1AHelp Wauied Mole ahacan Vlan leans Anlv Man Indium it situatenationwi use summit 53 races DOWIIINOI alum WW the 190 73Heip Wanted Female All will or fznd nan PA 571 Mm oiueenuai as hurl laminar ntluls antenna or up 111 Nun daairu middle Lady with one Aneiy no or learn namer Wm lnoyinm Good in itldiend Avai meal will mull his or male required by Arch muna 1111 lflman Box nousnnru achool chlldm Reply ra or uiary erode nilyuhoa ll narr mmln 7DEm merit Wa R125 CONCRETE TECHNIClAN amides caANon your axparilaco Cenm aiahi Machine ureuuu Finish Anlo Boxu Blrrll Ellminer 191754 man ICHOOL Oiri Ila will baht alt weekdays or week evenings Phone PA £458 1017751 === For Sale TOP SOIL ANiJ MANUEE FRESH CUT BOLLED 501 pm on LAID 180 aqyd delivered PA iiBB16 Ilzdtr FILL GRAVEL MTG SOIL SEPTIC TANKh PUMPED ratenun aoduradinri water Delivery Crumd Limestonl DENNIS noun Amil street FA IZWI ARE YOU illiERESTED lN BEllEESlLAGE in lure about Bakelite Vinyl an an CALL FOBFJlTS GAS PHONE PA Mn 13 PENEFANG ST NEWSPAPER MATS an axis ioeaiior hauled INN llfllfli lect aloe ï¬lm DOZEN Aral Tho Bani auntier aarrie Ontario JONES USED FURNITURE 1i DUNLOP 5mm wrsr F0th 79 W1 nu AND anti GENUINE ANTIQUE ALSO GOOD UALllglNgEODDiN PHONE PA ooze 31 We wancmNG AND tumult co Cedar Ave RICHMOND am New lnd used building and In matter and the ipo In mus Complete Idatariale New cotter inrnlatlon ceiling Sonres Til Ind nodtied Supplin chl 1000 New Mndowa at unreliable pricaa AV 58942 FURNACE TOIL BURNER so CLEANING Anusanwcmd Now ii the mixer tune to have Ifth hunting this work donl helorelh rendlo damaao your equipment PLACE voila nilpml Now gt TELEPHONE BARRIE PA 6653 SIMCOEDISTRICT COOP DIulinJhas ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS ECONOMICALLY ORTABLI coome TARPS mm aAiIltIE TENT and AWNING per ween as BMW usmn min11 nnrru milMW Ix Ml rdiimn Hill train flunknae Practi nuanced Pflval Hmiul PA Willm wmown ram continua an Whether child Ilium TBHIW rho iilime when 13 480 phone PA Nils mnlxrwan Boone mm uanocalionr se 13i1oi1d hired by Tab onto clergyman in ehrieu helm of sisrims Cantu Barrie sduti Vi Queen Polyhlhylenn Film smile 51720 alum ï¬tting pl said per he an Room Window ulfl Plum Window Flywuodl Flour Euh Ind slam Hots RENT TENTS cm lors column smvrs new 7AlI11l Ilia mucus lenfltiï¬Ã© of renal Um Ill olelint am ale nt am all Im can Inna st Iiflfll porn arnn bicycle in manna We artowl rash itm einido FOUND Yllnlll dogqu BO tween Barton bull ondmhlla with brown and black manuals none rAwu iolmu rmwmans Addlne iiaehluae stenoretta Machine unfla rmd run all aux 151 DIMTJDJII iv CAN find one nurcnaaer In lug III my lounhoid allot rub lure drapes Mu floor coveriau etc will let Lilo whole lot to or three hundred and ill dollan 95000 Phone PA 3179 althu mama teedl auteed uoetrie Pom min iiacidnu ruaranteed Elia Demonnntui aewlnr hacie ine use nine sewing Cenlrv aiiaiso 11 um than your think Your hireca and oil hurner cleaning should have oeen completed hit new ll thta important work he not oeen arranged in July or Ailml do not dell In ion Ir Tolughlnlo nude Daplriment or Coop Barrie eiiem at ls Wanted to Buy CEDAR POSTS Anchor mt Portl mt Willin summon Jr Bax III Durhlm Ontario PHONE ALLAN PARK in Ilfldriirlfifll WANTED 1M74I Canadian coin and old Victoria ooina Phone PA smnn II 10 Form Supplies TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA SEALED TENDERS MARKED GRAth TENDERS will he rece ved hy the underiirned until orioch noon luerday August 1959 tor loading haul ing and spreading approximately 3000 cubic yard at orauei nine to he deuvsred directed by head Supoflnten ent Also need our yard loaded on towns 1r truck revel supplled towoeh Work he completed Saturday Ana 15 use mar ed cheque or i7 the tender price to accept tenderi Lowcatar any tender neceerarlly accepted EARL RICHARDSON Clark 11 owen 5L harrte Out Mehw Road superintendent 15 Furl Llnr