iinsriiucrsysnm Capers Camp Borden High School teacher Liettlcnant Jack lo Sage 019 Mituulhattonaroad Barrie gives instruction on the operation oi an army radio cm COMMENT By you oARNE Exnmlncr Stall Reporter When is paved street not The question has lately become an issue in Bar ric City Council where Alder man Earle Williams has sug gested chipped surlace is not paved street paving and or warksch man Lester Cooke has main tained it is sausiacto surfacing Residents decide Last year Alfred Camp bell and Cumberland were chipsurtaced Gowan wa chipped in 1057 and the Prevlous surfaces went on year chip Caroline anti Wood streets what says Mr Taxpayer What does it cost land why not put propenpaviug rchippin on everystlcetfli Barrie Cost is the lactor vwhen the Public Works Department makes upits mind Asphalt paving hotelaid is acccpred as standard permanent surlace Itis laid on prepared uaseand costs about $14000 per mile It can go up to $30000 per mileilthe mlle happens to be had road building counlr ne mill in Ba ie raises about 321000 Allowing for subidy from the Ontario government you get about two milesofper manent paving or your taxvmiil Hands upthose who wnnt to in crease the tax rate by hund red or two mill lo put asphalt on all the streeLs in Barrie chip suriace however costs about $1500 per mile and is good or five to seven years Longer it carefully treated It is made by laying down cold asphalt and spree chipped stone iin top Tr ic presses the chips to the asphalt and hard surfac is produced road heavy traflic double layer can be put down although BaV ie does not yet have such most widely used and least ed amlaceis gra vel and oil The oil suriacc ï¬sts through the timer us ttingr up comes it is nobetter thana heir hack comes cart track the sun and ori Ls up and we have clouds of dust Criticism been widespread in the city this ar cause the Puhlic Works Department insist ed oiling should be done only in suitableweatner conditions Consequently with variable was ther and temperature it was midJilly betorethe completed Mewanicaltroubl further delayed progress Cost of oiling $600 per mile Barrie city council proinised two years Simcoe Countytle tontoday for two ing at runes Arcadia vaa Smile VLeaviog earlythls vaiternoon they are scheduled to arrive at Sldneyat today ri as haid Voi Barrie streets which have how summed in this way will best be able to streets th trntisniiiter loHaniiltonCadeis Andy Jainzoms andAi Kings ley Tlie macs are two oi i95high school cadetstrom all partsroiOniarloiwho are plan he explains Savhgs on oil and maintenance from the chip program will go otinnnc log permanent notlaidosphait rpaving later in the live years Hi motto We must cover the greatest possible area at the lowest poss ible cost so asno ctiect the gre est saying The saving accruing from such plan would accel erate vthe iinni stages Coun also told the taxpayers the liveyear plan would cost an extra We mills But says Aid erman Cook The permanent road program must he done ithin the limits of the present Itax level an endanger our dcbenturolevel In other worn council has decided to carry out road con stcuction or But in the latter stages of the plan the couixcilmay decideto tions of 15157 the taxpayers voted in favor or ponowing $800000 of this $500000 was for roads and Alderman Cooke hopes the térest will be paidéior by tha savings on maintenance further restriction on the program comes tram the On tario government which grants ayonlethitd subsidy on new road construction But the province though richer than the city does not haveva bottomless treasury analhaunts oi suusidy Barries share to date has been $40000 Over$200000 ismtthis ye budget for public works capital expenditurew iiowever across the province less wellï¬nanced municipalities ï¬nd they cannotatford tospenli up totheir moonof subsidized work The surplus isnormaliy vailahle tocities such as Barri and to date there has been no shortage of government backing for local public works