrdortornisemore Ontario chconlrols thobrow ing industry announced price in creases Friday in behi bought at retail stores inlloensed pre rnls Mr Wintermoyorsoid that of the 314300th yanr the in creases will cost beer drinkers lessrthan ball will go to thehotel industry Thermal wbuld be sharedby the browser andthe govaroment he said the was hillmllls hlsherrhotelgcostsvlor the increase Complex opens for oneleak run Monday night at theRed Barn Theatre Jacksons Point Director is Alon Nunn ing its annual bazaar and car nival today ehf en dinner will be serve inthofichurch Showtime orchestra willbe leslel arrio Police Const Bill Erownand Special Coast Gord Wllson were busy dishing park ing tickets to about 20 cars angleparked on the stretch of Slmcoestgt between Boylield Strand Maple Ave Friday The tickets however will not ost While many Canadian hospit als are in the midst ofla seasonal blood shortage there is age in Fame 0nr stocks are atJhe usual level oBoyal Victoria Hospital oflicral said tins morning The RVH receives its blood from the Red Cross in Promote and regular shipment came in Friday It was pointed out that members or the blood bank formerly perated here could be called on ifa shortage did develop Canadian Press showed Friday that mosthosp itals from mantle coast report their blood bank stocks have dwindled since the startof the summer until now they arevdan gerously low Main reasonfor theyshortagc said the survey is that many rogular donors are away onhol iday Also me only and early August isiregardéd by most hospitals as the accident season when summetghighwny mis hops reach peak and more it isneeded for tims than in any other montlr accmnwrs tow the of the reasons Barrie has not experienced an increased demand is that the aeci ent rate has to date remained ranto at allow ebh To help me the highdemands expected durlng the holiday weekenda special oneday donors clinic was held Toronto florathanjzs ed the appeal whovhad and begin spans handrails baseball nt fireman Park in for ISSUE WARNING rickets no short wnhowNi rphansfHerev Simone Counly officials were standing by until am today awaiting nrrivol of children from Whyehaven the foster home emptied late last night by the Ontario GovernmenL We do not know yet wlul none orrlved said Childrens Aid Soclely monazlnz direcmr Don Jackson this morning He noted Barrie was one of the tar thest points from Bowmalivllle the location of Mom Whytoa home and nearer points would receive children first Some half dozen dosterbomes in the county were notified about 11 pm that children might be on the way to them Firstlntl motion lmm loronto govern meat officials camoto the Sipl1 coe CAS during the afternoon when Mr Jackson learned the government might take action tlie mbtorists onyth unless they do the same thing again They are simply warnings that angleparklng on this stretch ls out in future Parallel park ng comes into operation on th normally toonarrowtore fort roadway during this week end ments to donate blood showed up at anotherfclinicl This means that although suppliesjwill be low againat the eiid of the loug wéekwd we think well get by until mesday abarring4any emergencies Toronto Red cross spokesman said last night of the four central depots that supply Southern OntarioTorah to Hamilton London and 0t tawnHamiltondias the Worst shortage and only Ottawaan adequate supply synopsis lnrgéhighpressure area which developed inetho Prairies Friday is centred over northwestern On 10 this morn his gt Southern Ontario will feel the effects of this coldair invasion by orning few showers and somecloudiness haveroc curred along this line but the weekend will ha in inly sunny andpleasantlycool as the high pressure drifts across the prov race warming trend is forecast for the beginning of the weak the high moves east the pro in Regional forecasts alid until mldnight Sundayl Lake Erie Lake Huron ara Lake Ontario regions sor Ifondon Toront Hamilton Sunny witha few cloudy per ds mainly sunny westlsSunday rgian Bay liahburton relt Clmldytwlth oler Winder day west 15 Sum ln suddenly Lottrhe was told to be ready alter pm to reoelva children Mr daemon is keeping close to the telephone today Although he does notexpect further delt veiopmeots here over the wow case he is on weekend duty foi all emergency calls