Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1959, p. 2

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gt Abate Uneasy CalmOverGaspe SEVERAL ARMS cl ilre WOW their way toward this aban doned tarm on the road linlt ing Ste Annedes Moots and St Joseph ties Monts in the Gupe peninsula 350 miles Firefighters1 Dig in lisWinds ST EERNARD dos LAW Que CPIAn uneasy calm hovered over the tirestricken northeast ern Gaspe Peninsula today An increase in wind Velocity could rekindle the coaliagratlon in which 300 miles of timberland was destroyed and village partly razed Dyo days of respite in the wind has given lireiightcrs chance to dig lire breaking ditches and reorganlze their de iences This village 350 miles northeast oi Quebec City nearby Sacre Co eurdes Landes and St Octave nesday night do lAvenir is miles southwest oi here were still evacuated Wed FIRE THREE MILES AWAY Mayor Romuald Eioax oi Ste Anne des Month 10 miles north west of here on the St Lawrence south shore said communities along the shoreline will be in danger ii the southiwlnd picks up The fringe oi the iiro is about three miles away he said Another lire which has burned aaares near St Paulio 30 miles southwest oi here was creeping east toward St Octave dc lAve air it was reported burning iiercely but channelled away from human habitation Red Cross emergency shelters at nearby Ste Anne des Mums and Cap Chat and shoreline resi dents hava taken in evacuees and homeless The Red Cross said 487 persons have registered or aid Eighty our were reportedtlo have lost their home in the flashes The weather iorccast lorGaspa announced warm weather ior to day but chance for thunder shorter in the evening ny nonona MonaisoN Canadian prcst Stat Writer WASHINGTON or Presi dent Eisenhower still seems cool to the idea oi inviting Premier himself splendidlyfin To many an observer it up cared Khrush chev showed him it as shrewd and cunning propsgandist One Amciiean commentator wrote that to give Khrushchev Khrushchev to the United Stateslthe opportunity of tour at tho Some observers ug gest that among the reasons is the lack nl EastWest progress atheneva Another may be Khrushchevs propaganda skill The presidents coolness was evidentiat his press conference Wednesday Reporters observed that Vice President Nixon ap peared to be considering whether tn recommend that Khrushchev be given an invitation Welt replied the president Nixon had every rightmto discuss the merits oi such Visit bu he had no right to offer any invita tion That oi course is the prero gative oi the president Averell Harriman former New York governor said alter his own Soviet tottr that Khrush chevbnrbored lot of misconcep tions about the and that visit might help dispell them Moscow DEBATE Thatwas belore Nixons visit and the NixonKhrushchev bare fkpuckles debate before the Mos cow television camerasEiseit h0W8I thought Nixon acquitted ron TlTOEl rim iiwiir Press Corps Of US would give him also the op portunity to make propaganda and belittle the US Then he would go home and distort the story to his people There have been various over seas rumors that the wyearold Khrushchev suffered number at ailments but his television per formance showed him as lrisky peppery individual in lair physical iorm COULDgtHE MATCH WlTS How would the 68yearold Eis enhower tare against him in verbal propaganda light Despite three major illnesses including heart attack and slight stroke Eisenhower is alert and evercorn sciousvoi honesty and integrity in government But there is no doubt the ill nesses have lelttheirmark Now and then some of his comments at press conferences are hard to follow Thank some questinnhow the president vmuid make out with the seemingly uncontrollable and wily Khrushchev northeast Quobee City Smoke pail in too background hangs over the main area at has too BIG T0 HIT BACK MDNCTON CPI Seven ycar old Roland Heberts shiner caught the eyeyoi Prince Philip at civic wel come Wednesday Who poked you the duke My big brother replied Roland Where is he howl Right over there said Roland pointing to his ab ssiiedbrother Theprince looked Rolands brother over carefully and commontcd sympathetically Hes bigger than yam isnt he used Britain To Start ké siiiicnoi T6 Khrushchev 0n Satellite Soon LONDON Reutersl Britain begins work on its first space satellite within six months it was announced WednesdayY Sir Edward Bullatdchalrman oi the government appointed steering groupon space research told press eonierence the satel lite will be in orbit at the end oi two years using American three stage solidfuel rockets Britain will be spendlng be tween £100000 and £200000 year on its part of the experi ment Bullard said while the United States willpay or the rocket and launching costs DEATHS was common Pnass Vancouver Andy Pauli 67 outspoken deienderol the rights of Canadaai 150000 native lnv dians TorontoJock Leslie irritant her oi the classiiied advertising department at The Telegram and parttlme sports writer Nassau BahamasGinny Pow ell singer and wife of orchestra leader BoydiRayburn Rochester Minnlaild Silver man 56 assistant executive edi tor oi the Minneapolis Tribune 4iiasiitiuutcrrlcafluma police investigation was réoom