projects gt Urban sire tsby the way get alower uhsidy thanftown ship roads Yet they carry 40 per of all vtrattih though compris oifly the provniciitl mdeag account proceeds is rainiali Whereas gravely road absorb water the road program be amï¬ior problem when acres of roads are shedding water in heavy rainstorm However the proof of the pudlt dingis in the enung The prool of fiveyear paving program raised greatly cbuhcil as awliole will be Judged bytha tmrpaysra on wha has produced by then otfarmpro arket onable pr or evidently were disappointed at were unchanged to in chickens borrow In the municipal elecy repaymentsot principal and in and has placed maximum limit Yet another actor to take into at the end ofiiveyearsBab attending seven Weeks Trades Training Camp ot Blnckdawn Park Camp Bor den iNational Deience photo sril ciosrsro LAUHCHBAPI1 The Royal ChhadlanSea la det boat same will take to the water or the first time this atteruoon commlssiod log ceremony will take place early in September when all cadcls are Shack from boll Th boa has been builtdur log the inter months at the boathouse at the foot of hï¬plc Avenue and the dos go is slm Ilor tothat of Hickmans Seazsled the main diflerhnce long instead oi Street The Erest carried by to boat is the same asthntcamed the corvette vlviMCS Barrie during World Warli Twogo hp motors costing 140 My erthe ho Sea Ca to meet this cost Hold Ofï¬cial Opening Mon lh ofï¬cial opening of the Nottawasaga River bridge Mona day at rprn$ viiilbe atteu by mbers or theprovincai government and 80 to 100 in vitedguests Honourable Fred Cass Minister of Highway for later Rev Downer speaker of the house apd member of the prop cial legislature represent Duflerin imcoeand George Johnston MP1 forsiincoe Centre will preside over speeches and ribbon which will herald the ofthis new span The bridge has already been inuse byjlruiiic for th past month Thespan two miles south ol Angus on Highway 00 consists feet oine inchesfhelieve tohe the ï¬rst all welded truss design for arhiidge in Ontario The bridgewas the Departmental cutting opening Associates Ltd McLellan constructio Ltd moved into northwestern Ontario Friday should extend into South ern Ontario byjlate day night Scattered showers and gions Regional forecasts validunï¬l midnigh Suiid Blue Lake Optari souuremIGeorgian Bay Niagara Lake Huron Haliburton gioos Win or London Toronto am ilto Partly cloudy do and Sunday withscattered showers or thundemhowersv this afternoon to Verywarm and Winds southv ight ta giltand westerly 15 Sunday andv thisSd todaytflight tonight xForecastTemperntorer Low tonight High Sunday Wdspr Tho as London Wingham Toronto Trenton SLvCatharlnes Hamilton Muskoka Sudhury diarrhea 65 65 553 65 65 Less humid air was and Off Speï¬di any only 17 oer cent 01 can or the whole county 31 percent otall the money speht in the beinglhat the boatis 24ieet dew are still seekingdonations the ishwavsybv consultants Atkins and and built by thundershowers are expected to day and Sunday in southern re county wontpent to name According to ï¬gures released bytho Chamber ot Commerce on Barrie spending power and habits or one year period the citys retailing strength com pges well with any spot inCanlt Barrios Quality index which visa measure ofihepurv chasing ability as compared with tho dominion ranks twen tieth in Canada The dominionindex which is the base figure is 100 The On tarlo index was 11aud Barrie was as high as 118while Sim canonime was down to ho 0ver$3 million was spenton retail goods in this city alone edits ï¬end 45 mediation at this an compriseslbont one thlrd oLall the money spent on retail goodsin the county Barrio citizens spent $1 million more on cars than theydld on food during the past year Onathird alilhe darebougllt In Simeon Countywcmbought in Barrie while one quarter oi all the food articles undone quarter of all the furnishings were alooboughtin this ciht The probable reason tor this large proportion otbuyingbeing centredherenr the