Around old docks andoribbing thatthey an lasdingoncrayilah small armmd weedyor seedy places it la sale but gs or min oowamthaaurehaltlfyoddooothavaanythlnghutwme and you do not have much luck with worm and hdok you mightttry wormharness Likea plug or spoon the worn harness pond to be most successful when it trolledor moved Most bass will hit moving halt in Memo to atatiouery belt mm smcoE many locations Baal bah Orr Lake or the Notiawaaaga River giant River Severn River and all cause our old favorite hrewster Lake have been giving up some tine catches on those who have been working or their been not to forget our own local lakeLittle Lakl Last Sunday evening we could hardly drop plug or reg into the water without getting some action up at Brewster bah me Is no men sroar but the brotherinlay actually had hit on hack dust which almost throw him at ce WEHEARD GOOD an thatlupponedatihe mouth 01th Nottnwasnga River at Wuaga Beach Evidently one at our water skiing iriends let go of his tow rope and as the helper in thehoat rahlewd the tow line alongside row of innocent bystanders fishermen than was limited flab tan led up in the tow rope No doubt many at the notsolueky an em swore oil lishing then andkthereand we wouldnt blame them eitherl What gets us about some at the water ahilng fraterni ia variably the chap who is running the pow motor is the same one who islrunning lltha tow rope This is not very sale practice There should be thrlcl party running theoperation of thetow rope CONGRATULATIONS to ally council for unanimously passing Ithet the City of Barrie go on record for calling meetingtto look into the establishmentmf Nottawasags River Watershed Con servntien Authority We have been 59 visiting thevneerby Meir litan Toronto Area Conservation An thority and they are most impressed with what they saw properly set up Conservation Authority can aceompllsh things which canonly be wishiul drinkingwhare there inneana thorily The next move is up to the Ontarld Department of and Development but the act that Barrieclty Coundl voted unanimously to goalong with the other Vcipalities angers well iorhï¬ possiblesuccess this eeded democratic in sti FISH DERBIES We have heard much pro and con on this subject had reader aslrad tilwhet we thought of them Fiahderblee were originally intended means or getting sportsmen together in particular area to compete with ona an other for prizes advertise the worthl at spottoms resort or just get poop to come to that particu lar area organicI indith or direct commercial promotion reasons the most part thoab who take part wmild be ï¬shing that particular day anyhow and most at themprobably in that par ticular body of water However as in allsnoh contests there would bathos Would take part who would not normalb Io flab Those who are concerned with tho increaaegin fishing pres sure inmost areas are prhnarlly concernedwith thlaJatter group those who areeniiced into adding totha tlshing pressure and who would not otherwiaa gotlshlng gt Let us ask all such people we owe mama The answer is anyresidentof Ontario who pays direct erlndiréct taxes Need wesay more Many peo leI etwho the minor wages or the cialoï¬vll sewn who do the rose and watchvdoggingot our fish population If someone who doeanot know the thrill the are outdoors gets interested in iiehlng cons ation and all that then it in goodythin lilyanswer toderliieria lavhm thenhbuiriat ni conservationand sportsmanship and take adventagent the propérly run der ycan do much tortured In ch ï¬llers to ttlxiglprovince thltgtgareiinding their way edema represen eTheh estelnsw to balance on tourist dollars is lack of ting Fave hag nnnbull and the loinMm hitting Wallyï¬mthus pie winssmart comet Welt1611 won thesenlnr toil tourne ment at Barrioï¬oliciub yes tarday Ills shale score we 82 Clili Brown shown presenting his trophy to Mr Rodgere took part lathe cumin roomin By 1ch straw Canadian Press stall Writer Atlong last it appears that Americans have been educated to the pointwhera they 6411 22 pounds at muscle are not the only requirement needed tb make Canadian proieaalonal football team Their gravyvtraindnys are over ilhia is the only conclusion that can be drawn alter watching the bypiays in the Montreal Alnuette camp At last count slx Amen cans quietlylatt town without so muelraa arethee well alter knocking heads wiih bundle of Canadians and Americans trying to make tbelBig Four uh 0n1yone of the Americans atoppedoll ehough to inlorm Alouette olfa clals that he was on his way out of theclty Hie exéuse was that he figured he didnt have chance of making the teamme other liveprobahly had the same idea HAMILTON TOO Th gsweie almostres rough with tan Tiger is Americans who signed tryout with the 1958 Grey Cup ï¬nalia didnt bother to show on tbeAscenethey apparently were told the acts of life concerning Canadlan proifootbellj dlan clubs still spend money as it it was golngiout oi style Annual budgetaheve in= messed to close to $600000 from 34000010 orvlz years ago and with this sort of money clubs are becoming choosy aboutthe selec tion ol imports gt youngster may he big name lnllS college football but he been let tollearn when he grad untee the pro game where AllAmerican this that in the United States can he hunts hare The big exodus from theAlo atte amp recalled