Barrie Bait 101711 heoisranen tANnriAcn hours months old Excellent tyne lulrantead breeders nlll rini mom Phone Now Cleemure iom 7n LivestOck f0 SO Boastlam HEIFBB due July 31 muslin RR Bari1e Phone PA Will loAlidihn in FIGS lnven weeks old also one cur one week old AI Switzer Crown Hill PA resin ioAm rice in wecire oid pigs ween old Harry Jonkmiin coh ceaaton is to in Bay Point 10Al78thn noan Pics good bacon tyne York month old ior euie cheep Apply Wiulain Reid Painswick thue onus stroud ioAm 10A ol iOClmplemenis COCKEHUTT FARM EQbiIMENT annular SALE Power tnkeotf Combines ram $17m 5P Comoines regh715o sale 85800 59 Swathen rec nose Sale 31950 Tractor model 54o res 52750 Seie CAMPh PA 67123 lacyY momsIris FARMSUPPLiES SERVICE CASE AND NEW uouANn mums mamasv DnAuza Yard Equipment idternationei araln Separatim need hinders deed ueed Spreltlul 17¢ Burton Ave Barrio PA was is shOW ra loosh ouro Sprayer with ex SPY yer nozzle $350 Moone no room 100175130 COCKSHUIT Binder like new con oition use also iinu Far Pick up Truck upeed transmit on No lurther Illa Phone PA EIflflv or PA $7321 Inc177479 31311116011 Threshing Machine 28 cylinder at body coniniete iwiti graln thrmiIlr on and clover attachment Like mummed only seasone also lvlecornnck new in porn hinder uaed only re Avvb John narvliia an My ner Putin tun ioreiionn It CIM WW ionSeed and reed rlxui oroanlnrh Gillan call ll IllL IDiflrlll Wm by tho Mr or laid uni and partun lei MI stone VIII good la any amend iA Hui lapHills leePoultry Chicks DEKALBfPm AND LHICKS In lvllhhlï¬ al 10 mufï¬n eymmii INS 332 but All would in we can on loan led Iron moronmy Strand Ph inoneiai in and In WOO ll MOENAG laid and armies nee Co IPA woe === 151051 eFOUND BLACK PURSE contW abou norm in Lobiawl Bayfleld st Phone camp Borden newrd Drun Lodya uuiov In initial oilil Losr way 21 to oohrtown newrd Contain Importat NP and 17 rd Phonl Alimon WI LOSTI Pill llul It the banana Til GI vicinity Knixbta Phone PA Hana or PA 53 151711 i6 Personal row TRUCK m1 noun ton all equipped good condition Aim ram hall inn exceuent condition Nllunlhio Phone PA lllli icims i8 Room and Board EDDM AND hoard parkliil space lunch packed it dsatred and Wash ing PA 56638 1317 SARooms for Rent FUnNianan unnaolu downtown $65 WEB Flinn PA has loll17MB Houssnurmta noon Worm girl preferred Niel 3m srA 25 FURNISHED HDIIICKEE in Rho complete with ma an minuteawnik from Jan Phone PA H102 18C Boarders Wanted ROOM AND nonlu Very central Home cookina Phone PA ooisi lacmun an ROOM AND BOABDquiat Christ Ian home Room main floor near dullnnlrl cinlw bath Ahetalnere aud welcomed PA More i9 Legal MORTGAGESALE under and terminus oi the in certain he produtgd Powers contained mortgfle which It the time of nu ultra Wlll ollond or idle or Saturd meenth day or the hour oi elohtu eeiock in Duniop st namely Barrie the ionowing mites report cine ulluotcd on he owinl landa ALL AND SINGULAB certain panel tract 01 land ind premlaah lulu lyina andnalng in It Township of On to at at Numbar Twonwflvl in this Seventh Concession of the id Tuwruilip of Orb and dhwflhed II OMMENCING Ninot that in the county at himnoe and coin need of pm or the Em follow ï¬ve its uih iron the No cut angle or said Let rum West run with the Northern boundary at theaald South paralhl with the Line elaty llukhi parallel with the or and th een links THENCE unite to the pllctt at be which is Altuata dwa Municipalityï¬l Orv Siltion TERMS Ten per ugh in lnlh purchase man to he at the tune the madetn Vendor ror rurther particular and con older at sale to ESTEN Se street nerrie flatrial for this MortSlsaa 13 pi July last rowers Ont Phone Bolton loolimo hotleY SH mudum wml abuses IN Hts an Examiner Wall Ail Phone PA 32414 THE outflolvlrTOWN wharf irs Iusr LIKE newwsowNED BYAN ow LADYNEVER moms EQUIT FARMING AND BOUGHT ABpWLifléAUEYNTW Am IN ISM votes miï¬ï¬w moor Commercial and residential inonm IND on