mm rum W51 Geordie wha the boat Sandy in Dutnde Jerome You are most luauhave museum mule n1 Peuetanzwhere mm ltdle eeme each sewn Themld yawn meat the richest in his ryln Chanda also one ot the mist plcjmesquc with steep cobbled streets polntlngto the lnndlocked harbor much tom edahase myears aéo lofthe npernlinns ol plnneers and envy men ln maean Alme are two Inï¬ï¬mznldrellswdflcï¬ï¬‚ the oommmxsgis th Mi th But there is nothlng tphuyityvlth nmimld take just small grantlrnm muniolpalityo vice club to give Barrle provides employment besides BRONTE woman ldlled whenva Cmedinn National Jutl ways train was flderailed here merlday wastentifledMednes day afternoon rho warn Mrs Moore was lromActon 0nl Another wnmn who was kill ed was Mrs Gertrude Durnnnl North Bay Police were unable toldentfly Mrs Moore untll fellow passenger recalled that she had mentioned helng lrnm Actonr check thereled to her mat hopelul The councllJIu nllm adding to the stature Com éated $500 or the pmlect andr adihinlhgtownshlps are expect ed to do the same hufldlng nvallahle and the town gets steady stream of weekend trailie along Highway 89 elmnst past the doorsot the museum The South Slmcoo museum seems to hive better chance of succecrh lug for the present thnnthnt ln flpeen Oxlord England July v15 prelhhn 150 delegates trnrn Comrmnwealth countries and 15 colonlal terfllorlu were to meettor twat weeks to ll rcuss amew program or Conn monwealth seholalshlps and tralnlng and in tcrchulge at tehchern The centerencelhad been sélwduled Copunonwealth ministers meeting nMoutreal the prev lousSeptember Photo he now ST JOSEPll Quel CplTen tagged speckled troutwwere re leasedvln waters near thls centre Stunner south of Quebec Clty to Ilry An nixmule Want Ad Phone mum give 5100 to any ï¬shermen who ls under construction High gamma thevlllaxo will be part at the Eula Tom sllliBoard until well time as the vllljze may lnoofpdriate PA catches one of themflhelore the season ndsln the tall lglkh an outllne new nmposal tendenug or the dzlllr 35Wenï¬nd the south way gewhere lumen In the that nlehty qu tug at supply well west corner at the tests have ofrwuter is available Th cnnEclls will he lung to neuron Ma HERES ANiOPP MR OIL ED smiin rOMAroï¬ reamreenlzej To Your favorite tPrioieet nwaréeelleflnelergan izetions who are firstly saber en MimMenliiu will he tlmedThis sis your OFFICIAL NOTICE Ler ï¬ï¬‚wlflmhewoub mmnles misuse 959 swim llama EACH rims