per capita incomeot the Barriecitlzeuas compared with person in some other spot in the county The average Barrie person an Wm be den Fisher Ganton Timraves thecounty person ls $1031 The family irccmeio Barrie is $5455 while ntha county the average family earns $4310 everyyear ermdnenit natures he Fermanitoemhodtémprlo indication no Liven yesterday during the visit at the minister at retain institutions thatthe clipplipow quarried ruc oiusful andls expected to con tinuo In spite the canrpsouceeu id reclaim ln wayward livesyandjundtor tide seaibnl this spits first endorsement or periment tnV nutrition in Simeoo Conn Cloudsot dustond ol local reeves and comedian were leitio thawake of the env ergetlo minister George Wardrop yesterday He toured project being carried on by in males around the conservation form area With Mrl Watde were Graham asslstantlo the deputy minister and Superintendent Edward Gritiln oi Mlmico Re tormntory which supplies screened inmatu tor the Bills dale camp iLL CuClarlru in marge of the camp conducted thetour ku for the otterown were membersot the reiorm commit which meets wlth Lt Clark to discuss suitable projects for the men Choirmaiids exWar or Toy Tiny Medouleand Fins townshipsidrin the committee ondjof th Mr Fisher Reeve Ehrl lfra orifice and Reeve conservation bylloursleflnv Dipkwnll an Atter mothministers dinnervylthahoutsoioeclpolitic lancendclvllseivlnutromhh owndepnrtmuit Ind thtol lnndl Indiiuutlltthcllnlted Within have let Hillidnie He um nhithmonnhim hotthalli Clnrh gnaw well bongo our schooner and winteriu Moonslmo ll bolderomhq languished 00de Medal and Joining 1125 party ntdianer were Lloyd Letheflm him or Simon East and RevRlt at giiilluihk United church Minister Wordrop made apcchl Menace to the work carried on by Minister DingwllLSpeaK logof his department Ittempts to rehabilitate ctmvids he an lthlnk it is greatvthlng Mr Dingwnll it Is whit youpre ln yourpllipit every sunday wowant to help you lnyour mt my lla noted there was not one mapeï¬eglstered against the camp Yet everyone went as bed It limitincluding the guards Prisonercoauthopr 500 per year while pro bationer cue ouly $50 Per year ihiasbowed the ade as at the departments movin into less detention and more reform Fino its all righthero the mflingrreply The minister tapped the man pounds playtully Thats go lngoow he said Maan éhowedn teen interest in the site at an indlan villagobeing excavated by Dr Wiflnd Jury of Univmlly Western Ontario with convict labor and had someway otter on tomism its Canada We are rhesr our um and game toomu hedcelored We are notman ng enough of our historicalitcms Iii the States it therein tree that bad blzcksmith shop underit there is sign in also visited one some Community Park when conser vation arm labor had construct ed surroimdiou or lrlnlraud the Park FinsMedontr Com unity rich only arries for lqu I588 grinsir EieHT YEARS niyfss7 25 peljmfllthg MortgageflAnnoitized in 25 Years awfulBEL NEWMARKEI iust 27 minutes from METRO LIMITS gt tu ii in kln withhatn annulment highway ifldliilllibil1Â¥2l13lï¬iï¬lfliï¬iaï¬Â£3232cll rvsal saute ha so much néen offered or so little It an Iron at trafï¬c yet lose to schools and dream home high up in cool clean lresh air wondertul for growing nmiiy any wanted then Checkthe various BONUS FEATURES thesesroom solidbrink bungalowsfully tarnished yourvohoiee of colours Then dflveup andsee them this week end while hteyre atilvavailablel Mi maroon 13013 rumors to rennin IModelsf né lit and muï¬i5 whom arm moo with rural Martau is yenI ems or are openness or pthgixt film to onlv per momma umtor economicnljivlni daa furniture and Bathroom cholcav or am run anenmz with Recreation Am flAno fmelnw gauge econ mull orighop gunmen the luliy mimei are mint mtevhrytalnr Ipringojand ms cxt1rdnwui Boiidoii imp Dolux marrowunit Autumn mectflchryor ova nunamino yuanlanai 11 you on not require mm thou you munmy mum nia record mommynun hook etc And at course you your aio Ibflcl ma Enlnhu