moflmll BarriI 154794 Lonmine vicinity of Allandalo Watch Will Phone PA 15111119 olack wallet on High IBIIllu old rimmed ashl Drul Stan or Euilnll and Albm St Reward hioeha central Poona PA MIMIN NEWLY DBCDRATID Bedroom on 15 30 In St or 13Al774179 rahaette ml tarmln hilt171le at the Queens Hatch reet Ears at the City or That owning and oee in Chllm Ind thkuimJIrlkr THENCE onceclan TIENCE El Northern hound Lot Linn didind and North alarm 13 Concussion Lina 5W on the down ballerina Within thin day arrlnlementl satisfaction at the STEWART Owen Bollnlion DATED at sarrie thid ziet day isiilnnnliz 50 Alumni vs 9K4 no 121 Po Para Pa 3N1 Openlhlluiiking of hearts This hand was pinyed in dui pllcdto The Northslouth pain all gotiour spades but with va rying results Depending upon the deianle and how declare handled thetrunip situation the contract was made or also do ieated one trick Usually the AK of hearts were cashed altu which West ahllted to diamond Declarer won in damnw led spade East playing low and then won into trance Thou declnrdrs who cemeout of the huddle and went up with the king and led another spade CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed ad vertitslnenturu inserted at the rate at do per word per inner tion for one and two times do per word or three four or ï¬ve times and per word for or inorqt insertions 10 additional charge ll not paid within to days will inNiuun ADVERTISEMENT 806 COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED PAID WiiHiN 10 DAYS on 88¢ 12 CHARGED PER SIN Chn msaarloy Coming Events 5c per word minimumchargo $150 Birth and Death Notices and Cards oi Thanks $150 or up to 25 words over 73 words 5c per Wordiextra in Memorial No tices $150 ii verse used 3e per word extra FIJI Pa the Barrie Wlii lulu or In adv ant taken Igor tho telephone nor oi errors In copy all 11 liter tho lm in an arm nylon tor unu ciau eea my he obtained mihe nxanlnee advertinnl on it and don AlIWANr AD copy should bovin our ofï¬ce by pat the day beinre publication On Saturday by noon LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE meneon El envoyneon In gt Manly to Dolls outedla me St Elmo Branch oulceztmvalaont flown QC SHBFIUI QC LIVINGSTON MYERS nanlater and Solicitor la Collier at aarria Ph PA com er solicitor Net pool st nut BAREIE ONE PA sscza SMITH CrMcLEAN Ether Smith QC Arthur Mall Bruce Owen artinert Solicitors etc all Owen st vhone PA Him OPTOMETRY ROBERTH SMITH no Optometriat isnudilgnsrngwnerda 945 NOEL STEPHENSON RIO Optometrist Danie at East aarri reel 20 FORESTRY PETER HARVIE aptlama Hometown specialized In Farm woodieuw iuth hARplEV in com HN orlONaA wmm thai cht bad airea ahawnwwlththeAKolbeafll maklngltuniikelythatheaim held than air spades than shoveltheme thd possibility that East hadbeen duit AQx padre lithilblrned out to bathe case tin play at the icing would lode the contract and the play 01 the jack would win it Outmm belle as tithe king was superior ca would be mcceului not only when West held Qx but also when he had the singleton spdtq But titeprlze iilay took place at one tableywhero declare was given no guess at all He went and there Winit £an hecauld do about it At this labia Westcaahed the AK at heart and decided there was no lutura to diamond lead Ho therelore led the queen 01 hearts East put on his thinking cap and came up with killing pin Ba trumped his partners heart with the ace Decla rer had to lose another trump trick toutiie queen and went down one gt East reasoned that by ruiiliig with the see he would detect the contract if his partner had eith er or Jxx of spades East was riï¬ht Tuesday When to cover In honor Death Fugitive Called Accidental TORONTO CPlA coroners jury here has returned veredict gtof accidental death in the case of fugitive killed by bullet iron the revolver of Con stable John Getty Laszlo Fnrkas 20 died of bullet in his ï¬rm Juice Kubic 20 was wounded in the