mended Wedoudoy ulzbt by coroners jury which heardvevl Quinn dimesva mm to the death of 7tyeahold ithoaidowolkhama Form Agosto Ml cbael who stagger rotn his homorlutWednuday and died on Among the princess was an Rou answering originally hold idea with the cm butlatar eased Mr ufirun Ron both tede lied out the had been nuotiat in with Mi sea which formed the lower tonnerrulour an owner to not the donut oi his house The Saturday balm the log they were told by id Idl chaal that be had rented the shop tire that has se=ored 300 setuare miles at prime timber land Kassem Blames Beds or Riots BElRUT Lebanon APllraqi Premier Abch KarimKassen has carried his campaign to contain communism in his country two steps iarthcr Without mentioning them by name be accused the Redalw nesday of planning simulliinc uprisings in all major lraq ice on July the anniversary of the lraqi revolution The only trouble developed in Kirkuk on July is and down Kusscms government also ord cred members at the Popular Rev sistance Force Communistv dominated militia not to waar their it or ms and soidgthe forces deputies had been abol lshcd Those wearing the uni iorrns can be lined Baghdad radio said Knssem told press conference in the 1ran capital thatthe revolt was limited to Kirkult only because the army was able to suppress trouble eisewhpre bctore it could begin As irom today no such upris ings will occur ngainfl the pre mier said We have enough force to crush them all not Reporter Minna May Be Facing BUFFALO NY JAPflBlian Buchananwas hired iiva weeks ago as reporter on the Jamestown PostJournal Today he isin Erie Coioty Ja ceedings on an illegal entry charge or extradition to Washing ton on an embezzlement charge The Post Journai hired him tint an agency in the bciiei be Just arrived in the Li from England But newspaper ticials became suspicious when Buchanan showed close iamil inrity With Amerlcan newspaper practices landwhen they discovr cred he had not hecncmplnyed by the London Daily Express as he claimed They called immigration oili cinls who picked up Buclianan Ottawa Ron Nickersnn to ioriner newspaperman who was member of the Cliqa public relations stall 1th 50 tor theUS mmigratioi serv icé ced together this story Euchadan was Robert Blond 32 born in Bris lEngiand he came Montrealin 951in 1958 he we employed as room cleri ia the Dodge Hotel in washin ton where he since has been my cuscd oi embezzling $500 He returned to Canadabtlt re entered theyU Detro last February saying he nten to Vls the army put it awaiting deport inn prov to home else although they had deposited 3110 with real estate company to get the lease ron usr mm Mr Rosssaid this was the last time hol saw Michaela ielt no animosity toward him over tha act the rental dual fell through Mr has testified that he had been drinking most at last Wad nesday since thm was no work at the docks Alter leaving ho cl he had Iain down to realm nearby grassy spot He denied statement read by pollcatbnt he returned to theho tel onawolenlallustud as had returned home and be Vandhll Union Endorses NoziBoost Pacl TdeNro iCP embers the international Asoclatloa Machinists CLC Wednesday night endorsed homageboost agreement negotiated with Ann Aircralt Limited The Basement maintains all existing conditions and ratcslun til Julylsoltn order to leave Avrh into better competitive po sitlon to bid on governmentlor dc inrLodsheed Flott intercepv torsnTherc is reopening use in the eventvAvro fails nd thecohtract similar pact was atltled Monday byiworkora oi Dreado aniries Limited an Avio subsid Current rates range irom 3168 to $254 an hour Einhezzlement unde the name oi Brian Burli ingham lie leit Santa Mariatwo months ago came to Jamestown and applied for reporters job on the PostJournal than wayward Jim said Later they five tollnes when tiny luau stab wound 1x mumth Mr Quinn woo more was said Mrs Ronold Nl pu holiodfl and Mr Ross on me on suns itinerant amnesia Which lslho quith hour in Barrie late night driveltin mechanical diliicuitlesyesterdoy would say up in the to mine nice it took him to choligo not outside BumsArena Dun lop otreotmut not car or personpoued by CONDUCTS TESTS Sgt and Fisher at Camp lion den will be in Orllllu Saturday conducting swuninlag lotto at Couchlchlng Benoit rink DRAGOONB POPULAR Popularity at the Royal Cana dian Dragoons Band bi Camp Borden was againpointedrup when the losth ludience oi the season attended theircom certot Gull LakePorkinGrov enhurst Sand More Under egos examination llir Mr Qdimmllht have By Joan ninnrowna GENEVA AWThe Western Allioiipllnnedlodu subjun sin to asmto along uonsTho Allies hopolut on automatic renew corolla to lhero in norexpemlion on home attho time When he re ams Mr Minnow aoldhe hedhaot noticed the other man lure the building good Zinnia with it comer to pleasing crowd throughout the evening it ju donbtiol that the bavsovzrd been or ever an com merited tho Grosvughurat Banner COOHNG moss Gravenhunt branch of tho Womcos laltlttoo must have hadsomo tun at Altair July meeting Roll call was answer ed by My worstmimh in cooking LETCONTRACT obtarlo Department at High waysthll weer let the contract loopring the new Huntsville bypass on ngowzy 11 and sec tlon