the in market Mac Speedi made ew tourney despite bad bash and iirednn 58 Mr Rodgers was the original winner at the trophy inseam 16 Jack Ourrie and Bob Jeanlnu tied or second place with scores ol 37 Others taking part were years ago when he jumped Cleve land Browns ol the National Foot ball league lorSaekatchawan Roughridera at the Wesan Con lereneoa Speedle said at ihe iimathat uplln Canada tha competition isnt so tollahffllie learned arfold end considered as the best pass in the business QThrééfflcmieï¬uns FlYgrg Cause Ad Barrie Fiyera are mauliv on their hottest streak of the South Simcoe Baseball League season Since Late June the locals have been belting the baller they owned it Maybe they do Last night at Creemore the Flyers poundedout white in cluditm three homers in wt ring 1243 The Flyers had run thecount to 166 but the game was halted in the top of the seventh thus homer by Don Coulion fourother hi and£our runs were wtped on wasnt to beleaten by dark ness Ea clubbed homers first twoirlpa lo the plate tworun jdb ln the initial heme and ar ihme blast in the third Charlie Gidley heel two run homes in that ning as well Excluding the blackout with which doesnt go into the record books anyhow Flyera conxbedeo Oreemore hurleraB MacMull nclD Scott for 10 hits Aaid from his homerGr leywho startedtbe seasonxat first base anninewroams in yrlghtiield had three singles Banl cher Paul Emma noun First baseman Tum Davies Gard Bain Dr Nailléflk illl Lloyd HowardBosh Nosrm Archie Thillaull Martlnnand Charles Hurtibeea mamas Kemynduh DIVI denti shot an no but didnot ltSDont Alwaysqsuekf caught on with the Roughridera but he didnt doloo much talking Ian when hdibumped into the Wests twog eeweek schedule He probably was toothed to talk One oithe biggest names to hit Canadaand fellow who didnt stickwas Georgeliattennan of the old New York zYankeee it was sad experience for the Alouettes who reportedly paid him szoaooa Year rw Wentthe distance giving up eight hits lncludlngclrcuit clout by Scotti and westbrooke Bermmf Robertson 2b Doug Coulson Don swuhbï¬bï¬uubvg oneeuucwoooo Goononmupp Vuyuwunwouemge Emma and Hutchinson Mac Mullen DScott and Scott Losing tcher Machini len mumuguncceoao ll Soopouunéflfl rd Si Thadrswa to editla runs in the int two frames live and respectively St Andre scored In ovary Ted Lawroncahed tour bite of Burton Avenue Canada Wins Team llrophy Aisha Bisley arenas giand Reuters Caeada won the Overseas Team lrophy Thursday with aacora at 1166 against 1140 and 11 lei may no llamas rwo Beckett oi QnL took third place in the Don aldson Memorial molly for the hestjlmegata icon in theailrat stage or theQueens Prize and St Georgeslriile competition He scored 176 points out possible 130 Capt Axam ol Piston tint plecad illth in the Corpotn tlon oi the City oflanden service Moot inaiield of 750 Doug Higgins Equals Record ronassa Tex ar Doug Higgins szyearold professional frontFort Worth lexfled the Odessa CountryClub course no ord with lorimderpar 82 Thurs day in leading his teamto the tireth lead in the $10000 Odessa proamateur Playing with Buddy Branum toyeerold remaienr from Mid landlex Higgins hanged io birdies with some tine iron shots and talented putting Von Strollaim To use walker in Return Joust Kurt VonStrohehn the Ger mnnwréstler who looks and acts morerlllteiProiessor Boy Shire eyerytime out battles RubberL men Johnny Walker in the main wrestling opener has lean Rousseil whirlingtyp erappler vapor pitch nlaht Bug handlers Christian Reionn and defeated Christian Returns 1+1 as ha mm the ball at lair clip Eswltload mu trouble riding to vb legion Bantams tnseraphmy Berrlalregion bahtam stars lost their aaoondvgamol the 118 tmll IMday 10 de cision Philadelp kids averaging yearor older than the Bar rie squad baud trill advantang paying on nine or The vialtonbhadnt seen aucha lialdhaioro KearneyPitches Local Vorillie Barrle teams Won and last aim in thoharrievblstrlct Ladies Softball Loom Alas On the home root at Queens Park Varcoa Willows rwant dowlrto an 117 defeat at th hands of Drillla aggregate At Newmnrhet than Vps were whitewashedpram am crgstlldonarchs eo The win at Newmarket weaa big one inmany ways for Bill crest First oi all it marked the iirst time the local youngsters have won in Newmarket since enteringthe league that summer It also marked the return to form of Anna Kearney Hillcrest slick lefthander Ann hadnt hurled complete game since the second day of Junewhen she pulled muscles in her pltdhln Last night though the city inside was in rare tormrshe al Par as yon Paar SANDY cove LG LF course 54 an nation mam stress on take aim Top Willow 1147 55 shoutfl aluoeauenoiatn moonsI uokoouuoauw uni nouacooau +4 and Harvey Umpires Bud Knapp pla Tami Elli Win lowed the RedCa just two hits inthe newsflash iramee and threw third strikes an eight batten Hexmales did little better gainst Helen Watt collecting selt van safeties three by Carol Ag new thaother halt oi the bait ery and iv right der SandraSpsin Ordlia with ew wins this sea son eutsiugged arcoes 126 withRankin ge on three and Dorian Parker tonner Wil low BeileyandMary Mclingh getting two apiece Peacoekpitched idr rOrillia while Janice Bipw stillered the defeat1 sensornus garments raucarro oases can arm as exam creamers sou oven us or ram on sun stones