jaw by the slime bullet Constable Getty testiï¬ed he was closing in on wanted car alter hearing radio message nbouta fur their As he reached for the handbrake of his motorcycle with the hand in which he held his pis tol it dlscharged Kublc is charged with breaking and calving car their and theft at furs along with Guyin Sliiagyi 21 and Joszei Horvath 22 Autopsy Ordered inDeatil Youth DRESDEN lCP An autopsy has been ordered death at 15yearpld Clitford Vpley whose body was found Thursday night hanging in barn on the out skirts of this Kent County town The boy soil of Mr and Mrs Eugene Ripley had completed de liveries on an alteran paper discovered Police are investigating re port that number of children were seen playing at the scene just prior to the discovery of the hody rllorllssmlllll Initiation ACCOUNTANTS RoSEe HARRISON Cluttered Accountants Samuel Role CA Samuel Haniron CA as Qollllr st Phone PA Huts HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Certioed ruhiie Accountant Toronto and narrie aerrle omceWiiaon Bldg Fred Grant Square PHONEPA 83397 Ruideilt rerteer edhnlnCFA ARTHUR POWELL Chartered Accountant 24 iunlop St East Barril PHONE PA 86228 osrrorarmc MEDICINE WlLsoN OSTEOPATHIC CLlNiC Phone PA ism wuron Bldxo aarrle Edwin wuaonasA no was Munch on one in are trai nedohyelcian FUNERAL HOMES STEC HOME surznidn SERVICE AT MODERATE cos CO an Wonlymw 56 vErEitlï¬AltY jflhnelli route shortly before his body vas somewhat below average KLEY FUNERAL By AlaiCE anooxs Plithth CLOWN Lookl Here come the cuddle clowns puss pup and baby boy Tots love this thrllty gill BreezeEASE Just flat pio ces or each plus ears ruining merry cloud caps Pattern7m transfer pieces or three which clowns directions Send Thirtylive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Household Arts Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Front St Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PAliEBN NUMBER Our 1959 ALICE BROOKS Necdlecrait Catalogue has many lovely designs to order crochet ing knitting embroidery quilts dolls weaving special gift in the catalog to keep child hap pily occupieda cutout doll ahd clothes to color Send 25 cents or your copyhf the hook SHOULD car ALONG WELL TORONTO CPlTlle Oli tarlo cabinet appointed two new coronch ThursdayDr Cow and Dr Bull Drlavid Cow of Part Cul bnnie becomes coroner for Welland County Dr Bull of Fort Wli liamwlli be coroner or the Thunder Bay district Hold Hirediiian In Death Of NELSON EC CP 26 yearold hired hand was held in jail here overnight for question lag in the double slaying of young mother and her daughter Mrs Violet Doris Townsend is and her daughter Linda were found naked had beaten in death Thursday an bloodstained bed in their arm home outside Trail BC Police said the daughter had been raped No charges wereiaid immedA lately Theman dazed from an apparent overdose of headache pills was found trying to hitch hike on highway about miles east of here and some 60 miles northeast of the scene of the clay lags Thevictlms died olterrific head injuries caused by blunt instrument saidCoroiielj Dr JohnMaciiay uf Trail two pound hammer was found near the bad Two childrmaieeping iii the same room asthe murder vii lims were not disturbed live yeaMld soil was sleeping in an other raom Andrew Townsend the learned of theslaylngswheii he arrived home from the night shift at Consolidated Mining and Sin liliig pany in Trail Wheat Harvesting Begins in Ontario ollAwA Cl The bureau or statistics said Wednesday that harvesting or fail wheat began in Ontario last Week and wlil hc general next week with yl Almostpii coinitie portgood hayylelds Most ofsouihwcst 0nL tarioneeds raid irrigation systems are being used cap father mm $532553 cEE neon wruhtan ai Mahmud In 63 levies cnc rv Nun LI WallIla Mo man china am sad RivI mixtur mine ainvnAv Auauix San Francisco 1200 1210 1220 1210 1245 100 105 230 usu 1200 