ct Highway 52 south oi Hunlsville tor 3165000 It went to Onwsy Construction Company Ltd otfioronto Cdnddidns Make Natives Jealtus MACKINAC SL ND Mich CPlA teenage son at Eski stanl motorgenes says Cana dians in Pakistan under the Co lombo Plan are making it tive workers very jealous of heir wayoilile lAhrned ayaud Illnsnn of Inflation InwaudDin Pakistan military attache in Washington told the summit stratey cooler enoe of Moral lieArmament The Cansdians have built their own bowling alleys swimA ming pools and night clubs to re mind theinot all the fun they had ihiCaiihdaJiutit has made our workers who have never even seen these things very jealous As you know our standard of living very much lowerthan at our people some times ont earn enough to eat properly Same at our engineers and workers have been golngr out dancing at the nightclubs with the wives oi the Canadian engi neers The Canadian husbands dont like it one bit and be wtvas oi the workers dont like it one bit either He said agreaLdeal of trouble is being causedby the Canadian enginemand their tam llies working on the Warsak dam at Peshawar Nortlilakiatan Co lumbo Plan project farmer Drowns In Creekson Pam SUDBURY icPlA 21yearold Rayslde Township iamier hem oit Fournier was drowned Wed aetday night in creek that runs through the farm at his tosl ter paredls Mr and Mrs Elorie Troittler He is believed to have struck bis beadan the bottom lions would the Soviet threat to West Berlin Ahero was no indication Foreign Minister Andre Groom1 would agree to recast thoWatorn side that Soviet ro inter Nikita Khriuhchova in tho Ukraine madepub to it i9 posit gut mam ass on on it worthwhile to condone manna titans now gt No concessions Although Khrushchev called minisers and said the Geneva cable on had modeiproness he diiered no modification oi the Soviet deniands which the West has rejected American officials alter first study at Khrushchevl opeocb made clear they still bad no in tontionol prolonging the confer ence without major soviet con curious They said Khrushchev is not going to get summit meeting imless he till his threat to West Berlin Barring sudden turoaboiit by Russia on some crucial issue in the Berlin negotiations most Western diplomats now behave tha foreign ministers meeting will breakup to allure or renewed etiort by the loreigo To Ldng Recess beinniag Wedn ghmjlfilfmmm Quebec Unsuitable For Summit Meet GENEVA AP French spokesman said today Quebec City would not be acceptable as the silent summit conference should one be decided upon The spokesman said summit session should be held in Europe since it would deal with Euro pean aiinirs Canadian Prime Minister Diel cnbaker Wednesday reiterated Canadas willingness to have summit meeting at Quebec The French spokesman said that President Charles de Gaullo still feels that Geneva would be the ideal summit city The spokesman emphasized however that there have been no develop ments so lar at the current big iour conicrenee to indicate that asummit conference is justified armour air cams TYBONE om or other Travis iii of the Enniakillen dis trict was drowned Wednesday ifightwhiie swimming in mill pond near this community 20 miles northeast ol Oshawa He apparently was stricken with an GENERAE3 Itls sureHOi ut nd inside it well you can beatthehéntwithr one of these yep airrco ditioners now at such low rarer tic Réldytylibu T9 Néwslaopersf in the last six weeks hundreds rne sharp glances hut thadsI nt suffer ment longer just give us all or down ondv well aware at th unstated rules see us and we will hay grandstands thousaads oi Canadians have en the Queen They have watched from sidewalks and from crowded rcoimtry railroad platforms lrom wharves and canal bonks privileged few have exchanged words in receiving lines andst down dinoei WIth royal visitors Butior every oiie whose prox val the occasion through dllty it is ty to the royalroute permitted sight of the Queen in person dozen have shat in the apt econd hand portersrand photographers whose report and picture the tour orthose able to ee forth elves press corp of new asazx vision representatives the toys coup the eyes and ears uire Jock Hughes oi the National Film Board in charged photog raphers says his biggesthead ache used to be misunderstand ingbetween police and photo raphers But now there isfno shout or sion between the and this in turn has resulted inthe royal couple heinghinre relaxed now the photograph ers get their sho ulcklyjand 37 repileslenttfii con to photng wherevthey were and observes them but locill photographers had to be ordered bac occasional complaints there are have corne not from iromspee the royalparty tatorsiirked at ving obscured Relations betw their view the new puhileaad the newnrepresenta ave been generally goo but 1819 ore law incidents strained The most obvious was at Whitehorse where reporters and photographers Ttook some abuse from small part at the crowd oi2000 reporters maynot be and at timeshavs out 1v LvlourW Wagon He will 11 with $5 ust tw daysl rand new get one at these negation television sets at such low low priceNot much choice let now but they urethrand new sets so ne of these

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