Hit By Car Boy Breaks Leg VWllliamKetohjbyon celved anhmlteoyieg Friday when biwknocked over by gear on Ookvlew Beach butarioProvlnciol Police Oakvlew Hench say he to wait tor traffic while he won the bendiwalkcd or when the lit lbwiis safe but somehow colldedrwlth another car There were no charges laid to the motoristwho was in collis ion with the young boy2liarold Caldwell Valloceburg Ont Ketcheson was taken to Coiling woodr General and ilnrinonw pltnl where he was treated by Dr Ives btoyner tannin Champion Shoszogfi Barkless Basenji Is Missing Gloaalrloy Red Bangle Canad ian Champion lsmlssing The railroad white Basenli owned by Mrs Donna iay for of Barrie left her homeat is 20 Melrose Avenue ahnosttwo weeks agoshortly alter com pleting the show polnlsvhoc gander Canadian champion Dld Bangle get snooty after be coming champion Not so says Mrs Taylor IShes been very sasyto with and has awonderful position One theoryris thatthe th oughhrod show dog was accident ally bred and has gone oil to have her puppies Bangle was live thought to have been seen near the fann of ion Welsmaa on the Shanty lBay Road but Mrs Tay lor has bcen unable to find her after several trips to the area Baseajislook something like fox terriers but theirtails curl right up over their backs An alert breed Ihey have gait similar to that of thorough bred race horse Bangle has green tattoo on her left flank with the initials irle IK UK Printers Settle Dispute LONlloN ReuterslA stop page which has shut dowo4000 printing firms and 1100 provln eial newspapers for more than six weeks will end next wedhksi flaw union leaders and employ ers announced Friday night Loud cheers came from the conterenceroom for Lord Birkw gt att veychrnidlomwim jug Barrie Escapes Bloodshbrtcige ion of appeal whohas acledns independent chairman during 16 days othegotiation Ten unions and 150000 workers were in volvedrin therdispute over whges andbourol Industrial experts estimate the stoppage whichslarted June 17 will have cost employersnworkl ers and unions nhoutmmomo Under the agreement there will be return to work next week while the unions vote on the wage and hours settlement negotiated by their leaders The threeyear agreement proi lvides for dinpercent increase in hesicpay anda reduction of the working weck by 90 mlnutes t9 ohms Deaths GIORGIANNlAt the RoynlVlc torln Hospital Barrie on Saturday August rose Salvatore Giorg fanni in his 70th year below hullde of Margaret Jane Mc Caughlcy dear other at Charles Mnrie Mrs mayo Josephine Mrs nhoniryl Ind John Dcn his clnrginnnl Reruns it tho scnnhiey mi some 0Worsley The breed is relatively new one to this toattncnt ondJs known chleliy lor Ilia fact that the Basenji docs notlhark It however capable of howling or yodcllng Bangle was purchased from Midland Bascan breeder WJ Loltch in Junoof this year and was originally nought from Mrs Anderson of Victoria HC and of North cos foremost Bagemi breeder Shy Man Drunk Charges lire Laid 45yearrold Barrie man was found drunk in restaurant in Duolop St East Friday with two bottles of ryaon the table in rental him say Barrle Pol ice One of the bottles was a2ti oz and the other 12 oz Whon he was arrested by or rie Police Coast Frank Light he is said to have hsednbusiva language but otherwise wasl cor operative Douglas haves Shantyan Road has been charged with hav ing liquor in place other than his residence drunk illllMEfiS MARKET sum or visitors crowd otregukir Barrie Farmers Market today and again tradel summer eg etables was for 75 cen her size dowelIrate Beetroottrwrm 10 cents bunch with pickling he Lfetching 60 cents basket Wax beans look ed attractive at 60centsa bas ket Fine well formed ots sold 10centsahuneh Also available were summer tinge and potatoes at thereg ulal prlue Herbs were offered at 10 cents hunch gay splash color Was dd ed to the market by large bunchv es of gladioll on many ttha stallscThese were movi 131 at ix for aocems of cooki met any de and from cottagers gt numberof the stallholder had forsaken the market hall place in the strobe marketbuilding andthe poll SI Barrie lfiiilelnl nonss ats Marys Church Baflle4nn 25d Aug at nm Interment Sr Maryl Cemetery 171 stahon Heteltheopen trunk of near novldeda goodsllbstitut forth nnrkettable

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