755 800 810 315 and 200 905 955 1000 1051 1100 1215 lull 1145 100 103 103 300 salt 55 900 ms mm 1015 1080 Jill 555 1100 15 My Friend Fit SATURDAY Phi MONDAY AM Test Pattern member arise Ms no world Blue Pluhuun tut But CBC TV NM channel Wanner Lilo Movie Lalo Idnvio Tn Ll Cm New Weather Womenl show centennial Summer On Salari Wutern Thratro Coming arena Western Theatre ram limet Report New Worth SDGM inn lam lar Performance nunonalre ioah lalriaxlhow nanny rhoinu snow cannuohau buuu Pinyinqu cm mu neadnna New irario larhet anon green plant sinrcoe County Ian and Home Now Hitlflllnl Nm Builnun Board 00 Now my story Weather Now Bob and my all storey Ar Walther Nawl his story Weather New Dig story dc Weather Farm unatnenort News Report on Sport his story mi Wna Bulletin Bum Race Results News Green valid lint News Summer Patrol trout hob and Ray his story dr Weather News illg Story tie Weather News and Sport hia story Weather News and Sport hob and RI Big Story weather News and spend Lila SUNDAY Alli sit on Herel Health Ontario Samy Canada At Work This is is story News Lleht aorl Lyrical Church calendar News ueadiio New Church Service Bert Churchill It If Goaoi auNBAn one ula pa cadllneNeWI Jobs For Workar Sunday Serenad Newcut Back to mine noun Graham NI Sununertz News hob and his in story Weather Newa on hy Storyand Weather Headline Non church service News Biz story Weather hob and Bil story Weather New and Sport Bob and any in story he Weather News end snort slzn 0n Strength lay the Dev alli Bcnnatt Show New and on rarer narre report News and Eporu Weather Headilno New News on Roundup em and sport seem News Shh lor Show SWIRI lime Showtuue Rvirw Time to Chit New Homes chart In nouns dull Ehldllnl lel mamas gt Tamil PP ateol to ll phi Abovers ramvlsmlli usual gm contain lids Public homer rum AUGUII om lino rileI10 In lord World PIEDM ï¬h SpoilHill an at quna cam in Command on Blltil The Show ihdl ails Built Eï¬Ã©Ã©urssggsraereezesiï¬ roiay in Sport community Nun mo hoovmoonm mNuuaY Auuuu ran Pattern curiatian science ran it ronr or lmny Woman shaw nieLonx Nllht Alhart nope Aruuna The sun iluehleherry Hound and not ex ern ram Martin Report New Weather some Carey 11 lone1 1710 Walt Dine Pran Ml Va Bumwed Lila moo David Kin show 130 Bat Mmmun 00 Thu Unloruen than Ciolllt um and News 1115ihe Weatho an Today in coinnilinlty in do fluvth IO Dial 950 she showtime ilevlaw his use In Chat 1000 New ms nomennenhhow 1100 New this rein rlowe snow lids caldweue Blby Show TUESDAY than 1200 Headline Nem 1112 PamMarhet nepors use Spam plus News at Simeon County Farm Homo Nun Holdllnt New Stall Taylor Sh Bullnlln Board Weather News News Weather News Tom lawn Show lammo 5T1 art Inn en 600 Nlrwl Report on Sport acadnne New aunetiu Board New Jack Euitlo Show News ieen room v00 News uud shone 1000 New Mid Sports 1100 Neyu and SUD WEDNESDAY AM sun Ooileadllne Nun strength or loday 515 ml Berle Show 51 News ant SP0 sci Farm Market Eepofl 700 Neva Ind 51mm 713 WM REED 730 Headlin NOW 1so News 100 soorta Round on can New and sport 00 staini In how some dingy Man sso showtime neviw 9151ime to gut looa News isomernalrera show lilll to 1130 Tom Rom ShowI an ll Heinz Baby Show mkszany Edil gelding lel IS amen 3m neoorter Farm Market Ropnn Sport Dilut gt News ounce County ram and home News headline New Stan Taylor show nulleun Board Weather News Weather News Weather News Tosh nervesmew New Weather W1 iIeldiinn New Farm Market Report News Repon on snort EhadllurNswe Bulletin hoard 53 hues Results The News Lorich New moo New loan New and hurts 110 Navy and spore cruniimransucrlou DUNDALK CPlA llighway 10 intersectiamwhere accidents 353 ash 22382 areten Ls 99 =8Ie123228 anauouua have killed iivaipcrsuns intbo last nine months may get=aa overhauling studyhy twoOn tariu highways departmenteflï¬ln cars has reconmendeda hllriku light over the intersection Warin dn ban on parking